Big Hero

Chapter 20 There is no way back

Cao Quanyu was determined to fight against Huang Chao to the end. On the one hand, he sent sent sent sent sentshaos to scout around to find the whereabouts of the main force of the rebels. On the other hand, he dug a large number of trenches around the Xiaqiu camp, arranged a lot of antlers, and carried out the air everywhere to fight with Huang Chao.

Huang Chao was furious when he heard the news and urged the three troops to enter the city. He also publicized everywhere to capture Cao Quanyi alive, annihilate his main force, and completely solve the war in Lunan. Both of them are overlords, full of awesomeness and serious.

When the moon is dark and the wind is high, and the village is set on fire. In the middle of the night, Huang Siye and Lin Yan led a thousand light horses and touched the dense forest south of Cao Quanyu's Xiaqiu camp. The second general ordered the volunteers to tie their horses to the tree, send 200 volunteers to guard them, and then each took 400 soldiers to crawl forward with sulfur and other fire-causes. Huang Siye sneaked to the southeast corner of the Tang camp. Lin Yan's team sneaked to the southwest corner.

Like apes, the second team of volunteers quickly crossed the fence and killed several patrolling Tang soldiers. Just as they were about to set fire and burn the camp plates. Suddenly, the surrounding torches were clear and the sound of killing shocked the world. Cao Yi leaped his horse and led the Tang soldiers to surround the Huang Siye Rebel Army in the southeast corner. Cao Quanhai held two whips and commanded the Tang soldiers to surround the west. Lin Yanyi Army in the South Corner.

Cao Yi shouted harshly: "Don't leave the thief. Do you know Cao Yi? Look at the halberd!" Huang Siye was shocked and commanded the volunteers to fight hard with a steel knife. After a scuffle, Huang Siye only rushed out with 20 or 30 righteous soldiers, and the rest of the volunteers were all made dumplings by Cao Yi and slaughtered. Because Lin Yan commanded the back team and acted slower than Huang Siye, it was easier to get out of danger and break out of the siege, leaving only more than 100 people.

Huang Siye and Lin Yan led their troops to the dense forest where the horses were tied. From afar, they heard the sound of killing in the forest. The second general knew that there was no hope for rescue, so they had to watch a large number of Tang soldiers lead the Rebel horses back to the Xiaqiu camp. In the dark, Cao Quanyu was afraid of being ambushed by Huang Chao and took it as soon as he saw it was good. He did not continue to chase and kill the volunteers who escaped. Huang Siye and Lin Yan fled back to Rencheng overnight and cried to Huang Chao about their defeat.

It turned out that Cao Quanyu expected that Huang Chao was likely to come to attack. He had already ambushed troops around the camp and waited for the volunteers to be trapped, so Huang Siye and Lin Yan returned fiasco. Huang Chao was shocked. He picked up Huang Siye and Lin Yan and comforted them: "It's common for soldiers to win or lose. You don't have to blame yourself too much. This is mainly because of my improper consideration. I don't blame you. You go back to the camp and have a good rest first. I have my own strategy to defeat the enemy.

After Bi Shiduo led 5,000 volunteers to cross Surya in the north, he hid for several days and did not see Cao Quanyu's army crossing the river. He estimated that there must be an abnormal situation, so he sent a number of small teams out to scout the enemy. He happened to meet the team sent by Huang Chao. As soon as the two sides communicated, they knew that the camp had failed to set fire. Bi Shiduo was very anxious and thought about it. Instead, he came up with a way. Cao Quanyu's big soldiers ate horses and fed them, which consumed a lot. He definitely needed to carry grain and grass from Qingzhou and other places. Yes, I will do something about this grain and grass!

As Bi Shiduo expected, the grain and fodder of Cao Quanyu's camp soon became urgent. He quickly sent soldiers to urge Zhang Yan to transport grain and fodder to the Xiaqiu camp. When Zhang Yan received the order, he sent a partial general, brought 500 non-commissioned soldiers, and pushed the grain cart to Xiaqiu. As soon as he arrived at the edge of Sishui, Bi Shiduo led 5,000 righteous soldiers to fall like divine soldiers from the sky and killed them from the nearby forest. They were beaten. Only dozens of Tang soldiers rushed desperately and escaped, and some ran to In Qingzhou, some of them went to the other bank of the river and ran to the Xiaqiu Tang camp to report the news of the robbery of the grain truck to Cao Quanyu.

Cao Quanyan was so angry that his beard trembled and vowed to take back the military food. Cao Yi sent 10,000 horses everywhere to look for the position of Bi Shiduo. After searching for several days, he couldn't find half a figure. It turned out that Bi Shiduo had led the winning soldiers, ran to the mountains not far from the southwest of Qingzhou, hid in many caves, and reported the good news of Huang Chao.

Huang Chao was overjoyed to hear the news. Bi Shiduo was successful in robbing grain. Cao Quanhai's army was short of food and must be restless. It was impossible to stay in the Xiaqiu camp for too long. Huang Chao then led the main force of the Rebel Army to go north, set up a camp not far from Cao Quanyu's camp, and sent troops to fight in front of the Tang camp every day. Cao Quanyu can no longer stand it at this time. If he doesn't go to war, he will have to go to Qingzhou hungry. The big words he said in front of him will fail, which will be laughed at by people all over the world!

Cao Quanyu is a person who loves face very much. In his heart, reputation is more important than life. Cao Quanyu ordered 15,000 people and almost poured out of the nest. Before he came out, Cao Quanyan raised two whips and scolded, "Huang Chao, what kind of man are you? Stealing my food and fodder. If you have the ability, let's really do it!"

Huang Chao laughed and said, "Cao Quanyu, you still lie when you die. Don't you know that there is a plan to draw salary from the bottom of the pot in the thirty-six plans? Now you have been robbed of food and grass, just like a donkey bumping into a trough. Those who know the current affairs are handsome, and I think you are loyal and brave. Why do you have to work hard for the rotten Li Tang Dynasty? Come to me. Huang Chao will never treat you and your subordinates badly.

Cao Quanyu was furious and said to the generals: "Who dares to capture and kill Huang Chao?" Cao Yi shouted, "Yi'er is willing to take the head of the yellow nest and give it to his father!" After saying that, Cao Yi patted his horse and flew to the front. Huang Chao listened to Cao Yi's crazy words and became angry: "Unknown people, dare to slander, Huang Chao vowed to kill this person today!" Waving Zaoyang, urging the horse to come to Cao Yi's horse, the two of them fought together and fought against seventy or eighty.

In the Rebel array, Cao Min was afraid of Huang Chao's loss. He wielded the sun and moon swords and flew out of the front and went straight to Cao Yi. Cao Quanyu waved his two whips to intercept Cao Min's fight and fight for more than ten times. Cao Min pretended to be invincible and pulled his horse around the array. Cao Quanyu rushed to the horse and shouted, "Don's mother-law, Cao Quanyu will come!"

Cao Min was furious. Seeing that Cao Quanyu was getting closer and closer, the sound of the horse's hoofs was clearly audible. He turned around, took the bow and arrow, and looked at him kindly. With one arrow, Cao Quanyi flashed in a hurry. His shoulder blades were in the morning, and the pain shook a few times on the horse. He almost rolled off the horse and hurriedly hit the horse back to the battle. Seeing that his father was injured, Cao Yi had no intention of fighting. He made a false move and also went to this battle.

Huang Chao waved, and the Rebels shouted to kill the Tang soldiers. Huang Siye and Lin Yan each led a man and horse to appear behind the Tang camp. The Rebels attacked the Tang camp on three sides. Cao Quanyu and Cao Yi led the Tang soldiers to fight to the death. After two or three hours of the two sides fought, the rebels gradually gained the upper hand and constantly tightening the encirclement. Cao Quanyan sighed: "I went to war rashly and was raped by Huang Chao. I have been an elite for many years, and I have been in the sky!"

Cao Yi said, "Dad, the thief's mother-in-law secretly hurt you. If you are injured, don't stand up. Kill out and abandon the camp to Qingzhou. Keep the green mountains alive, and don't be afraid of no firewood. If we continue to fight here, our main force will fight for it. Yao Qing also advised Cao Quanhai to break through the siege quickly. Cao Quanxuan had no choice but to order him to abandon the camp and break through. How could Huang Chao let it go? He ordered the rebels to cover up and pursue him. It's really a narrow way for enemies. Huang Siye's people met Cao Yi in pursuit. The last time he robbed the camp, Huang Siye was repaired miserably by Cao Yi. Today, he wanted to rob the camp. Huang Siye jumped up his horse and held a gun and asked the rebels to pester Cao Yi to chase him.

Cao Yi was furious and took an arrow and shot it. The righteous soldiers all fell off the horse. Huang Siye was also hit by an arrow on his thigh, turned over and fell off the horse, bleeding like a note. Cao Yi came to fight, and the volunteers sacrificed their lives to save the general. After a while, they were poked over by Cao Yi more than a dozen before rescuing Huang Siye.

This pursuit lasted for five or six hours. The mountains were full of the sound of fighting between the two armies. The battlefield was full of corpses and the earth was red. The army trained by Cao Quanqi lives up to its reputation. In times of crisis, it can fight separately. Few people surrender and fight to the death with the Rebels. As a result of the war, Cao Quanyu lost more than 13,000 soldiers, and 6,000 Tang soldiers fled back to Qingzhou City. Huang Chao's side also lost * thousands of people. In anger, Huang Chao sent soldiers to set a fire to the Xiaqiu Tang camp.

Huang Chao, Cao Min and Lin Yan commanded the volunteers to clean up the battlefield, and met with Bi Shiduo in Fengshan. Bi Shiduo introduced the situation of his garrison to Huang Chao. Huang Chao, Cao Min and others were very happy to hear this. He personally inspected the caves and found that many caves were connected. There was sun during the day and the moon at night. The cave was spacious and bright, and there was spring water next to the cave, which could be drunk. Huang Chao arranged volunteers to open 18 martial arts halls in the cave, built well stoves in the cave, arranged people and horses around the cave, and personally rode to the top of the mountain outside the cave to patrol.

The Rebel soldiers saw water trickling out every day between the stone cracks at the top of the cave, dripping down into the stone well. The stone well was like a spring, and the water quality was clear and mellow. Walking to the depths of the cave, there would suddenly be light in the darkness, like the sun and the moon. Looking up, it turned out that there was a hole in the top of the cave. At the bottom of the cave, there is a small exit that can only accommodate the body. It comes out of the cave and looks at the mountain breeze. It can be seen that the elegant posture of the exquisite mountain is reflected in the layers of mountains, which is particularly beautiful.

One day, Huang Chao and Cao Min, as usual, took their own soldiers out to inspect the camps and went to Huang Siye's cave to learn about the recovery of the wound. Huang Siye lay on a stretcher and saw Huang Chao and Cao Min visiting him in person. He was very excited. He struggled to sit up and was held down by Huang Chao.

Huang Chao said, "Siye, you almost lost your life when fighting with Cao Quanyu this time. I didn't estimate the enemy's combat strength enough, which caused great losses to the Rebels. You can recover from your wounds. When you and other brothers are healed, I will take you out to settle accounts with Cao Quanyu and beat him upside down!"

Cao Min also comforted him for a while. Huang Siye nodded as he listened, with a resolute light in his eyes, and said excitedly, "uncle, aunt, don't worry, I won't humiliate the Rebels and our Huang family!" After coming out of Huang Siye's cave, Huang Chao and his entourage visited many military camps for most of the day, but when they came back, they couldn't find the way to go. They wandered around the mountain for two or three days to find the cave at the time of departure.

Huang Chao jokingly said to his soldiers: "This place is really far away from the emperor, let me travel freely! We are living a fairy-like life now!" Cao Min and his soldiers were happy when they heard this. The soldiers said, "General Huang, you often read in the cave, and your wife is more happy than the newlyweds!" Huang Chao laughed and blurted out, "Be a fairy in the cave, read books and recite poems. My wife will accompany me and get together forever.

The soldiers laughed happily. Cao Min pushed Huang Chao with his hand twice and said angrily, "Look at you, no big or small. Talk nonsense in front of everyone. See if I don't go back to the hole and beat you!"

A bold soldier came to Huang Chao and said, "General Huang, I heard that you read a lot of books and were full of knowledge when you were young. You also took the exam in Chang'an and wrote a lot of poems. Can you read us a song you like?"

Huang Chao listened to the words of the soldier, looked up at the undulating mountains in the distance, and meditated for a long time. He seemed to recall a distant story.

After a while, he turned his face to his beloved wife and his own soldiers and said slowly, "Yes, when I was young, I liked reading and writing poetry very much, and I went to Chang'an, the capital to take the Jinshi examination. However, the officialdom is dark and bribery is rampant. The Li Tang Dynasty did not choose a scholar based on the principle of merit-based admission. People who have no ambition and no skills can climb to the sky with their network and easily get high-ranking senior officials. However, descendants like me who were born in poor families want to pass the scientific examination to become officials, just like going to the moon palace to climb the throne. Huashu, the Jade Emperor did not agree, and Emperor Li Tang did not allow it. Therefore, I have to take the poor out to rebel and want to make a way of the Qingming Dynasty. You want to listen to the poem I wrote. Well, this time when I go to the Fairy Cave, it is rare to have elegance. I will read a poem I once wrote for you to listen to. I like this poem very much. It rests my ideals of my youth.

The soldiers nodded one after another and stared at Huang Chao, and Cao Min stopped talking.

Huang Chao's throat knot began to move: "Among hundreds of flowers, my favorite **. The title of this poem is "Title**". The sway west wind fills the courtyard, and the cold fragrance of the cold butterflies is hard to come. If I were the Qing Emperor, I would bloom with peach blossoms.