Big Hero

Chapter 22 Public Judgment Chicken Fighting Table

Forced by his tough wife Liu Danhua, Li Ke ordered the Weizhou sergeant to concentrate on the school, ordered 6,000 elite soldiers, and followed Kang Junli to Yunzhou. Along the way, Li Ke also took time to recruit troops and horses. When he approached the chicken fighting platform in the eastern suburbs of Yunzhou, Li Jinzhong sent an envoy to send a letter, saying that Duan Wenchu had been caught, and asked Li Ke to use it as the defense of Yunzhou to command the whole city of Yunzhou.

It turned out that when Kang Junli rushed to Weizhou to find Li Keyong to discuss military entry into Yunzhou, Yunzhou judge Liu Hanzhang found that Kang Junli was missing, and he immediately felt that the big thing was not good. He kept following Duan Wenchu closely. Duan Wenchu did evil in Yunzhou, and Liu Hanzhang also had a lot of shares. Usually, Li Jinzhong, Kang Junli and others were very nervous about their relationship with him. Duan Wenchu ordered him to closely monitor the movements of Li Jinzhong's faction. Therefore, Kang Jun left Yunzhou, and Liu Hanzhang soon knew that Kang Junli had left the city through the inside line. He couldn't figure out exactly for a moment, but he thought it must be extremely unfavorable to him and Duan Wenchu. Therefore, Duan Wenchu also took measures to order his own soldiers to guard the inner city and strictly inspect the past personnel.

Duan Wenchu has a pair of triangular eyes, an eagle hook nose, a pointed chin, and a mink coat, sitting in the government office fiercely. He said to Liu Hanzhang, "Hanzhang, now Li Jinzhong's group of people haven't taken action, and I don't dare to measure them!" I'm a court official. If they mess up, aren't you afraid of the nine ethnic groups? Don't be afraid. You can call Li Jinzhong, Xue Zhiqin and others to come over now and say that they worked hard a while ago. I'm very satisfied. I'm going to entertain them and reward them tonight. When they come, hey!" With that, Duan Wenchu chopped down with his right hand and made a beheading action.

Liu Hanzhang's heart was furious when he heard this, and his spine felt a burst of cold air. He replied tremblingly: "Mr. Duan, Duan, the villain is afraid that Li Jinzhong and others are really messy!"

Duan Wenchu stared, slapped his palms on the table, and roared, "I'm here, what are you afraid of? You go now. I'll arrange the people and wait for Li Jinzhong's group of stinky kids to come over and see how I can deal with them! Damn, are you afraid that they will do the opposite? Deal with these hard goods and see who dares to fight against me in Yunzhou!"

Liu Hanzhang had no choice but to slowly walk out of the government office. As he walked, he beat his heart: I always obeyed Duan's surname. This guy didn't pity his subordinates at all. Now he sent me to talk to Li Jinzhong about this. Isn't he pushing me into the fire? Duan Wenchu is fine. He hides in the government office and is protected by his own soldiers. Who will protect me? Grandma, you know how to bully me! I have to find a cushion when I die! Thinking of this, he returned to his home, called the servant Lao Chen, and motioned Lao Chen to sit down.

Lao Chen was very nervous, because Liu Hanzhang had never taken the initiative to ask him to sit down before. He asked timidly, "Master Liu, what do you want to ask the villain to come?" Liu Hanzhang said to him "harmoniously": "Lao Chen, you have been to my house for six years. You have worked really hard these years. These ten taels of silver are a reward for your hard work." After saying that, Liu Hanzhang took out ten taels of silver from his pocket and stuffed it into Lao Chen's pocket. Old Chen thought to himself: What happened today? Why is Master Liu so polite to me? He asked me to sit on the rattan chair and gave me so much money. He was so excited that he didn't know what to say. He only heard a "plop". Lao Chen knelt down on his knees and said with tears, "Lord Liu is so good to the villain that the villain will not forget Lord Liu's great kindness!"

Liu Hanzhang nodded with satisfaction and said, "Lao Chen, thank you for your gratitude. Nowadays, the world is restless and chaotic. It only takes two and a half days to live. Even if I am a petty official, I always look at my boss at work. In fact, this life is actually more difficult than the people! Tonight, Lord Duan is going to entertain the generals of Li Jinzhong, Xue Zhiqin, Cheng Huaixin and Li Cunzhang. I'm sick and dizzy today. I want you to work hard and call them to General Li for dinner in the evening.

Lao Chen immediately said, "Lord Liu, please rest assured. The villain will go and call General Li and the others to Lord Duan's place for dinner!" Lord Liu, go to bed early."

"Hmm!" Liu Hanzhang nodded cunningly, looked at Lao Chen's distant back, and spit out a sentence: Money can make ghosts push hard, and rewards can avoid great disasters.

Lao Chen ran all the way and really brought this message to Li Jinzhong and others. Li Jinzhong looked at the sweat on Lao Chen's forehead flowing down, and there were a lot of patches on his clothes and trousers, and said, "Are you the servant of Liu Hanzhang's family?"

Lao Chen nodded repeatedly: "General Li, the villain is a long-term worker at Master Liu." Li Jinzhong nodded and said, "Look at you running so hard. Well, take these three taels of silver as a reward!"

Old Chen was overjoyed. Today, he was really lucky. There were silver rewards everywhere. He took the three taels of silver given to him by Li Jinzhong and left gratefully.

Li Jinzhong immediately discussed with Xue Zhiqin, Cheng Huaixin, Li Cunzhang and others. Li Jinzhong said, "Jun Li has been gone for three days. There is no news yet. I don't know how things are going? Will Li Keyong send troops to Yunzhou? Duan Wenchu definitely didn't have a good banquet this time. It was Yunzhou's version of Hongmen banquet! Liu Hanzhang was afraid that we would be unfavorable to him, so he was too scared to come to inform him. He sent a servant to invite us to the banquet. There was a lot of articles in it!"

Li Cunzhang continued: "Now, the soldiers and horses we control account for about one-third of the city, and it is estimated that most of the other two-thirds of the soldiers and horses will listen to Duan Wenchu. After all, he is officially appointed by the court. Many generals in the city consider their parents, wives and children, and it is unlikely to listen to our command at present."

Xue Zhiqin also analyzed: "Cunzhang's analysis makes sense. If we don't go to the banquet tonight, Duan Wenchu will definitely order his men to arrest us, at least drive us out of the city. I think there are only two ways to do this. One is to send his cronies to get in touch with Kang Junli quickly and let Li Ke use soldiers to suppress the situation, so that the soldiers watching in the city dare not stand on Duan Wenchu's side. The other is that we pretend to go to the banquet tonight, gather our brothers and form two teams. I will be loyal to the back team and lead 2,000 loyal and reliable. The brothers prepared the siege equipment and prepared to attack Duan Wenchu's government office. Huaixin and Cun Zhang took hundreds of brothers as the front team. When they arrived at Duan's mansion, they deliberately squeezed and shouted, which attracted Duan Wenchu's attention. He said that because of the lack of military pay, they went to protest and attracted the attention of Duan thieves. When Duan Thief led his own soldiers out to the gate of the government office, we made an excuse to fight with them. At this time, Zhongzhong and I climbed into the wall behind the Duan thief's mansion and beat Duan Thief fiercely from behind!"

It finally got dark. Duan Wenchu sat in the government office for a long time, and the knives and axes also stayed impatiently in the wall, whispering, and the atmosphere in the room seemed extremely dull.

Suddenly, I only heard a noise outside the door. The sound became louder and louder, like the thunder in the sky, which kept blowing up, making people more upset. Duan Wenchu involuntarily went outside to visit to see what was going on? A gatekeeper hurried over and said breathlessly, "Lord Duan, the sergeants of Cheng Huaixin and Li Cunzhang were kicking the door, saying that they had been detained and asked Lord Duan to come out and speak!"

"Grandma's, it's the opposite, it's all the opposite! Come on, kick these bastards out. You are not allowed to shout at the door of the house. If you don't retreat, you won't be forgiven!" Duan Wenchu opened his blood-red eyes and ordered his soldiers to go to the door of the house to drive away the soldiers who made trouble. The knives and axes hidden in the wall were also called out and drove away the noisy soldiers at the door of the house.

Duan Wenchu pulled out his sword and said viciously to Cheng Huaixin and Li Cunzhang, "How dare you two incite soldiers to make trouble? I now announce that I will remove your official positions and arrest me!"

Cheng Huaixin said contemptuously, "If you arrest us, I don't know who will arrest whom?" Duan Wenchu, you are full of evil, and you will die! I can't wait to cut you with thousands of knives!"

Duan Wenchu's knife and axe hands pressed Cheng Huaixin and Li Cunzhang step by step. Cheng Huaixin and Li Cunzhang suddenly shot at the knife and axers, and poked five or six in the blink of an eye, and then whistled and slowly retreated with these hundreds of his subordinates. Duan Wenchu was furious at this time and ordered the knives and axes to chase Cheng Huaixin behind. Cheng Huaixin retreated and teased Duan Wenchu's soldiers: "Come on, come on. Grandpa is not afraid of you. Today is your death!" The two sides began to fight fiercely, and there was a mess outside the house.

At this time, there was also a fierce fight in Duan Wenchu's backyard. It turned out that the main forces led by Li Jinzhong and Xue Zhiqin had invaded Duan Wenchu's mansion from the back wall of the government office. Although Duan Wenchu's soldiers resisted desperately, they were outnumbered. In a long time, Li Jinzhong occupied all Duan Wenchu's government office. Duan Wenchu found the seal talisman in Duan Wenchu's bedroom, and captured Duan Wenchu alive and tied him up.

At this time, Duan Wenchu flashed a trace of fear in his heart. Soon, he controlled the spread of this fear. He knew that it must be more or less auspicious this time. He simply crossed his heart and said to Li Jinzhong, "Li Jinzhong, I usually treat you well. Why do you detain me? You know that according to the laws of the Tang Dynasty, What is the crime of detaining the officer?

Li Jinzhong looked up and laughed: "What crime? Death, the crime of killing the head, right? Duan Wenchu, be honest! If we dare to launch a mutiny this time, we have long been not afraid of the crime of detaining officers to kill the head and destroy the clan! Come on, tie up the Duan thief tightly, take good care of him, and take it to the cockfighting table tomorrow to make Duan thief cool, hahaha!"

When Duan Wenchu heard that he was going to be escorted to the cockfighting platform, he couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth, stared at Li Jinzhong fiercely for a while, and stopped talking. After a while, Liu Hanzhang was also kidnapped by several sergeants. Although Liu Hanzhang hid in his home, the sergeants did not forget him. They surrounded Liu Hanzhang's house and tied them up with ropes. Anyone who does evil will have a day of retribution.

Under the order of their generals, the other 4,000 to 5,000 Tang soldiers stationed in Yunzhou also rushed outside the government office. For a while, the two sides were warlike and had a strong momentum.

Li Jinzhong, as one of the main generals of Yunzhou, had a great influence among Yunzhou's soldiers. At this time, he walked to the door of the government office and shouted, "Yunzhou's officers and soldiers, tonight Duan Wenchu pretended to host a banquet to entertain me and Xue Zhiqin, Cheng Huaixin, Li Cunzhen and other generals to lure us to come. He wants to capture us in one fell swoop. We are generals appointed by the imperial court. What crimes have we committed? Duan Wenchu wants to arrest us privately! There is no good banquet. I just watched it. I didn't prepare any dishes at all. I just want to tie up and kill us! It's unbearable! Li Jinzhong had no choice but to take self-defense. Duan Wenchuk deducted a large amount of military feed. We don't have enough to eat and don't wear warm clothes. Whoever advises him will cut his nose and ears, and if it's heavy, he will cut off his hands and feet. Some of them will be beaten to death! Duan Wenchu is a standard blood-sucking locust! Tonight, Li Jinzhong led his subordinates to find Duan Wenchu, who will not connect with others. We still protect the peace of the people and obey the imperial edict of the emperor of the Tang Dynasty. If someone follows Duan Wenchu and continues to do bad things, Duan Wenchu and Liu Hanzhang are role models!"

After listening to Li Jinzhong's impassioned words, people figured out the reason for the mutiny. Just now, the ** street began to settle down, and Tang Bing, who came to deal with the incident, under the leadership of the general, returned from the original road and went to bed.

The next day, the fish belly was just exposed. Near the cockfighting platform in the eastern suburbs of Yunzhou City, there were tens of thousands of heads. Many people heard that Duan Wenchu was arrested by Li Jinzhong and others. They came early to make a public judgment on the cockfighting platform. The three floors outside the chicken fighting platform surrounded the water. Li Keyong and Li Jinzhong's sergeants tried their best to maintain order at the scene. The voices of the soldiers and civilians cursing Duan Wenchu came one after another, and the waves were higher than the waves.

"One person commits evil, and thousands of people suffer!"

"The blackness of charcoal is exposed outside, and the blackness of the bad guys is hidden inside!"

"Mad dogs have no good meat, and bad people have no good intentions!"

"Duan Wenchu, you murderous dog thief, give me back my son!"

"There is no good heart in the wolf's stomach!"


People vented their resentment against Duan Wenchu on the cockfighting platform. Li Jinzhong and others shouted for more than half an hour, and their voices smoked, and the scene gradually calmed down.

Li Jinzhong boarded the cockfighting platform, looked at the dark crowd under the stage, and began to give full play to his speech skills: "Good morning, officers and soldiers in Yunzhou and Weizhou, fellow villagers! Today, the dark clouds disappeared and the sun came out. We participated in the public judgment meeting of the five villains, including Duan Wenchu and Liu Hanzhang, with a cheerful mood! As the representative of Yunzhou, I will say a few words first. After I finished speaking, General Li Keyong from Weizhou will say a few words to everyone. Regarding the crimes of Duan Wenchu and others, I can't help but say more. I have seen from everyone's performance just now that we don't think it's enough to cut him 1,000 or 10,000 knives! As the saying goes, we can't all come up and cut him like this today. What should we do? I think it's better to give him a pleasure. I will order him to cut off the heads of five people including Duan Thieves with our ghost-headed knife to comfort those who were killed by them. Li Ke is famous for his military strength with both civility and martial arts, and his soldiers are famous all over the world. At our repeated invitations, he came to Yunzhou at the risk of the whole family for justice. We dealt with Duan Thief and his accomplices today. Now the Li Tang Dynasty is corrupt and incompetent, loyal and treacherous. The emperor plays like a child every day. Who will protect the safety of our military and civilians in Yunzhou? After careful study, we decided to ask Li Ke to come to Yunzhou with a general to lead troops to protect our safety. Is it okay for everyone to say? Next, please ask Li Ke to speak with the general!"

There was thunderous applause and cheers under the cockfighting stage.

"We, the military and civilians of Yunzhou, warmly welcome the arrival of General Li Keyyong!"

"We believe in General Li Keyong!"

"General Li Keyun is our lucky star!"


At this time, Li Ke wore his whole body, with bright armor and energetic walking to the cockfighting platform. Although he was only a little more than seven feet tall, his skin was dark and not amazing, his voice was particularly loud and energetic. Li Ke said excitedly, "Miles and civilians in Yunzhou, you have been moved all your life after listening to what you just said! I promise that I will do my best to protect everyone's safety during my stay in Yunzhou. Whoever embarrass you is to overcome the officers and soldiers in Weizhou! Use to ensure strict military discipline and not to plunder the people's property, so that the people of Yunzhou can live happily under the same blue sky! Thank you for your trust!" After saying that, Li Ke bowed three times to the stage.

The crowd boiled, and Li Jinzhong walked to the center of the cockfighting platform and announced loudly: "Now, start the execution of five people, including Duan Thief and Liu Thief!"

I saw five tall and strong men, each holding a ghost-headed knife in his hand, and his upper body was naked, revealing developed muscles. They pressed Duan Wenchu, Liu Hanzhang and other five big villains on the cockfighting platform. The knife fell, and the five heads rolled down almost at the same time. The soldiers and civilians on the stage clapped their hands and ran to tell each other!

Then, a team of iron riders came like flying, put the bodies of Duan Wenchu and five others into the bag, then galloped their horses, threw them into the field, and smashed them with horseshoes. Duan Wenchu and others were domendous before their lives, and there was no place to be buried after death!

If you do many injustices, you will kill yourself, and your aunt will wait for it.