Big Hero

Chapter 25 Fearless

Zeng Yuanyu mobilized the main force of the Tang army in the Central Plains to fight against Wang Xianzhi in Shenzhou, and the Rebel Army was defeated. Seeing that the situation was critical, Wang Xianzhi quickly retreated south in order to preserve the strength of the strength of the rebels and headed for Anzhou. Unexpectedly, the soldiers came to Yingshan and wanted to camp on the spot to let the soldiers rest. On the two sides of the hillside, Zhang Guan and Zhou Wei killed from the left, Wang Jian and Jin Hui killed from the right. The attack on the second road was unstoppable. Wang Xianzhi had to command the Rebels to fight against these two new forces. After a scuffle, the Rebels damaged nearly 10,000 horses. Wang Xianzhi had no intention to fight and ordered the Rebels to get rid of the siege and move forward to Anzhou. Zhang Guan waited for a while and began to clean up the battlefield.

In the evening, Wang Xianzhi led more than 20,000 remnants to the city of Anzhou. The rebels shouted one after another to open the door for the rebels defending the city. Suddenly, countless lantern torches suddenly appeared on the tower. In the fire, Yang Fuguang, Lei Yinfu, Liu Jurong, Liu Hanhong and others laughed wildly. Yang Fuguang, the eunuch of the army, screamed: "Wang Xianzhi, Anzhou has been taken by us. Do you still want to resist the heavenly soldiers when you die?" Wang Xianzhi whipped and scolded: "Yang Fuguang, you despicable villain! The evil spirit is ten times more fierce. You are just a mad dog of Li Tang. One day, you will be punished! You will die ugly!"

Yang Fuguang was so angry that he screamed, "Give me an arrow and shoot all these thieves!" The city was like rain, and Wang Xianzhi quickly ordered the rebels to retreat. After a little thought about it, he decided to transfer to Ezhou, and then go down to the east of the river to meet Cao Shixiong's soldiers and horses in Jiangzhou to restore the vitality of the rebels.

Wang Xianzhi's plan to advance east is undoubtedly a positive development strategy, but with continuous operations and long-distance marches, the combat effectiveness of the Rebels has been greatly reduced, and nearly half of the more than 20,000 people are wounded and sick. They had to walk and stop on the north bank of the Yangtze River. Because the rebels had been active in this area, the people were very friendly to the rebels, and many people participated in the uprising team.

When arriving in Qizhou, the number of people brought by Wang Xianzhi increased to more than 50,000. However, in a hurry, many volunteers do not have knives and guns, use simple agricultural tools as combat weapons, and lack time for training, and their combat effectiveness is not strong. The original military supplies were lost on the battlefield during the Shenzhou War, so at this time, Wang Xianzhi's Rebel Army was cut off. Fortunately, thanks to the donations of the local people, they barely survived. The volunteers had to use bark and grass roots to satisfy their hunger, and many people were yellow and thin.

After Zeng Yuanyu killed Wang Xianzhi's righteous army in Shenzhou, his troops rushed to Wang Xianzhi's righteous army stationed in Qizhou in three ways. Yang Fuguang, Lei Yinfu, Liu Jurong and Liu Hanhong sent troops from Anzhou. Chen Bing was on the north bank of the Yangtze River in the south of Xuzhou to prevent the volunteers from crossing Jiangzhou in the south of the Yangtze River. Zhang Guan, Zhou Wei, Wang Jian and Jin Hui led the army. Straight to Qizhou, Zeng Yuanyu, Zhang Zimian, Qi Kerang, Fei Yang and Luo Sheng led a large army to surround the rebels from Huangzhou and Lanxi. The three-way Tang army formed a clamp-shaped offensive, and more than 50,000 volunteers were in danger!

In the camp of the volunteer army outside the city of Qizhou, Wang Xianzhi sat alone in the middle army tent and remembered that there was no general who followed him to fight. The former 100,000 army, now the stars are scattered and miserable. The sea flows through the sea, which shows the true nature of heroes. Wang Xianzhi is worthy of being a hero of a generation. He endured the pain in his heart and despite the hard work of days. As usual, he went to the camps to inspect after dinner.

Wang Xianzhi saw a volunteer sitting on the ground, wiping a banner with his palm, wiped it for a while, put his hand in a tile jar filled with water, soaked it, and then wiped the banner. After a while, the four words "Tian Bu average" on the banner became bright again. The volunteers smiled and exposed Two deep dimples, very cute. Wang Xianzhi walked to the volunteer and asked, "Little brother, what are you doing in the army? Why do you wipe this banner?"

When the volunteer saw Wang Xianzhi coming to him, he quickly stood up, straightened his body and replied, "Report to the general, the flag bearer in charge of this banner was seriously injured in Shenzhou and kept bleeding. Before his death, the soldier held the flag in my hand and asked me to protect this flag. Protect and continue to fight with the general with the flag for the benefit of the people.

Wang Xianzhi couldn't help but shed tears from the corners of her eyes. What a good warrior! With such a good soldier, no matter how difficult it is, I must persevere and take the team down and fight against the enemy to the end! He asked the volunteer kindly, "Little brother, what's your name? Where is your hometown? How old are you this year?

The volunteer replied loudly: "Report General, my surname is Lu, from Yizhou, and I have no name. I am 15 years old this year. My parents were forced to do heavy work by the hateful rich man and died when I was seven years old. A kind-hearted villager adopted me and called me Xiao Lu. Later, the villager also died of illness. The general took the rebel army to my hometown, and I joined the army.

When Wang Xianzhi heard Xiaolu's words, he recalled his hometown Changyuan. Three years ago, in order to resist the violent conquest of the government, he climbed high and raised an army in Changyuan, and gathered a lot of responders. He still remembers the voice of his wife Sun Mei when she rose up, as if it had been engraved in his heart yesterday, turning into his courage and strength to move forward. In the extremely cruel war environment, with the love for the hometown and the solemn promise to the soldiers when they rose up, they have come all the way to this day. Now that he is besieged by many Tang troops, the chance of winning may be zero, and it may be very small to break out. The four fields are vast, and it is difficult to collect ships crossing the river. The Jiujiang River is blocked by the Tang army, so I can only look at the river and sigh! There are strong enemies on all sides, and the rebels are like a lost and hungry lion to fight against the upcoming siege of wolves.

At this moment, Wang Xianzhi hopes that the Rebel brothers can have a full meal, even if they eat a few mouthfuls of winter melons or something, but these are impossible. What I could see was the gloomy sky. The spring was cold, and a cold wind blew. Xiaolu couldn't help shivering. Wang Xianzhi quickly blocked the cold wind blowing towards Xiaolu with her body and said to Xiaolu, "Xiaolu, you are a good man. You are worthy of Qilu. You are still young. I don't think you should participate in this battle. If you like this flag, I will give it to you. I will arrange for you to live in a nearby hometown. In a few years, it is not too late for you to join the rebel army when you grow up.

Xiao Lu raised his face and raised his mouth: "General, I listen to you for anything else. I can't agree to this. I will always be by your side. Wherever you go, my banner will be raised!"

Wang Xianzhi couldn't help but feel hot. She held Xiao Lu tightly in her arms and patted Xiao Lu on the back and said, "Good boy, you are a smart child, a strong child. Uncle promised you to take you all the time. Just raise this banner for your uncle!"

"Order!" Xiao Lu said happily.

One night later, Wang Xianzhi thought about the direction of the Rebel action in his account. According to the information collected by all parties, the Tang army came to Qizhou in three large armies. Among them, the Tang army in Huangzhou and Lanxi, led by Zeng Yuanyu, was the strongest and could not fight against this enemy. Wang Xianzhi thought about it over and over again, and decided to fight with Yang Fuguang all the way first, strive for a large army to cross the river, go south to Jiangzhou, and meet Cao Shixiong's troops, and then swept across the vast areas of the south of the Yangtze River from east to west to build a new foundation for development. However, there is a strange shortage of food and grass, and the quality of soldiers is uneven. Many new recruits can't even hold knives and guns. Although there are more than 50,000 horses, in fact, there are only 10,000 people who can fight well. The personnel sent to contact Cao Shixiong have no message, and the ominous foreboding has climbed into Wang Xianzhi's heart.

After all, Wang Xianzhi is an outstanding leader of the peasant uprising. In such a dangerous environment, she is still clear-headed and fearless in the face of danger. After a long time, he immediately made a decision: the army immediately set off and went to the Huangmei area to rest and train troops while raising boats to prepare to cross Jiangnan and Jiangzhou. If this plan fails, turn your troops east into Susong, attack Shuzhou, then pull out Luzhou to obtain supply, then go all the way north, and do your best to join Meng Kai's department in Haozhou to create a new situation of peasant uprising. Thinking of this, he immediately wrote a letter and asked Meng Kai to immediately lead his troops south to Luzhou to receive the letter. After writing, he sent two soldiers to send them to Meng Kai in Haozhou.

Wang Xianzhi walked out of the camp and ordered his own soldiers to notify the generals and urgently mobilized. All the personnel went on the road lightly and sailed to the Huangmei area through Yongning to collect ships and prepare to cross the south of the Yangtze River to Jiangzhou.

Looking at the dark sky, Wang Xianzhi stands on the land of Jianghuai like an iron cast copper arhat, motionless in the wind and rain. Wang Xianzhi's heart turned upside down and hated the corrupt Li Tang Dynasty. She secretly scolded: * Raised Zeng Yuanyu, Yang Fuguang and Zhang Zimian, come on, I'm waiting for you in Huangmei!