Great Xia Dynasty

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Speaking of which, Bingzhou is close to Sizhou, Youzhou and Xiongnu, Xiliang, and the Guanzhong area of Yongzhou is not directly connected. To attack the central area of Chang'an, you must pass through Pingyang County in Sizhou and pass through Fengxu County in Yongzhou before you can directly attack Jingzhao County where Chang'an is located. Speaking of which, it will pass through Dong Zhuo's territory. Once Dong Zhuo is awakened. If not, he will deal with Wang Feng with the whole army. The princes of Kanto are happy to watch the fun. In this case, it is more important to choose the timing.

Another way is that the army directly passes through the Qianghu area of the Xiongnu and directly attacks Fengxu County, so that the journey can not disturb Dong Zhuo. Of course it is the best. However, his army suddenly came out when the Xiongnu attacked Bingzhou. If you can't do it well, it will attract the firepower of the Huns. It attracted more Xiongnu soldiers and horses to attack. In that case, let's not talk about seeking Yongzhou, Liangzhou. Even Zhang Bao is difficult.

According to Jia Xu's idea, the army was dispatched to directly defeat the Xiongnu army. Under the help of the tribe that made friends with him, he directly killed Fengxu County and occupied Jingzhao County, so that Guanzhong was in hand. Bingfeng can directly point to Yizhou. Liangzhou. Yizhou, Liangzhou. Bingzhou is the foundation industry. You can get Sizhou by entering the Central Plains. Jingzhou, Yizhou. Taking the frontier can attack Youzhou. In that way, it can be said that it is the foundation of the world. The advantage of that is that Dong Zhuo doesn't know in advance. It's sudden.

However, Dongfang Ying and Xu Shu have different opinions. They think that Dong Zhuo is known as a million army, but actually has more than 2 million. However, a considerable part of the special Yongzhou family army may not listen to him. The direct troops were one million. In order to deal with the princes of Guanzhong, they sent people to appease Wang Feng. A large number of soldiers and horses were transferred from various counties in Sizhou, and more than 600,000 people confronted the coalition forces of princes. It can be said that the area of Pingyang County is empty. I can't take care of it for the time being. The two mean to directly use a large army to capture Pingyang County and then attack Fengxu County, so that Yongzhou can be connected together, which is more beneficial in the future.

The appetites of Dongfang Ying and Xu Shu are different. Dongfangying means to directly defeat Dong Zhuo to seize power in all Sizhou. Then occupied Yongzhou. Xu Shu thought that he only captured a county in Pingyang. Unicom is fine. In that case, you don't have to face the Kanto princes after fering with Dong Zhuo. After all, the princes also have millions of troops. Speaking of Jia Xu's most adventurous and easiest to succeed. Dongfangying is the most domineering and the risk is also greater. Xu Shu is the most peaceful. Wang Feng hesitated.

In the end, a flash of inspiration came up with a solution. Several of their ideas are very good, but they still have to leak some information. At that time, whether it is Dong Zhuo, the Xiongnu or the Kanto princes, I'm afraid that the variables will be the most. To put it bluntly, this time is to seize the time and occupy it directly before negotiating. Complete scuffle, unify the big man, now no matter which one is not strong enough, Wang Feng thought of his Taixuan bell and suddenly had an idea.

As long as Taixuanzhong transports troops into Chang'an to directly capture and control the 100,000 troops in Chang'an, and then cross the counties of Yongzhou to quickly occupy Tongguan and defend it, then Dong Zhuo's troops will cut their waist in two. In that way, negotiations can begin. If necessary, you can send troops to help Dong Zhuo and get an excuse to enter Yizhou, Jingzhou and Yizhou. In that way, the Kwantung allied forces will break through without attack. It will complete a mass of scattered sand, and Wang Feng will temporarily live in Bingzhou and Yongzhou and become the largest prince.

You can get time for recuperation. When Yongzhou is digested, it is time to attack Yizhou, Yizhou and Jingzhou. The more Wang Feng thought about it, the more excited he became. He hurried to Dongfang Ying and they discussed it again. I didn't expect Wang Feng to have such a means of transporting troops. This biggest problem has been solved. So the resolution was adopted, based on Xu Shu's proposal, seeking the best interests. Therefore, the army began to move. Jia Xu led 300,000 and 400,000 reserve soldiers as a general in the military division. He claimed that one million came slowly towards Pingyang County. At a speed of almost 20 miles a day, it was clear that he took action after seeing the result of the decisive battle between Dong Zhuo and the Kwantung Army. Half a month later, he arrived between Pingyang County and Xihe County, but he did not move or attack.

At the same time, Dongfang Ying led 200,000 border soldiers and 400,000 reserve troops to confront the Xiongnu army, fully defending and Yanmenguan. People outside Yunyang Pass are all evacuated into the Pass. The war is on the verge of breaking out. Wang Feng has transferred another 100,000 demons and can fly. Under the leadership of Hu Mei, he is ready to transport troops to directly seize Tongguan, and transport troops to seize Chang'an by himself. Just wait for the Hu prison war and attack again when there is no separation.

Dong Zhuo didn't expect that Cao Cao actually made an edict against himself. Most of the princes in the country responded. Even Wang Feng, who had promised not to leave the army, was also outside Chen Bingpingyang County. Fortunately, Dong Zhuo has always paid more attention to Wang Feng. I know that the Kanto princes fought against themselves. He discussed with Li Ru to send someone to contact the Xiongnu, promised the Xiongnu, and gave up Liangzhou to the Xiongnu when he passed the difficulties. In this way, the Xiongnu contained Wang Feng. If you deal with the Kwantung allied forces by yourself.

Cut Liangzhou to let Ma Teng and Han Sui bite the dog with the Xiongnu dog. At that time, we will recover Liangzhou in one fell swoop. If possible, attack Wang Feng with the Xiongnu. After all, Wang Feng's 500,000 ragdo people defeated the yellow scarf million army, which has always been a shadow in Dong Zhuo's heart. Wang Feng did what he couldn't do. A hero like Dong Zhuo will not believe that it is all luck. The plan is almost the same. Wang Feng has always been the biggest thorn in his heart.

It is announced that the number of troops is less than one million, and the most important thing is to hide the troops and give Wang Feng a blow when necessary. For example, Wang Feng would not expect that he would still have the ability to launch an attack. Dong Zhuo and Li Ru planned to attack Wang Feng at this time, and even if they lost Sizhou, they would take Bingzhou. I didn't expect that Wang Feng would not be fooled, and the main force was not all used to deal with the Xiongnu. Instead, it led to Pingyang County. In this way, Dong Zhuo had to give up his plan.

Let's talk about dealing with the Kwantung coalition seriously. In order to prevent accidents, you can retreat to Yongzhou and Liangzhou in case of defeat. He also sent people to contact the forces behind him, hoping to send masters. The counselor consolidated Yongzhou. After all, although Yizhou Mu Liuyan and Jingzhou Mu Liubiao did not directly send troops, they all supported the coalition forces. They relied on Yongzhou in case of attack. That's not good. Special Ma Teng. Han Sui also raised his troops at this time to invade and confronted 500,000 troops with Niu Fu in Xiping County and Weiwu County. Yongzhou has 500,000 troops left, and 100,000 soldiers and horses have been sent to occupy Chang'an. The rest of the family soldiers and horses who have rarely defected to can't rest assured.

This requires the master of the forces behind him to monitor the warning. Unfortunately, there are too few top counselors, otherwise Dong Zhuo hopes that Li Ru can go to Yongzhou to be foolproof. Fortunately, the forces behind him immediately reacted and sent him here. The water pass is guarded by Hua Xiong, and the tiger pass is guarded by Xu Rong. For the time being, Dong Zhuo is still relatively relieved. Just wait for them to come and explain. Dong Zhuo is ready to go directly to the front line to command. Defeat the Kwantung allied forces in one fell swoop.