Great Immortal

Chapter 179 Changes in Space

Such forces in the sea seem to like to open branches all over the state. Because Yang Yun did not restrain his breath, he was not treated like those monks in the hall. However, as soon as he entered the auction house, a monk walked to the back door. After a while, a white-haired old man in the later stage of building welcomed him. He looked extremely respectful:

"Yuan Tai, the deacon of the Longmen branch of the Dragon Auction House, welcomes the seniors. I don't know what orders the seniors have!"

"Hmm! I heard that there is an auction today, so prepare a quiet box for me first, and then talk to you about other things!"

The hoarse voice of an old man sounded, which was Yang Yun, who changed his voice. When the old man opposite heard Yang Yun's instructions, he immediately led him to the first box. Because this was a small auction, no strong man from the Jindan period came, and most of the boxes were empty.

Looking around, Yang Yun nodded with satisfaction. This box can look condescendingly at the auction table, and it is also arranged with formations, so that people outside can't see the people in the box. After entering here, the old man just waited respectfully. Several beautiful maids were coming in with various fruit snacks, placed them in front of Yang Yun and obediently waited for instructions behind him!

Seeing this, Yang Yun waved his hand and motioned them to go out. Several women showed a trace of disappointment in their eyes, but they could only retreat slowly. Only Yang Yun and the old man were left in the box!

"I said bluntly, I am an alchemist. I hope to sell some elixir in your auction house. Of course, I also need to buy some materials. You can help me contact your head office to see if there are any materials on this jade slip, and if your bank has more than three levels of elixir, I It can be exchanged for elixir!"

Yang Yun handed a long-prepared jade slip to the old man. Most of them are alchemy materials. In addition, there are some cherished things. Some even the old man heard for the first time. These are actually the cultivation of the mysterious three nirvana, and there are the three most important materials that have not been written down, one of them. Yang Yun has got the longan fruit given to him in the Holy Palace that day, and the other two values are not under the longan fruit, so even if Yang Yun really writes it in, and even if this force really has this treasure, it will not be taken out.

The old man took over Yu Jian and took a closer look, and was immediately shocked by the medicinal materials involved in it. If most of the things above had not been asked for only one copy, even if the senior in front of him was really an alchemist, he would not dare to take over!

"Please rest assured that the younger generation will contact the headquarters as soon as possible, and there will be news in nine days at most!"

The old man carefully put away the jade and said respectfully.

When Yang Yun saw that the matter had been done, he waved his hand and motioned the old man to retreat. The old man would slowly retreat, leaving Yang Yun alone in the box thinking about something.

The beginning of the auction made Yang Yun wake up from meditation and want to see what treasures will be sold in the auction, but it didn't take long for him to be disappointed, because from the beginning to the end of the auction, there were only three or four things that could be used in the Jindan period, and it was rubbish for Yang Yun!

Before the auction was over, Yang Yun left the box. Yukong returned to his residence and casually arranged a simple array. He sent Xiaobai to the spirit beast bag. He disappeared into the room with one idea and came to the towering space that he had not entered for a long time. To be honest, Xiaobai is not like other monsters. , likes to stay in a spirit beast bag that is extremely warm and comfortable for monsters, which makes Yang Yun feel very puzzled.

The fog in the space gradually expanded, and the space where the tree was located also expanded greatly. The first thing Yang Yun came here was to touch the frozen Tian Yumeng and spoke softly and sadly.

"Dream... More than ten years have passed, and I have also reached the golden elixir period, but the cultivation you need for the resurrection is far from enough, and it is estimated that it is not enough to avenge the blood of Luo Temple on that day!"

"But don't worry about Yumeng. If you don't achieve a hundred years in ten years, if you don't achieve a thousand years, I have plenty of time!

"Do you know that the moment you left me, I realized how important you are in my heart, which is unmatched by anyone!"

Dozens of hours passed in such a flash, but there was no day or night in the towering space, so Yang Yun himself did not know how to talk to her for a few days, but he walked to the divine tree with some reluctance in his eyes!

This small tree changed again when he broke through the golden elixir. Yang Yun remembers that every time this change will absorb a lot of mixed power, and it will be more and more than once, but the time it will be longer and longer one after another. Otherwise, if you absorb so many mixed power in an instant, Yang Yun's foundation will definitely be drained!

The small tree has opened branches and scattered leaves and has become much more lush. At first glance, Yang Yun can't know how many leaves there are, but three fiery red leaves appear in the emerald green leaves, and I don't know what it is for, but it doesn't seem to produce spiritual liquid like those emerald leaves!

Yang Yun picked several mature elixirs as usual, then carefully planted some elixir seeds, and then left the towering space. However, he did not find that a fiery red leaf suddenly released a dazzling red light, but turned into a small fireball and burned out in the blink of an eye, and The color of the small fireball is pale white, which shows how amazing its temperature is!

For immortals, a few days passed in the blink of an eye, and Yang Yun's hut soon welcomed two familiar guests. Because he had already greeted Chen Jiao, she brought them in as soon as she saw them. Of course, Chen Jiao was also a sensitive person, but took one person to Yang Yun's place. Yuan Tai, another auction house, is waiting in the living room!

"Senior, this is what you want!"

The old man of Baixiaolou handed two jade slips to Yang Yundao with both hands, showing great respect and cleverness, and there was no reward!

"Hmm! Take it, you can leave!"

Yang Yun slowly picked up the jade Jane and glanced at it in turn, then turned to the old man and handed him two demon elixirs at the same time, which were the two three-level medium-grade demon pills.

After receiving the demon elixir, the old man did not leave directly, but politely saluted before leaving slowly. When Chen Jiao outside saw the old man leaving, she immediately turned around and walked to the living room and brought Yuan Tai, who was waiting patiently!

Yuan Tai's performance is more cautious than the previous one, because he knows that the previous one is not only a strong man in the Jindan period who took his life casually, but also an extremely rare and respected alchemist in the sea of Wanyao!