Great Immortal

Chapter 236 Mysterious Pyramid

The two purple monks looked at each other and began to pinch the formula in their hands, and they also read words in their mouths, in an instant! Reiki began to quickly gather to the center of the two. Because of the joint relationship between the two mid-term monks of Zifu, this fluctuation was more than five times more intense than Lingxu's full efforts, making Lingxu's face suddenly change!

In the center of the two purple monks, a huge photosphere began to converge in a row. The power contained in it made him hide on one side, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly. The diameter of the photosphere expanded to three feet in a few breaths, and the shocking momentum spread!


The two said almost at the same time that the giant light ball swept the surrounding aura of heaven and earth and hit the golden pyramid. This attack not only made the surroundings dark, but also made the grassland feel like a moving mountain, like the end of the world!


After a few breaths, the smoke and dust dissipated, and the intact pyramid appeared in front of the three people, which made Wu Zhangmen scream. The expression was as if they had seen a ghost. The joint attack of the two mid-term monks of Zifu was easily bounced off by this prohibition. Seeing this result, Lingxu first felt a shock, and then But my heart is much more comfortable, and I secretly tell you two, that's all.

Compared with the gaffe of Wu Zhangmen, Elder Liang was calm and slowly approached the pyramid, but he did not pass through the air like Lingxu, but slowly walked to the prohibition with his feet. He saw a thin palm raised slightly and gently touched the prohibition!


Elder Liang felt a great repulsion, but still in his tolerance range, he only saw it walking towards the prohibition step by step. This prohibition is pale gold, shrouded in the golden pyramid. If you don't pay attention, even the purple monks can't see it, but as long as you observe carefully, the two purple mansions outside Monk, relying on his sharp eyesight, he can still see that Elder Liang is slowly entering inside!

A series of deep footprints were left under his feet. Anyone can know what kind of power he was suffering, but Elder Liang only entered the ban for one third and was ejected!

"Do you need that physical training here again, but the boy is very slippery and has been running away for a long time!"

Seeing this situation, even a fool knows how to enter the ban, but Yang Yun has long gone. Wu Zhangmen began to have a headache and said a little depressedly.

"That boy was brought in by Lingxu. In my opinion, Lingxu should have done some tampers on this boy!"

Elder Liang suddenly turned his head and looked at Lingxu Dao. The hands and feet left by Lingxu on Yang Yun could not be concealed from him, because he had a lot of research on prohibition!

Hearing what Elder Liang said, Wu Zhangmen also looked at Lingxu, and his eyes were shining, but what he was thinking about could be roughly guessed by Lingxu!

"Hmm! I did leave a ban on that boy, but not long ago, he somehow disappeared!"

These two old guys ignored him so much just now, and Lingxu no longer politely groaned directly. In fact, he was also a little regretful. If he had known this, he should have caught the boy at the beginning, but now it's too late to say anything. In this vast little spiritual sky, he should find that kind of slippery like loach. The boy is almost impossible and there is no way to find it!

"Oh, is it? I don't believe it. That boy is just a golden elixir ant. How can he eliminate the prohibition you left? You'd better stop playing tricks in front of me!"

Hearing Lingxu's words, Wu Zhangmen was a hundred people who did not believe it, and Elder Liang also turned his head to look at Lingxu, and his eyes were also full of disbelief!

"I swear to heaven that the prohibition on that boy has just dissipated, otherwise I will be immortal!"

Seeing that the two sealed their way to death one by one right, they seemed to have a plan to join hands to capture themselves. In desperation, they had to use their own fairy road to make a heavenly vow. This heavenly vow is not casual. A careless will definitely be on themselves, so most monks even if they know that they won't. If you break the contract, you won't make such an oath!

Seeing Lingxu swearing directly in front of them, the two looked at each other and saw puzzlement and doubt in each other's eyes. Does that boy really have a way to erase the prohibition of the Zifu monk in a short time?

"I know some!"

I don't know when a big man with a huge axe came to the three people and shouted that this man was Sanman. Looking at his appearance, he had recovered from the blow just now.

"Oh! Do three Taoist friends know about that boy?

In fact, Elder Liang had known that Sanmanzi was also nearby, but when he heard that he knew about the boy, his eyes still flashed.

"I just knew that the boy was taken away by Liu Mei. At that time, I had a fight with her, but she was seriously injured. It is estimated that she will never appear in a year and a half. As for the prohibition of spiritual virtual Taoist friends, it is mostly related to her. I guess she wanted to forcibly control the boy before erasing the prohibition of spiritual virtual Taoist friends!"

San Manzi seemed to be a straight intestine and told Elder Liang what he knew. He guessed that he was inseparable, but Yang Yun was not controlled by her!

"What should I do now? Is it that I don't have so much time for her to bring that boy here? If I really can't enter here, I will also pick some elixir!"

Wu Zhangmen shook his head and said that even if he didn't get the secret, relying on him to see several purple-level elixirs here, he also had a 30% chance to break through and become a great monk in the later stage. With the extra millennium longevity, he can go to other places to find opportunities to become a yuan god, or wait for the next time it opens. It's okay to rob them when they get the treasure!

"No, I can't wait so long. I don't have much life, and I must get that secret!"

Unlike the other three people, there are few Lingxu Shouyuan left, and he is only the early cultivation of Zifu. He is secretly determined to find Yang Yun!

The four purple monks with ghosts actually began to sit on the ground at the same time and practice, because even Elder Liang, Wu Zhangmen and Sanman did not completely give up. They wanted to wait here for some time. As for Lingxu, there was no way out. He had to wait until Yang Yun. Now he is even thinking about practicing. None, I have been thinking about it in my heart:

"This is my last chance. Yang will definitely come, and he will definitely come..."