Great Immortal

Chapter 96 jidushi

"Brother Yang, according to me, you should shoot that father and son to death. They are both scum!"

Tian Yumeng said angrily. It seems that she is still a little worried. After all, the father and son dare to stare at her with a squint.

"Hey! If only those two father and son knew the identity of our immortals, I would have slapped them to death, but if I wanted to kill so many innocent people, I really couldn't do it. They also had their own families and children. Because we can't leave too many traces, I hope they can control their mouths and treat them as if nothing happened!"

Yang Yun slowly explained that although he is very far away from Yanzhou now, he knows that those bald donkeys will never let him go. He must be careful!

"So Brother Yang, where are we going now?"

Tian Yumeng continued to ask.

"Yunzhou Prefecture, I need to find a place where immortals gather to hide myself. According to the information introduced by my predecessor, the distance is so far, and the breath of many immortals is confused, even if I am strong on Zifu Avenue, I can't calculate where I am!"

Yang Yun said with a confident smile.

"It's too exaggerated that the strong man of the Golden Dan period can count your place!"

Tian Yumeng asked doubtfully.

"Can! Last time, they must have used some method to figure out where I was. A golden elixir period didn't work, so what about a group? Maybe... Tianluo Temple may be hidden... The strong man of Zifu Avenue!"

Yang Yun's eyes glowed. Last time they used restraint, why could they come to the door twice? The first time may be the leader of the black-robed man, and the second time it was strange!

"The strong man of Zifu Avenue! Impossible. I heard that there has been no strong man in Zifu for thousands of years.

Tian Yumeng immediately denied it.

"Hmm! Who knows, after all, don't we mortals in Yanzhou think that the ninth level of physical training is the strongest?

Yang Yun said lightly, and Tian Yumeng suddenly had nothing to say after hearing it!

Half a month later, Yunzhou Fucheng welcomed two new guests, Yang Yun and Tian Yumeng. Of course, the first stop must be the largest restaurant in the city!

But when Yang Yun and Yu dreamed of entering the restaurant, they were stopped by the two gatekeepers!

"I'm sorry! You can't go in!"


Yang Yun asked depressedly, which made him feel like he had been splashed with cold water. At this time, the wine worm in his stomach was already creaking.

"Sorry! Our Xianfu Building must hold an aristocratic card to enter!"

One of the young men said apologetically, but his attitude was not bad.

When Yang Yun wanted to ask how to get the noble card, two gorgeously dressed young women just passed by. One of the fat young women glanced at Yang Yun and muttered in a low voice, but who Yang Yun and Yumeng were, how could they not hear what she said?

"Two more small county buns want to mix in, really! Some money thinks that he is a nobleman and thinks that he can enter anywhere. These lowly and dirty people will never understand what a real nobleman is!"

"Yes! My family is a businessman who satide to the master every day. I'm so tired!"

Another gorgeous young woman also said.

"Oh! Ah!"

I don't know why the two fell directly and ate shit. It turned out that Tian Yumeng couldn't help it and secretly taught them a lesson!

"Mrs. Zhang and Mrs. Li, be careful!"

Two bodyguards immediately went to help two immoral young women. Yang Yun smiled and left here with a dream. Only two women who were wailing were left. Somehow, they just stood up and nibbled a dog to eat shit again, and two bird feces just fell on their heads. They saw a lot of sneering eyes around them and couldn't wait to find a crack to get in!

"Brother Yang, do you want to go to another restaurant!"

Tian Yumeng suddenly suggested.

"No, of course I have to drink the best wine when I come to this city, and I want to taste their wine more."

Yang Yun said with some depression.

"Brother Yang, why don't we steal their wine? I wonder if they will be so angry at that time!"

Tian Yumeng suddenly suggested that she still felt a little unhappy with the style of this building!

"Dream... You seem to have changed a lot recently. I remember you weren't so weird when I first saw you!"

Yang Yun looked at Tian Yumeng with some doubts.

"No! So what do you think Brother Yang should do? If you don't steal or rob them and don't let them in, then how can you drink their wine?

Tian Yumeng suddenly became a little embarrassed at this time and immediately opened the topic.

"Of course, I'm going to ask for a VIP card. By the way, we can't use the previous name. In the future, I'll call a wine Taoist. You can also change your name!"

Yang Yun did not continue that topic, but was ready to use a new name in case of accident. Now Yang Yun is really mature.

"Hmm! Then I'll call it Meng Yun!"

Tian Yumeng suddenly replied. The eyes are flickering!

The two quickly came to the door of Yunzhou Jiedu Mansion, and then released their own breath. Before long, a white-haired old man greeted a middle-aged man in official uniform, and the old man asked with a smile:

"I don't know what's the matter with the two Taoist friends coming to the governor's office?"

"Oh! We are here to join your house. I wonder if your house will accommodate the two of us?

Yang Yun is also polite and clear.

"Oh! Of course, welcome. Our governor is short of young and virial practitioners like the two!"

Before the old man spoke, the middle-aged man immediately said with a smile on his face. For him, a pie suddenly fell from the sky and hit his head. You should know that although most of the immortals in the whole Yunzhou Prefecture have joined the jiedushi, the number is still a little small in all the prefectures!

"Hahaha! In this case, we will be a family in the future. I don't know where you two come from. This is not a lot of words, but that the old man must go to the three elders to explain. After all, it is also a big deal for the two to join!"

The old man laughed.

"Oh, it's negligence. I was brought up by the master in the mountain forest with my sister since I was a child, and I don't know much about things outside. Taoist friends can call me a wine Taoist. This is Mengyun!"

Yang Yun slowly fabricated the way.

"Oh! The two came out for the first time, but I don't know who your teacher is?"

"Hey! Because the master has... so my sister and I..."

Yang Yun's tone suddenly became a little sad, and even squeezed out two tears. He had reached the level of lying without even blinking his eyes, and Tian Yumeng was stunned. However, Yumeng was also a smart person, and immediately squeezed out a few tears with a sad look on his face.

"It's old and abrupt, which makes Taoist friends sad. You'd better go to the living room and have a cup of tea first, so that you can talk about your offering!"

The old man immediately changed the topic. The middle-aged man also comforted them and invited them in.