Big Starship

Chapter 14 Luo Luowu Whale Shark

"They are of superior physique, can survive in the vacuum universe, have strong resilience, and are sharp weapons on the battlefield. Now the only few hundred people who have survived live in my hometown, no chaotic galaxy."

Kang Tie was a little surprised after hearing this. He didn't understand how such a lovely child could be a belligerent ethnic group. He didn't believe Feng Long. Feng Long also read something from his eyes and opened the video clock on his wrist for a few seconds.

The video table projected a group of green skins, a pair of horns above the head, fierce people, and additional text introduction. Kang Tie read the text introduction and stayed in place with the child in his hand.

When Feng Long heard Kang Tie read the text, he thought of the question in his heart and asked Kang Tie, "Why can't we understand the people here?"

At the beginning, Kang Tie was stunned for a while, and finally thought of something and said, "Oh, there are many countries on this planet, and different countries have different languages. This is the People's Republic of China, referred to as China for short. I also wonder why your language is Chinese???

Feng Long was relieved and said, "Oh, so that's it. Probably our ancestors have been to the earth and taught you knowledge."

Kang Tie was obviously dissatisfied with this explanation, but he didn't know how to refute it. At this time, Li Fei interrupted and said, "But it's really strange that many planets are one country, and many of you countries are on the same planet. I think it's better to unify earlier."

This sentence is obviously useless to Kang Tie, but Feng Long is considering...

Liu Ting came to Kang Tie, who was holding the child and said, "Now let's talk about what about this child?" It will be too late for him to speak.

Feng Long nodded and said, "There are two options, kill him. Take him back to the chaotic galaxy and try to educate him from an early age to change his character, but the second risk is too big. After hearing this, Kang Tie hugged the child tightly and said, "No, I won't give him to anyone else, no."

Li Fei didn't wait for Feng Long to speak and snatch the child directly from Kang Tie's hand. Seeing that Kang Tie still wanted to grab it back, Feng Long gently took the child, put him next to him**, stopped Kang Tie and said, "Think about it carefully. You don't want the earth to be extinct. When he can speak, his horror is unexpected by you. , which is also something you can't prevent"

Seeing that Kang Tie was a little shaken, Liu Ting added, "Yes, and we won't hurt him. We just try to re-educate him. Luowu people protect their children very well. Now they finally have a chance. If it succeeds, it will be a good thing for the whole universe."

Finally, after consultation, Kang Tie decided to let Feng Long take the baby back. Feng Long also promised that he would come back to see Kang Tie at the child's eldest meeting (these are all later words). In this way, the Luo Luowu people came to an end, and Feng Long came up with a new idea to 'transform' the people of the earth.

is an immature idea, which added another planet in his record. With the unanimous approval of the four women and the strong opposition of Kang Tie, Feng Long began to implement a plan to capture the earth. First, he let the bodyguards put on mecha and slaughter a city in more than 20 minutes.

Later, six fighter jets were transferred. The fighters were responsible for the capitals of various countries, and the mecha soldiers were divided into one by one country. In less than a day, the earth was occupied among Feng Long's Yaya.

The next day, when he was familiar with the earth's military business, Feng Long found a happy event. At present, the weapons used by people on earth are all metal and gunpowder, similar to the weapons equipped with the intelligent mecha they saw that day, and the current cosmic battlefield, most warships and even starships.

The shields are all electromagnetic shields for lasers. For metal weapons, they are useless. If * is used as a secondary gun of the starship.

So a starship can hold two, which is only one, but on the battlefield, its power is absolutely overwhelming.

Later, Feng Long also found that the drugs on the earth were relatively novel. Although the purity may not be as good as the stars' Red Mary, Happy Sim, etc., it is strange that it is powdery, and what he knows is liquid. If you hype it a little, you don't have to worry about sales.

And the white wine of the earth is also a big selling point. At this moment, the interstellar fruit wine is no different from plain boiled water.

After playing on the earth for three days, Feng Long and the four women were tired of it. When they decided to go home, Feng Long ordered the earth to produce *, all kinds of drugs and liquor, and left three bodyguards to manage the things on the planet. Finally, he was contented and took Luo Luowu's children, as well as a small amount of drugs and liquor, and set off to return.

The four women and Feng Long are still talking in the starship suite. The driver is still complaining, and the remaining bodyguards are still playing cards next door. Unlike the last time, this time the starship is sailing home.

The starship Feng Long stopped at the defense line of the Red Shark Pirates. After all, it was transformed from the planet. There is no apron for them...

At first, Feng Qingyu thought they had come back early, and Feng Qinghai was also helping. At this time, Feng Long said to one of their men behind them, "There are several boxes in the innermost private room of the starship I'm on. Send someone to get them back. Remember, they are all 'breakable items'."

At this time, Qingyu and the two brothers of Qinghai stopped talking and said with light eyes, "What 'fragile items' did your son (nephew) bring back?" Feng Long only said, "What's the hurry? We'll know later."

In less than ten minutes, a group of loaders airdropped several large boxes in front of everyone. When Feng Qingyu was about to open it, Feng Long reached out to stop him and turned around to open another box. After opening it, he signaled Qing Yu. The two brothers of Qinghai came to see, and the two put their heads into the box and were shocked.

Inside was a sleeping Roluo baby. The two didn't know what was in the other boxes, but they no longer dared to open it without authorization. What if an adult Rorou pops out of it?

Under the guidance of Feng Long, the two have successively seen *, morphine, Erguotou, Lao Baigan and other earth specialties. Under the addition of the four women, they heard the unrealistic plan of Feng Long to fight on the earth.

Feng Qingyu was very relieved and said, "Hahaha, he is worthy of my son. He can occupy a planet even if he travels." Feng Qinghai said jealously, "Damn, think about the one in my family, who also died early and worked for the country all day long. I don't know how to send a message in the army. I don't know whether it's dead or alive."

After hearing this, Feng Long smiled and said, "Oh, second uncle, don't talk about your cousin. Maybe the army is busy, so I don't have time to contact my family." After hearing this, Feng Qingyu pointed to his brother's nose and sneered, "Son, you don't have to give him face. His son is not as good as you, hahaha."

After hearing this, Feng Qinghai's cheeks turned red and his blue veins burst. He patted Feng Qingyu's hand and roared, "Are you a fucking brother? Learn from your son."

A few days later, all the things Feng Long brought back were put into the market, most of them in the chaotic galaxy. The intention of this was to make others think that the source of goods came from the chaotic galaxy, and the natural price of a small number of goods flowing outside was very high. Feng Long did not expect that the things on the backward planet would sell so well.

I wanted to go to the earth more in the future. At this time, Yang Xue came out of there and interrupted Feng Long's Yaya and said, "What are you going to do with that Luo Luowu baby?" Feng Long held his chin in his hand and thought about it for a while and said to her, "You and Wang Jing slowly change his subconscious rudeness first, and then look at it."

"Huh? Why us?" Yang Xue obviously complained a lot. Finally, Feng Long said some long statements. In short, how excellent they are, gentle... They used everything that can be used. As a result, Yang Xue said, "Oi, let's try it."

After Feng Long came back, he discussed with Feng Qingyu and Feng Qinghai about the earth. Feng Long planned to turn the space from the red shark pirate group to the earth into his own territory, which is convenient for management.

Injure that other countries find that their fragile goods come from the earth and occupy them, then the matter will be big. Even if they send ten mecha soldiers nearby, there is nothing they can do. Far water will not quench their thirst.

I think so, but the two old foxes are still thoughtful. Feng Qinghai said to Feng Long, "Xiaolong, you have a good idea, but there is still something to make up for."

"Yes." Feng Qingyu robbed his brother's words and said, "Have you ever thought about what to do when all forces develop towards the earth and others attack us? The foundation of your uncle and I will be here. At that time..."

"Okay, okay, I know." Feng Long interrupted Feng Qingyu's words again. For a moment, the scene showed Feng Qinghai staring at Feng Qingyu, Feng Qingyu staring at Feng Long, and Feng Long raised his legs and hummed a minor tune leisurely.

Suddenly, Feng Long stood up and laughed wildly. The two brothers thought he was stupid. Just as Feng Qingyu was ready to get up and touch his head, Feng Long shouted, "Then first conquer the chaotic galaxy and conquer the surrounding countries. Get out of the earth or something. Anyway, sooner or later, the whole universe will be mine."

Feng Qingyu and Feng Qinghai were stunned by Feng Long's words, but neither of them doubted the feasibility of Feng Long's words, because at this time, Feng Long showed a king's spirit.

For a moment, the whole room was quiet. Suddenly, Li Fei broke into the room and shouted, "Good news, all the things we brought back have been robbed. I think we have to go to Earth again."

Li Fei, who had just come in, was also suppressed by the remaining momentum in the room. She was good at single-handed and straightforward, and she also felt afraid for the first time. At this time, Feng Long turned his head and smiled, "Really? Then let's go tomorrow." At this moment, his smile is very warm, giving people a feeling that he can rely on for a lifetime.

After Li Fei reacted, she went out to inform the three women that they were going to return to the earth. At this time, Feng Long said to the two elders, "I think we can change the current tug-of-war, concentrate our forces, take an area, then disperse our forces, guard them for a period of time, and concentrate our forces to attack, although this kind of play There is a certain risk, but at this moment, the chaotic galaxy is in a melee. Our attacking forces should not provoke us. When they come to deal with us, we are no longer able to move. First take the chaotic galaxy as capital, and then realize the plan to unify the universe.

Feng Long is gambling, and it is a big gamble. If Feng Qingyu and Feng Qinghai agree, they are also gambling. At this time, Feng Long saw that the two are hesitant and added: "The whole universe recognizes a truth. To unify the universe, first unify the universe, and I know You are worried about the risks, but you are rich and dangerous. It's better to gamble.

After thinking for a moment, Feng Qingyu turned his head to discuss something with Feng Qinghai. Feng Qinghai's face was a little ugly, but with Feng Qingyu's efforts, it turned into a smiling face. Feng Qingyu turned to Feng Long and said, "From today on, the red shark and the black whale completely merged, called 'whale shark', you are the boss of the whale shark. Before unification, try to unify a pirate group. Your second uncle and I are looking forward to your achievements.