Big Starship

Chapter 28 Battle of Starship

When he got up early in the morning, Feng Long was pulled by sea urchins to a place suspected of being a garbage dump. The sea urchin pointed to the gunpowder guns arranged against the wall in the distance and said, "Those are not arms or weapons. The old man calls them 'murder weapons'."

"It's not wrong for me to make them and give them souls, but they are often used by some people who don't have the ability to resist when they use them to do things they don't want to do. But do you understand that we are the fathers who brought them to this world, our ammunition engineers, and we are responsible for our own works?

After hearing this, Feng Long nodded quickly. Although he didn't fully understand it, the sea urchin smiled with satisfaction and said, "Well, next I'm going to teach you the introductory technology of "basic mechanical manufacturing" of the ammunition engineer."

With that, the sea urchin took out a delicate crossbow and disassembled and assembled it in front of Feng Long. Then let Feng Long decompose and assemble it by himself, and then the sea urchin put away the crossbow and said, "Now make a crossbow according to your own impression. You don't need to have your own style like that one." After hearing this, Feng Long pouted and whispered, "Well, I thought you taught me how to make gunpowder cannons."

Although his voice was small, he was still heard by the tip of the sea urchin's ear. He chased him and punched him on the head and said, "Kid, if you don't know how to leave, you want to run. Let me tell you, your work will protect you when necessary. If you are on a desert island or on a garbage planet, even if you have scrap iron, you don't even have a refining tool, and there are things that threaten you around you, what can you do?

"And." The sea urchin pointed to the row of gunpowder cannons placed against the wall in the distance and said, "Let me tell you that those guys are all made with the most basic tools, hammers, fire pliers, coal stoves, etc. for the teacher, and even the molds are polished by the teacher!"

After hearing this, Feng Long's chin fell to the ground in surprise, and the sea urchin stood there with a useful expression. After a while, Feng Long picked up some tools and picked up some boatmen. The builders used the rest of the scraps and walked to the empty land in the distance with a pile of tools in their arms. They saw the man walking and said, "Who believes it? You don't need any machine. Weapons, polish the mold by yourself and lie to the devil, old man.

But after a while, Feng Long was worried. He completely forgot the * decomposition diagram he had just seen. What should he do? Feng Long angrily picked up a board and knocked on his head, but he just couldn't figure it out. After a few minutes, the board broke and Feng Long's head was swollen. Feng Long was angry and planned to be the crossbow in his heart. Anyway, the old man said that he should have his own style.

Time passed by minute by, and Feng Long, who was sweating profusely, finally completed his work. He took the finished product to find the sea urchin.




"What are you? Play, slingshot?" Feng Long covered his head and roared, "You said you should have your own style."

While the sea urchin was speechless, he said, "Then you can't do this. Look at what this is. You can't be like you. You will be punished by God!" Feng Long said helplessly, "Well, I forgot the internal structure principle I just saw..." "You can come to me." The old sea urchin said helplessly, "Oh, forget it, this is also your first work."

Finally, Feng Long still completed a decent crossbow under the guidance of the old sea urchin. Looking up at the blue sky, the sun was already west. Feng Long and the old sea urchin did not eat for a day, and a group of old men gathered around a table for dinner.

The copper hammer and the mountain wind scolded, "Damn it, the old sea urchin is too unrighteous. It took Xiaobai away for a day. What was taught him yesterday has not been familiar with it. I didn't touch it this day. It must have been born." In the end, the more he thought about it, the angry he became. The beard poured a mouthful of wine and roared, "This old man is too unnatural. When he comes back, he must castrate him."

Finally, the dark cloud slowly covered the moon. Feng Long and the old sea urchin's necks were sore. Looking at the place where they sat, there was a crossbow mountain around, and there were countless crossbows on the ground.

Feng Long and the old sea urchin looked up at the moon, and their hands still did not stop. For a day, Feng Long only needed to touch them to know what parts were used for, and the old sea urchin was even more abnormal. After he finished the crossbow, when he adjusted the two points and lines of the needle, he was looking at the moon, just twisted it with his hands. I don't know how long ago, Feng Long also questioned his practice.

I only remember that the two of them looked up at the sun at that time. The old sea urchin just said, "Oh, it's very shameless to be questioned by the apprentice. You can choose the finished product on the ground by yourself. If you are not sure, you are my master."

Sure enough, Feng Long was completely convinced when he tried the tenth one. Now, Feng Long does not need to use any instruments to measure the needle, but he is still not as awesome as the old sea urchin. He still needs to look down, just one glance, two points and one line is no problem.

At this time, the old sea urchin got up and patted the dirt on his buttocks and said, "That's all for today. Go back. I don't know if those old guys have left us food?" Feng Long also put together the parts in his hand, glanced at the right needle, and got up and said, "Hahaha, it's okay, the other masters are going to finish the meal. I can't do it for us, apprentice."

After hearing this, the old sea urchin covered his stomach and laughed, "Hahaha, just you, just your two brushes? If you are used to the craftsmanship of the discus, you don't like to eat anything.

Feng Long looked at the sea urchin bent down and laughed and said dissatisfiedly, "What? Isn't my skill also taught by the discus master? The sea urchin continued to question, "How much have you learned about the things of the discus, and how much have you mastered the heat? Huh?"

Feng Long's angry eyes turned white, but he was also made speechless. The sea urchin walked all the way and laughed all the way. When he arrived at the nursing home, Feng Long was so angry that he just wanted to stuff the old man with a sack and throw it into the sea.

As soon as the two arrived at the nursing home, the laughter of the sea urchin woke up the others. The lights in the rooms lit up. A group of old men rushed out with brooms and mops and so on to beat them. The sea urchins rolled around on the ground and shouted, "Don't fight, don't fight, old guys, it's me!"

After hearing this, several people stopped their hands, and suddenly a voice came from the crowd: "Are you an old sea urchin?" After hearing this, the sea urchin was amnesty and got up excitedly and said, "Yes, I am..."

"It's you old man who hit him." This sound sounds like *.

Another day of the sun rose. After the continuous debate of the old guys, Feng Long decided to follow the old sea urchin on a path this morning. Among several technologies, weapon manufacturing is Feng Long's favorite to learn. There is no way. There is pirate blood in his body.

However, when Feng Long imagined what awesome weapons he would see today, a dark cloud appeared in the sky and the earth began to crack.

Thunder after another, drops of rain fell from the dark clouds one after another, and the old sea urchin sat on the ground and trembled. Feng Long's surprise, the old sea urchin should not be so small. What's going on? This is..."

Suddenly, the sky was dark, and Feng Long's eyes were dark and he didn't know anything. I don't know how long it took. When Feng Long woke up, he saw the familiar furniture layout around him. Isn't this his bedroom?

Fmiliar faces came over one by one. Liu Ting, Li Fei, Wang Jing and Yang Xue, but they were all fully armed. When the four saw Feng Long woke up, they rushed up without saying a word. The four women cried very hard and said something vaguely. Liu Ting shouted out in a hoarse voice, Uncle Feng, Xiaolong woke up.

Every minute, Feng Qingyu and Feng Qinghai ran into Feng Long's bedroom, followed by a burly teenager with a scar on his face. It was Feng Long's cousin, Feng Qinghai's son Feng Tian. He should have been in the army, but I don't know how he came back now.

"Dad, what's going on? Why are they all?" Feng Long said in a weak voice, pointing to the four women who were fully armed and asked his father puzzledly. Feng Qingyu suppressed his excitement and pulled Feng Long down from ** and said, "Don't think so much. Let's go and meet some friends first."

As he spoke, he rudely dragged Feng Long out. After leaving the bedroom, Feng Long jumped up in surprise, and familiar and anxious faces came into his eyes.

Zhang Wen and Zhang Wu, Lan Mingyu, Wang Cheng, as well as the big brothers who were accepted by Feng Long on Pandora, Qiao Yang, Qiao Feng, Qiao Fei, Kang Tie, Tang Long, Ma Maka, and several well-known Luowu people. A group of people were relieved to see that Feng Long was fine. Feng Qinghai said to everyone, "Brothers, Xiaolong wake up. Fortunately, it's okay, if there's something wrong!"

A group of people took his words and shouted, "We want Iselah's son of a bitch to look good!"

Feng Long looked at the crowd with a confused face. Under their talkative explanation, Feng Long finally understood what was going on. First, Isera rebelled and launched a mutiny, then Victor gave up his seat, and was finally executed by Isera. Isera launched the "Starship Battle" and Zhang Wen found it on Pandora's intelligence network. He Shuang, the cosmic businessman, is actually a spy of Isera.

was sent to find out Feng Long's details. The huge resources needed for Isera's rebellion were also supported by him, and then Isera didn't know how to do it. He not only found that Feng Long was now in the program world of the game, but also placed several spies in the whale shark.

Three days ago, those spies risked their lives to blow up the game warehouse and the program world collapsed, which was the reason why Feng Long collapsed in the game. In this case, Feng Long was very likely to have a mental breakdown or even die. After being caught, those spies blew themselves up one after another. Fortunately, when the last spy was preparing to self-destruct, A newcomer of "God of War" brought him an anesthetic bomb.

Finally, the whale shark man used a hypnotic to know that he was sent by Isera, and also learned the current situation of the former Victor Empire.

A year before that, when Isera launched the Third Space War, the cosmic alliance collapsed from within. The reason is unknown. Isera also quickly annexed the surrounding small scattered forces. Six months ago, Feng Tian returned with 200,000 troops, three starships, hundreds of thousands of warships, transport ships, etc. Chaos.

Some small forces in the chaotic galaxy defected to the whale shark, and most of the large forces were also subdued, leaving only the religious gang of gods to resist tenaciously, and some forces joined religion.

In a word, the current situation is that the universe is in chaos, and the third space war "Starship War" is underway.