Big Starship

Chapter 90 Arrives

"Haha, aren't you surprised? Feng Long, in this universe, you are not the only one who has been used to do biochemical experiments, and the mutant genes in our spirit beasts are derived from the genes of the fanatical race, the Rorow people.

The eagle's hoarse voice became slightly low. When talking about the three words Luo Luowu, the tone was obviously improved. Sure enough, after hearing what the eagle said, Feng Long's eyes were instantly covered with blood, and the blue veins in his arm also burst.

Ao Lang frowned and felt the strong murderous spirit from the teenager in front of him. He stretched out his hand and pressed it on his shoulder. He pulled Feng Long to the back and looked at him and said, "Go to the back and rest. Just leave it to us here."

When Feng Long heard the arrogant wolf's words, he did not mean to retreat at all, but still stood still, staring at the three people who had mutated in front of them. The pair of wings stretched behind the three people were right. That was the wings of the Luoluo people, but they were obviously one size smaller than the genuine version.

Ao Lang saw that Feng Long had no intention of withdrawing at all, and immediately exuded a sense of majesty, which made Feng Long from anger. Ao Lang said, "If we can destroy him once, we can destroy him twice. This is something we haven't done before, so let us finish it now."

After hearing this, Feng Long gritted his teeth, stretched out his finger to the position of the eagle, and slowly said, "Kill them, don't leave any ashes."

Every word in this sentence has a cold murderous intention and an irrefutable strong pressure. The proud wolf turned his head to look at the three people floating in the universe, licked his lips and roared, "Wolfs, start hunting!"

Before he finished speaking, he rushed out with a shadow, and the eight people behind him followed him closely. The eagle also opened his mouth and roared, "Come on, don't fight with them, hold them back, and wait for the others to come."

The two people nodded slightly after hearing this, and also followed the nine shadows rushing towards them. When the distance between the two sides was less than ten meters, everyone's mecha lit up with different colors.

The dazzling silver light wrapped the three eagles, and then the bodies of the wolf's nest and others also instantly turned into a group of golden balls of light, which is the effect of attaching huge energy to the mecha shield, making the mecha offensive and defensive.

More than a dozen light masses touched this in the universe at such a speed of infinitely close to the speed of light. From time to time, a palpitating ripple of energy spread from where they hit, and the mecha slightly closer to the ripple began to break after being affected.

The mecha soldiers who scared the whale sharks quickly flew to the warships in the distance. For ordinary people, in the vacuum environment of the universe, mecha fragmentation is a fatal problem, which will make them not only unable to attack and defend in battle, but even unable to move, but the most deadly thing is still unable to breathe.

When Feng Long saw the battle between the two sides, he actually affected the surrounding subordinates. He immediately turned his head and raised his hands and roared, "All retreat, six kilometers away from the battlefield."

After Feng Long's voice fell, the clustered mecha immediately began to move neatly to the rear, and the battlefield in the middle was suddenly doubled, and the warships on the whale shark side also slowly retreated under Feng Long's order and opened their protection.

At this moment, Feng Long is the only one who is a little closer to the battlefield. Feng Long looked at the fierce confrontation on the battlefield, thinking about something, and the upper row of teeth clenched his lower lip tightly.

At present, there are only three new spirit beasts, who have made the wolf's nest like this and can't take it down for a long time. If they drag it to the people together, the battle situation will not become a one-sided disadvantage, and who can guarantee that the spirit beast does not have the joint attack tactics similar to the wolf king's strong attack gun of the wolf's nest.

The more they think about it, the more wrong it is, and if you look at the battlefield situation, the three eagles do not fight hard with the wolf's nest at all, but delay the time with tactics similar to one shot for another place.

Feng Long, who figured this out, quickly bowed his head and said to the headset, "Let's fight quickly. Don't let them delay the time. If it really doesn't work, use a strong attack gun."

At this time, the wolf's nest was also very depressed by the three people's fighting style. After hearing Feng Long's voice, the proud wolf frowned and said, "The strong attack gun needs to bear a huge load, even if we can't use it so soon next time."

After hearing this, Feng Long weighed the pros and cons and decided to look at the situation again. If it really didn't work, he had to use the dragon or roar. He made up his mind that the wolf's nest could not handle it within two minutes, and he sent the spirit beast to roar.

Then looking at the two people in the fierce confrontation ahead, Feng Long suddenly stretched out his right index finger and put it on the helmet on his forehead. The war-armed radar detection system was turned on, and then a wave of radio wave spread out with Feng Long as the center.

Feng Long stood for two minutes with his eyes closed, and then suddenly opened his eyes. The mecha on his right arm suddenly turned into a ferocious big-mouthed face, and slowly raised his hand to point his grimace at the three figures on the battlefield.

A huge amount of energy wandered in the giant mouth of the grimace. At this time, Feng Long lowered his head and whispered, "Do the last joint attack, and then retreat quickly." A few nasal sounds came from the headset, and the proud wolf and others were really helpless to be consumed by the spirit beast.

The nine people quickly gathered together, and the main weapon of the mecha worked together to shoot at the three eagles. When the thick light composed of nine small rays was about to reach the eagle and others, the nine figures that issued this attack suddenly disappeared.

After the three eyes of the spirit beast were blocked by the combined beam, a thick dark yellow beam also followed. At the same time, the figures of Proud Wolf and others also appeared behind Feng Long.

After the current thick pink beam of light, the three eagles had no time to smile, and a huge heat came towards them with huge pressure.

"The shield is fully open, combine the courage field with the shield, quickly!" The eagle roared, opened the mecha shield first, and released a large range of aura field.

After hearing this, the two behind him also opened a layer of light mask in an instant, followed by two invisible auras stretching around them.

Feng Long turned his head and whispered, "My war armed forces detected that six auras rushed to this side three light years away from the imperial capital. That's not the aura of ordinary soldiers. It must be other members of the spirit beast, so don't blame me for interfering."

After hearing this, the pupils of the proud wolf suddenly tightened, and then said, "Well, we can't kill them in a period of time. If they arrive together, it will be a lot of trouble. The strength of this newborn spirit beast is much stronger than that of the first generation."

Feng Long heard what the arrogant wolf said, which was the last comment he wanted to hear, but then he asked helplessly, "With the overall strength of the wolf's nest, how many chances are you to win by taking one-on-one tactics to fight with them?"

After touching his chin and thinking for a moment, he stretched out five fingers and said lightly, "Fivety, but this is also considering that they may also have joint attack tactics similar to strong assault guns, otherwise the winning rate can be improved."

Feng Long nodded gently, and the answer was quite satisfactory to him. During the conversation between several people, the dazzling light in the distance gradually faded, and three faint figures gradually appeared in the eyes of everyone.

Feng Long's eyebrows became deeper and deeper with the dimness of the light, and the pupils of the proud wolf and others also suddenly shrank to the size of a needle tip and looked at the three figures. The shock in the hearts of several people was enough to be reflected in their eyes.

After the light completely dissipated, three scarred but still standing figures appeared. The three eagles stood upright in the void of the universe and gasped heavily, and the mecha on their bodies also turned into dust under the heat.

After seeing the three people, Feng Long suddenly felt nervous. In the previous siege of the wolf's nest, he used the roar of the God of War to make a sneak attack, and the other party obviously did not dodge, but now, the three are still standing in front of him completely.

The nine people in the wolf's nest were also in a bad mood. At this time, the three eagles maintained the replica of Luo Luowu, flapping their huge wings and standing in the universe, and their eyes were looking at Feng Long's side full of anger.

Two huge bold energy fields are facing each other in this range of the universe, but after all, there are only three people on the side of the spirit beast, so their aura is also getting smaller and smaller under the pressure of the combined aura of Feng Long and the wolf's nest, and finally it is only less than ten meters.

Facing the huge pressure like a mountain, the eagle suddenly bent its waist and a large mouthful of blood was spewed out of its mouth. Seeing this, the two people around him quickly went up to help him. Just as Feng Long was preparing to increase the strength of his courage and energy field, he suddenly opened his eyes wide, and the war armed forces quickly lit up a light mask.

The light mask quickly surrounded the wolf's nest crowd and themselves. At this moment, the wolf's nest crowd seemed unclear except for the proud wolf's eyebrows, but a light spot in the darkness in the distance answered the questions in their hearts.

The light spot became bigger and bigger in the eyes of several people, and finally covered their eyes directly. The proud wolf finally reacted at this moment, and the blue veins on his forehead suddenly roared loudly: "All of them unfold the bold aura and superimposed with the energy shield."

The wolf's nest is indeed not ordinary people. Almost at the moment when the proud wolf's voice fell, there was a thick aura superimposed with the shield of war armed forces. Feng Long also controlled the war armed forces and desperately absorbed the free energy in the surrounding universe.

As the light spot turned into a beam of light and quickly collided with the light mask, six seemingly minor Luorou's figures quickly flashed into the battlefield and quickly surrounded the three eagles.

The spirit beast finally arrived at this moment.

The old rule is that today's third update, please look forward to the remaining two update. By the way, please take half a minute to register an account for free and collect it. Huang Yu is very grateful.