The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 1 Wake Up

Fang Yun's consciousness floated in the dark, and I don't know how long it took before he finally stopped. A faint fire burned in the dark, warming his soul and gradually restoring him to his mind.

"Lord Yang, what's going on with the child?"

An anxious voice came from the darkness, as if far and near.

"Who is this sound? Why do I feel so familiar and missing?

Fang Yun thought in a trance. Before he thought of the answer, he heard another old man coming from the dark. The voice responded with humility and courtesy:

"Madam, the little prince was bluntly hit on the head, so he fainted. Just take a break for a while.

"What the hell is going on? Shouldn't I die?"

Fang Yun's consciousness floated in the dark and thought in a trance.

"Well, as long as it's okay. Lord Yang, thank you for your trouble. Uncle Liang, go to the accounting room to pay some money to Lord Yang.

The voice said again.

There was a sound of footsteps in the dark, and it gradually faded away to silence. The fire continued to burn in the dark, constantly warming Fang Yun, making his consciousness more and more awake and stronger.

Familiar voice, familiar dialogue, a strong impulse filled my chest.

"Who are they? Why are you so familiar with it?

A strong pain and boundless missing burned in the soul, and Fang Yun suddenly had a strong impulse to see the owner of the voice. He wants to jump up and open his eyes.

seemed to sense his strong idea. The warm fire in the dark suddenly exploded, and a door appeared in the darkness, and the door was boundless light.

Fang Yun's consciousness suddenly rushed into the light, and the next moment, Fang Yun finally opened his eyes...

In the soft light, a beautiful woman appeared in Fang Yun's eyes. She sat by the bed, frowned slightly, and looked at herself with a worried and self-reproachful face. The beautiful woman is about thirty or forty years old, with a jasper hairpin on her head, with some tears hanging on her long eyelashes, as if she had just cried.


Fang Yun looked at the beautiful woman in a stern and shouted the name almost like a dream. The boundless missing broke out in the center, and Fang Yun wanted to rush up and hug the beautiful woman. But he was afraid that it was a dream. I'm afraid that the moment he holds her in his hands, she will burst like a bubble.

"Yun'er, you finally woke up..."

Hearing this call, the woman finally came to her senses. The long willow eyebrows finally stretched out, with a happy and crying expression on her face.

"Mother, is it really you?"

Fang Yun opened his eyes wide and looked at his mother in disbelief. My mother's face is much younger than in my memory.

"Child, it's the mother, it's the mother..."

Fang Yun's reaction fell into the woman's eyes, and her stretched eyebrows frowned again. She seemed to think of something, and a look of worry appeared on her face again. He hugged Fang Yun.

Familiar warmth, familiar fragrance, Fang Yun finally believes that everything in front of him is not an illusion caused by excessive missing. He suddenly raised his back from ** and hugged his mother with both hands.

At this moment, Fang Yun saw his arm, which was very white, but much thinner than in his memory.

"Mother, mother..."

Fang Yun pillowed on his mother's shoulder and muttered over and over again. Let everything he was familiar with give him an impulse to cry.

"Yun'er, what's wrong with you?"

The woman was stunned for a moment and whispered. She felt the abnormality of Fang Yun's mood. The woman's soft and white palm gently patted Fang Yun on the back and comforted him.

The child has been stubborn since he was a child. After so long, it is the first time that Mrs. Huayang has seen Fang Yun show such a strong emotion.

She frowned and thought for a moment. Mrs. Huayang seemed to understand something. She gently patted Fang Yun on the back and said softly, "Okay, Yuner. In the future, my mother will not force you to go to the palace together with the princes of Heping and Zhenguo.

Real touch, real smell, real vision, everything is reminding Fang Yun that everything in front of him is not an illusion at the time of death.

Only when you have lost it can you know the preciousness of now!

Fang Yun didn't say a word, but hugged his mother, Mrs. Huayang. A kind of lost happiness hit his heart, and tears finally poured out like breaking the levee. Pouring out with tears, there are also memories sealed in the past, full of pain and guilt.


The Zhou Dynasty has been established for more than 1,260 years. Middle-earth Shenzhou experienced the medieval era of war and dynasties. At this time, it ushered in a long period of peaceful development.

To now, there are tens of millions of scholars in the Zhou Dynasty, hundreds of millions of mu of arable land, and flocks of workshops. Even peddlers can wear silk gowns and walk in satin. It is a truly rich country and a civilized country.

Wen Yi governs the country, and Wu Yi Anbang!

The Great Zhou Dynasty was seated in the Middle-earth Shenzhou, and the Zhou Dynasty was surrounded by barbarians, wildernesses, Dihuang, barbarians and overseas wildernesses, which can be said to be full of strong enemies. More than 1,260 years in the dynasty, with continuous military equipment and standing military strength, more than 16 million! The strength of force can be seen!

In the war of more than a thousand years, I don't know how many rich families and princes and generals were born in the Zhou Dynasty!

Fang Yun's father, Fang Yin, was awarded the title of Marquis of Sifang because of his great achievements in the war.

Fang Yin, the Marquis of Sifang, held a million troops in his hand and sat on the border of Jingzhou in the south to suppress the vast barbarians in the barbarian jungle. The Marquis of Sifang has been in the wilderness for eight years, and the army of his subordinates have killed nearly 10 million wild aliens. The real corpses are piled up into mountains and blood is flowing into rivers. When the barbaric aliens mentioned the name of the Marquis of Sifang, there was nothing to talk about the change of color.

Sifanghou has been sitting in the south for eight years, and the barbarian aliens dare not go deep into the Middle-earth Shenzhou. Its majestic power can be seen.

Fang Yin has two sons, the eldest son Fang Lin, who is extremely talented. At the age of 20, he reached the level of 'zhen fa level' and made great achievements in the war against the northern Di people. The first place for the prince and his children in Beijing is well-deserved.

With such two prominent fathers and brothers, Fang Yun has a bright future with almost no effort.

In fact, Fang Yun also chose the opposite path from his brother Fang Lin.

Fang Yun has not been interested in martial arts since he was a child. With his brother Fang Lin, his father's martial arts successor, Fang Yun has little motivation to practice martial arts. The family persuaded him several times, and saw that Fang Yun was determined, so he didn't force it much.

Serve in brocade clothes, drink jade food, and enter and exit the slave group. Such a life could have lasted until the end of Fang Yun's life, but a disaster fell from the sky.

When Fang Yun was 24 years old, his elder brother Fang Lin went deep into Dihuang in the battle against Bei Di and was finally surrounded by the Di army. In that battle, although the eldest brother escaped his life, he was amputated by the master of Dihuang and used his skills. After picking up back to Beijing, he was depressed and lived alone. Once, the servant went to clean the room and found Fang Lin alone in the room.

The luck of the Fang family has changed rapidly since then.

Three years after the death of his brother Fang Lin, his father, Fang Yin, was treasonous to the enemy, and the evidence was conclusive. This incident shocked the emperor of the Zhou Dynasty, and he personally went deep into a foreign country and killed him.

The news came that Fang Yun's mother, Mrs. Huayang, committed suicide in the house.

At the same time, the forbidden army in Shangjing broke into Fangfu. The 300 people in the Fang Mansion did not go through the trial of the Ministry of Criminal Justice and were beheaded directly outside the Chongyang Gate on the same day.


In just one day, Fang Yun's father and mother died, and his family was destroyed!

All this is like a turbulent tide. Fang Yun could only witness everything happening under his eyes, and there was nothing he could do. Regret, pain and self-blame fill my heart. For the first time, Fang Yun regretted the decision to abandon martial arts. But it's too late to regret.

When 320 knives passed through the darkness under the door of Chongyang, Fang Yun finally let out a remorse and unwilling roar.

The knife light swept over his neck, and Fang Yun's head flew high. He saw a column of blood spewing out of his neck, which was still standing, and then there was endless darkness...

When he woke up again, Fang Yun appeared here.


"Good boy, don't cry. You are the man of the Fang family, and the man of the Fang family can't shed tears." Mrs. Huayang couldn't help but be surprised for a while. In her impression, the child cried in front of her for the first time.

Fang Yun rested his mother's shoulder and nodded vigorously. He is like a gambler who has lost everything. He was suddenly returned all his gambling books and had a second chance in his life.

"Mother, no matter what price you pay this time, I won't let you leave me again," Fang Yun said to himself solemnly. Not only his mother, but also his brother, father... Fang Yun lost it once and never wanted to lose it a second time.

Everything is like a dream.

Only Fang Yun knows in his heart that all this is true, and he has a second chance in his life. Although he didn't understand how all this happened, Fang Yun understood that he would never let this opportunity to change his fate slip away.

Feeling the warmth from his mother, Fang Yun gradually calmed down. At this time, he felt a tearing pain all over his body.

Pain, illness, imperial doctor, mother... After waking up, what happened in a short moment surged through my mind and gradually coincided with the scene in my memory.

Fang Yun remembered something.

At the age of 14, he had a 'sick'. To be precise, it was because he was beaten by the children of the Marquis of Pingding and the Marquis of Zhenguo. The cause is that the Marquis of Pingding, the Marquis of the small town cursed the Marquis of Sifang for being lowly, and Fang Yun is the child of the Marquis of Sifang, who is a bitch.

Fang Yun couldn't stand it and said. As a result, he was beaten by two people. This situation was not the first time, but this time it was particularly fierce. Fang Yun was ill for three days, and his mother, Mrs. Huayang, also invited the imperial doctor to Beijing to treat him.

This incident happened soon after Fang Yun practiced martial arts. It is precisely because of this that the 14-year-old Fang Yun has a deep aversion to this kind of struggle and martial arts, so from then on, he has alienated martial arts and abandoned martial arts.

This matter can be said to be the source of changing Fang Yun's fate.

Looking at his two thin arms, Fang Yun finally confirmed one thing. This is not a memory, but what is happening in front of you. Now he, fourteen years old, is standing at the juncture of his life.

This year, Fang Yun is 14 years old. He still has ten years to change the fate of his family!

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