The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 20 Hunting in the Eastern Suburbs

A month passed unconsciously. After the winter solstice, a heavy snow suddenly came, covering the whole north of the big week. The heavy snow has turned the whole capital into a snowfield. It was not until the seventh day that the snow stopped slightly, but there were still some sporadic snow foam.

Almost overnight, the plum blossoms in the whole capital bloomed. The breeze greeted and sent the cold fragrance of plum blossoms all over Beijing.

In the Purple Dragon Garden, a lifelike green dragon circled over the snow-white plum forest, and the sound of the dragon's chanting shook the four-way marquis's mansion. Around the garden, a famous maidservant was dressed in a thick rat skin jacket and looked into the air with a red face.

"Young master, it's time to break through again!"

seemed to respond to the guess of these maidservant girls, the dragon shape in the sky suddenly shrunk to about seven feet, and then expanded violently. A circle of ice crystal-like blue light suddenly spewed out, and the seven-foot dragon shook in the air and turned into a green dragon more than five feet long. On the top of the faucet, two horns came out.


But when I heard a shocking roar, dozens of plum trees in the Purple Dragon Garden shook, and countless snow-white flowers were swept into the air by the wind and snow. On the wind and snow, a huge green dragon circled, and there was a faint bit of lightning on the dragon scales. And the two dragon horns that had not been manifested, and the two hi-legged feet also broke away!

"The hoof! The hoof!"

At this moment, a sound of horses' hoofs sounded outside the wall of the Houfu courtyard in Sifang. In the thick snow, two horses roaring in the wind. There was a burst of laughter from afar.

"Hahaha! Brother Fang, come out! The heavy snow sealed the mountain, and it was time to hunt in the eastern suburbs!"

On the horse's back, two teenagers in brocade clothes are magnificent. They are really Zhang Ying and Zhou Xin. After two months, Zhang Ying and Zhou Xin's temperament have changed greatly, and they seem to be more confident. The two galloped. When they arrived in front of the gate of the Sifang Houfu, they pulled the reins and stopped at the door.


The two have just stood firm. In the heavy courtyard wall of the Sifang Houfu, a green dragon winds through the air, dancing on all four feet, and the dragon's head is fresh, faintly exuding a smell of a dragon.

Xi Yu Yu!

The two war horses felt the terrifying atmosphere in the air, and suddenly panicked and hissed. The people got up and immediately turned around and ran wildly. Zhang Ying and Zhou Xin were slightly shocked. They showed their abilities and stabilized the two frightened horses.

"Drink!" Zhang Ying shouted violently and pressed his palm in the middle of the blades of the front of the horse. The body of the horse sank, and his four feet fell into the soil and could not move.

"Ji!" Zhou Xin wanted to drink young, turned over directly from the horse's back, stretched out his right hand quickly, held the horse's neck, and stopped the horse with strong force.

"Brother Zhang, Brother Zhou, why are you here!" Qinglong pressed down from the courtyard wall, and Fang Yun fell from the air in white. Within a yard of his body, all the snow foam was flying and he couldn't get close.

As soon as he showed his true body, the dragon spirit immediately disappeared, and the two war horses immediately stabilized, but they still looked at him in horror.

"Brother Fang, don't you know what day it is?" Zhang Ying said excitedly.

"What day?" Fang Yun frowned slightly. He focused on practice, but he didn't pay attention to these.

Seeing that Fang Yun really didn't know, the excitement in their hearts was immediately halved: "Brother Fang, today is the day of hunting in the eastern suburbs!"

"Hunting in the eastern suburbs!" Fang Yun's heart was slightly shocked. Then he heard that in the cold wind, the whole capital echoed a noise. The sound of horses' hoofs stepping on the snow followed the wind and floated from a distance. The sound of horses' hoofs was also mixed with the laughter of the prince's children.

Hunting in the eastern suburbs, for the princes in the capital, this is the most grand festival of the year. At this time of the year, almost all princes will ride on steeds, bring bows and arrows, hounds, and gallop in the eastern suburbs to show their grandeur.

At the time of the demise of the previous dynasty, the princes and princes, as rulers, were popular. In order to avoid repeating the mistakes of the previous dynasty, Emperor Taizu of the Zhou Dynasty specially designated a large area in the eastern suburbs as a hunting area for the princes to sharpen the blood of these princes and children. After all, the world of the Zhou Dynasty will be supported by these princes in the future!

In the eastern suburbs, there are all kinds of fierce lions, tigers, bears and leopards. In addition to these ordinary beasts, in the depths of the eastern suburbs, there are also fierce beasts and monsters caught by the Great Zhou Dynasty from outside Koutu Shenzhou.

These fierce beasts and monsters are infinitely powerful, spewing fire and smoke, which is extremely powerful. Only those noble and bold princes and children have just penetrated into it and hunted these fierce beasts.

In order to force these princes to hunt in the eastern suburbs, the Zhou Dynasty specially issued a decree. For all the princes and nobles of the Zhou Dynasty, each family must send at least one scholar to participate in the hunting in the eastern suburbs!

"Brother Fang, this time Zhou Xin and I have obtained the consent of our father and are allowed to participate in the hunting in the eastern suburbs. This is our first time to participate. Do you want to go together?

Zhang Ying is not sure whether Fang Yun will go or not. From the previous impression, Fang Yun seems to be only interested in the promotion of martial arts.

Fang Yun's eyes flashed, and many thoughts flashed: "There are only me and my eldest brother in our family. In the past, it was the eldest brother who participated in hunting. The eldest brother can't come this time. I'm the only one to replace him!"

"Liang Bo, prepare the horse!" Fang Yun turned around and shouted.

"That's great!" Zhang Ying and Zhou Xin were ecstatic.

After all, it is a family of generals, and it is efficient to do things efficiently. After a few breaths, a horseman came over with a fat black horse.

"Young master, the horse you want!"

"Well, thank you for your hard work. Go to the account room to get some rewards!" This horse is more than one person tall and extremely strong. Fang Yun knew at a glance that the horse servant took good care of it very carefully. After sending off the horse servant, Fang Yun turned over the horse, and the three of them drove side by side towards the schoolyard in the eastern suburbs.

The campus in the eastern suburbs is located at the entrance of the hunting area in the eastern suburbs, and the thousands of square meters of open space is covered with stone slabs. The school is surrounded by all kinds of banners, all of which are the flags of the major prince families of the Zhou Dynasty. Under the flagpole, there were heavy soldiers in Xuan armor, and they looked indifferent and expressionless, as if they were messengers of death.

When Fang Yun and the other two arrived, the school grounds were messy, and hundreds of princes rode horses and rushed to the campus early. These people are in groups, divided into small groups, and whispered.

"It's here!" Zhou Xin strangled his horse and looked at the road ahead. He looked nervous and excited.

Fang Yun also stopped, glanced at him, and found that many of them were new faces and had never appeared in the school palace. Most of the school is fifteen or six years old. But there are also some young people aged 18 or 9, one by one with a slender figure and a long breath, emitting a powerful atmosphere.

"It's Fang Yun!"

On the edge of the school, several people felt Fang Yun's eyes and glanced back. When he found that Fang Yun was standing behind him, his face immediately changed slightly. He shouted in a low voice and asked his companions to drive away.

In Shangjing, the name Fang Yun has almost become a taboo. Everyone knows that this man has provoked many noble children. It is easy to cause trouble when walking with him.

A little riot, it will spread immediately. Soon, Fang Yun and the three of them were surrounded by no one. Feeling squeezed out by everyone, Zhang Ying and Zhou Xin looked embarrassed.

In the middle of the crowd, five tall young people gathered together and laughed happily. Three steps behind these five young people, Yang Qian and Li Ping sat on the horse, looking humble, as if they were particularly afraid of the five people in front of them.

"Well," feeling the ** on the edge of the campus, one of the five people, a swesome young man turned his head, looked at it, and suddenly laughed: "Look at what guests we have."

This siddy young man's name is Li Chen, the second son of the Marquis of Zhenguo. This time, he participated in the hunting in the eastern suburbs of the imperial court on behalf of the Zhenguo Marquis.

"Oh, it turned out to be the second son of the Fang family. He also came to participate in the hunting in the eastern suburbs," Cai Feng, the son of Mianxiu Hou, laughed. He was dressed in a brocade dress and a white fox cloak, which looked gorgeous and handsome.

"Huh, Fang Yun?" Riding a blood-red BMW, seven feet tall, the young man as strong as an iron tower suddenly frowned and suddenly shouted at Yang Qian, "Is that the boy who took your human-level beads?"

Yang Qian didn't dare to raise his head. He glanced at Fang Yun on the edge of the school yard and timidly said, "Yes, big brother, it's him!"

"Hmm! Interestingly, he hid in the Sifanghou Mansion and couldn't come out. I really couldn't do anything about him. Unexpectedly, he threw himself into the net and ran to the eastern suburbs to hunt," Yang Biao, the eldest son of the Marquis of Pingding, snorted coldly, turned his horse's head, and drove the horse to Fang Yun.

"Ha, there is a play to watch. In the army of the Zhou Dynasty, the Marquis of Sifang and the Marquis of Pingding had long had a friction, and now the eldest son Yang Biao is with the second son of the Fang family. It seems that the hatred between the two marquises of Dazhou will be passed down from generation to generation. Gao Wei, the son of the Marquis of the River, also chased him with his horse.

"Let's go and have a look. The second son of the Fang family did act a little more public," Xu Quan said indifferently. A light and gentle word shocked everyone around him. Knowing that the head of the son of the capital, the other party was also a little dissatisfied. This sentence shows an attitude.

"Well, let's have a look," the five people followed, Yang Qian and Li Ping.

"Fang Yun, you robbed my human-level beads that day. I didn't expect that there would be today!" Yang Qian looked at Fang Yun in the distance with hatred, and suddenly felt a little perverted excitement in his heart.

"The hoof!"

Horseshoes rise, splashing snowflakes. Wherever the five noble princes went, the crowds were silent one after another, and they dodged one by one and made way.

"Huh?" Fang Yun looked up and noticed that in the school yard, the five fierce and aggressive sons of the world said, "It seems that they are here to make trouble."

"Zhang Ying, Zhou Xin, you retreat!" Fang Yun suddenly raised his hand and shouted.

"Ah? What's the matter? Zhou Xin and Zhang Ying were happy to hear this.

"I'm in trouble," Fang Yun looked at Yang Biao, the leader of the five people, and greeted him.

The crowd was silent, and a pair of eyes gathered on the two tall horses in the schoolyard, the two figures.

"Are you Fang Yun? Did you take the human-level pearls of my Pingdinghou Mansion? Yang Bule stopped the horse. When he saw Fang Yun's first words, he came straight to the point, and his tone was extremely rude.

"Not bad. Do you want to go back?" Fang Yun said coldly, and his voice did not give up at all.

A trace of anger flashed in Yang Biao's eyes: "You are so bold that even if your eldest brother is here, you dare not talk like this in front of me!"

"How can you call a king a marquis if you don't have much courage? You are Yang Biao, the eldest son of the Marquis of Pingding, right?

In a few words, Fang Yun basically determined the identity of the young man in front of him.

"Hey, good, good! The people of the Fang family are really good!"

Yang Biao laughed angrily, and his voice suddenly turned cold: "Fang Yun, give you two choices. One is to hand over the human-level beads, and the other is that I interrupted my hands and feet, and then I will take back the human-level beads myself!" B