The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 24 The Forbidden Army of the Week

Fang Yun said and made a move to the campus: "Zhang Ying and Zhou Xin, come here."

Zhang Ying and Zhou Xin are not far away, and Fang Lin's powerful means made them extremely excited. The two of them have long regarded themselves as a line with Fang Yun. When they saw Fang Yun's eldest brother, they were very happy to see that they already had such a powerful big brother. Seeing Fang Yun waing, the two of them were overjoyed and immediately rode over.

At the same time, the other side of the campus.

"What should I do? Is it true that the son is allowed to hang on the flagpole like this? Gao Wei said with hatred, and his face turned pale.

"What else can I do? The madman of the Fang family is watching from the side!"

"Hmm! Cai Feng, this is really because of me. However, you don't want to watch the fun on the side. Don't forget, you are also there. If you really blame it, you can't escape!"

Yang Biao stared at Cai Feng fiercely.

"Well, you're awesome, then go and put the world down!" Cai Feng was furious.

"You!" Yang Biao's eyes sprayed fire.

"Well, now is not the time to fight in the nest," Gao Wei quickly separated the two: "I still want to be practical."

"I have an idea," Li Chen spoke at this time.

Hunting in the eastern suburbs, the second son Li Chen came to the Marquis of Zhenguo this time. Like his son Li Guang, he was also the wife of the Marquis of Zhenguo. In this hunting in the eastern suburbs, Li Chen deliberately distanced himself from several people on the grounds that he was the second son and was different from the sons of the world. Gao Wei and others tried to persuade him several times, so he gave up. In my heart, I actually appreciate his decent behavior.

Li Chen only said a word when Fang Yun just stepped into the school, and never opened his mouth again.

Li Chen's clothes are similar to those of the princes around him, and he also kept a short distance from the three people, so that even Fang Lin didn't notice him. I thought he was some unrelated scholar.

"Li Chen, what's your idea?" Gao Wei asked.

"The son of the world seems to have a cousin named Xu Shun, right? If he knew that the son had been hung on the flagpole, I'm afraid he would come here immediately!"

Li Chen doesn't talk much, but he has a lot of weight.

Xu Shun, the son of Uncle Xu Quan, is in his early twenties today. Gao Wei and others remembered that Xu Shun was the leader of Da Zhou and fought in the war, and he was also a strong man at the level of the aura!

Everyone's eyes lit up.

"Yang Qian, come here."

Yang Biao suddenly turned around and greeted Yang Qian, who was flinching.

Yang Qian knew that there was nothing good, and he was impatient in his heart, and he also lingered when he walked. Suddenly, Yang Biao snorted coldly. Yang Qian's heart trembled and he quickly trotted all the way.

"Brother, do you call me?"

Yang Qian said with a flattering face.

"You, immediately ride a horse to invite Xu Shun, the cousin of Xu Quanshizi. Tell him that the son Xu Quan was hung on the flagpole, just wait for him to come and save him! Go!"

Yang Biao waved his hand. Yang Qian didn't dare to neglect it and immediately ran away.

"Hmm!" Fang Yunzheng talked with Fang Lin, Zhang Ying and Zhou Xin. Suddenly, he saw Yang Qian leaving his horse, and immediately left a thought.

"Yang Qian left. He should have moved the rescuers." Fang Yundao.

"Let him go. I know all about the children of a family in the capital. It's useless for him to find anyone.

Fang Lin was condescending, glanced at Gao Wei and others gathered in the distance, and said indifferently.

Fang Lin's words were careless, but Zhang Ying and Zhou Xin were excited.

"I didn't expect Fang Yun to have a big brother, so awesome! With his protection, I'm afraid the son of the family won't dare to say anything in the future.

"That's awesome! As Fang Lin, if I say a word in the future, I'm afraid my life will be much better!"

The two of them thought in their hearts. After practicing boxing, the spirit and momentum have changed a lot. It is not as timid as before, and it begins to show its original demeanor!


After half a column of incense, Yang Qian came to the school with a calm young man. The young man has a high nose and sharp eyes, giving people a feeling that he is very good at planning.

"Brother, you're here!"

Seeing this person, Gao Wei, Cai Feng and Yang Biao met the savior and quickly greeted him.

"Well," Xu Shun nodded slightly, spoke slowly, and had his own demeanor.

"Brother, you came just in time. The son is still hanging on the flagpole. Let's put the son down first.

Yang Biao breathed a sigh of relief and said.

"No hurry."

Xu Shun waved his hand and stopped everyone.


Gao Wei, Cai Feng, Yang Biao and Li Chen were dumbfounded, and they had misheard.

"The son has lost all his face. It makes no difference to put it down early and later. There is no need to startle Fang Lin for half an hour!"

Xu Shun said lightly. There is no doubt about the tone of voice, and there is a tendency to lead several people.

"This..., it's up to my brother. It's just that if the son of the world gets weird, we can't afford it!"

"It doesn't matter," Xu Shun waved his hand gently and looked carelessly: "I'll explain this to him!"

Cai Feng, Gao Wei and Yang Biao were relieved.

S comforting the three people, Xu Shun glanced through the crowd and fell on Fang Lin:

"That man is Fang Lin, right?"

The induction between the masters was very keen. Almost at the same time as Xu Shun looked over, Fang Lin also felt it. His eyes glanced over, but Xu Shun immediately turned his eyes away.

"Awesome! I'm not young, but my martial arts cultivation is not bad!"

Xu Shun's heart shook and knew that this person could not be underestimated.

"That person should be the rescuer moved by Yang Qian."

Fang Yun also felt the abnormality. Looking at it, his eyes immediately fell on Xu Shun next to Yang Qian.

"Don't worry, this man, I can suppress it! Wait a minute, as long as he dares to put down Xu Quan, I will kill him immediately!" Fang Lin's tone of Congo showed an unusual determination to kill.

"Fang family, when did such a person come out!" Xu Shun originally thought that the other party had just reached the aura state, and his cultivation was not deep. But he took a look and immediately shook his heart fiercely. With his cultivation, he can't see through the bottom limit of Fang Lin!

The atmosphere began to be stiff, and Fang Lin didn't say anything, just stared at Xu Shun. Gao Wei was very uncomfortable being stared at by him, but there was nothing he could do. Martial arts reach the air level and can distort the opponent's attack. As long as the attack is not a master at the same level, otherwise, the number of people is meaningless!


At this time, the earth shook. To the west of the school, a torrent of steel rolled in. Around the torrent of steel, the air was distorted, and it was faintly visible that countless iron riders were rushing in.

"Forbidden army! The imperial forbidden army is coming!"

Feeling the strong breath, some princes exclaimed. Hunting in the eastern suburbs can only officially begin when the imperial forbidden army arrives.


The sound of horses' hoofs was getting closer and closer, and the whole school field trembled violently under the iron hooves. Countless eyes stared at the distance, both in awe and envious. The most powerful army in the Zhou Dynasty was undoubtedly the forbidden army of the Gongweijing Division. Each of the forbidden troops in the imperial court is a strong man who has reached the level of formation. Such a strong man, put on the battlefield, can do it alone. But in the capital, he can only be an unknown member of the Forbidden Army.

"It is worthy of being the strongest army of Da Zhou! Just the murderous atmosphere of the battlefield for a long time can distort the air!"

Fang Yun stood on the hill and praised. In his eyes, these forbidden troops of Dazhou were connected in one breath, like an invisible big hand, twisting the air around him. It faintly turned into a huge ancient snake statue, winding over the army! This is one of the spiritual symbols of the Forbidden Army!

Snake, ancient alien species, not enough to fly, firelight, strange, panic, dreaming, evil, demagogic things!

"General Cao Bao should be responsible for the overall planning of this hunting in the eastern suburbs!" Fang Lin looked into the distance. The imperial forbidden army was divided into eight branches, known as the banner of the above eight ancient murderers. And Cao Bao is the commander of the snake army.

Sure enough, in the iron horse in the distance, a big flag is raised, with a black flag edge, a golden decoration, and a large Cao character in the center. In front of the flag, a big man in black gold lock armor rode in. This man's square ears are short, and his bronze skin gives people an extremely strong feeling.

Cao Bao stepped down and rode a black dragon-like horse, which was more than eight feet tall, more than one head taller than an ordinary horse. The horse's whole body is covered with black black iron armor, and the armor is mottled in many places. Obviously, it has been fought for a long time!

"Take the son away immediately and don't let the general see it!"

Xu Shun suddenly rode out, broke the flagpole, put Xu Quan down, and handed it over to Yang Qian.

Yang Qian's face turned black, but he couldn't refute it at all. He immediately retreated quietly with the right to faint.

Fang Lin glanced at it and didn't stop it. It is enough for Xu Quan to be humiliated. If the goal is achieved, there is no need to worry about it.

The forbidden army was full of good and famous colts. In just a moment, the forbidden army was less than 5,000 feet away from the campus, and a cold and dark breath, like waves, rushed into the campus.


In the exclamation, a famous prince's children rode their back one after another. They looked pale and fixed, as if they had had a nightmare.

The snake is an ancient alien species. It is originally the murderous object of panic, dream, evil and temptation. These princes have been well-bringed for a long time. How can they accept this dark atmosphere? One by one, they retreated one after another.

(ps: The update time is fixed at 7:3 o'o after today, and the three chapters will be updated together. In addition, tickets!) H