The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 29 The Strong Man from Birth

The sound is majestic and domineering, and the sound is like thunder rolling everywhere, giving people a feeling of scalp numbness. In the sky, the commander of the forbidden army finally came. He stood in the void, with his eyes wide open, and his whole body was burning with black flames, like a god.


With a loud shout, Cao Bao raised his hand and threw out a double-headed black halberd. The long halberd was thrown out, and it was immediately digested within two feet. It turned into a vague shadow, shooting at the golden horned python with bursts of torn roars.


The snow splashed, and the black halberd was like a broken bamboo, piercing the back of the golden horned abdomen, and the tip of the halberd passed through the flesh and blood, nailing the golden horned python to the ground.


The golden horned python was in pain, its body rolled violently, and the rest of the tail was also pulled out of the ground by it. More than 100 feet of body spread out on the ground and tossed violently. Every time I took a picture, it weighed a thousand pounds, which shocked the earth.

"The emperor has been waiting for you for decades. Now that he has appeared, don't go back!"

Cao Bao shouted with a rumbling mouth, and his tone was completely talking to people. The golden horn python bulged four horns under its abdomen. This kind of fast-acting dragon monster is not much less intelligent than that of human beings.

After Cao Bao finished speaking, he immediately fell to the golden horned python below like a meteorite. Where his body crossed, the air was marked with black marks.

"Invincible King's Fist!"

Cao Bao shouted wildly and punched out. On the bronze fist, a huge fist mark with a radius of ten feet broke out of the palm, with an indestructible fist to the golden horned python below.


The golden horned python opened its mouth, and a fiery red inner elixir rolled to the fist seal with turbulent vitality. I only heard a loud noise, the air exploded, and a large stream of violent air rushed down, rolled up a huge snow fog, and even blew up Li Chen and Gao Chen's autumn wind and swept away.

"Brother, be careful!"

The snow was foggy, and the exclamation of the eldest brother Fang Lin came to my ear. Fang Yun was shocked and didn't think about it. He turned into a dragon and flew up again. Suddenly, the snow and fog burst out, and the ferocious python of the golden horned python chased after him. Its jaws were opened, one of its two poisonous teeth was broken, and its eyes dimmed a lot. Obviously, it was seriously injured in the battle with the god-like commander of the forbidden army.

For this fierce beast, swallowing a lot of food is the best way to heal. Before returning to the nest, it is impossible for the golden horned python to give up the food.


The golden-horned python poked out its head like lightning, bit the green dragon out of the sky, and then sank. Using the python horn above its head, it broke a big hole in the ground, got in, and rumbled into it.


Seeing that Fang Yun was taken away by the golden horn snake, Fang Lin's eyes turned red. He rushed into the hole where the golden horned python disappeared like crazy and quickly disappeared into it.

"Wait a minute!"

General Cao Bao fell from the sky and just wanted to call Fang Lin, but now he has rushed into the cave. The skin and flesh of the golden horned python is hard, and it is difficult to hurt ordinary knives and guns, but it can also spray poison. Even if he can only punch at a distance, he dares not get too close.




People came from all directions, and the forbidden troops on the nearby mountain came. They all saluted Cao Bao with a very respectful look.

"General, what should we do now?"

A forbidden soldier asked.

Cao Bao hesitated for a moment, and the identity of these people around him was not simple. Even he can't afford to provoke. Fortunately, he came in time this time, otherwise, he would have offended the noble and civilian marquis of Dazhou at the same time, and even the emperor could not protect him.

After thinking about it for a while, Cao Bao said, "Leither a few people to escort the princes back, and the others will come with me to find the princes of Sifang!"

Sifang Hou Fangyin, that is a strong man born out of the world. There are so many masters under his hand. Even if Cao Bao sees it, he has to lower his head. Such ordinary people with real power can't afford to provoke at all. If it weren't for such strength, how could he dare to fight for power in the army?

As soon as the armor was shocked, Cao Bao immediately flew into the underground passage dug by the golden horned python...


In the huge underground passage, there are depressions everywhere, and there are obvious impact marks in many places. Obviously, it was caused by the golden horned python when it was struggling underground.

"My brother is dead, my brother is dead..."

Fang Lin was muddle-headed at this time, and his head was full of the scene when Fang Yun was said by the golden horn python, which was played back over and over again. In Shangjing, except for his mother, Fang Lin can't let go of Fang Yun. I stand up for him again and again, and teach him martial arts again and again, but I don't want him to be bullied and hurt. Unexpectedly, Fang Yun was taken away by a python under his own eyes.

Fang Lin can't imagine how desperate and sad she will be when she appears alone in front of her mother and tells him that her brother died in a python kiss.

"Kill it! Kill it! Kill it! Revenge for my brother!"

Fang Lin's whole body was crazy. His blood was boiling, and his eyes were red. Except for the disappeared golden horned python, he didn't know anything else and didn't care. The whole tunnel was rumbling, and Fang Lin chased behind the golden horned python crazily...


Fang Yun only felt severe pain all over his body, and his eyes were hazy. Obviously, there was something troublesome in the teeth of the golden horned python.

"I can't die! I can't die!"

The field of vision was blurred, and there was severe pain on his body. Fang Yun heard his blood flowing out in his ears. But at this moment, his mind is more clear and rational.

"I'm dead. What should my mother do? What about my father? What about the big brother? What should our family do? I finally got a chance to start over. Is it going to end like this?

A strong unwillingness filled his heart. At this moment, Fang Yun suddenly felt no pain in his body. He suddenly grabbed it and let the blurred vision. He grabbed the golden horned python's fangs embedded in his body. The other arm was straight, and a sharp edge poked out of the edge, which was a stroke at the root of the golden horned python.


The sound of the sharp blade cutting the flesh and blood came, and the golden python trembled with pain. It suddenly sprayed out, and then sprayed Fang Yun out with a stream of **. In the haze, Fang Yun felt that his body hit something, and then he didn't know anything.


This is a huge cave, although the entrance is only one person high. But it is ten feet high inside. In this nest of the golden python, Fang Lin finally saw the golden horned python.

It shrugs its eyelids and looks weak. The ugly head keeps bleeding out. Its huge kiss was staggered up and down. There was only one of the two poisonous teeth in its mouth, and the other was where it went. - In the battle with Cao Bao, the commander of the forbidden army, the golden horned python was seriously injured.

Seeing Fang Lin approaching, the golden horned python raised its head and hissed with a warning. But Fang Lin didn't realize it. As soon as he saw the golden horned python, he rushed over.


The golden horned python opened its mouth and spewed out a poisonous fog, but the green poisonous fog was very light. When it sprayed to the mouth, it dissipated invisible. - The inner elixir was damaged, and its ability to spray was also weakened. But there is no poisonous fog, and it has other means. With a huge tail, Fang Lin flew out with a bang, hit the wall of the cave, and fell down.


With a dragon chant, where Fang Lin fell, a ferocious thunder and lightning dragon, with a crazy red light shining in its eyes, broke out of the air and hit the golden horn python fiercely. The golden horned python was in pain and immediately threw it out. Fang Lin flew out again.


Almost just flew out, and Fang Lin flew in again. It was shot away again and again, and the dragon came again and again. Fang Lin has forgotten the pain. There is only this huge thing in front of him in his mind, and there is only one thought.

"Kill it! Find your brother!"

Fang Lin's whole body was bloody. His internal organs were damaged, and his mouth kept spitting blood out. Fang Lin stood up again after hearing the click of his bones all over his body. With a long cry, he broke into the air again.

Bang! Bang!! Bang!! Bang!!

There are only dense impacts and flying sounds in the cave. The golden horned python didn't care at first, but later, he was a little frightened to see Fang Lin's eyes. This strength is not a very strong human being, with tenacious and terrible vitality. He flew again and again, and he stood up again and again. Ordinary people have been injured like him and have fallen to the ground for a long time and can't get up.


The golden horned python was also a little angry. He opened his mouth and inhaled again, and a huge suction came out of his mouth. Fang Lin immediately couldn't hold on, rolled over and flew in.


With a huge kiss, the sharp and terrible fangs of the python immediately penetrated deep into his body from Fang Lin's shoulder. Fang Lin, as if he had lost consciousness, his arm was stretched out, and the last internal force in his body turned into a sharp qi at the edge of his hand, which was cut off at the root of the fang.

The poisonous tooth was peeled off in response. The golden horn python was first cut off by Fang Yun, and then by Fang Lin, which immediately made its whole body twitch and die. Fang Lin took the opportunity to punch again, which was heavy and hit it in his mouth. The fist was deeply embedded in the soft meat of its mouth. The blood flowed out immediately.


Golden Horn Dragon was in great pain. Fang Lin cut off its fangs and also aroused its anger. Seeing its huge body, it immediately rolled Fang Lin in again and again.

The most primitive ability of the python is to coil the prey with the body of a snake and suffocate it to death!

Fang Lin did not struggle. He let the golden horned python coil him up. His fist was strong, and he punched the snake's body heavily. The sound of bang kept exploding in the cave. Suddenly, a powerful force rolled over and immediately gripd Fang Lin's body firmly. Fang Lin's chest slowly collapsed, and there was a crisp sound in his chest immediately. The golden horned python's body is getting tighter and tighter, and its strength is getting stronger and stronger...


Fang Lin suddenly flew up, with a howling like a damaged beast in his mouth. When he raised his head, he ignored it and bit it fiercely at a silvery white place in his eyes. In a daze, Fang Lin felt that he had bitten something. There was a sharp roar in his ear, and then a fishy ** rolled into his mouth... F