The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 31 Floating Scroll


The red fruit melts in the mouth, and a silver-white ** flows into the abdomen. Fang Yun only felt a heat in his stomach, just like a small sun bursting out. The unparalleled heat flow rushed out, and the madness penetrated into the limbs and bones.

The rolling vitality bulged in his body, and Fang Yun's limbs were hot, and he couldn't move all over. The qi in the body runs automatically under the impetus of this foreign essence, and the water rises. All the way from the intermediate level of the qi to the peak of the qi level, you can step into the aura at almost any time. At this time, Fang Yun's qi could no longer be absorbed, and the remaining Zhu Guo's essence was still vast, and the last pressure lurked in the body. It was not until then that Fang Yun regained control of his body.


Fang Yun took a breath and saw a mass of gas essence mixed in the gas, spewing out more than three feet away before slowly disappearing. Fang Yun was shocked when he saw it.

"A small red fruit has so much vitality!"

Fang Yun is very clear that he has only absorbed a small part of the energy of this red fruit. Most of the energy is stored all over your body. When you rise to the aura level, you can immediately absorb this energy again.

Fang Yun opened his eyes again and found that after swallowing Zhu Guo, his eyes became brighter.

"Well, there is text!"

At this time, Fang Yun's eyes were like watching the fire, and the scene in the cave was clear at a glance. There were many iron hook and silver words in front of the dead mysterious strong man. However, Fang Yun focused on the mysterious strong man at the beginning, but did not notice anything else.

"Yu's limit is approaching, and I don't want to lose what I have learned since then. I will pass on the world and the strongest martial arts. I fought all over the war, and my body disappeared. Later, there is no need to think about revenge. I won't tell him my name either.

"The fate of the void, the fate of the reality! There is a thousand-year-old golden horn python outside the door, which is a fierce beast to protect my door. If you don't have enough life, you will die in the python's belly. If you don't have enough luck, you can't enter my land. The fate and luck are determined by heaven, and you can't force it! In addition, I can't bear to waste my martial arts cultivation. On the verge of death, I will use great force to inject my internal force into the yin and yang double-leaf Zhuguo in the cave! Later, you can pick the red fruit and eat it!"

"Don't think, don't ask, don't think, otherwise there will be a big disaster. Get the clock of heaven and earth, and leave immediately! You can't stay here for a long time!"

This man is mysterious everywhere, leaving his skills behind, but he doesn't want to reveal his identity when he is dying. In particular, the words "Don't read, don't ask, don't think, otherwise there will be a big disaster" made Fang Yun feel creepy, as if he was involved in a terrible vortex.

"No matter how bad it is, it's just a dead word. I've died once. What's so terrible!"

The man sat on the ground, holding a small bronze bell in his right finger bone. Fang Yun took it down and took a closer look at the brilliance of the night pearl. He saw that the copper bell was small and exquisite, with a simple and old atmosphere.

The copper bell is covered with many mysterious wisps. The squires are very small, and you have to be very careful to barely see it. At the end of the copper bell, there are also many hieroglyphs. Fang Yun took a look and faintly distinguished that there were ten patterns of sun, moon, Chen, mountains, rivers, grass, trees, insects, fish and birds.

"This should be what he said about the clock of heaven and earth, and I don't know what's special."

Fang Yun observed and didn't find anything special about the little clock. I didn't care much. I subconsciously picked up the bell and shook it gently.


A loud bell-like sound suddenly came from the bell body, and the sound contained a great power. The whole cave trembled in the sound of the bell, and a lot of soil fell from the cave.

At the same time, the small bell seemed to be stimulated, and the whole body emitted a blazing halo.

Under Fang Yun's shocked eyes, with this "heaven and earth clock" as the center, ten huge golden pictures appeared in the void. Ten pictures are arranged in an arc to guard the "Heaven and Earth Clock".

One side of the huge square picture scroll is blank, and only a few mysterious fonts appear faintly under the scroll. Fang Yun still distinguishes two of the words "day" and "worm".

For a long time, the sound of the bell disappeared. The ten scrolls that emerged in the void also dimmed and disappeared into the void. Everything calmed down again.

Fang Yun was stunned. He knew that this was by no means his illusion. After thinking about it, he shook the "Heaven and Earth Clock" again. The golden light burst out, and ten golden scrolls unfolded in the void again. It was still blank without any content.

"Yes. This man is a prince-level figure, and the treasures used must be different from ordinary people. I'm just at the level of energy now, and my strength is too low to stimulate the effect of this world clock. When the little clock shakes, ten pictures appear in the void. I'm afraid there are ten powerful abilities. Just wait for me to discover it later."

Thinking of this, Fang Yun was overjoyed and quickly put the clock of heaven and earth into his arms. Then he saluted the corpse of the mysterious man:

"Senior, thank you for your gift. Although I don't mention my name, I can't accept you for nothing. After I go back, I will definitely find out your name, and then move your body to the ancestral temple for burial.

This person's identity is so prominent that Fang Yun will never believe that his whole family will die. In the past hundred years of the Great Zhou Dynasty, there has been no love of the destruction of the Yi family.

When he came, the corridor had collapsed. Fang Yun felt that it was a little difficult to breathe and knew that it was time to leave. After saluting the mysterious man again, Fang Yun turned around and walked in the direction of the corridor. Suddenly, the sitting of the mysterious man flashed in his mind, and Fang Yun's heart moved as if he had realized something.

"This is the mountains in the eastern suburbs. The position he sits in is facing... It's the imperial city!"

Fang Yun had a cold war in his heart. In a loom, he felt that he had touched something. The words left by the mysterious man on the ground echoed in my mind again - don't ask, don't think, otherwise there will be a big disaster!

"This strong man has a lot of secrets. If he can't do it well, he is really involved in some big disaster, and then he will die in the mountains in the eastern suburbs. I'm humble now, and my cultivation is not high. If you investigate rashly, I'm afraid it will cause unnecessary trouble. Let's wait until the strength is strong in the future. Don't worry, you'd better get out of here first.

The way to the cave is blocked and the air is limited. I'm afraid there is a risk of suffocation if you don't leave here. Fang Yun ate Zhu Guo, got the treasure, bowed three salutes to the mysterious warrior, and then strode away.


There was a shocking sound in his mouth. Fang Yun pulled up and shook it in the air, turning into a green dragon of more than ten feet. With thunder and lightning rolled all over his body, he rushed into the collapsed corridor with a bang, and quickly walked through the soft soil. At this time, he had reached the peak of his qi. The incarnate green dragon was like a divine sword. Wherever he passed, the mud layer was separated, revealing a passage.


In the deepest part of the golden horned python cave, the soil is flying and the air is bursting. A green dragon came out of the soil with rolling thunder and lightning. The blue dragon folded in the air, fell to the ground, and turned into a square cloud.

The Great Zhou Forbidden Army once searched this corner, but the golden horned python has been deepening its cave, and there is not only new mud here. Therefore, the search for the forbidden army didn't care.

There is no one in the cave. Fang Yun walked all the way and found that the whole hunting ground in the eastern suburbs was silent and could not see a student.

"The matter of the golden horned python is probably spread. If such a big thing has happened, the princes and children in the eastern suburbs should have left. Well, I will go back earlier so as not to worry at home."

Thinking of this, Fang Yun accelerated his pace.


"Quickly inform your mother that she is safe."

Sifanghou was in a sad atmosphere. When Fang Yun appeared in the house, everyone was stunned and couldn't believe their eyes. After being entangled by subordinates in the outer courtyard for a while, Fang Yun entered the main hall and visited his mother.

In the main hall, Mrs. Huayang's face was pale and her eyes were red, and she seemed to have cried for a long time. Fang Yun's heart trembled and quickly knelt down in front of his mother.

"Child, I've seen my mother."

"Come on, child, let your mother have a look. Mother, mother thought..., thought..."

Mrs. Huayang's voice choked, and she couldn't go on. She hugged Fang Yun tightly and cried with joy.

"Mom, I'm sorry to worry you."

Fang Yun leaned against his mother's arms, with a look of guilt in his eyes.

"Just come back, just come back!"

Mrs. Huayang's eyes were red, and while wiping away her tears, she ordered the intimate maid and said, "Wan'er, go and prepare some hot meals for the young master. The young master hasn't eaten for a day. He must be hungry.

"Yes, madam!" The girl named Bowl nodded obediently and ran out with a happy face.

Four dishes and one soup were quickly served. Fang Yun was really hungry. He picked up the chopsticks and ate them. While eating, he talked about the things in the eastern suburbs one by one. Of course, he hid the mysterious strong man in the cave and only said that he was saved by a mysterious master.

"Unfortunately, my son didn't see the face of the senior, otherwise my mother must thank him face to face." Mrs. Huayang thanked and did not doubt what Fang Yun said.

After drinking a few mouthfuls of hot soup, there were calories in his stomach. Fang Yun suddenly thought of something and casually asked, "Mom, this time Yang Biao died in the eastern suburbs and was swallowed by the golden horned python. Have the people in the Marquis of Pingding Mansion ever bothered you?

Mrs. Huayang's body trembled, hesitated for a moment, and said, "When the news first came out. Mrs. Xianhua, the wife of the Marquis of Pingding, went to the palace to see the Queen. I asked her to hand over your brother and bury him with Yang Biao.

(Wow, the manuscript is gone. The update may be temporarily slowed down to two updates.)
