The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 34 Extraterritorial Star Iron

&qu;The son, I haven't seen you for a long time," a trace of strange color flashed in Fang Yun's eyes: &qu; Last time I hunted in the eastern suburbs, I thought I could see the son. Unexpectedly, the son did not participate.

&qu;Our family is not very interested in this kind of hunting. Last time I went hunting in the eastern suburbs, my cousin went there for me.

Yan Lun smiled indifferently and stood beside Fang Yun.

&qu;Son, sit down! Please sit down!" The scholar beside Fang Yun was enlightened and got up quickly. Without waiting for Yan Lun to answer, he walked straight away.

Yan Lun was not polite. He put on his robe and sat down beside Fang Yun.

Fang Yun nodded slightly, knowing that this kind of Wenquhou still has too strong literary style, unlike ordinary generals and generals, who are used to killing.

Looking at the clothes on Fang Yun's body, Yan Lun laughed: &qu;Congratulations, today's Lantern Festival is still Brother Fang's gift.

&qu;Uh-huh." Fang Yun nodded slightly. Yan Lun's release of goodwill was obvious, and Fang Yun had no bad feelings for him, so he would not refuse.

&qu; Let's drink. It will take a while for the night party to start.

A small bronze wine tripod from the square cloud filled his own and Yan Lun's wine bottles: &qu; My son, I would like to give you a toast. Last time in the school palace, thank you for relieving me.

&qu;Brother Fang, you're welcome. It's not interesting to talk to villains like Yang Qian and Li Ping. It's not worth talking about. Come on, drink."

The wine drunk by the princes of the Zhou Dynasty was all brewed by the Ministry of Industry of the Imperial Court. The liquor is amber and is named agar. It is rationed and enjoyed by the Ministry of Industry. This kind of wine is mellow, soft and not strong. Many ladies and ladies can drink it.

In the agar, take the best quality variety. After purification, it turns golden yellow; it is named jade liquid by the Ministry of Industry and dedicated to the royal family.

The wine that Fang Yun and Yan Lun are enjoying now is the exclusive jade liquid of the royal family. Only during the annual major festival of the Great Week can they enjoy it in the palace.

After three rounds of drinking, the two gradually became acquainted and talked about people and things in Beijing together.

&qu;Yes, I have good news for you. You may be interested." Yan Lun suddenly said.

&qu;Oh?" Fang Yun frowned slightly and suddenly thought: &qu; The son chose to tell me on this occasion, is it related to the royal award of the Lantern Festival?"

A vibration flashed in Yan Lun's eyes, and then he smiled and said: &qu; Brother Fang is really smart. Yes, it's really about this year's Lantern Festival royal awards.

Fang Yun smiled and said nothing: &qu; This is not a difficult thing to guess. The son of the world, don't sell it.

&qu;Haha... Then I'll say it. This year's Lantern Festival, the first martial arts competition, can get a martial arts secret book that can be rewarded by the royal family. In the first part of the literary examination, you can get a copy of the poem written by the three princes of the dynasty. At the same time, if you get the top three in the martial arts competition and the top three in the literary examination, you can get an extraterritorial star iron.

&qu;Extraterritorial Star Iron?!" Fang Yun blurted out that his heart was shaken fiercely. The so-called extraterrestic star iron is actually a star that can be observed with the naked eye at night.

&qu;That's right, it's the extraterritorial star iron. At ordinary times, these stars are suspended above our heads, hundreds of thousands of miles away from the ground. If you want to grab these stars, ordinary warriors can't think about it at all. In the world, only the royal family of our week bombarded these stars. The fragments they drop can be used to forge the sharpest armor, swords and helmets. These are the most precious materials for making weapons.

&qu; You know, if a soldier wears such armor, he can immediately block dozens of bombardments from the strong in the realm. And a broken crossbow with extraterritorial star iron was shot by an ordinary Da Zhou soldier, and can even directly kill the incarnated strong man!"

Yan Lun's words highly admire this kind of thing, and there is almost some kind of worship.

&qu; I didn't expect to reward this kind of thing.

In his previous life, Fang Yun once heard the prince's children in the capital talk about it. The Great Zhou Dynasty established the country with martial arts for more than a thousand years. Countless strong people have emerged. Some strong people are strong in martial arts and can shake the bullfight with boxing. As soon as the fist came out, a stream of light directly rose to the sky and bombarded the stars. It's not a problem.

The outflow of the extraterritorial star iron of the Zhou Dynasty, it is rumored that these hidden peerless strong men, bombarded the stars in the sky, used the magic power as the palm, and took it down from the sky.

The Great Zhou Dynasty controlled the extraterritorial star iron very strictly. Fang Yun didn't expect that such a thing would be rewarded for this Lantern Festival. This kind of reward is too extravagant.

&qu; Do you know how big the extraterritorial star iron is?

Fang Yun asked. Rumor has it that in the process of arresting the stars, the stars fall from hundreds of thousands of miles away, and this process will continue to rub against space. In the process of consumption, a star with a radius of thousands of feet is only the size of a head when it falls to the ground.

&qu; It is said that the first place can get the extraterritorial star iron with a big fist. The second and third can only get the size of a goose egg. Yan Lun said.

Fang Yun's gaze and meditate: &qu; The fist-sized extraterrestellar star iron is already equivalent to one-eighth of a burning star. This reward is already very large, enough to forge a set of its own armor. In the future, these armors will be a means to save your life.

&qu; Mr. Sili came over, so I'll go first. Haha, thank you for your wine.

Yan Lun stood up, patted Fang Yun on the shoulder, and walked towards the original seat. Although the emperor and queen are not present for this kind of royal banquet, it is usually presided over by old Confucians from the Ministry of Ceremonies.

Before the official night banquet, it doesn't matter. However, once it starts, everyone has to return to their original position. The seating of the banquet is carefully arranged by the Ministry of Ceremonies, and it must not be messed up.

&qu; Anyway. You must get the extraterritorial star iron this time!"

Fang Yun came to his senses and made up his mind. Looking at the back of Yan Lun's departure, Fang Yun felt thoughtful. There is no doubt that Yan Lun came here this time to sell his favor. It's just that Fang Yun doesn't understand that he has something worth making friends with this son. Is it just a battle with Yang Qian? Or a gamble with Princess Qingchang? Or is this son born to be popular?

Fang Yun glanced at the top of the Tongming Hall and saw several maids of honor, eunuchs and bodyguards, surrounded by an old Confucian with an old face, walking towards the middle. The old Confucian was dressed in a cyan Confucian shirt, his temples were slightly white, and his body showed an old scholarly atmosphere.

&qu; Shut up, all the scholars are in their respective positions, and there is no noise! Violators, get out!"

Lao Ru stood at the head of the Tongming Hall, and his wooden fish-like eyes glanced in all directions and said.

The old Confucian's voice was not loud, but soon, the lively and noisy Ming Hall became silent. The eyes were focused on the ceremonial supervisor.

Lao Ru nodded with satisfaction, nodded slightly, and there was a wine bottle with a tray for the maid of honor beside him. The old Confucian grabbed the wine bottle and said in a low voice: &qu; toast!"

All the people in the hall immediately stood up, grabbed the wine bottle in their hands, and followed: &qu; toast."

&qu; Long live the emperor!"

&qu; Long live the emperor!" Everyone followed.

&qu;The Queen is a thousand years old!"

&qu;The Queen is a thousand years old!" The scholars followed the grand voice.

&qu; I wish me the Zhou Dynasty, the country and the country, the inheritance for thousands of years, that is, longevity and prosperity!" Old Confucianism and Taoism.

&qu; I wish me the Zhou Dynasty, the country and the country, the inheritance for thousands of years, that is, longevity and prosperity!"

&qu; After the ceremony, please drink."

The old Confucian covered his face with his sleeves and drank it all at once. All the scholars in the hall also drank up. As soon as I sat down, I saw countless bright fireworks rising from the night outside the Tongming Hall, illuminating most of the Shangjing City brilliantly.

As soon as the congratulatory message was over, the Tongming Hall was immediately lively. Rows of maids of honor filed in. Take all kinds of delicious food to the table of Da Zhou Shizi. On the side, there are also maids of honor who fill the sergeants with wine bottles. The plans in the Tongming Hall are staggered, so it's so lively.

Fang Yun drank alone, but what he thought was what Yan Lun said about the extraterritorial star iron. In his previous life, Fang Yun also participated in the royal Lantern Festival banquet, and at the Lantern Festival banquet, he won the first prize in the literary test several times, and won several pairs of handwritten calligraphy and paintings of the three princes of the imperial court.

However, many things have changed because of rebirth. Fang Yun is not necessarily sure that he can get the extraterrestellar iron.

In his previous life, Fang Yun's martial arts cultivation never reached the aura level. Big brother Fang Lin did not enter the Forbidden Army so early. Fang Yun doesn't know what else has changed. If the great Confucians in the court come up with some tricky questions, then everything will be different.

Although Fang Yun is confident, he is not so arrogant that he believes that his self-cultivation in knowledge can be comparable to those great scholars in the dynasty.

&qu; I hope the essay test of this year's Lantern Festival has not changed much. Fang Yun said silently in his heart.

According to the etiquette of the big week, there are many royal banquets on the Lantern Festival. In addition to eating and drinking, it is also interspersed with the dance music of the maid of honor, various acrobatic performances, and the dance of scholars. One of them is called elephant dance.

Elephant dance is a kind of military dance for teenagers. It is also the opening ceremony of the hair ceremony. This habit has a long history. Over time, it is 15 years old, also known as the year of elephant dance.

&qu; The scholars who read the names below are listed, Zhang Ying, Zhou Xin... Fang Yun..."

The ceremonial supervisor unfolded the golden scroll and read it one by one. All the famous ones on the gold roll are today, and they are going to participate in the hair-tied gift. After the reading of the ceremonial supervisor, the center of the Tongming Hall has been a scholar for nearly a hundred years. Everyone has a white coat, black barrel trousers, black and white, which is a dress for a bundle of hair.

&qu;Brother Fang, you are also here. In the crowd, Zhang Ying and Zhou Xin saw Brother Fang and immediately gathered together.

&qu;Well, you're here, too."

&qu; Yes. Originally, we didn't have a place for this dinner party. However, because there was a gift of hair, I came here together. Zhou Xindao.

&qu;Our positions are relatively behind, the Lantern Festival banquet, the seats are arranged according to our identity, and the order is messy. Although we saw Brother Fang, we didn't dare to come over. Zhang Ying said excitedly. The two of them were only acquainted with Fang Yun in the hall.

&qu; There will be a literary test and martial arts competition on the Lantern Festival today. After the banquet, you can try it.

As soon as Fang Yun finished saying this, the bell music sounded in the hall. Nearly a hundred scholars immediately lined up into a kind of battle array, which is called the elephant array. It is a kind of combat formation in ancient times. But today, it has been streamlined a lot and has become a kind of dance for martial artists to celebrate. E