The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 68 The Son of the Devil

"The Ancient Times" introduces the situation of these large and small sects and their unique learning. Among them, it focuses on some major sects, including the Evil Ghost King Sect, the Rift Heaven Sect, the Heavenly Evil Sect, as well as the Right Way Dragon Tiger Sect, Taisu Sect, Qing Wei Sect, etc.

Among them, some hidden ancient sects are also mentioned, such as Jianzong, Mingzong and so on. These sectarians rarely walk outside, so that not many people know about it, and their reputation is not obvious, but their strength is indeed unquestionable. Even if some major sects encounter the descendants of these secret sects, they have to be careful not to offend.

Fang Yun was very distracted. Before that, his eyes had been limited to the five wildernesses and the territory of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and this book showed Fang Yun another parallel world.

"The imperial court degraded these sects to foreign demons, simply calling them squares. This is a little generalized. - These sects have become a world of their own!"

Fang Yun thought to himself.

In the volume of the sect, it focuses on the Taisu School with the strength of Taoism and the First Demon Sect with the strength of the Demon Sect. These two sects, known as the extremely ancient Taoist inheritance and extremely powerful, belong to the category that can never be provoked. In the book, the bone demon is especially the first son of the family. You can't provoke these two major sects. In words, you are extremely afraid.

In this volume of sect, the inheritance of the Holy Witch Religion is specially introduced. Holy witchcraft believes that Taoism has been inherited from ancient times and was founded by a great master in ancient times. The Holy Witch Church is called the Son of the Devil.

In this volume, Fang Yun also saw something related to white bone beads. It turns out that twelve white bone beads are the most basic of the Holy Witchcraft, and at the same time, they are the deepest spells and artifacts. Almost everyone, the core disciples of the sect, will sacrifice a white bone bead. Twelve white bone beads can be transformed into twelve bone demons, sacrificed together, and turned into witch demons. If the witch sacrifice is deeper, it can turn into an ancient fire demon, manipulating the flame, which is powerful.

If you can sacrifice the fire demon, you can be the position of elder in the Holy Witch Church. The fire demon can sacrifice the powerful five prison bone emperor. This kind of incarnation is so powerful that it can shoulder the mountain and carry the mountain. At the same time, it is extremely hard that it is difficult to destroy the magic soldiers. At this level, you can be the head of the Holy Witch Sect. After the succession of every head of the Holy Witch Church, he is collectively called the Bone Emperor.

In the records of the Holy Witch Religion, if the cultivation is advanced and higher, the bone emperor can be sacrificed into the ancient times, the unparalleled emperor of the devil. In the legend of the Holy Witch Religion, the emperor of hell controls the heaven and earth. He is one of several kings in ancient times, second only to the three holy emperors!


Fang Yun took a long breath, and his heart was shocked. The magic tools and sacrificial spells of these foreign sects are so magical that they can constantly sacrifice the small white bone beads and turn them into the ancient emperor of the devil!

In the "Ancient Times", it is said that the emperor of hell is one of several kings in ancient times. His talent is extraordinary and can bring people back to life!

"It seems that we have to sacrifice these white bone beads diligently in the future. If I can become the ancient emperor of the devil, I will have the power to change my fate.

Fang Yun thought in his heart. Among other things, even if the family is destroyed, if it can be transformed into the emperor of hell, he will die and come back to life immediately. Controlling life and death is a more terrible force than the kings of the world.

"No wonder, in ancient times, everyone lived 80,000. Such a powerful force is equivalent to gods and demons.

After reading a book of "Nearly Ancient Times", it has been evening unconsciously. Several sergeants brought in hot meals.

"Little marquis, the meal is coming."

After putting the food on the stone table, the sergeant looked at Fang Yun and said carefully, "Little marquis, the general asked the villain to pass on a message. After the little marquis enjoyed it, he went to the general's palace with other scholars.

"I know, you go out."

Fang Yun waved his hand, and several sergeants walked out.

"Xiao Ling, come here and eat together."

Fang Yun greeted Lu Xiaoling, and the two of them gathered around the stone table and had dinner together. With the experience of getting along with each other in the past few days, the relationship between the two is still harmonious.

"Little marquis!"

"Little marquis!"


When Fang Yun walked out of the cave, all the scholars who came to the capital were waiting outside. Nearly a hundred scholars in the group. After the riot, there were only 65 people left, and the rest of them died in the turmoil.

Now, the group of people have already regarded Fang Yun as the leader. When they saw Fang Yun coming out, they said hello. One by one, they are humble and respectful.

In that turmoil, if Fang Yun hadn't stabilized the situation, I'm afraid everyone would have died in the hands of alien miners.

"Hmm." Fang Yun waved his hand, answered, and then looked at Zhou Xin: "How's it going? Do you get better?"

"It's completely done. This Aoba pill works really well. Zhou Xin said with a smile.

"Well, go up."

Fang Yun was in front, followed by Zhou Xin and Zhang Ying, followed by a sergeant, who walked magnificently to the main peak of Panshan Mountain. When the miners on the road saw it, they all looked sideways.

In this mine riot, many masters in the army have died. Everyone thought that these noble children, born proud and noble, would definitely die. I didn't expect most of them to survive. Especially the little marquis, on that night, the scene of a thunder and lightning dragon of more than 50 feet killed a bloody road from the Taoist and demon disciples. Many people were impressed and unforgettable.

"Little marquis!"

Many sergeants saw Fang Yun and his party passing by and saluted one after another. The army is the place that respects the strong the most!

On the main peak of Fengshan Mountain, it was full of devastated. The palm of the demon king of Shetian changed the terrain of the whole mountain top a lot. Li Yu's general's hall collapsed in half, but it was not completely destroyed.

"Little marquis, you're here."

When Fang Yun walked in with a group of scholars, Li Yu was sitting in the master's chair and meditating. When he saw Fang Yun coming in, he immediately greeted him.

Fang Yun nodded and glanced at the hall. He found that the number of guards around Li Yu had not changed, but there were many strange faces. Obviously, a lot of people died in this riot.

"I've met the general!"

The scholars saluted one after another. Fang Yun can't be polite, but they can't be polite.

"Well," the general elbowed and waved his hand to show that he had returned the gift.

Li Yu looked at His Highness, pondered for a moment, and then said, "Gentlemen, this call is about the exercise of all the scholars in the mine!"

In a word, the whole hall was quiet, and a pair of eyes focused on Li Yu. The expressions of the scholars are different, and the mood is complicated.

"I have reported this mining accident to the imperial court..."

Everyone stopped breathing, and there was a faint expectation in their hearts. The riots in these mines were completely beyond the tolerance of the scholars. They usually had a feast of delicious food and went in and out of groups of slaves. How could they have such close contact with death? One by one, they can't wait to return to the capital immediately.

"The court said that this matter has been known. You can also understand the mood of all the scholars. Because of this mine riot, the court agreed to make an exception to allow you to return to the capital in advance, and you don't have to stay in May..."


Everyone was in an uproar, and they were happy one by one. When the mine riots occurred, these scholars can be said to have experienced the most feared times in their lives. Despite the leadership of Fang Yun, Zhou Xin and Zhang Ying, they successfully survived. But people don't want to have such an experience again. After all, this is a completely unequal battle, and it is also involved in those external demons.

"However, the rules of the court cannot be abolished," Li Yu turned his voice and said solemnly, "The meaning of the court is. You can return to Beijing in advance, but the premise is that you must make your own armor. In the future, you will join the army, and these armors are your combat equipment!"


The originally noisy hall was silent again, and Li Yu's last words were like a basin of cold water.

"Okay, you can disperse!"

Li Yu waved her hand, and her voice was so resolute that she did not allow everyone to disobey at all. Although the scholars are dissatisfied, there is nothing they can do. After all, Li Yu is a general.

"Little marquis, please stay."

Li Yu left Fang Yun, Zhang Ying and Zhou Xin. After the scholar in the hall left, Li Yucai said:

"Little marquis, thanks to your reminder this time, my loss in this mine riot is not as heavy as that of other generals. There are several reward places in the court for this matter. I want to fill in the names of you, Zhang Ying and Zhou Xin. Then, recommend you to the Forbidden Army. With this credit, the little marquis can completely save those unnecessary troubles and be directly promoted to the forbidden army. In this way, it will also be of great benefit to the little marquis in the future.

"No," Fang Yun didn't think about it and refused.

"In the return of the court, you don't mention me, let alone my cultivation. In the forbidden army, it's enough to have my eldest brother. I don't want to attract some unnecessary attention now.

Fang Yun's eyes were calm and his expression was calm. Obviously, he was familiar with it after deep thought. From the vitality level to the array level, Fang Yun's martial arts cultivation has improved too fast. It is enough for the Fang family to have a genius, and another genius. I'm afraid that the attitude of the other family of the powerful in Beijing is in awe and dare not be underestimated. But if Fang Yun is a genius again, I'm afraid that many people will be restless, and the awe will turn into jealousy and fear, which will not be eliminated quickly at all.

This is not the result that Fang Yun wants. For the Fang family, being high-profile can avoid some unnecessary trouble, but being too high-profile is a disaster.

"Regarding the fact that I have reached the formation level, you can't report it, but also have to give a password. This matter must not be spread from the mine! - As for Zhang Ying and Zhou Xin, you can add their names!"

Fang Yun is not worried about these scholars. When Fang Yun broke through, these scholars stayed in the mine and didn't see them at all.

Zhang Ying and Zhou Xin looked at Fang Yun gratefully. General Li would hang their names in the memorial. That will have a great impact on the change of their situation. It can be predicted that once this matter is reported to the court, the two will definitely receive more and more attention in the family.

"Thank you, Brother Fang!" Zhang Ying thanked him.

"If you are a brother, don't be so polite," Fang Yun waved his hand.

Li Yu looked at Fang Yun with a complicated look: "I understand. Let's do what the little marquis wants. On the mine, I will give a password.

Fang Yun chatted with Li Yu for a while, and then left the general's palace with Zhang Ying and Zhou Xin. C