The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 91 Conclusive

"Your Excellency, as I said in the discussion, in addition to military power, Wuhou should also have martial arts. This virtue is wisdom, faith, benevolence, courage and strictness.

"Strict, not only to be strict with the discipline of subordinates, but also to be strict with the law. Yang Hong, you just returned to Beijing and immediately disturbed the people. Is this strict? A commander can't even be strict with the law, and how can he convince his subordinates to be strict with the law?

"The brave, don't be afraid of righteousness, and be resolute. Yang Hong, in this battle in the northwest, you led the vanguard battalion. After falling into the siege of the Di clan, you gave up a cadre and took the prince out alone to escape. Excuse me, is this your courage?"

"The benevolent, benevolent and righteous. Yang Hong bullied the weak, forcibly dismantled Princess Fukang and my eldest brother, and asked the royal family to marry Princess Fukang to his brother. Can such a person also be called benevolence and righteousness?

"Truster, credit. Reward and punish, and do what you say. Yang Hong, after you came back, there were groups of servants in gorgeous clothes and wine. So many people died in this Northwest War. Do you remember them? Is it to reward yourself and punish others?

"The wise man, wisdom, wisdom. In this northwest battle, you can't detect the enemy's situation and trap the prince in danger, leading to the destruction of the vanguard camp. In the end, it dragged down the Chinese army even more. If it hadn't been for the last dangerous soldier, he would have injured Emperor Di. The current Northwest Victory would have become a great defeat in the Northwest!"

Fang Yun turned around, faced the three chief examiners, and shouted:

"Three adults, Yang, as a general, is not strict, not brave, not benevolent, not believing, not wise! How can such a person become a marquis of martial arts without cultivating martial arts? The position of Marquis Wu has a great responsibility. If he is not a virtuous person, he is not enough to be appointed. Please think twice!"

The prince suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Yang Hongfei quickly. Both of them were stunned.

This northwest victory is brilliant. If you don't have a heart, you can't notice it at all. Before this victory, there was a small defeat. The second son of the Fang family even noticed this. Obviously, he had prepared enough homework before playing the Dali Temple.

"Fang Yun, you are a scholar, who has never commanded the army or fought a war. As for the military, I don't know anything about it. It's completely on paper. There is a cloud in the art of war, and victory or defeat is a common thing for soldiers. I have been in the army for ten years, and I have made great achievements in the war, with fewer defeats and more victories. You are a little scholar, what do you know? In this northwest battle, Emperor Di and the strong men of the Dihuang led a million elite army and ambushed the northwest. Such a lineup, even if Wuhou personally conquers, he will suffer losses. What's the matter with a small failure in exchange for a big victory? Besides, I hurt Emperor Di with all my strength. Isn't this brave? Isn't it wisdom to win in danger? Be the first to take the lead, isn't this strict?"

Yang Hongyi shook his sleeves and said coldly. He reminded Taizi that he had calmed down at this time. After thinking about it, I got the word "Zhi". This northwest victory is the biggest capital of his title. Fang Yun's attacks on him can be large or small, and only this one cannot be ignored.

"This son's heart is in-depth, in order to take the five virtues as the leader of wisdom. But he deliberately put his wisdom at the end, with sinister intentions! If he is allowed to develop, he will become my great enemy. After the martial seal is established this time, we have to find a way to get rid of him!"

Yang Hong's lips and tongue were clouded, and he was extremely afraid, and he also secretly had a murderous intention.

"It's ridiculous. It's just an accident to succeed. At that time, if it hadn't been for the army, how could many strong people have cooperated successfully? The so-called one can be done again. How can an accidental success be compared with wisdom, courage and strictness? Fang Yun suggested that if Prince Shaobao is really like this, then ask the court to send Prince Shaobao to go deep into Dihuang and simply kill Emperor Di to avoid future troubles. Prince Shaobao is very good at martial arts. Think about it, this kind of thing is just a piece of effort. - Fang Yun, I wish Shaobao success. On the day of success, Fang Yun greeted him outside the gate in person!"

Yang Hong only felt that he was hit hard in the chest. He had the means to open the sky, but in front of the fifteen-year-old son of the Fang family, there was no place to use it at all. That taste is very uncomfortable.

"Fang Yun, I'm too lazy to talk to you. Things on the battlefield are changing rapidly. It's not that you've never been to the battlefield, the little scholar can understand. The Northwest Victory is a fact of iron. No matter how clever you can say, you can't change it. I joined the army on the 15th, and there were thousands of battles. Except for the failure when I first joined the army, the rest was almost invincible, with incomperformity and rare defeat. This point, thanks to it, in black and white, remember to be clear.

"Generals, it is fundamental to determine the country by force. As long as you can attack and defeat, this is martial arts. As for the five characters of wisdom, faith, benevolence, courage and strictness, it is only a Confucian saying, which is invalulable. Yang Hong said coldly.

Dali Temple, the middle-aged master with a slightly fat figure, shook his wrist and almost fell off the brush in his hand.

In the lobby, the three chief examiners, Li Juzheng, Zhang Muqing and Liu Shouzheng, were also stunned. It didn't matter if Yang Hong turned the three-house trial into a dispute between the soldiers and Confucianism. Once this dispute is made public, whether you are willing or not, the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, including the Three Dukes and Wu Mu, will be involved and turn into a storm of the imperial court.

The prince nodded slightly in his heart. Yang Hong peeped through the key. If he pestered Wude again and competed for another ten days and a half months, he would not be able to say that he was the second son of the Fang family. Only by leading the argument to the dispute between literature and martial arts and making a big deal out can this matter be settled.

When everyone heard that everyone's voice changed, only one person still kept a calm head.

"Since Prince Shaobao said that attacking and defeating is martial arts, he also said that he had made great achievements in the war, and repeatedly said that I was a scholar, and there was no reason for merit, so he avoided talking about it. Then I have a suggestion."

Fang Yun suddenly said.

"Well, what do you want to play?" Yang Hong said in a cold voice.

"Fang Yun, it's okay for you to say it."

After the three-day three-party review, the three chief examiners were deeply impressed by the talent and wit of the young son of the Fang family. I dare not treat him as a teenager.

"Wu De, Wu De. Even if the word virtue is accompanied by martial arts, then we might as well return to 'martial arts'. This victory in the northwest is the key to the title of Marquis of Shaobao. We might as well build the Northwest War into a sand table. Carry out sand table deduction. Yang Hong, didn't you say that you are invincible in battle and invincible in attack? Then come and attack me, a soldier on paper. Only if you can defeat me, I will admit defeat. In addition, the impeachment of Wuhou of Dali Temple was initiated by me, as long as you can defeat it. I will withdraw it. How about still letting the court make you the Marquis of Wu?"

As soon as Fang Yun said this, the hall was full of shock.

"This Fang Yun actually wants to challenge Yang Hong!" The prince suddenly sat up from the master's chair, and his expression changed.

"What kind of conspiracy does the young son of the Fang family want to play?" Yang Hong's first thought was whether Fang Yun had any traps. No matter how you look at it, Fang Yun definitely doesn't look like a reckless person. But Yang Hong also has his own pride. He can't refuse Fang Yun's proposal at all. Moreover, the more the three sessions are delayed, the more unfavorable it will be to him.

"Akay, I'd like to see what you can do!" Yang Hong narrowed his eyes and said fiercely.

"Your Excellency, I don't know if it's okay?" Fang Yun turned his head and said.

At this time, in Dali Temple, a purple cloud suddenly appeared out of thin air, a voice with endless majesty and the breath of the emperor, born from the purple cloud:

"Play!" D