The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 107 Power Seal

The aunt shot the princess sensed it around and immediately found that the surrounding environment was completely different from what she knew.


The aunt's princess broke the window and flew out. Looking around, an inexhaustible anger suddenly rose. This road is not the road to Liangzhou at all, but clearly the residence of Fengninghou in the West.

Princess Gu She looked at the undulating mountains in all directions and gritted her teeth with hatred. She has long suspected Fang Yun. He thought that he would design himself in various ways, but the only thing he didn't expect was that he actually used a trick to kill people with a knife.


With a flick of his finger, the aunt shot the princess's finger and showed a wisp of gray sword spirit, which was under the coachman's neck.

"Say, what on earth does Fang Yun want you to do?" The aunt's eyes showed a killing opportunity in her eyes.

"I, I don't know anything." The skinny coachman was so scared that his face turned pale: "The little marquis gave me a lot of money from the three emperors. The road to the south was a little bumpy, which made me deliberately take a detour and then go to Liangzhou. By the way, the little marquis also gave me a letter, saying that it would be given to you when the princess asked.

"Bear it!"

The aunt shot the princess before he stretched out his hand, so he grabbed it. Just a very book of words, with a few small words:

The word indicates the princess:

Although the carriage is light and affectionate, it is heavy. A small gift is not a respect. In addition, it was bumpy on the way, which was not conducive to practice. Fang Yun specially told the coachman to take a detour. Those who don't know are not guilty. The princess should not be so narrow-minded to argue with a coachman.


The princess's face was blue, her five fingers were closed, and the palm of her hand was full of sword spirit, and she immediately twisted the letter into pieces.

"Fang Yun, you are cruel!" The aunt shot the king's eyes and the cold light. How could he not understand Fang Yun's thoughts? He was afraid that he would be angry and kill the coachman, so he left such a letter. Fang Yun's excuse is so beautiful!

"It's bumpy in the middle of the game, which is not good for practice." The princess muttered to herself, showing her murderous intent: "Fang Yun, it's yours. You'd better bless yourself. You won't be met by me next time."

Seeing this letter, Princess Gu She also calmed down. Since Fang Yun left this letter, he had obviously expected her reaction. Even at this time, she went to ask for guilt. I'm afraid Fang Yun also has a thorough solution.

Princess Gu She thought of the peacock, and her mind cooled down a lot. A square cloud is not enough to be afraid, and a peacock is debatable.

"This peacock doesn't know what treasure he has. I felt that someone was tracking me several times, but I didn't find her. I'm injured now. If I rush up, with this woman's assassination method and Fang Yun's weirdness, I may not take advantage of it.

The aunt shot the princess after thinking about it, but still retreated. She remembered that there was a bag of thunder shocks on Fang Yun. This kind of thing was thrown over together. I'm afraid I'm not seriously injured, but dead.

"That's all. Anyway, I have charged enough interest on Fang Yun. Let's postpone the return to Liangzhou for the time being. When I break through to the spirit, I will enter the killing cave for further study.

The aunt took a deep breath and forcibly resisted the immoving thoughts in her heart.

"Continue to drive to Liangzhou."

The aunt raised her hand, withdrew her sword spirit, and sat back in the bronze carriage.

The feeling of metal came from under the body. This bronze carriage is always without reminding the aunt to shoot. She just sat in this carriage and was designed by Fang Yun.

"Fang Yun, you really gave a good gift!" The aunt shot the princess gritted her teeth.

It's good that it's getting better, and there is a great chance to break through to the spirit. Unexpectedly, as soon as this courageous warrior came out, he had to forcibly stop and break through to the spirit, delaying it for three months

Wu Qi flew away all the way, and the blood spilled on the ground behind him. The swordsmanship of the princess is very domineering. He must return to the Marquis of Yingwu and get the holy medicine to save his life.

"Since you're here, don't be in a hurry to leave!"

Dozens of miles away from Shangjing, a cold hum suddenly came from the fork. Then, a figure rose to the ground.

Fang Yun drove the ghost dragon boat and stopped in front of Wuqi. He has been cured of this road for a long time.

"Fang Yun!" Wu Qi was stunned for a moment and immediately recognized Fang Yun.

"Lord Shaobao, how are you?"

Fang went to have a good time and said indifferently.

In the three sessions, Yang Hong lost his face. Because of this person's heart, if he leaves Beijing, he has nothing to do, but it is abnormal. Although Yang Hong is a little arrogant, he is not stupid. Fang Yun judged that Yang Hong would not be in a state of courage, but in a state of courage.

As for going up, there are very few strong people in the spirit. At this point, you can immediately become a general in the Dazhou army.

The status is second only to the prince. Fang Yun judged that there were not many such roles around Yang Hong.

Wu Qi was first shocked, glanced around, and immediately calmed down a lot.

"Hmm! Fang Yun, I was about to kill you, but I didn't expect that you would send it up by yourself. No matter how thin the lion is, it is still a lion. Even if I am injured, I can still kill you!"

As soon as the voice fell, it immediately hit Fang Yun with a huge punch mark, with blood.


Fang Yun was not in a hurry. With one move with his right hand, twelve evil swords flew out of Dantian, rolled in the void, and immediately turned into rolling dark clouds and wrapped the huge fist. Immediately after that, twelve evil swords formed a sword array and shot crazily.

"Drink!" Wu Qili shouted, forcibly raised his internal strength, and immediately broke through the twelve evil sword arrays, instantly banging on the dark shadow on the edge of the dark cloud.

With a bang, a dark shadow broke its limbs and flew out.

"It's not good, it's the powerful bone demon of the Holy Witchcraft!"

The dark clouds dispersed, and when Wu Qi saw the dark shadow clearly, his heart immediately sank and felt bad.


With a flash of light and shadow in front of him, Wu Qi immediately found that there were eleven dark-colored powerful bones around him.

"You also take me with a powerful seal!"

Fang Yun's voice suddenly came from the rear. Before the voice fell, his right palm shook, and a huge transparent palm print immediately flew out. In the middle of the amber palm print, there was a word "power" composed of white bones.

After the golden hand seal collected eight formations, it immediately turned into this kind of translucent, with the strange palm print embedded with the word "power" of white bone in the palm. Further, when the twelve arrays are gathered into one, the "power" will disappear and turn into a lifelike flesh palm!

Feeling the crisis behind him, Wu Qi didn't look back. He immediately concentrated his internal force on the back of his body and patted it back. When the two palms intersected, Wu Qi felt that he was slapped by a mountain peak, and his arm was immediately broken with a click.

"What kind of martial arts is this? A martial artist who lives in a fetal mirror can actually emit powerful power!"

Wu Qi only had time to flash this idea in his mind, and he was transformed by the eleven-headed powerful bone demon, and his chest was empty again. The eleven strong bone demon tore it hard. Wu Qi's body immediately cracked, and his internal organs flowed out, and he died on the spot.

"It seems that you can solve it without my action."

The peacock stepped into the void and came up, with a special light in his eyes.

"I can only deal with one person. If Princess Qingchang chases me again, I have to rely on you to plunder the battle."

Fang Yun smiled and said. He looked back at the distance, and a red light rose from the mountains and slowly went south.

"It's okay, the letter left worked."

Fang Yun was secretly relieved. If the princess chases him, Fang Yun will have to let go of the killer sent by Yang Hong.

Flying down, Fang Yun checked and turned over. On Wu Qi, he found a martial arts classic, a red porcelain bottle, and a magic weapon.

"Show me that porcelain bottle." The peacock suddenly said.

"Give it." Fang Yun threw the porcelain bottle over.

The peacock opened the cork, took a look, and then sniffed: "This is a blood elixir that stimulates qi and blood and stimulates potential. You are lucky. If he has time to swallow the blood elixir, you will die.

"Stimulating potential? What kind of point will it reach? Fang Yun asked.

"The strength has been fully restored, and it has doubled at the same time!" The peacock said indifferently.

"Shh!" Fang Yun took a cold breath and took a chance in his heart. Fortunately, he still has eleven powerful white bone demons. After being re-sacrificed with extraterrestellar stars, these powerful white bone demons are not only much stronger. Even the power is five times that of the original! If you can get more extraterritorial star iron, Fang Yun can be sure that the strength of these powerful white bone demons will increase.

The twelve evil sword array cooperates with a powerful white bone demon to attract attention and hide the hidden breath of the pearl. Then cooperate to complete the powerful hand seal of the eight arrays and another eleven powerful white bone demons. Fang Yun was surprised, and Wu Qi judged life and death in an instant. This made him have no chance to swallow the blood elixir in his arms.

"This bottle of blood magic elixir, he didn't swallow it when he met the aunt shot the princess. There should be some sequelae, right?

Fang Yun thought for a moment and immediately said.

"Evaporation of half of the seminal blood in the body, and after three hours of effect, there is a half chance of death." The peacock said indifferently.

Fang Yunchang sighed and shook his head: "This is simply fighting for life." Only when it is confirmed that there is no doubt that someone will take it.

"That's how it was. Generally speaking, each warrior can only take one pill in his or her life. If you are lucky enough to take two pills. There is no doubt that three pills will die"

As the peacock said, two bloody and pungent elixirs were poured out of the red porcelain bottle: "I have received these two blood magic elixirs."

"Take it." Fang Yun nodded and knew that the peacock wanted to use these two blood elixir to save his life.

The peacock took two pills, stuffed the bottle into the ground, and threw it to Fang Yun: "This is not far from the capital. Let's bury it! In the way, you won't be found."

"Hmm." The two of them took action, smashed a pit with internal force, and buried Wu Qi.

"The crisis is solved, and it's time for me to return to the wilderness." The peacock said indifferently.

"Well, take care all the way." Fang Yun sighed a little. We have been together for half a year. The peacock saved his life several times. It is impossible to say that he has no feeling.

"I don't know, what does it look like under the peacock mask?" Looking at the silver mask, Fang Yun suddenly had a strong impulse in his heart. However, thinking of the agreement with the peacock, Fang Yun still forcibly suppressed the idea.

The light wind hit, and the peacock turned to the south and flew away. The background was clean and neat, without any nostalgia, showing the true nature of the killer.

"I don't know what it will be like next time we meet!"

Fang Yun looked at the peacock's back and muttered.

After a while, Fang Yun also turned away.

At the moment when he was about to disappear, in the south, a green figure suddenly turned around and silently stared at Fang Yun's back (to be continued!) H