The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 109 Shooting Evil Claws

"Chu Kuang, you guys, go and call out everyone in the barracks!" Fang Yundao.

As early as the nobles and princes, when they joined hands to depose Fang Yin, the four princes, and were promoted to the nobles, the Fang family had completely torn their faces.

Fang Yun judged that the lieutenant Ye had forgotten his origin, so he didn't want to do anything.

The seven sergeants immediately turned around and left. The seven people selected by Zhou Xin were all the most powerful people in the Bahrain mine on that day.

The worst of these seven people is also the real qi level, stronger, the qi level. In the military position of Dazhou, you can already be a centurion. The Qi level is the cultivation of a thousand-man level. As for Zhou Xin, because the cultivation time is too short, the martial arts cultivation is not very prominent. However, there is a Qi-level cultivation.

With the strength of these seven people, it is really more than enough to deal with some ordinary soldiers.

In a short time, everyone was kicked out.

"What's going on? Doesn't the captain usually care much about it?

"Oh, no, it's not the order of the captain!"


In a while, there were a lot of people on the campus. Some clever people looked around and didn't find the captain, but found that the people who had just taken a few orders gathered around a teenager.

At this time, just north of the campus, the captain Ye Wang's confidants also heard the movement outside. One by one, he grabbed the halberd and walked out with an angry face.

"The captain is not here. Who dares to give orders on his behalf?!"

These people shouted loudly, glanced, and immediately concentrated on Fang Yun's people.

"You are so bold! Aren't you afraid of the military law?"

A fistful guard said with a blank face.


With a dragon singing, a rune real dragon flew out of Fang Yun's body, and the scales appeared and lifelike. Rolling towards the guard, he immediately wrapped around his body and suppressed his internal strength. Roll him up.

"I'm the one who summons you. Who else, do you have anything to say?"

Fang Yun stood up straight, his eyes were majestic, glanced at the dark crowd on the school field, and finally fell on Ye Wang's confidants.

On the campus, everyone looked at the shining real dragon in shock. On the first day of joining the army, the superior officer introduced the realm of martial arts clearly. The internal force like this turns into a rune to form the appearance of a physical object, which shows that the teenager is at least above the array level.

Several expressionless guards opened their mouths and finally closed again. The strength of the other party is too strong. If you go up, you can only humiliate yourself. I'm afraid only the captain can deal with this teenager.

According to the rules of the Zhou Dynasty, the captain must at least have the cultivation of the fetal level, but he can suppress this teenager.

"Severe it first and wait for the captain to come back. It's not too late to settle accounts after autumn. &Qu;

Several confidants exchanged glances and immediately reached a tacit understanding. If a good man doesn't suffer the current loss, he will put up with it for the time being.

Fang Yun put the expressions and movements of several people into his eyes. He sneered in his heart and said secretly, which was a good calculation. It's a pity that I met myself. Fang Yun was not as knowledgeable as them. As soon as he took the internal force, he immediately let go of the guard.


As soon as his feet landed, the guard immediately ran out like a frightened rabbit.

&qu; What you are waiting for is to report. &Qu;

Fang Yun did not catch up. He withdrew his eyes and looked at the whole campus.

&qu;Everyone listens! Now, I will take over the West Campus. Everyone obeys my orders. From now on, Shi and Wu will be redistributed. Correspondingly, all barracks should also be redistributed! &Qu;...

Fang Yun's military tactics deduction can be better than Yang Hong. A redistribution is easy to do. Soon, nearly a thousand people in the West Campus, the original establishment was soon disrupted by Fang Yun and rearranged.

These soldiers also saw that the nine people were dressed in luxurious clothes. As soon as they entered the barracks, they dared to challenge the captain. Obviously, he has a deep background and relies on him to dare to do so. Whether it is the captain or these nine people, it is not easy to provoke, and no one dares to get involved. This is obviously a competition between the two forces in the army.

"The captain hasn't come back yet. These people are not easy to provoke. Let's wait and see what will happen when the captain comes back.

Many people have this kind of mind in their hearts. They neither resist nor obey Fang Yun's orders. More than a dozen of them have been reorganized.

Bang! Bang! Afraid!

At this moment, a sound of footsteps came from the campus. The guard who had just left followed the lieutenant Ye Wang back.

"Fang Yun, you are so bold!"

There were still more than 50 feet away from the school, and Ye Wang opened his mouth and shouted loudly. The blue veins on his forehead were rising, his face was blue, and he was obviously extremely angry. As soon as he left, these people left unscrupulously and demolished the tower.

"The captain is back. I don't know. It's been discussed. How can I deal with it?"

Fang Yun was not salty or calm, and his eyes were still looking at the school.

Hearing Fang Yun's words, a cold light flashed in Ye Wang's eyes.

&qu;Feng Ninghou has told you? Humph, Fang Yun, don't think you can do anything with Wu Mu's tiger skin. Let me tell you, this is a military camp, not a capital! The more you take your place, issue orders without authorization, and disturb military discipline. According to the laws of the army, it is a crime of death! &Qu;

Ye Wang narrowed his eyes, his eyes looked very small, and his eyes flashed with cold light.

"Disturbing military discipline? Death penalty? Ye Wang, I think you are mistaken. What's wrong with my new official taking office and rearrangeing my army?

Fang Yun finally turned his head and said coldly.

Ye Wang's face changed slightly, and he immediately felt bad: "New official? Fang Yun, what do you want to do?

Fang Yun did not answer, but asked Chu Kuang on one side: "Chu Kuang, you are familiar with the military calendar, tell me. Ordinary soldiers, what conditions do you need if you want to be a lieutenant?

Chu Kuang heard the string song and knew the elegance. He immediately knew that Fang Yun wanted to get rid of this Ye Wang. He was excited and replied, "Lord Hui, follow the law!"

"Come on - take Fang Yun down for me. If you dare to resist, kill on the spot!"

Ye Wang's tone was loud and he threw soundly.


In the barracks, a group of people immediately roared and surged up. These people are all Ye Wang's people. Now they are reasonable and take advantage of the situation, and their morale is immediately high.

"Slow down!"

With a loud shout, like thunder rolling, the whole school field shook. The soldiers who were pouring in immediately suffocated and slowed down.

"Ye Wang, I don't have a good reputation, but I have a baron title personally awarded by the emperor. The military achievements were accumulated to the captain. After the court was reported to the court, the title granted was not high or low, just a baron. Ye Wang, now, am I qualified?

Fang Yun turned around and looked at Ye Wangdao. The situation immediately turned around, and a group of veterans loyal to Ye Wang also stopped.

Ye Wangchang took a breath and knew that he underestimated Fang Yun. When he dared to challenge himself, he was already fully prepared.

"I still underestimate him, I still underestimate him..."

Ye Wangli shouted crazily, and the two met face to face on the campus. Ye Wang thought that it would take at least half a month to appear in this scene. The so-called official level crushed people to death. Ye Wang thought that before the two completely tore their faces, he could still use the power in his hands to play a good job and vent his anger for the marquis.

Ye Wang took a deep breath: "Why should I believe you?"

"Well, Ye Wang, you are confused. The title of the emperor has long been recorded in the official department of the imperial court. As long as a flies pass, it will be found out immediately. It can't be fake at all."

Fang Yun said in a low voice.

"Go, inform the captain to come over."

Ye Wang whispered, pushed his confidant back, stepped forward under his feet at the same time, and shouted in a low voice, "Fang Yun, since you want to challenge me. Then let me see what you can do!"

As soon as the voice fell, Ye forgot his body, and a pair of dark armor flew out and put it on him. At this moment, Ye Wang exuded a sense of killing from his body. Obviously, he had experienced the fierce footsteps of countless bloody battles in the battlefield.

"It's not to see what ability I have, but to see what ability you have! Ye Wang, don't say that I didn't give you a chance. You can do it first!"

Fang Yun rolled up his robe and stepped forward.

Ye Wang sneered in his heart. Now that he tore his face, why did he do all this face? He was not polite. When he mentioned his internal force, he raised his hand and slapped Fang Yun.


With a cold long hiss, Ye Wangdan's internal force was agitated, and countless runes flew out of the palm of his hand, turning into a thick water python, and the thorns were upside down, and swallowed to the square cloud.

This kung fu, called "water python kung fu", must hunt a thousand water pythons for more than 20 years before it can be practiced. After reaching the array level, the internal force condenses out the rune record, and the action is a huge water python, shaking the mountain avalanche, and the power is infinite.

"It's my come!",

Fang Yun raised his palm and grabbed the five fingers in front of him. Immediately, a huge golden claw flew out and grabbed the head of the water python, just gently pinched it. The water python immediately slammed and was caught into pieces.

Fang Yun's kung fu, called the air evil claw, is a unique skill of the Heavenly Evil Sect that specializes in breaking the martial arts. After practicing, as soon as he took action, the black smoke immediately rolled out, and the evil spirit was amazing. However, Fang Yunhua took away this evil spirit and replaced it with Zhuguo essence.

pedal! Pry! Pry!

The water python is broken! Ye Wang was devoured, and immediately his qi and blood rolled up, and he staggered back. D