The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 127 The Resurrection of War

The mudstone python was smashed to pieces by a big dark hand. The man in black shook his body and took a small step back. On the cliff, Xie Dao sat in the ivory chair with calm eyes. Don't move.

"All retreat" Xie Dao waved his hand roughly. He waved back a master of autumn wilderness, and then looked at the void and said indifferently, "Mr. Jidao, if you want to challenge us autumn wilderness warriors, I can accompany you."

Mr. Jidao smiled dryly: "The martial arts of the princess is still so powerful!"

"I hope you still call me my Middle-earth name, thank you."

Xie Daoyan said coldly.

"Haha, since the princess said so. Let's do it."

Mr. Ji Dao waved his hand and immediately flew off the cliff with four masters.

"What's the matter? Let's talk about it?"

Xie Daoyan pressed his hands on the ivory chair and regained his calm.

"Princess Zhong Ling Yuxiu, talented and intelligent, used to try in the past. He is in the third class with the champion Li Yixuan. I can't hide it from the princess, so I'll say it directly. Although the princess refused many times, she We Tianxie Sect are still very interested in cooperating with the autumn royal family. This time, in order to show sincerity. Our suzerain specially sent me here to help the noble army! I hope the princess will look at our sincerity and don't stop it in the royal family!"

Mr. Ji Dao said.

"Hmm! There is a saying in Middle-earth that if they are not of our race, their hearts must be different. Two hundred years ago, you evil sect. He began to infiltrate the Zhou court, and now he is in collusion with the Marquis of Pingding. What you want to play is just to use our army of the Qiu nationality to achieve your goal.

"Hahaha, the princess is serious. What purpose can we do? The Zhou Dynasty has been expeditioned everywhere for hundreds of years. I don't know how many sects were annihilated by the army of the Zhou Dynasty. The alien sect is so powerful that it was finally destroyed by the Dazhou royal family. The doorman was killed, and the secret of skill was taken. Now. The Great Zhou Dynasty even established the Taoism of the alien sect, monopolizing almost all the extraterritorial stars in the world! Although our heavenly evil sect is powerful, it is only different from the alien sect.

"The lesson of the past, the teacher of the future! The Great Zhou Dynasty wanted to destroy the Taoist and demon gates in the world, and we also wanted to protect ourselves. Let's talk about it. You Qiu people should be better than those of our sect. I hate Da Zhou even more!"

Mr. Ji Dao said in a sloy.

"That's our business, so I won't bother Mr. Jidao." Thank you for saying rudely.

"Hahaha, princess, we don't say secret words in front of us. In the last Northwest Campaign, you lost a lot. The balance of military strength in the northwest was broken in an instant. Emperor Yi waved his troops from the northeast this time, which was nothing more than feeling that his lips were dead and his teeth were cold. Once the Qiu clan is destroyed, it will be the next turn of the Yi clan. Now, you can only win, not lose. So. I specially took the master of the door. I'm here to help you."

Mr. Ji Dao looked into Xie Daoyan's eyes and said.

"Oh, how are you going to help me?"

Thank you for being rude and careless.

"I can make the masters in my family disguise themselves as you Qiu people. During the war, it suddenly broke out. Kill the generals of Da Zhou one by one. A princess. The master I brought this time. There are more than a dozen martial artists with the strength of the ten dragons. So much, it should be enough!"

Mr. Jidao dropped another blockbuster. More than a dozen top warriors with the power of ten dragons. One more step forward. That's a change of grade. Obviously, the evil sect also made a lot of capital this time.

"In addition, when necessary. I can also help the princess. Mr. Jidao then threw out an irresistible bait. In the last Northwest War, the prince's young guard Yang Hong was invincible. Not to mention injuring the Qiuhuang, he didn't know how many strong people in the autumn wilderness were killed.

Today's autumn people. It is the time when masters are empty and in great need of manpower. It is also difficult for Xie Daoyan to refuse this **.

"How are you going to disguise yourself as us Qiuren?"

Xie Dao was silent for a moment and asked. There is still a big difference between the Chinese and the Qiu people.


Mr. Jidao waved his hand back. The four masters of the Heavenly Evil Sect behind him shouted with a muffled sound, and the joints in his body made a loud noise. Under the eyes of Xie Daotao and the maids, these four masters of the evil sect. The body is high, and the muscles on the face are twisted. In the blink of an eye, the eagle-nosed and deep-eyed autumn people appeared on the cliff, and even ferocious tattoos automatically appeared on their cheeks. Just like the real autumn people.

Seeing this scene, Xie Daoyan's shoulders trembled slightly. At this moment, instead of being happy, she had a sense of fear.

"The Heavenly Evil Sect is really smart, the skill of changing bones and changing shape, walking alone in the world!"

"The princess is wrong. Speaking of which, Princess B's Yirong Baozhu is the most powerful. Even the emperor of the Zhou Dynasty didn't see it, and he gave you a flower.

Mr. Ji Dao said, bowed and saluted.

Xie Daoyan ignored Mr. Jidao's words, glanced at the four masters of the Heavenly Evil Sect and said:

"This autumn army is fully commanded by me. Within three days, I will go to the Dazhou camp. Launched multiple attacks. At that time, I hope that the masters of your school can do as you said. Kill the generals in the army of the Zhou Dynasty one by one. If you can do it. On behalf of the royal family, I promise to cooperate with you!"

Mr. Jidao is overjoyed:

, according to everyone's timing, we will not let Gongxing be disappointed. Gan Hanci has no royal elbow, and finally can show his fists and feet. I wish the princess in advance, success, and completely defeat Zhongxinhou!"

"Hmm." Xie Daoyan nodded slightly: "Come on, bring Mr. Jidao. Go down and have a rest.

The commander of the Zhou Dynasty who suppressed the northwest was not always alone. The nobles and commoner marquises of the Zhou Dynasty took turns. However, among the princes of the wheel, there is a man with the highest prestige and the most obvious reputation in the army, that is, Zhang Ren, the Marquis of Zhongxin.

Zhang Ren, the Marquis of Zhongxin, is not good at force, but famous for his deployment of troops and tactical tricks. A set of Twelve Strategies of Heaven. It is his summary of the army.

In the princes in the northwest of the Zhou Dynasty, only Zhang Ren, the Marquis of Zhongxin, can pose some threats to Xie Daoli.

South of the autumn wilderness.

After the first night of the attack camp, Fang Yun's captain's battalion finally completed the reserve army. Psychological transition to the regular army. Take advantage of this rare calm time to actively prepare for the war. "The order of the loyal Marquis has been issued. Within three days, we will definitely have several consecutive battles with the Qiu army. I hope you are actively prepared."

Captain Cao Xu began to mobilize before the war:

"This time, our battalion joined the reserve forces of many other places. Therefore, the phalanx in battle is adjusted again. There is a miscellaneous arrangement between veterans and reserve forces. Listen to the order, start the transfer now.

Cao Xu gave an order to more than 20,000 people in the whole captain's battalion. They all began to mobilize.

There have always been two ways to train new recruits on the battlefield, one is the miscellaneous arrangement between veterans and the reserve army. Be able to lead new recruits through veterans. This is the fastest way to make an army grow up. The only problem is. Veterans may be entrusted by the reserve forces. It can't even exert the power of the battle.

Another way is to gather all the recruits into a phalanx. But this shortcoming is also obvious. It is easy to be attacked by the enemy, using the recruit phalanx as a breakthrough to break through the camp.

As for the method of scattering new recruits among veterans, it is completely undesirable for the time being. First, time is tight. Second, they are not familiar with each other, and it takes a long time to be familiar with each other. And on the battlefield, there is no such thing. It's time!

In the next time. It's exactly the running-in time of the whole captain's camp. Fang Yun calmed down. Make every effort to run in with the cooperation of the lieutenant camp and other battalions.

The Northwest Campaign involved millions of troops. In such an army, Fang Yun's strength is almost insignificant. It's still the strength of the whole army.

On the third day, the army finally set off.


The loud sound of horns resounded through the sky. On the mountains for several miles, an army like ants drove away from the mountain. Personal strength, in front of this kind of army. It's like a chestnut in the sea, insignificant. Fang Yun plays the role of an ordinary lieutenant at this moment.

Under the clear sky, infantry, archers, spearmen, heavy armored soldiers, artillerymen, cavalry. It advances layer by layer, just like the ocean. Push towards the autumn wilderness in the north.

hoof! Hoof tarts! Hoof tarts!

The earth shakes like a water wave, a strong vibration. It came from the north. The sound came out for a long time. I just saw a wave of autumn iron riders. It is surging towards the south.

In the depths of the two armies, the commander-in-chief chariots of both sides, on the same straight line, on the flagpole of five or six feet, the autumn wilderness and the royal flag of the Zhou royal family are in the void.

On the bronze chariot in the south, Zhang Ren, the Marquis of Zhongxin, wore golden armor and a white cloak. The horse sat on the chariot with a golden knife. Next to him stood Liu Xiu, the prince of the Zhou Dynasty.

The word loyalty of the loyal marquis refers to the loyalty of the loyal marquis to the royal family, and the word of loyalty is specially given as a reward!

Prince Shaobao Yang Hong was suppressed to the ground. Now that the war in the northwest is rising again, the only thing Liu Xiu can think of. It's this loyal marquis. Although his martial arts skills are far less than Yang Hong's. However, in terms of strategy, Liu Xiu still has great confidence in it.


Zhongxinhou looked back at Liu Xiu. Liu Xiu led the head slightly, and Zhong Xinhou waved his arm.

Rumbled, Dazhou's Wanxiong finally attacked north.

Just when the Marquis of Zhongxin had a solemn face, the commander of the Qiu nationality in the north was in the car. Xie Daoyan and Mr. Jidao sat face to face. On the chariot, there was a small round table. Be careful of fragrant tea on the table. Xie Daotao was not in a hurry and looked leisurely.

"The princess really has the demeanor of Zhou Gong in the past. When talking and laughing, the strong enemy disappeared. It's a pity that the princess gave birth to a daughter. Otherwise, she must be a famous figure in history in the future.

Mr. Jidao did not hide his admiration. It's amazing that such a strange thing was born in the north.

"Sir, I praise you. What I have learned in my life is not all from the middle of the earth."

Xie Daoyan was not moved. With a slight sign in her eyes, the maid beside her was willing and waved off a flag.


The loud roar shook the world. The autumn iron riders in the north suddenly split into two. In the center of the two iron riders, a stream of animals composed of golden-toed fireworks and white-bone beasts hit the south. These fierce beasts are roaring, and their mouths, noses and ears are constantly spewing out with scorching fireworks. If you want to know what will happen in the future, please log in to the bandit. More chapters. Support the author, support genuine reading! D