The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 137 Deep into the enemy's abdomen

On the top of the mountain, there were several bonfires, and about 50 Dihuang iron riders gathered around the bonfire and whispered in a low voice. There are a few shockers and hares on the bonfire, and the fragrance is overflowing. There are more than 50 war horses standing side by.

"Your Excellency!"

Seeing Fang Yun and his party coming up, some of them knew A Gu, so they quickly got up and saluted. Di Huang yearned for the culture of the Central Plains, especially after Xie Daoyan returned from a study trip to Middle-earth, the military system was also adapted and set up positions such as lieutenant, lieutenant and general similar to the Central Plains.


Fang Yun controlled A Guda and nod his head majestically. A group of people, including Fang Yun, walked over. The people around them automatically gave way to a few positions and let Fang Yun and others sit down.

"Your Excellency, here you are."

Next to

, someone soon handed over the deer's legs and rabbit flesh.

Fang Yun was not polite. He took it over, lowered his head and swallowed it, listening to the soft conversations of other Dihuang people.

Di Huang's scouts gathered regularly to exchange information from different places in the week. Then a few representatives are usually sent to send the news back to the main business, and then others continue to inquire.

From the conversation of these people, Fang Yunde, more than 300 spies of the Zhou Dynasty yesterday, and more than 100 people were intercepted halfway. The rest of the people fled to the depths of Dihuang.

" Fortunately, more than 300 people escaped."

Fang Yun was slightly relieved. The night still played a role, and many people still escaped. If the whole army is destroyed, it will be really troublesome. However, as soon as the investigation began, it damaged one-third of the people, and the means of gratitude can be seen.

After eating the barbecue and resting for a while, the candidates who went back to pass the message were also selected, with a total of more than a dozen people. Because Ague's position is relatively high, Ague's position is also among them. Fang Yun and others, who belong to the subordinates of Aguda, are naturally included in it.

"Rit on the horse."

The group ran to the Di camp. On the way, Fang Yun and others will be under some interspection soon.

"This Xie Daoyan actually used Yang Hong's net array for scouting and reconnaissance."

Fang Yun recalled the situation of the encounter and investigation on the road, and a networked troop distribution map suddenly appeared in his mind. Xie Dao's troop distribution method almost blocked all the maps leading to Camp Di. Once a certain point of the scout is attacked, other scouts can immediately rush to support. This move is very effective against Dazhou's scout breakout.

Although A Guda became Fang Yun's puppet, it did not affect his thinking. With him coming forward, it is natural to be solved along the way.

"Unfortunately, the golden picture stands, and each pair corresponds to a level. My current ability can only seal the warriors at the level of strength. Although the courageous warrior can be defeated, he can't seal it.

There are a total of ten golden pictures in the Wanhua clock of heaven and earth. Fang Yun has only learned one. The situation is that the stronger the user's internal force, the more warriors can seal it.

Fang Yun now only has the power of the three dragons, and the courage-level warriors can only seal up to 20 people. In the future, when the realm rises, the number of powerful warriors who can be sealed will increase accordingly. If the power of all dragons can be reached, the sealing ability is almost endless, one by one.

"It's here!"

After about half a day, he finally arrived at the military garrison of Dihuang.

Fang Yun stood by the tree. At a glance, he saw countless iron riders scattered in front of him. The array is strict and densely scattered on the earth. The coverage of the iron horse is extremely wide, and even several towering peaks are wrapped in the camp.

Seeing this spectacular scene, Fang Yun also had to praise Xie Daoyun's military planning ability. Di Huang's strength is hundreds of thousands less than that of Dazhou's, but in this woman, the role of every cavalry has been fully played.

With the ability of Zhongxinhou, with hundreds of thousands of troops, she can't be suppressed.

"Tanghualang is really powerful. The military strategy inherited from Middle-earth is actually amazing in the hands of an alien woman!" The more Fang Yun came into contact with him, the more he marveled at this woman.


With a pinch of the horse's belly, more than a dozen people drove towards the army camp. At the edge of the army, after an investigation, everyone entered the barracks unimpeded all the way.

"You guys go and have a rest." A Gu waved his hand and walked out to the captain's camp with several other captains, ready to report the news.

All this is naturally the instruction of Fang Yun. After Ah Gu was beaten, everyone rode to the camp.

Several tents were gathered together, and there was a fire in the middle. Fang Yun and others jumped off the horse and entered the tent. There was dry food and water in it, which were all supplemented by the Marquis.

"I have to find a way to describe the distribution of troops here and send it to Zhongxinhou."

Fang Yun sat in the tent, moved his mind, and began to think about drawing. Obviously, it is not enough to observe outside. It is also necessary to go deep into the depths of Dihuang's army and touch their virtual situation.

"Di Huang Tie rode into Xie Daoyan's hands, which was no less than that of the Zhou army. Her array is strict and she can't walk around at will. The scope of activities of the Marquis is very limited. If you go out boldly, you will be found to have a problem. We have to figure out the rules of their activities.

Fang Yun opened the tent and went outside, pretending to be careless. In the brain, it began to draw the distribution map of the troops of Dihuang.

After staying outside for a while, in order not to cause suspicion, Fang Yun returned to the tent, and then went out for a while, observed for a while, and then returned to the tent. Such continuous observation and continuous research. In the evening, Fang Yun figured out the law of Xie Daoyun's troop distribution.

"Thous and ever-changing, it is difficult to leave its family. The Dihuang people have no formation or military tactics at all. No matter how smart Xie Daoyan is, she is also a person after all. Her troop arrangement is completely formed by the fusion of several formations in Middle-earth.

Fang Yun's research immediately showed his experience. Xie Daoyan's art of war is strictly guarded, but it is not completely free to exploit.

"I spread the deployment of her troops, plus the location of the army, and immediately made a great contribution. In the future, it is not impossible to be promoted to general.

Fang Yun took out the rice paper hidden on his body and spread it out. Taking out the charcoal, Liao Liao immediately described the military strength of the Dihuang army on the rice paper.

"Go ahead."

Fang Yun tied the written rice paper to the hummingbird's feet. Hummingbird is made by the Ministry of Industry. It is made of steel. It is light and small, much smaller than a sparrow.

Fang Yun just entered the internal force, and the hummingbird's eyes turned and immediately seemed to be alive. A pair of wings fluttered, and thousands of feet passed by. In the blink of an eye, they disappeared into the night.

"What a fast speed!"

Fang Yun was also secretly surprised. With his strength, he was far from chasing this hummingbird. I suddenly understood why Zhong Xinhou said that ordinary masters could not intercept it at all.

This hummingbird is not a bird, but it is much faster than the real bird!

"Now, you can explore the reality."

Fang Yun recalled A Gu Da, and after scolding several other marquis troops, he immediately pretended to be a patrolling cavalry and took advantage of the night to touch the hinterland of the Dihuang army.

Di Huang in the night is on the ground, and the bonfire is everywhere, like stars, suspended in the night.

Fang Yun and his seven people walked all the way to the depths of the army camp. They looked indifferent and expressionless, and looked like real patrol riders.

Because he explored the law of the distribution of the army, Fang Yun took advantage of this gap to change the defense and unimpeded all the way into the depths of the army. On the way, there was not even half an interrogation.

Fang Yun wandered in the camp for a while, and soon figured out the reality of Di Huang's military strength. At this time, there is no need to stay any longer. You can return to the big week camp.

"Well, it should be Xie Daoyan's camp."

When Fang Yun was about to leave, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a tent in the distance. The lights were bright, and the surrounding was heavily guarded, which looked very conspicuous.

"It's Xie Daoyan's camp."

Fang Yun suddenly had a strong impulse in his heart: "Go and explore."

Xie Daoyan is the commander of the Dihuang army this time. He is full of military tactics. He used to study in the middle of the earth and explore flowers in high school. Such a legend exudes a strong attraction all over the body, which makes people want to explore.

Fang Yun took A Gu Da and others, and quietly touched the main camp of the Dihuang army while changing the defense.

In the tent, Xie Daoyan sat alone at the table. There was an oil lamp on the table, and there were several narrow iron cylinders next to him. A disassembled hummingbird was placed next to him.

"This should be a hummingbird made by the Ministry of Industry of the Zhou Dynasty."

Xie Daoyan stretched out his jade-like fingers, picked up a hummingbird and put it under the lamp. In the dark night, a trace of gloom flashed in Xie Daoyan's eyes. If Di Huang had so many skilled craftsmen and military advisers in the Zhou Dynasty, why not worry about major events? How could he be forced into such a situation by the Zhou Dynasty?

"Princess, have you seen anything?" In the shadow of the lamp, a beautiful maid asked.

Xie Daoyan shook his head: "This hummingbird is specially designed to convey information, and it is a complete set of connections. In addition to these hummingbirds, there is also a special thing to attract hummingbirds. No matter where the hummingbird is, as long as it flies out, it will be immediately attracted to it, which is correct.

"Ah!" The maid's eyes showed a trace of disappointment: "Isn't that useless to us?"

"It's not true." Xie Daoyan raised his eyebrows: "If Zhongxinhou can use these things, I can also use them. A Duo, go and prepare pen, ink, paper and inkstone. I'll write a few messages and send them to Zhongxinhou.

"Message?" The maid was stunned at first, then suddenly and said happily, "The princess is going to mislead them."

"You girl." Xie Daoyan smiled and did not deny it.

Soldiers, if they are virtual, they will be real, and if they are real, they will be virtual. Since Zhongxinhou wanted to explore the news, let her, Princess Dihuang, give him the 'news'.

"The maidservant will go right away." The maid bowed her knees and retreated.

"You're tired, too. Go down and change your defense." Looking at a guard by the tent, Xie Daoyan waved his hand.

"Yes, princess."

The bodyguard of Dihuang, wearing armor and holding a big knife, saluted and retreated.

After a while, the tent was opened, and another tall bodyguard came in, quickly glanced at Xie Daoyan, and stood still at the edge. H