The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 157 The Three ants

It will be sealed in three days and the Marquis of Wu will be established, which is the general trend!

Fang Yun knew that he could not stop it this time. Because behind this feudal lord, it is the emperor of the Zhou Dynasty who is standing. Behind the three-day seal, it is revealed that standing at the highest point of the Zhou Dynasty, the will of the emperor! Shangjing City, Yingwuhou Mansion.

A gorgeous motorcade stopped outside the gate of the Yingwuhou Mansion. Mrs. Xianhua sat in the carriage, opened the curtains and cloth, and made a slight signal to the outside world. Wei Yan, the old housekeeper, immediately stepped forward, held a big red congratulatory post in both hands, and handed it over: "The Pingding Houfu ordered Mrs. Xianhua, congratulations to the prince Shaobao Yang Hong, and the title of Marquis Wu. I specially sent a congratulatory gift, and I hope you can accept it!"

Hearing the identity of Mrs. Xianhua, the two heroes immediately cheered up. At the same time, the door opened a crack, and an old man dressed as a housekeeper came out. My wife is waiting outside the door. Please let me know.

The old housekeeper of the Marquis of Yingwu took a look at the gorgeous carriage outside the door, withdrew his eyes, and did not neglect:

"Please wait a moment. I'll go into the house to inform my adult."

Take the congratulatory message of the Marquis of Pingding with both hands. Don't go to the depths of the Marquis of Yingwu.

"Your Excellency, Mrs. Xianhua, the wife of the Marquis of Pingding, sent a congratulatory gift, saying that she would congratulate you on the title of Marquis of Wu. She is also outside the house, asking to wait for Lord Hou.

Outside Yingwuhou's study, the old housekeeper did not dare to go in. He stood outside the door, bowed and said respectfully.

There was silence in the study. After a long time, Yang Hong's indifferent voice came:

"I got it. Go back and tell Mrs. Xianhua. I'm busy with military affairs now. I'm afraid I can't see the female L, 70"

The old housekeeper was stunned and hesitated for a moment: "What's the gift?"

"Let's take the gift. Tell Mrs. Xianhua what she means. I already know."

"Yes, the old slave is going to be killed."

After saying that, the old housekeeper turned around and walked out of the house.

Outside the Marquis of Yingwu, after listening to the message, Mrs. Xianhua took a deep look at the Marquis of Yingwu through the window of the car, with a satisfied smile on her face.

"Leave the gift and let's go back home."

Leaving this sentence, Mrs. Xianhua led the convoy away.


With a ping-ping sound, the old housekeeper "Wei Yan" suddenly appeared in the carriage.

"I closed the door in the Marquis of Yingwu, and my wife doesn't seem to mind at all. On the contrary, she seems to be very satisfied."

Wei Yan patted the dust on his shoulder and sat next to Mrs. Xianhua with a completely different behavior from the old housekeeper.

Mrs. Xianhua's ugly eyebrows frowned slightly, slightly unhappy, but it did not mean to stop "Wei Yan". The difference between you and him is not half a try!" Mrs. Xianhua said. Oh, do you mean the dead waste?" Wei Yan raised his eyebrows and looked careless. That 'waste, if I were here, I would never ask such a stupid question like you." Mrs. Xianhua sneered. Ha, stupid, I'd like to hear it. What do you say? Could it be that you have been a secular lady, and you are also infected with this atmosphere and like to be rejected?" Wei Yan said with a smile. If the 'waste' in your mouth is here, he must know. It's unnecessary if I can't enter the Marquis of Yingwu. Because Marquis Yingwu has given me an answer." Oh, is it just a reply to receive a congratulatory gift? I'd like to listen to it.

"Wei Yan" said with a sarcastic face.

"This time I visited Marquis Yingwu, which was also a test. If he receives my congratulatory message this time, let me in. On the contrary, I will be very disappointed. This shows that our crown prince Shaobao is still the same as before. If he can't change his arrogant and reckless temper and meets the cunning second son of the upper family, the final result will not be much better than now. Now, he turned me away, which shows that he knows that it is not suitable to see me now; he received my gift to show that he knew my heart. It also showed his willingness to cooperate with me. Humph!" Mrs. Xianhua shook her head and sneered:

"Li Zong, I now know why the suzerain sent you here. Except for a little force, you are completely useless in terms of intelligence. The suzerain sent you to me just to borrow my hand and lift you up. In the future, if you encounter something you don't know, talk less and think more. Now, get out of here. It's useless!"

Mrs. Xianhua turned over and said that Wei Yan was blushing and extremely embarrassed. I couldn't stay in the carriage anymore, so I retreated. He never thought that there were so many meanings in such sparse and ordinary words. Marquis Yingwu, in the study. Did Mrs. Xianhua leave?"

The Marquis of Yingwu stood with his hands on his hand, and his sun overflowed, looking at a large Zhou Dynasty Jiuzhou map on the wall. After breaking the barrier, Yang Hong, regardless of his demeanor and temperament, was much calmer than before.

In the study, in addition to Yang Hong, there are three counselors dressed as staff. They bowed their heads one by one and stood behind Yang Hong in a regular manner.

Next to the three counselors, there are five generals with tigers on their backs and bears. These generals looked majestic and breathed like a test. The armor on their bodies is all black and red. Obviously, they have killed many people, and they are all masters who have experienced many battles.

The five generals closed their eyes slightly and did not say a word. Occasionally, a trace of chilling cold electricity flashed in the occasionally open eyelids. The three counselors and five generals are all Yang Hong's confidants. When Yang Hong spoke, these people kept calm. Lord, Mrs. Xianhua has left. Outside the concierge, I only heard the old housekeeper say respectfully. Well, let's go down."

Yang Hong waved his arm, and outside the doorman, there was an immediate sound of footsteps, gradually moving away. Obviously, the old housekeeper has left.

"Mrs. Xianhua has a thousand chests, and the adults received her gift. She should know what adults want.

behind Yang Hong, Jia Fudao, who is slightly fat. This man was the three sessions of the same day, and Yang Hong sent to replace the counselor.

"The Marquis of Pingding has three wives and four concubines. In the past ten years, countless wives and concubines have changed, but this Mrs. Xianhua is standing. Enough to prove her ability. If she can't even figure this out, there is no need for adults to cooperate with her!"

Next to Jia Fu, there is a counselor with a thin figure and protruding cheekbones. This person's eyes are sunken, and when he speaks, it gives people a sense of wisdom. This person is called Zhu Ge, and he is the most important counselor around Yang Hong. When Yang Hong returned to the capital, he left him at the border gate and treated him alone, which showed the importance of him. Let's put aside Mrs. Xianhua's affairs for the time being. First of all, let's talk about the canonization of Wuhou. Yang Hong brushed his sleeves gently and turned around: "Tay it, what do you think?"

"I divided the civil and military. Confucianism is in charge of half of the world. The last three sessions were reviewed. Adults have offended Confucianism, which is also the main reason why adults were impeached. My subordinates think that after the canonization of Marquis Wu, adults should first grasp the relationship with Confucianism. This is the first condition for adults to be invincible.

Liu Bo, the third counselor, spoke. He is dressed in a green robe, extremely tall and handsome, which makes people feel that he is the least like a counselor. Well, after the canonization of Marquis Wu this time. I will visit the third father-in-law.

Unexpectedly, Yang Hong agreed at once, and there was no embarrassment at all. Jia Fu, Zhu Qian and Liu Bo looked at each other and felt that their master had really changed. If it were Yang Hong in the past, he would never bow to Confucianism. My lord, there is one more thing that can't be guarded against. Liu Bo continued. Oh, do you think there is any mourning?" Yang Hong said indifferently. That's the Fang family.

The adults deposed the Marquis of Sifang and promoted to the clan, forcibly dismantled Princess Fukang and Fang Lin, and added the three-class trial. The adult and the Fang family are already incompatible, and there is no place to go to the world. It can't be prevented. Liu Bo thought for a moment and said straight.

"Brother Liu, I agree with you very much. It is best for the generals of the Fang family to be innocent. But now that you have offended, you might as well eradicate it and completely suppress it. Especially Fang Yun, if there is anyone in the Fang family who can pose a threat to adults in the future, it must be this son. Zhu Ge said with a straight face.

"Zhu Ge, I didn't expect your evaluation to be so high." Yang Hong smiled and turned his finger to the dragon ring: "I broke through the barrier this time and was awarded the title of Marquis Wu. With the respect of Marquis Wu, if I am entangled with a small square cloud, it will also seem that I am short-sighted and have no appetite. However, the title of Marquis Wu was disturbed by this son. If I don't teach him a lesson. I'm afraid that after this Wuhou sat down, there was no majesty at all. Jia Fu, Zhu Ge and Liu Bo, what's your idea?

"In the art of war, if you know the enemy, you will win a hundred battles. The last time the marquis was defeated by Fang Yun, it was because Fang Yun knew the marquis well, but the marquis knew nothing about him. My subordinates suggested that the marquis send someone to investigate Fang Yun first. I always feel that this Fang Yun is a little weird.

Zhu Gemu thought, a posture full of wisdom:

"Anyone with outstanding talent must show it early. And it will never wait for Shi Duofu to show it. Fang Yun had been unknown before, which was also the reason why the marquis despised him. I think that Fang Yun is very problematic.

"Brother Zhu is right. The attitude of Wu Mu and San Gong about this is also puzzling. It is said that Fang Yun was the leader of last year's Lantern Festival literary and martial arts competition. However, there is a Lantern Festival test, and the weight is not as good as the palace test of the big week's scientific examination. In these years, Wu Zhuangyuan and Wu Zhuangyuan have not seen Wu Mu and San Gong have received worship posts, but this Fang Yun's Lantern Festival literary and martial arts test has caused Wu Mu and San Gong to cast worship posts one after another. There is something wrong with this matter. You can't notice it!" Liu Bo also echoed. For these, my subordinates know a little." Jia Fu spoke at this time. After three sessions, Yang Hong was impeached. This person also made great achievements. At this time, he hurried out to make up for his mistakes:

"As far as I know. The second son of the Fang family had been mediocre until he was 14 years old. If you want to change, you have to start from last year. This son was beaten by Yang Qian, the son of the concubine of the Marquis of Pingding, and Li Ping, the son of the concubine of the Marquis of the State, and talked about it after a serious illness. It was after this serious illness that Fang Yun seemed to have changed. Within half a month, he stepped into the vitality, and in the school palace, he defeated Yang Qian and Li Ping in one fell swoop!" Oh!" Yang Hong's eyebrows moved slightly. Zhu Ge and Yang Qian were also moved together. Jia Fu's words were quite weighty. Lord, Xu Quan, the son of the Marquis of Manghuang, Gao Wei, the son of the Marquis of Shanhe, Chunfeng, the son of the Marquis of Mianxiu, Yang Qian, the son of the Marquis of Pingding, and Li Ping, the son of the Marquis of Zhenguo, asked for a meeting outside the door. He said he was here to congratulate you!" At this time, the old housekeeper's voice came from outside the door again.

In the study, the three counselors smiled together. It was really Cao Cao, and Cao Cao arrived. H