The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 176 List of Young Talents

Hmm. Fang Yun nodded and sat down above the hall. The eight elite masters guarded the steps. Guan Gongming glanced at the eight masters, and his eyes flashed a trace of doubt, but he didn't ask much. Did anyone attack the general's mansion tonight? Fang Yun sat on the throne and said. Lord, there are a lot of people coming to spy tonight. But few people really took action. After we killed a few courageous warriors, most of them still retreated!" Guan Gongming said respectfully.

Fang Yun nodded slightly and knew it in his heart. It's the first night of the year, and most people still hold a wait-and-see attitude. By tomorrow night, all kinds of problems and provocations will emerge.

"From now on, the clothing consumption of the army will be strictly controlled. Temporarily use military food to satisfy hunger. In addition, call the gang camp and prepare the food carefully. You must confirm that it is non-toxic before you can eat it.

Fang Yundao.

"I understand!"

Guan Gongming answered. Now in Xi'er City, the situation is not clear and murderous. It's not too much to be careful.

Fang Yun asked someone to prepare the four treasures of the study room. He hurriedly wrote a book cover, and then said, "Captain Han!" I'm there!" After a while, send someone to copy four copies, and then rush 800 miles, divided into different paths, and send it into "Yes! My lord!" A captain dressed in black gold armor received Fang Yun's letter and strode away.

When the famous captain left, Fang Yun wrote another letter, but he gave this letter to Guan Gongming: "Gun Gongming, give this letter to the soldiers of the gang in a while, and let them take the opportunity to buy food to give the letter to the merchants in Xi'er City and send this memorial." Fang Yun said lightly.

Guan Gongming was slightly stunned, and then understood that what Fang Yun clearly used was to repair the plank road and secretly cross the warehouse. Guan Gongming arched his hand: "Don't worry, my subordinates will send someone to do it." Uh-huh, Fang Yun nodded: "Remember to do this secretly. Now Xi'er City is controlled by sectarian forces, and the business is more reliable than the army.

"I understand."

Fang Yun waved his hand, and Guan Gongming led another letter and walked out.

After a while, there was silence in the general's mansion. Fang Yun hesitated for a moment, took out the only remaining dragon whale Neidan from his arms and held it in his hand. A stream of cold fog gushed out of the inner elixir of the dragon whale, and the sound of the sea tide and the low sound of the dragon whale were particularly clear in the silence. The fierce beast, like Kunpeng's blood, belongs to the kind of foreign treasure that can't be swallowed infinitely.

It was mentioned in the "Nearly Ancient Times" of the Holy Witch Church that in general, each martial artist can only swallow one grain of fierce beast inner elixir and have it once. In this way, it is a way to increase physical strength. No matter how much it is, it doesn't have much effect. It can only be turned into vitality, and the effect is not as good as the method of internal sacrifice.

Fang Yun looked at the dragon whale inner elixir in his hand, and his expression changed. After a long time, Fang Yun sighed and took back the dragon whale inner elixir: "Dragon whale inner elixir is the best way to improve strength. Unfortunately, a dragon whale elixir "It has the power of twenty dragons, and with my strength, it is difficult to control it!"

The power of the dragon whale Neidan is extremely violent. If it can't be fully accommodated, it will explode and die. This is also the reason why the master of the Heavenly Evil Sect killed by Fang Yun got the inner elixir of the dragon whale tomorrow morning, but he never dared to swallow it.

Although Fang Yun can reach the power of up to 20 dragons, his real power is only the power of 18 flying dragons. And the inner elixir of the dragon whale is twice as strong as that of Fang Yun. With his cultivation, he is not sure. After swallowing this inner elixir of the dragon whale, he will not explode and die!

In the north of Xi'er City, a magnificent mansion faces south, and the weather is strict. The two ancient fierce beasts carved in stone at the door are ferocious and ferocious, setting off the majesty of the owner of the house. Qiang! Qiang!

A sound of armor vibrating came from the door. After a moment, a big man dressed like a general of Zhou, holding a long sword and coming in.

As soon as the general stepped into the mansion, he immediately attracted the attention of a pair of sunlight. After the rockery and pool of the original empty mine, the smell of people emerged and surrounded them.

"Da Zhou General?!! What a bold man!"

As soon as the voice fell, a young man with a rolling breath and a vicious face soared into the sky, and the sword light turned into an eye-supporting practice and cut it down. "!"

The mysterious general just snorted coldly, raised his right hand, and an invisible force came out, abruptly tearing the sword light of the young master into pieces. Five fingers took the opportunity to explore, cut into the sword light, and directly grabbed the young man. Push it hard." " Boom!"

In the loud noise, the earth shook and the dust flew. This young man with excellent swordsmanship, bleeding from the corners of his mouth, was smashed into the ground and fainted. I came to see your master at the order of Marquis Wu. Let him come out!"

The general's voice is plain and rigid, but with a chill. His feet firmly stepped on the young man's back, as if he had nailed him to the ground.

There is silence in the garden. Although there are dozens of men around, among which there are no elite masters, no one dares to do it. This Zhou general gave them the feeling that it was dangerous and deadly! No one dares to act rashly.

"Let him in!" After a short silence, a strong voice came from the depths of the house. Everyone was scattered, and the general had no scruples. He walked through the crowd and walked over calmly.

In the lobby, the candlelight is bright, and a middle-aged man with a deep breath and the sun is like a sword, sitting in the lobby with a big horse and a golden knife. The man's hair was dark, scattered fiercely, scattered behind his head, with only a cyan tape, tied at will. His hands, as warm as jade, gently pressed on the armrests on both sides, revealing a boundless power.

Seeing this man, the footsteps of the mysterious general paused. After a moment, he stepped into the lobby and sat down opposite the middle-aged man as if there was no one else. Which Wuhou is your master?

The middle-aged man said that when he spoke, his voice was loud and full of breath, and a cold and murderous smell made the air around him tremble.

The general's eyes were cold, but his expression remained unchanged: "My master is naturally the Marquis of Yingwu!"

"Oh" The middle-aged man's expression changed a little. At this moment, many thoughts flashed in his eyes. It seems that the three words "Hingwuhou" made him think a lot in an instant.

"What? Does your master want to borrow my hand to deal with the 15-year-old General Pingbei?

A middle-aged man broke the future purpose of martial arts.

"Not bad! My marquis can't do it in person for some reason. Not only the marquis, but also I can't take action! The marquis said that as long as he solved the problem for him. In the future, in Xi'er City, the knife king will always have the final say. In the future, no more troops will be stationed in.

Mysterious generals.

Daojun Wei Wentai smiled:

"Your marquis thinks highly of Wei. In this Xi'er city, there are mixed fish and dragons, and there are all kinds of characters. Your marquis chose me. However, he chose me. Unfortunately, in Xi'er City, I, Wei, have never had the final say. Since it has never been, where did it come from?

"It doesn't matter whether it was before or not. As for the future, that's not necessarily the case! The marquis said that as long as you can do this, he will help you control the whole city of Xi'er!"

Mysterious general's indifferent voice. Wei Wentai felt the meaning of the general's words and couldn't help but be slightly moved.

"In this Xi'er city, Lord Wei is also one of the most powerful people. As long as you sweep a few other people, you will have the final say in the future! As for the Taisu Sect and the First Demon Sect, you don't have to worry about it. The 100,000 troops of the imperial court stayed there. Presumably, they should attack and do it!" Daojun Wei Wentai did not immediately agree: "You are really good. However, I still have to consider taking the exam. The second son of Sifanghou is not so active!" You don't have to worry about it! The Marquis of Sifang is controlled by my marquis! The mysterious general said indifferently. Wei Wentai finally showed a moving look, but he still didn't agree immediately. Lord Wei, there are many people in Xi'er City who are eager to cooperate with our marquis! The general is meaningful and long-term. All right! I'll take this matter! Daojun Wei Wentai finally nodded. Drive!

Dongfang just saw the white, and the four soldiers rode fast horses out of Xi'er City. After running thousands of feet, they divided into four directions and ran away. Bang!! Bang!! Bang!! Bang!!

After half a column of incense, there was the sound of four fierce horses hissing. In four directions a few miles away from Xi'er City, the four fierce horses twitched all over their bodies and fell on the post road, and the envelopes on the four military messengers also disappeared. After a while, four letters appeared in Xi'er City in different places.

The four martial artists, who were dressed in different clothes but were also excellent in martial arts, unfolded the envelope, took a look, and sneered: "After all, the teenager is a teenager, and he still doesn't know the rules! The chapter in Xi'er City is also this

While the letters of the four military messengers were intercepted, several teams of merchants in Xi'er City set out as usual at dawn. No one noticed that these people brought a memorial. In the general's mansion. At that time, Fang Yun finally woke up from his practice. Guan Gongming, take someone to the city and buy a list of young talents! I want to have a look

"Yes, my lord!"

Guan Gongming turned around and left. A moment later, a "Youth Talent List" with a golden brocade record appeared in front of Fang Yun. This kind of list can be bought in some large restaurants and inns. It's just that the price is very expensive.

"Pang Juyuan, the first king of the Big Dipper on the list of young talents, power: thirty-five dragons! Pang Juyuan, originally an ordinary disciple of Wuhumen, a small sect in the Taoist world, inherited the Taoism and treasures of the Big Dipper Palace, one of the three thousand sects in ancient times. Swallowed seven ancient Beidou dan, the strength: $$ thick, far more than the same generation! Rumor has it that it is retreating and practicing, and it is possible to step into the ground and change at any time! Residence, Beidou Mansion!" Fang Yun took a look and was shocked. Thirty-five dragons have more power than themselves