The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 190 Purple Weidou Number

The message is very important at any time. Fang Yun believed that if he hadn't got the news and be the first to surround Daojun's mansion with a large army, he would have been afraid that it would be another scene when Wei Wentai led people to attack the general's mansion. =EPm;D”

Fang Yun waved his hand and waved back Zhao Boyan. If you want to do great things, it is impossible not to take risks. With a generation of wealth, Fang Yun is not afraid that Zhao Boyan will not do anything after taking it. My lord, someone outside the door asked for a meeting, saying that he had sent an invitation to the adult! A guard ran in from outside the door. Oh, let him in."

Fang Yun said with great interest. He knew that today he had wiped out the Daojun Mansion and moved his whole body. "The forces of all parties in the whole Xi'er City were also affected by his move, and they took action one after another. Come to the door to send a congratulatory gift to submit, or send an invitation, and ask for a while, Fang Yun will not feel it

In a short time, a young man in a seven-star Taoist robe, tied in a Taoist bun and beautiful eyebrows came in, holding a red invitation in his hands. The villain, see the general. The teenager said. Say it." Fang Yun came straight to the point. My master, I want to invite the general to get together in the Songhe Tower!

After the teenager said that, he gently flicked the invitation in his hand and immediately flew to the hall and swept to Fang Yun. It shows a skillful internal force exploration technique.

Fang Yun took the invitation with a finger. On the invitation, there are seven stars arranged in a regular arrangement.

"Pang Juyuan, the king of Beidou!"

Seeing these seven stars, Fang Yun immediately became the identity of a Cambodian sender. Open it, and there is a line of elegant fonts on it:

"Pang Juyuan of the Big Dipper Star Palace, set a banquet in the Songhe Tower, and specially invited General Pingbei to gather at noon tomorrow!"

"What a huge source. I wanted to meet you, but I didn't expect that you sent a congratulatory post first!"

Fang Yun waved his hand: "Go back and tell your master, just say that I must go to the meeting according to the appointment."

It's a teenager. Xin, then showed a smile, bowed a salute, and left.

At the time of the appointment the next day, Fang Yun changed into a brocade dress and went to the Songhe Tower.

There are five floors in this Songhe Tower, with high teeth, and each floor has a vermilion fence. Whether it is eating wine or looking at the scenery, it is excellent.

When Fang Yun arrived at the Songhe Tower, someone had already recognized the general of Pingbei. As soon as he stepped up the steps, a rosy and rich shopkeeper came out to greet him. The general is coming, and the small one is far away. Please forgive me. The shopkeeper bowed, stood politely, and spoke carefully. Don't be polite. I'm here to go to the meeting. Fang Yun waved his hand. General, please, Lord Pang is waiting on the third floor. The shopkeeper said respectfully.

Fang Yun nodded slightly and went straight upstairs without him leading the way. The third floor of the Songhe Tower is quiet, and you can't see a guest, which is completely different from the lively scene on the first and second floors.

As soon as Fang Yun climbed the third floor, he saw a white jade screen in front of him. After the almost translucent screen, he faintly revealed a vague figure. Fang Yun didn't say much. He turned over the white jade screen in three or two steps and walked over.

After the screen, a rosy young man sat upright. This man wears a purple and gold crown and wears the clothes of the stars in the sky. In his heroic martial arts, he reveals the noble spirit of the emperor.

Fang Yun thought about it and knew that this person was Pang Juyuan, the king of the Big Dipper:

"The Big Dipper is the head of the stars in the northern sky, leading the 64,000 main stars.

It's right to call this huge source the King of the Big Dipper.

"Little marquis, please."

Fang Yun just appeared, and a glimmer of light flashed in Pang Juyuan's eyes, and he stretched out his hand.

Fang Yun secretly thought that the little marquis called by Pang Juyuan, who was not the general of Pingbei, seemed to have something to point. He was not polite. He went straight over and sat down opposite Pang Juyuan, the king of the Big Dipper.

Pang Juyuan said on the invitation that it was a banquet. But on the banquet, there was only a pot of fragrant tea and two small tea cups. There is nothing else." Mr. Pang, is the so-called banquet this pot of tea? Fang Yun glanced at the table and said indifferently.

Pang Juyuan smiled and said, "The little marquis has never eaten any delicacies. Do you still care about Pang's banquet?"

Fang Yun shook his head and did not argue with him.

"Come on, little marquis, please taste it!"

As soon as the sound fell, the wine jug on the table flew up automatically. Pour tea into the cup of Fangyun.

"Pang Juyuan is known as the number one in the list of young talents, but I'm going to have a try!"

Seeing that Pang Juyuan held up the wine pot, Fang Yun also had a sense of exploration in his heart. If you move your mind, you will also separate a hero from your body; the internal force will be put into the wine pot. As soon as the internal force was shaken, Fang Yun was about to disperse the internal force of Pang Juyuan and bring the teapot over.

"Little marquis, this tea was cooked by Pang himself. Please also ask the little marquis to appreciate it.

Pang Juyuan suddenly clicked a teapot in the air and said.

When he pointed out, Fang Yun suddenly felt that the internal force was shocked, and the internal force he emitted was like a mud cow entering the sea, disappearing without a trace.

"Huh?" Fang Yun frowned slightly and was about to increase his internal force. Suddenly, another internal force pressed towards Fang Yun. Fang Yun felt it for a moment, and his face suddenly changed greatly. It was actually what he had just radiated to test the internal strength of Pang Juyuan. ---- This Pang Juyuan can actually perform the skill of "returning the other body with the other way."

"Is this the tomb of the ancient Big Dipper Palace? What a strange skill, how can you use your strength to fight and hit the power sent by the other party back to the other party!"

There is a trace of solemnity between Fang Yun's eyebrows, and he finally understands why Pang Juyuan can occupy the top of the list of young talents. With this skill, he was the first to be invincible. Mr. Pang, it's really awesome. Is this the method of the Big Dipper Palace? Fang Yun said directly.

Pang Juyuan was slightly stunned. Generally speaking, no one will talk about this kind of private temptation, and few people like Fang Yun say it directly. He is even ready, and Fang Yun may take the opportunity of him to stea and try his best to test his details. The little marquis really said quickly." Pang Juyuan laughed and said, "Yes, this is indeed a unique trick of my Big Dipper Palace, called 'Silicon Star Exchange'!" After saying that, his sleeves shook and dispersed the force. At the same time, he also put down the teapot. "Fang Yun thought about it = "I don't know if I can do it with all my strength) I don't know if Mr. Pang can block it!" Pang Juyuan smiled and knew that Fang Yun's words were actually asking him, if the two fought, and who would win or lose. I'm afraid it's not easy for a general to win, and it's also difficult for a general to win!"

Pang Juyuan replied in a euphemistic way. On the surface, the strength of the two is not much different. In private, he didn't say that if he did his best, he could also take it. What a great move of stars for fighting skills!" Fang Yun was secretly awe-inspiring that he had more power than the huge source. And this skill of changing stars can actually inherit all the following.

The power has reached the level of Fang Yun and Pang Juyuan, and it is only one step away from the ground level. Naturally, I won't lie for the sake of face. Pang Juyuan immediately said that there was not much difference in the strength between the two, which was naturally not much difference. Fang Yun will not fight with him for the so-called competitive.

After thinking about it, Fang Yun came straight to the point and said, "Mr. Wei, let's say it directly. What's the purpose of inviting me here this time?" Pang Juyuan hesitated for a moment and said:

"To tell you the truth, I will invite the little marquis to come here this time. In fact, there is something to ask for. The little marquis has a heavy hand and excellent skills. Now the whole city of Xi'er is under the control of the general. Pang hopes that the little marquis can leave a way to live for his peers in Xi'er City!"

Fang Yun smiled when he heard it. Although he is now basically in control of the situation of Xi'er City, he has never thought about killing all the sectarians in Xi'er City. At least, with the 80,000 troops in his hand, it is absolutely not enough. Mr. Pang is serious. Although I control 80,000 soldiers and horses, but...

As Fang Yun was talking, he suddenly seemed to think of something and frowned: "Mr. Pang, you are not talking about the matter in front of you!"

Fang Yun was such a figure. In the middle of his speech, he immediately realized that it was wrong. Pang Juyuan can't think of what he can meet. Pang Juyuan, the king of Beidou, sighed, "The little marquis is right. What Pang said is not the matter in front of him. Fang Yun frowned deeper: "Mr. Pang, you'd better say it directly." The little marquis came out of the school palace, and once in the Lantern Festival, he should also know something about the astrology, right? Pang Juyuan suddenly asked an uncomponsible question. "I know a little bit," Fang Yun nodded.

"In the Taoist system handed down by the Big Dipper Palace, there is a "purple emblem fighting number" that infers the unique knowledge of fate through the change of the purple microstar number. In addition to practicing martial arts, people in our sect also have the ability to seek benefits and avoid disasters. Therefore, in addition to practicing the unique skills of the Big Dipper Palace, Pang usually deduces this purple micro bucket number." Not long ago, when Pang was watching the stars, he suddenly found that there would be a disaster in Xi'er City in the future. And only the little marquis can help solve the long-distance disaster. Pang Juyuan Road.

"Another unique way to deduce future changes" Fang Yun's heart shook slightly: "I don't know what kind of disaster Mr. Pang is talking about?"

"I don't know" Pang Juyuan shook his head: "I only know that this disaster is related to the court and the little marquis. But the little marquis is not in the doom. So I know that the little marquis must be the key to solving this disaster.

Fang Yun frowned. Although he knew a little about astrology, he was limited to understanding. It is impossible to understand the changes of blessings and misfortunes through astrological changes. There must be a special unique learning." Mr. Pang immediately said that there was a disaster in Xi'er City. Why didn't you leave Xi'er City in advance? In this way, the disaster should be solved? Fang Yundao. Pang Juyuan shook his head:

"Avoid, it is absolutely impossible to avoid. This is the way to deal with the lowest number of dooms. For example, if I leave Xi'er City now, it is likely that I have just arrived at the gate, and this disaster will come early. The final result is that the doom is faster and more dangerous than expected!"

"The number of fortunes and dooms in the dark are the most indescribable things, and the ring changes. And this is the fate! Our generation of monks, once they can't jump out, will always be reincarnated in the life of this world, bound by the life of this world! C