The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 213 Smear in person

After Li Yixuan left, Fang Yun unfolded the letter, and a few lines of words immediately came into sight:

The Year of Destiny, September 23;

The earth is shining on the stars, and the dragon meets the sky. Go quickly!

Fang Yun's heart was slightly shocked. He didn't have to look up, but he also knew that Xi'er City was the place where the earth was illuminated. In Li Yixuan's first letter, it has already been mentioned that "the fierce dragon is killed", and this dragon is referring to himself.

"In the astrology, Tianshen refers to people with sad fate and disaster-prone people. This should be said that the wind is too strong!"

Fang Yun thought about something in his heart. Unlike the previous one, there is a word "enbut" in this letter.

Fang Yun slightly pondered and understood:

"The wind is too strong, too much higher than me. The word 'en encounter' can be changed to the word 'to death' or to the word 'to be taken'. Shimo Mountain is the holy land of magic, and the master of magic is crouching tigers and hiding dragons. If the wind is too strong to take me there, if I let the teacher squat the whole school, I will die, and no one can save me. Jixia Xuegong, it seems superfluous to write a letter, and in this way, Li Yixuan blocked the wind, that is the word 'en'.

Fang Yun understood that Li Yixuan's few words invisibly blocked a dilemma for himself.

"A letter, and a letter!"

After clenching the two letters in his hand, Fang Yun couldn't help his emotions fluctuating. As long as he received the third letter, he could know the truth.

"The four major supervisors obey the order to block the city gate immediately, and don't let go of any of them!"

At this time, Yang Hong also suppressed several local magic weapons left in Jubao Pavilion and came out of the ground.

"I will obey the order!"

The four major supervisors of wind, thunder, cloud and water responded at the gate. Then the army rumbled and began to block the gate. The four supervisors turned into Changhong and suppressed the four directions of Xi'er City respectively.

As long as the strength has not reached the level, it is impossible to escape from them.

In Xi'er City, there is chaos. A large number of troops poured into Xi'er City and began to capture the people of the sect. Fang Yun looked at all this and could only shake his head.

Yang Hong is now the Marquis of Yingwu, and he is looking for the names of people in the sect at a discount. It's just right. No one can tell him.

"Your Excellency, what should I do now?"

In a short time, Zhou Xin and Chu Kuang took the army back to the eastern campus and came back to recover.

"You guys, stay in the general's hall first. There are several people in the general's palace. Find some sets of armor and let them put them on.

"Yes, my lord!" Several people answered.

"Chen Lie, you go out to see Mr. Guo," Fang Yun thought for a moment and said, "Please ask some teachers to come forward to stop Yang Hong. The chaos in Xi'er City is mainly caused by evil schools. Now the first evil has been killed. For the rest, although it is not said that there are no evil people, there are only a few. Moreover, although there are sects in Xi'er City, they are all small sects that are not in the stream, which can't cause big waves. The prosperity of Xi'er City has a great relationship with them. If these people are arrested, I'm afraid Xi'er City will no longer be prosperous in the future, and it will be depressed from now on!"

Fang Yun knows in his heart that Xi'er City is remote and has no characteristics. If it hadn't been for the Jubao Pavilion, it would have opened a branch building here, and a large number of sects had been gathered. It won't be so prosperous here at all.

The sects have been meritorious, and there are all small sects here. You can't set off any big winds and waves. Don't care too much.

"Yes, my lord!"

After receiving the order, Chen Lie left quickly. Among the crowd, only Chen Lie can believe it, and at the same time, it is extremely inconspicuous, which will not attract Yang Hong's attention.

Fang Yun changed to sit down at ease in the hall. He knew it well in his heart, as Yang Hong. Although the suppression of sects is a big fanfare, the main purpose is to plunder the treasure of Jubao Pavilion in Yanque Tower, and the other is to deal with himself. Others, for him, don't matter at all.

He can even guess that once Guo Boji and others come forward in person, I'm afraid it won't take much effort, and Yang Hong will agree. Yang Hong has changed a lot since he left the customs, and he already knows how to please the three public.

"Yang Hong, you have really grown a lot. I'd like to see what else you're going to do this time!"

Fang Yun sat in the hall and waited quietly...


The chaos in the city lasted for half an hour. Half an hour later, the riot gradually subsided.

"Sir, several old gentlemen came forward, and most of the sectarian monks in the city were released!"

Chen Lie rushed back to the general's hall and said excitedly.

Next to the hall, in a Confucian costume, Pang Juyuan, dressed like a staff member, suddenly opened his eyes and showed a trace of joy in his eyes.

"Let's go down!" Fang Yun raised his palm slightly and stopped Chen Lie's words.

A trace of surprised flashed in Chen Lie's eyes, but he didn't say much. As soon as he turned around, a piece of purple came to his face. He almost bumped into the arms of a man and quickly stepped back a few steps.

"Hou, Hou...Master!"

Chen Lie looked stunned. Yang Hong, the Marquis of Yingwu, was crossing the threshold and entering the hall with the four generals of wind, thunder, cloud and water.

Yang Hong glanced at Chen Lie with a sneer in his eyes.

"They actually came with me!"

Chen Lie was shocked and quickly bowed his head.

"I have seen Marquis Wu!"

Fang Yun stood up from the throne and didn't say much sincerity. Others saluted one after another.

"Humph!" Yang Hong snorted coldly, stood in the hall with his head held high, glanced at him, and his eyes fell on Zhao Boyan, Sixth Master and Pang Juyuan: "Take it down!"


As soon as the four inspectors move, they will take down these three people.

"Who dares!"

Fang Yun snorted coldly and slowly walked down the steps.

Yang Hong stood with his hand in hand: "Fang Yun, these people are all sectarians and recidivists of the court! Do you want to cover them up?"

"Hmm! I don't know whether the sect is sect or not, but these people are now my subordinates. Yang Hong, the world knows everything about the two of us. Do you want to do favoritism in public? It seems that we are going to have another three-class trial!"

A trace of cold light flashed through Fang Yun's eyes. After all, the court is the court. Yang Hong has great ability, and he should also do it in accordance with military discipline and law!

A sharp look flashed in Yang Hong's eyes, but his face was still calm: "These people are all sectarians. There is the breath I left on them. Do you think you can hide it from me?

"Since Marquis Wu admits it, it's even better! These are my staff. In order to cure them, I spent ten thousand years of Ganoderma lucidum and eight best elixirs. Since Wuhou admitted that he had hurt them, please ask Wuhou to accompany me with these things!"

Fang Yun actually rakeed upside down. As soon as he stretched out his big hand, he asked Yang Hong to take ten ten ten-year-year-old Ganoderma and eight best elixirs.

Ten ten-thousand-year-old Ganoderma lucidum is still the second, Yang Hong doesn't have the best elixir!

Hearing Fang Yun's rake, the four major supervisions of wind, thunder, cloud and water changed his face greatly: "Fang Yun, you are so bold, how dare you blackmail Lord Wuhou!"

"I don't know whether to be bold or not. However, it is natural to pay off debts. Since the Marquis of Wu injured them, this fee should naturally be repaid by the Marquis of Wu!"

The cost is cold.

"Okay, very good," Yang Hong sneered: "Fang Yun, since you admit that they are your subordinates, it's better. Come on, Fang Yun and the sect, the evidence is conclusive, capture him!"

Seeing Yang Hong's move, Fang Yun laughed even more: "Wuhou is really smart. - Zhao Boyan, you just said that you are a subordinate of Wuhou, right?

Yang Hong, the four major supervisors changed his face. As soon as Fang Yun opened his mouth, they immediately knew what he was going to say, but they couldn't believe that Fang Yun was so bold.

Sure enough, Zhao Boyan heard Fang Yun's point to his name and was excited all over his body. However, he quickly understood and immediately echoed:

"Your excellency is right. I am indeed a subordinate of the Marquis of Wu!"

"The legal calendar of the Zhou Dynasty, colluding with sects is a death crime! Yang Hong, you are so bold. Unexpectedly, he colluded with the people of the sect, sneaked into our Zhou Dynasty, and even got to the throne of Wuhou. It was really unforgivable, and his crime should be punished. The four major supervisors of wind, thunder, cloud and water, I order you to capture Yang Hong as soon as possible!"

Fang Yun pointed to Yang Hong with a righteous face.

The four supervisors of wind, thunder, cloud and water buzzed in their heads. They had long heard that Fang Yun was bold and dared to act against the sky to impeach Marquis Wu. However, they didn't expect that Fang Yun was so bold that he dared to smear a Wuhou face to face.

Four people were stunned! H