The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 227 The Four Ape Kings

After a gust of wind, Lan Tiao's figure appeared in the place where the thunder inspector was killed. The three of them stood in three directions and looked at the empty battlefield with a changeable look.

After a while, the three of them walked together and were silent for a while. The wind supervisor said:

"You..." also feel the breath of the eldest brother. Did you come here?"

'Hmm.' The two supervisors of Yun and Shui nodded, and their expressions were a little ugly: all three of them felt that something had happened to the eldest brother.

'I can't feel the smell of the eldest brother."

Cloud monitoring makes the astringent voice say the worries in a way that is as euphemistic as possible.

"I can't see his luck"

The water monitor hesitated for a moment,' he also said.

The hearts of the three people are heavy, and everyone knows what everyone is thinking. With the eldest brother's skills, the breath can be hidden, but the spirit of luck can't be hidden. Unless death.

'Don't say too much. Maybe the situation is not as bad as we thought! Let's search nearby one by one: check all the people nearby. Maybe it's just our illusion.

The water inspector took a deep breath and said calmly. There was a cold light in his eyes. She really didn't believe that the eldest brother's cultivation would be defeated by Fang Yun.

, Shuimei is right. Maybe it's not as bad as we thought!'' The wind inspector also said.

'Well, let's search nearby first!"

As soon as the sound fell, the three scattered and swept out. Not long after the wind and water skimmed out, they listened to the crazy shouts of the cloud supervisor:

, second brother, fourth sister, come here quickly! Fang Yun, Fang Yun, I'm going to kill you"

The two of them sank in their hearts and immediately flew over.

The cloud supervisor squatted on the ground and looked at a mass of blood in front of him and shouted almost crazily.

'Is it the blood stain of the eldest brother!''

The two of them sank in their hearts and quickly flew over.

'Second brother' Calm down and don't worry. This may not be the blood stain of the eldest brother!"

Wind monitoring comforts you.

"This is not the blood stain of the eldest brother. 'This is the blood stain of Fang Yun'." The two of them heard the cloud supervisor's tears and cried bitterly: After swallowing the blood magic elixir, the blood fog spewed out! One side of the cloud 'Fang Yun swallowed the blood magic elixir!!"


Yun and Shui Er made the two of them buzz in their minds and they were stunned. Blood elixir is something that stimulates twice the potential! Fang Yun has the power of forty dragons. After the outbreak of twice the potential, it is the power of eighty dragons. The power of eighty dragons is enough to completely blow up the big brother!

'Big*...','' The two of them only felt that their whole bodies were congested, and they only felt that the scenery in front of them was shaking. I only heard the cloud monitor in my ears and continued:

'Blood Weidan, this is what I got when I took people to fight with blood.' I was left with an overseas free repair. The smell of this kind of thing 'How can I not smell it*..." I took a bottle at the beginning and gave it to the marquis and then to the guardian group......"

The cloud supervisor said and took out a scarlet elixir from his arms: "A bottle of blood magic elixir, I only left one!''

The two of them smelled the smell of the blood magic elixir, and then smelled the smell of the blood stains, and suddenly felt that the world was spinning.

'Brother*...", a long roar tore through the sky: "Fang Yun, I'm going to kill you!--"

When the wind inspector made this terrible roar, the disciples of Leng Yuezong had left with Fang Yun. In this area, more and more sectarian disciples have been concentrated. The three of them can no longer tell which of the luck Fang Yun is, or he left a long time ago!

After all, Fang Yun transferred them too far!

At the same time.

Thousands of miles away.


Yang Hong's purple big hand and the huge claws drilled out of the void fought together. Make a loud noise of double annihilation.

Fifty feet away, a strong man with a beard was shocked to break in a cold sweat. Suddenly, his face was as white as paper.

After taking the blood of the fierce beast, he ran away. I didn't expect Yang Hong to catch up with him. The gap between the earth level and the celestial level is too big. He came from the recognition that he would die. I didn't expect to escape!

'Don't hide, come out!''

Yang Hong's face was so cold that he wanted to lose ice. This is no longer the time for him to watch the series. It's the first time he encounters an interception. Along the way, he has been intercepted by four people in turn!

"Haha', boy Yang Hong, grandpa advises you to return to your capital!"

A loud voice came from the sky and saw a dark shadow sweeping here. At first, it was still a black spot. In the blink of an eye, a long rainbow of hundreds of miles appeared between Yang Hong and the strong man.

This is not a person, but a white ape. He is more than ten feet tall and burly as a mountain. Thick white hair, two claws are very sharp, and the nails are more than a finger long.

'Which of the four ape kings are you? Yang Hong said coldly.

'Haha, the Rift Ape King, it's Grandpa and me!"

The white ape pointed to himself and said. It just blocked Yang Hong's palm with its empty claws.

Yang Hong's talent is also amazing, but after all, he has not been in the celestial level for a long time. Unlike this ape demon, stepping into the celestial realm has the power of nearly a thousand years of work demons, which is rare in the world.

, it turned out to be the predecessor of Rift Sky. The younger generation of Rift Tianzong's disciples are polite!'

The strong man who was chased and killed, quickly replied.

' "The younger generation" is still wordy. Why don't you leave quickly? Are you still waiting for Yang Hong to kill you?'

The Rift Ape King waved his hand and looked impatient.

This strong man of Rift Tianzong looked embarrassed. However, he also knew that the two people in front of him could not be provoked by himself. I didn't dare to say more about 'a shaky body' and quickly turned into a rainbow and flew out.

Yang Hong just glanced at the disciple of the Rift Tian Sect and didn't mean to catch up.

'First, the ape king, then the five prison ape king, then the Daluo ape king, and finally the four ape kings in the southeast and northwest of the Rift ape king. Today, they all gathered 'Very good, very good!'

Yang Hong said 'very good', but his eyes burst into murder: his plan to hunt down and kill the stronger from all sects, and all these four livestock destroyed the workers

'Hey hey, Yang Hong. Grandpa, if it's you, turn around and leave now. Never stop!''

The Rift Ape King laughed and didn't seem to pay attention to Yang Hong?

Yang Hong was provoked with a trace of anger by his left "grandpa" and "right one catty":

"You four ape kings have blocked my good deeds one after another. Do you really think, 'I can't kill you?'

Yang Hong's breath was bulging in his body, and he was about to sacrifice the Heavenly Emperor's chariot again to deal with this demon ape.

'Ji Jie' Yang Hong' You'd better go back! If we weren't afraid that the one in your palace would be angry, we wouldn't mind. We would kill you and cut the meat and drink!"

An unruly voice came from all directions.

'Five Prison Ape King'

Yang Hong recognized the owner of the voice, and his face changed slightly. Two demon apes appeared here, and his hope of killing the cracked ape king with the Heavenly Emperor's chariot became faint.

"Yang Hong, go back. We're in charge of this matter!"

A magnificent, thunderous voice came from all directions.

, Daluo Ape King!"

Yang Hong's face changed greatly, and three big apes appeared together, making him feel a strong crisis.

'Haha, you're not careful in purple. Do you have to wait for Grandpa Sun to appear?'

As soon as the voice fell, a huge stick fell from the sky and killed on the ground ten feet away from Yang Hong. The dust rose all over the sky, and on the top of this huge stick, there was a monkey "crossing his legs" and squeezing at Yang Hong.

Some top magic weapons can become bigger and smaller after sacrifice. The stick in the monkey's hand undoubtedly belongs to this category.

, the king of the apes!"

Yang Hong's face changed dramatically, and there was a strong retreat in his heart. These four fierce apes of the demon clan gathered together, even the strong man at the level of heaven, also had to retreat, let alone him!


At this moment, a Zijin messenger suddenly broke into the air and fell into Yang Hong's hands.

When the martial artist has reached the celestial level, he has the ability to refine the messenger. This rune was refined by Yang Hong and brought to the four major supervisors in advance. On the rune, there is the breath of Yang Hong. No matter where Yang Hong is, this messenger can reach Yang Hong.

Yang Hong took a look and 'I immediately knew' that the four major supervisors had an accident:

It's not good to go out here. I met the four ape kings of the demon clan one after another. The four confidants over there also had an accident. Yang Hongxin was extremely annoyed and only felt that there was nowhere to vent. However, he didn't show it on his face that he is much deeper now.

"I happen to have something to do, and I don't bother to pay attention to your four ape kings for the time being.

——In the future, I will naturally find you again"'

As soon as the voice fell, Yang Hong turned into a purple rainbow and flew away.

Not long after Yang Hong disappeared, two ripples spread, and two big apes appeared on the field. The whole body is yellow and the breath is boundless. It is the Daluo Ape King's breath that is dark and deep. The eyes are cold and sharp. It is the five prison ape king.

, fourth brother, take the stick"

The Daluo Ape King waved his hand, and the monkey smiled and pinched a trick. The big stick thousands of feet long immediately shrunk. It is twisted into a thin needle and stuffed into the ear.

Apes and monkeys are the same species. Therefore, although this ape king is a monkey, it is also listed among the ape kings. This is also catchy. It's just in the southeast and northwest.

Although the ape is one of the four, it ranks the lowest. It is capable, but it is almost the first.

'Several brothers, that boy has a magic weapon, which is very good. Why don't the brothers take action together? "Rob him!"

Thinking of Yang Hong's cool Heavenly Emperor chariot, the monkey immediately scratched his ears and cheeks, and his heart was itchy.

'Haha, fourth brother, you'd better die. The chariot of the Emperor of Heaven is the chariot of the ancient Emperor of Heaven, with the breath of the ancient Emperor of Heaven. We are different, even if we get it: we can't use it at all!''

The empty ape laughed.

The monkey heard the sound and looked sad. The three big apes laughed.

'Well, now the order of the demon emperor has been completed. The blood of the livestock has been successfully brought back by the monks of the human clan. In the future, it will be much more wonderful for them to fight internally. We demons can sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight. 'In the struggle between the human clan and the court, it's big!'

Wisdom II flashes in the eyes of the Daluo Ape King. Although it is a monster, they also look down on fierce beasts without wisdom.

With a wave of his hand, the four apes kings immediately turned into wind and flew away! H