The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 249 Diamond Sutra

King Kong Touo is also a powerful figure! Zhaojue Temple is the largest force of Buddhism in the sergeant. Although it rarely walks outside, it is extremely powerful - computer access - it is not under the Taisu School and the Shimo Sect.

He is dressed in the Vajra Buddha's method, which is completely inherited from Zhaojue Temple. Although he is not good at character, he has excellent cultivation. All the way to the east, ** plunder, everything has been done. The stronger people in the sect have killed a lot. No one can do anything about him!

However, the strength of Fang Yun and Princess Gu She is so powerful. One side has the power of 90 Kowloons, which is the peak of the earth; the other top inherits the ancient killing sword school, with sharp sword spirit and unparalleled sharpness.

Two people fight alone, and neither of them is below him. Two people join hands, King Kong Tona is not an opponent!

"Donglong! One by one, '

In the shocking noise, the Buddha's power was shattered first, and the head of the diamond hummed, spewed out a few mouthfuls of blood and flew out! Then a light film shook away the blue air all over the sky. In the cyan, a mountain peak-shaped magic weapon wrapped in thunder was suspended above the head of the square cloud, completely blocking the palm of the ancestor of the green sheep.

' Eat! The ancestor of Qingyang took a deep breath. Fang Yun's magic weapon was stronger than he expected.

'Brother Qingyang, save me' - This chapter will be uploaded by Book Network = Book Portal'

At this moment, the voice of the Diamond Head came to the ear from afar. Before the voice fell, there was another scolding:, bald turtle, you also have today!', the aunt shot the princess snorted coldly, and immediately there was a magnificent sword spirit, across the hall and cut it down. The drama of the killing sword school is fast and sharp. When the sword spirit suddenly rises, it has reached the top of Jinzhou's head.

, bang!"

In a hurry, the diamond head reluctantly used the powerful diamond palm to block the sword spirit of the princess. He was attacked with all the strength of Fang Yun and the aunt's princess, and he was already seriously injured. Now he was shot by the princess's sword again." Immediately, another mouthful of blood spewed out and slid out more than ten feet to the ground.

"Shout up!", the ancestor of Qingyang immediately reacted. His plan to kill people with a knife has been completely disrupted. The strength of Fang Yun's magic weapon was far beyond his expectation. At present, we can only save King Kong Toutuo first.

As soon as the green sheep ancestor's internal force was mentioned, he was about to rescue Jinzhou Toutuo immediately.

, "Humph! You'd better take care of yourself first"'

The princess snorted coldly, suddenly pinched the sword with his hand, and pointed his hand to the sea of swords: "Inexamable sea of swords, thousands of swords gather!"

After saying it, he immediately exhaled his spirit. This spirit flashed coldly, spit out, and immediately divided tens of millions and scattered into the sea of swords. Thousands of flying swords have been nourished by this spirit and immediately shine brightly. All the flying swords buzzed and gathered together, turning into a huge sea of tidal swords, shooting crazily at the ancestor of the green sheep.

With the containment of the head of the diamond, the princess can immediately deal with the ancestor of the green sheep, and the power of the sword sea has increased a lot!

The ancestor of Qingyang was about to step out, but suddenly his eyes shook. The sword spirit was like the sea, and the dense flying sword blocked his sight. As much as you can see, it's all flying swords that shuttle and shoot! As a last resort, the ancestor of Qingyang had to stop temporarily to deal with the flying sword all over the sky.

' Go to hell'

The aunt shot the princess snorted coldly, and immediately turned into a shadow and swept towards the head of Vajra. As soon as the long sword in his hand was raised, the ancient bronze sword matched with the armor, the tip of the sword spit out a wisp of cold light, and immediately the result of the diamond head.

"Wait a minute!''

Fang Yun's voice suddenly exploded in the ear of the aunt, and the aunt stopped when she heard the sound and couldn't help but stop. Immediately, I saw a wisp of shadow, brushing past the side and sweeping to the diamond head.

, the Buddha is unwilling"'

King Kong Toutuo took the aunt's full sword of the princess, and then took Fang Yun's full strength, and he had already been seriously injured. At this moment, when he saw Fang Yun flying over, he thought he was going to kill himself. He shouted unwillingly and was ready to kill!

Fang Yun sneered: "Don't worry, I won't kill you." King Kong Toutuo is extremely powerful, not much worse than Fang Yun. Fang Yun, who is such a top figure, will let him die in vain.

"Huh?," King Kong's head suddenly opened his eyes, and Gangzhou's eyes showed a unique light. He immediately saw a white jade-like palm and fell on his head.

, seal it for me!''

Four golden scrolls floated behind Fang Yun. As soon as he grabbed it with his big hand, the diamond head was immediately grabbed by the big hand and flew off the ground. It sank into the fourth golden scroll and turned into a giant tree and stood in it.

Change the grade, take root in the ground, and take power from the middle level of the earth. So the image in this fourth face is a fierce giant tree.

Fang Yun just sealed the diamond head, and immediately felt that the internal force, like a river, was immersed in the picture scroll. In the blink of an eye, half of the internal force is consumed! A sense of weakness immediately came to my mind.

"'The seal to become a strong person, it actually consumes so much internal force!"

Fang Yun was shocked. This was the first time he used the geo-level sealing method. He didn't expect to consume so much internal force at all: "It seems that this sealing method is not unlimited. If you are too greedy, in the melee, use this sealing method and consume half of the internal force, I'm afraid I will be killed by others immediately!''

Fang Yun secretly left a thought in his heart. I know that you can only seal one earth-changing warrior at a time, and you have to be extremely careful. Otherwise, stealing chickens will not eclipsive rice!

"Fortunately, I have a lot of elixirs on me, as well as the five prison peaks of the local magic weapons! Otherwise, I'm afraid it will be difficult to do well in today's situation.

There is an ancestor of green sheep in this hall, and there are still several strong people trapped in the prohibition of the fungus outside. Outside Baigu Mountain, there are thousands of masters and many cunning strong men, at least the four elders of Shamen have not done it yet! Not to mention, it is possible to go back on your way by shooting the princess, a crazy woman!

' Whoo!"

Fang Yun took a breath, and the five prison peaks were immediately full of energy.

A light film hangs down and wraps the square cloud in it.

"Little thief! What do you mean? Do you think I will still deal with you?

The aunt shot the princess and snorted coldly.

' Ha, that's right. I really have such a Chinese idea!''

Fang Yun smiled, took out a bottle of top-quality elixir, swallowed the whole bottle of elixir into his abdomen, melted it with internal force, and then quickly extracted it into the meridians.

, "You! Hum!', the princess snorted angrily and turned away. She did have this idea just now. However, after seeing the mountain-shaped magic weapon above Fang Yun's head, he immediately got rid of it.

, the ancestor of the green sheep! Now it's your turn!"

The aunt shot the princess and scolded, flew into the sea of swords, and cooperated with the sea of swords to attack the ancestor of Qingyang. She couldn't deal with Fang Yun, so she could only transfer her anger to the ancestor of Qingyang.

"This crazy woman is coming again!" The ancestor of Qingyang trembled when he heard the coquettish voice. Although he has a local magic weapon to protect himself, it is also extremely difficult for the princess to cooperate with the sword sea of the killing school!

After a while, Fang Yun finished adjusting his breath and opened his eyes. A wisp of light flashed away.

' This harvest is really a lot of money!''

After Fang Yun sealed the Diamond Head, all the information immediately poured into his mind. All the unique skills of King Kong Toutuo come from a Buddhist sutra "The Diamond Sutra" in Zhaojue Temple. Although this Buddhist sutra is powerful, it is not the most powerful one in Zhaojue Temple! It is only equivalent to the unique learning at the general level.

The temple classics of Zhaojue Temple are the Changahan Scrolls and the Dababasha Scrolls. The two scriptures are ancient scriptures brought back from the distant Vedas and have great power. It belongs to the scriptures beyond the out-of-birth world, with the unpredictable power of ghosts and gods. Only the hosts of Zhaojue Temple in past dynasties can practice.

The reason why King Kong Touo was expelled from the temple. Yes, because of these two scriptures, I have a heart of desire.

, "This diamond head is really lard. The Book of Chang Ahan and the Book of Da Visha, that is, the martial arts scriptures above the out of the world. How can it be guarded without the top strongman? This guy must be obsessed with ghosts and has a chance in his heart!"

Fang Yun was also secretly shocked when he got the memory of King Kong Toutuo. It can be seen from this point alone. The host of Zhaojue Temple is at least the cultivation above Tianchongjing. Martial artists in this realm have been able to see their own fate and change their fate against the sky!

, "No wonder the "Ancient Times" says that the power of Buddhism is not under the Taoist sect and the demon gate. With this kind of powerful existence, Zhaojue Temple does have this qualification, and it is called the Taisu School and the First Demon Sect!''

The most powerful warrior Fang Yun has seen now is the celestial level. I have never seen a strong man of Tianchong level, let alone a powerful existence above the out-of-birth world!

However, there are many vague points in the memory of King Kong Toutuo about Zhaojue Temple. It seems to have been erased with great mana. At least, Fang Yun doesn't know what the host of Dazhaojue Temple looks like! The monks in the temple and the environment, once involved in specific and minor details, immediately become blurred!

'"It seems that the master of Zhaojue Temple had already left a hand when he expelled the Diamond Head. Prevent the diamond head from revealing the secret of Zhaojue Temple!" Fang Yun thought in his heart. I know that it is impossible to find out more secrets about Zhaojue Temple.

"I really made money this time. After sealing Jinzhou Toutuo, my strength has doubled!''

The strength of Diamond Head is a little worse than that of Fang Yun. If it hadn't been for the power of the aunt to shoot the princess, Fang Yun would not have been able to seal this Diamond Head. This set of sealing skills recorded on the golden picture scroll is extremely mysterious. Fang Yun can now pull out the whole meridians of the Diamond Sutra in the body of the Diamond Head. The effect of changing to yourself is the same as practicing the Diamond Sutra for decades.

"Haha, the ancestor of the green sheep, take my powerful King Kong palm!''

Fang Yun laughed and suddenly rushed into the sea of swords. With a big pat, a huge Buddha's palm, the golden light flashed with infinite force, and pressed the Qingyang Fang Zun above the head of the ancestor of the green sheep.

When the ancestor of the green sheep saw this Buddha's palm, he slapped his whole face, looked like a ghost, and exclaimed, "How can it be!" To be continued!)