The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 274 "Condolence" Yang Hong

"You guys are here!"

Fang Yun laughed and said that this wilderness war was enough for them to upgrade several levels in a row.

The three of them stood beside Fang Yun, with an unstoppable joy on their faces.

"Congratulations, Your Excellency, in this wilderness war, your excellency has made great achievements, and you may be awarded the title of prince."

Chu Kuang said excitedly. As long as he thought about the battlefield where Fang Yun had just fought alone with the three demon emperors, he couldn't help but be excited. Everyone who wants to follow, the martial arts are strong, and the official title is prosperous.

The stronger the strength of Fang Yun's performance, the more his subordinate is, and his face is also shining! It feels like I fought against the three demon kings alone.

Fang Yun shook his head with a smile. Not long after Chu Kuang joined the army, he was still ignorant of many things, all by imagination. If it was so easy to worship the prince, the princes of the Zhou Dynasty would have squeezed the capital long ago:

"Chu Kuang, what you think is too simple. The military merit needed to make a king and worship the marquis is not one or two o'clock, this thing. You will know if you ask Guan Gongming.

Everyone's eyes turned and immediately fell on Guan Gongming.

"This..." Guan Gongming hesitated for a moment. The conditions for the king's worship in the Zhou Dynasty were very harsh. He did not want to attack the enthusiasm of the masses. After thinking about it, he said euphemistically, "If you can kill a demon king. Then when I go back this time, I'm afraid I can be sealed immediately. Even the ministers in the court did not object to it. But now..." I don't know either!"

Guan Gongming saved enough military merit to seal the marquis for nearly 20 years. Nearly 20 years of crazy tearing up, although I have not killed any strong people who have changed their level. But the captains, captains, generals and generals of the hostile forces killed also reached a terrible number.

He is a fierce man himself. In 20 years, he has accumulated less achievements than Fang Yunjin's achievements.

Hearing Guan Gongming's words, everyone was immediately silent. When they realized this matter, I'm afraid they didn't want to think about what they thought before.

"Haha", Fang Yun waved his hand with a smile and looked careless at all: "The matter of recording military achievements is recorded by the master of his own army. What are you worried about? Let's go back to the barracks!"

Back to the barracks, Fang Yun handed Zhou Ting eight fingers with a strong demonic spirit:

"This is the fingers of the eight demon kings. You send it to the master of the record of war achievements, and it is said that I killed it!"

Zhou Ting's eyes lit up, and even Guan Gongming's eyes lit up. Eight fingers represent eight demon kings, that is, the warriors who have changed the level, which is a lot of credit!

However, Guan Gongming's eyes soon dimmed again. The demon clan is different from the autumn wilderness, barbaric wilderness, and barbaric wilderness, including the Great Zhou Dynasty. They are free and loose, and there is no strict hierarchy at all. Naturally, there are no positions such as lieutenants, captains, generals and generals, which cannot be specifically distinguished. Only at the level of the demon king will the obvious level be revealed.

Therefore, it has always been troublesome to record the war with the demons. But. The fingers of the eight demon kings are indeed the heaviest stroke in Fang Yun's war. If you don't do it well, you can really be made a marquis, but it depends on how the court decides.

"I'm going now!"

Zhou Ting took eight demon king's fingers and quickly went out.

The eight-headed demon king is also a precious wealth for Fang Yun. Of course, it is impossible to do the stupid thing of beating the eight-headed demon king to death and then hand it over to get credit. It's almost enough to record the war achievements and get eight fingers!

The battlefield was quickly cleaned up, and the sound of gold sounded. Da Zhou's army withdrew to the mountain in an orderly manner, stood on the mountain, and camped again.

The war between the human race and the demon race has basically come to an end. Both sides maintained restraint. The demon clan no longer appeared in the vision of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and the millions of troops of the Great Zhou Dynasty were also lined up in thousands of miles of long dragons, dormant in the western part of the wilderness, close to the middle of the earth. Everything has returned to its pre-war state.

By the next day, it snowed heavily again between heaven and earth. Qihou, behind the clouds, fog, rain and water on the surface, represents the power of heaven and earth. Shenwuhou's strength has become very strong, reversing the weather over the army for a day.

However, it is absolutely impossible to completely change this kind of mood.

Because this is not just a reckless thing. The power of heaven and earth is integrated. Now it rises from the autumn wilderness in the north to the wilderness in the south; from the wilderness in the east to the city of hell in the west, all of which are snowing. Changing the Qihou of the wilderness is equivalent to changing the whole Middleland and the Qihou of the four wilderness.

To do this, not to mention the Shenwuhou, it is the strong men of the whole Zhou Dynasty, including the human emperor and the hidden strong people of the royal family. Together, they do not have this ability!

At noon that day, an order came from the army to reduce the army's food again, and each meal was changed to half of the original. The heavy snowy weather seems to have really led to the shortage of food in the Zhou army.

"It seems that the court is ready to withdraw its troops!"

In the tent, Fang Yun couldn't help laughing secretly when he heard the news. He had long known that he had seen through Wu Mu's intention, and it was not surprising to hear that it disappeared. Now the victory has also been fought, and the demon emperor has also killed one, detering the demon clan. The purpose of showing off the force has been achieved. If you continue, it will be difficult to ride a tiger. Lack of food is an excellent excuse!

Fang Yun shook his head and stopped paying attention to the news. The purpose of his trip has been achieved, and his achievements in this battle have been recorded. The army has already sent hummingbirds to the capital.

Ordinary lieutenants and captains can be adjudicated in the army. But once it involves the level of the general, it needs to be reported to the Ministry of War. The Ministry of War and the Ministry of Household work together to first find out the family background and whether the family background is innocent, and then check all the information one by one. Don't have to confirm your identity, there is no problem, and then seal it; and once it involves the title of king and worship, there will be more departments involved. The Ministry of War, the Ministry of Household, the Ministry of the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Ceremonies, the Ministry of Industry, the Ministry of Criminal Justice, together with the Military Aircraft Department, all involve the royal family.

The Ministry of War checks whether the military achievements are false; the Ministry of Household checks the family background information, 〡〢 If there is an official in the court at home, then the Ministry of Officials should also be involved; 〡〢 The Ministry of Ceremonies checks the conduct, and 〡〢 After "It is also responsible for the ceremony of sealing the marquis; "The Ministry of Industry investigates the refining situation of the mine, "Once it is found that the rules of the imperial court have not been strictly implemented, it is a big stain on the resume immediately, and the sealing of the marquis needs to be discussed again; as for the Ministry of Criminal Justice, if the Ministry Symbol. English is the most. Faster. New address)

After the six departments have checked and confirmed that it is correct, several Wuhou and Wu Mu still need to discuss with each other. Wu Mu is generally not involved in the discussion of eight Wu marquises, but if Wu Mu opens his mouth, then the matter will be settled.

In addition, after the discussion of the Military Aircraft Department, it will be sent to the royal family, which will be approved by the emperor.

In a word, this set of etiquette is very cumbersome, and it is not enough to nod. After processing it up and down, the time taken is not short.

Fang Yun is not in a hurry. During this period, he just used it to practice martial arts.

"Your Excellency!" A cold wind poured in, and Chu Kuangxiang strode in with a gust of wind and snow.

"What? Is there anything good?" Seeing Chu Kuang's excited face, Fang Yun smiled.

"Yes, that's a good thing!" Chu Kuang laughed and said, "Your Excellency, you don't know. Yang Hong was seriously injured in this battle and is in retreat!"

"Huh?" Fang Yun frowned and jumped down: "Are you seriously injured?"

"Yes, listen to the rumors in the army. At the end of the war yesterday, Yang Hong was seriously injured by the four ape kings of the demon clan and fell from the sky. Now, the three supervisors are healing him!"

Chu said with a smile. The relationship between Fang Yun and Yang Hong is well known to everyone. As Fang Yun's subordinates, of course, he stood aside with Fang Yun and shared the same hatred with the enemy. Hearing that Yang Hong had been hit hard, he immediately came to report to Fang Yun.

Fang Yun frowned, and his mind flashed through yesterday's scene. At the end of yesterday's war, the world was dark, and the two demon emperors escaped from a thunderous cloud. At that time, he faintly heard the sound of the monkey shouting. Soon after, Yang Hong fell from the sky with his Heavenly Emperor chariot. What happened next was too sudden. First, a demon emperor died, and then the holy martial arts marquis and the emperor demon emperor appeared. The world was suddenly bright and dark, and Fang Yun forgot to check Yang Hong's situation for a moment.

"The monkey's stick is powerful and powerful, absolutely above the power of eight ancient dragons. Without the magic weapon to resist, I can't stand his stick. If Yang Hong suffers from a monkey's stick, he may really be seriously injured.

Fang Yun's eyes narrowed slightly, his eyes flashed, and thoughts flashed in his mind. After he rotated the "Law of Earth Change", he immediately became the body of a fierce beast, which is many times more powerful than the warrior. Although Yang Hong's power is extremely high, his body will never be stronger than that of the ancient fierce beasts. If he really gets an iron bar from a monkey, he must be seriously injured.

However, Fang Yun always felt that something was wrong. With Yang Hong's strength, he has been entangled with the four ape kings for so long that he should not be distracted in the end and beaten down by monkeys!

"Chu Kuang, how did you know that? Is this news reliable?" Fang Yun looked up and asked.

"Um," Chu Kuang nodded: "Marquis Yongwu and Lie Wuyan went to see him. There should be no mistake in this matter!"

"Huh? Is it true!" Fang Yun's heart moved slightly, and even the two Wuhou went to see him. The injury should not be faked.

"Haha, Yang Hong was actually beaten to the dust by the four ape kings, and this time he lost all his face." Fang Yun stood up with a smile: "Chu Kuang, come on, I'll write a letter. Send it to the camp where Yang Hong is. That is to say, I heard that Wuhou was seriously ill, so he sent an elixir as a condolence.

"Okay!" Chu laughed wildly.

The pen, ink, paper and inkstone were sent soon. Because of the cold weather, the ink was frozen. However, this is not a problem. Turn it with internal force and immediately melt it. Fang Yun hurriedly wrote the letter, took out a top-quality elixir from the space bag, and handed it over: "Be sure to deliver it in person!"

"Good!" Chu Kuang smiled, took the elixir and went out. Fang Yun sent a top-quality elixir, at least nominally, this visit was justified.

A small scholar can actually take over this messenger to tease the Marquis of the dynasty. Chu Kuang was excited to think about it! U