The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 286 Lantai Secret Garden

Zhang Ying is very smart. Although his work is tiring, he understands that this is a kind of training for Taifu. You know, although Lantai Secret Garden has no power, it can't control the inside or outside the court. But for the royal family, it is an extremely important institution.

Zhang Ying comes from a humble background and has no temper. After entering the Lantai Secret Garden, I worked hard and gradually won the love of some bachelors in the Lantai Secret Garden. Sometimes, it will involve him in some marginal astrological observation and deduction. Sometimes, some important star maps will be handed over to Zhang Ying for transcription!

Although this kind of work is boring, Zhang Ying has benefited a lot.

Gradually, I also learned about the work of these scholars, and sometimes even directly replaced some marginal scholars for astrological observation. However, Zhang Ying still can't get in the most core of Lantai Secret Garden.

Although Lantai Secret Garden is responsible for issuing a solar calendar every year to guide the daily activities of the royal family, princes and ministers, as well as local officials. But the most mysterious and important role is to infer the fortune of the country and the general trend of the world for the royal family.

The operation of Lantai Secret Garden is very complicated. It is not limited to stars and star maps, but also involves geographical mountains and rivers, innate skills, and even the collection of prefectures and counties in the previous year. These records of state records, prefectural records, county records and county records of large and small events in all parts of Jiuzhou, which are an important basis for Lantai Secret Garden to deduce the future trend of the world!

Among other things, it is a huge task to analyze the transcription of prefectures and counties in various places. The complexity of the work of Lantai Secret Garden can be seen!

Among all the things involved in Lantai Secret Garden, the innate number of innate skills is the most core thing. These knowledges related to the number of innate skills involving the operation of the heavenly machine are only held in the hands of a few great Confucians. The stars and star maps observed by Lantai Miyuan, together with the geography of Jiuzhou, must be combined with the number of innate skills to be meaningful! ......

Fang Yun has been in the army for a year, and Zhang Ying and Zhang Ying have been transmitting messages through letters. I have a little understanding of his situation. But I don't know the details. This is the first time I've heard him mention it completely.

"Yes," Zhang Jian suddenly said "

"I was once called by Zhang Lu, a university scholar of Lantai Secret Garden, to copy the astrology j$ section. At that time, he received a new star from the core of the Secret Garden. At that time, he only took a look, and his face changed. At that time, I heard him exclaim 'The tigers eat the dragon&m;#039;! I've been following him for a while, and I've never seen him look like that!"

Fang Yun frowned slightly. He could observe the astrology, but he didn't know how to derive the fortune from the astrology. But the pattern of "Tiger Eaters and Dragons" just listen to it and you will know that it is not a good omen. You know, no matter what time it is, the dragon represents the most noble existence between heaven and earth! The duty of Lantai Secret Garden is to observe the fortune of the world on behalf of the royal family. It is self-evident that this "dragon" represents!

"The group of tigers and dragons, doesn't it represent the chaos of the world!"

Between Fang Yun's thoughts, the real meaning has been deduced from these four simple words! With a slight look in his heart, he looked at the opposite side and saw Zhongxinhou bowing his head, as if he was concentizing on tasting the fragrant tea in his arms. Fang Yun immediately understood that Zhong Xinhou had known the news in advance, and now he just let himself know through Zhang Ying's mouth.

"Zhongxinhou is well-intentioned." Fang Yun said in his heart. He is that kind of grudge

A clear person, Zhongxinhou's kindness, he naturally remembers in

Only Zhang Ying continued:

"Zhang Lu, a university scholar, looked at me at that time. I didn't say anything and still wrote the materials. Lord Zhang thought I didn't hear it and didn't say anything. Brother Fang, at that time, Lantai Secret Garden issued a password closure order, and it was strictly forbidden to spread the things of Lantai Secret Garden. Moreover, I felt it for a long time. Someone is spying on me. The messenger in the army is not safe, and it is easy to be intercepted by people with intentions, so I have never told you about this matter. Brother Fang, don't be surprised.

Zhang Ying said that his voice was guilty.

"Brother Zhang, it's serious. Since this matter involves the royal family, it naturally has a lot to do with it.

You should have been more cautious! Fang Yundao.

"Haha," Zhongxinluo suddenly smiled at this time: "Today, it's just a private meeting, and we won't talk about state affairs. Come on, little marquis, taste the tea. This is the tea brewed by my wife. She comes from a famous family and has a lot of experience in tea ceremony.

Fang Yun naturally sipped it gently, picked up a piece of exquisite tea on the table and put it in his mouth! After that, the three of them only talked about the family trial and stopped talking about the affairs of the court.

In the gossip, Fang Yun learned that Zhang Ying was still only a named disciple of Taifu, and was not accepted as a formal disciple by Taifu. However, Fang Yun also knows that this kind of thing can't be rushed. Taifu Gui is the third prince, and he must be extremely harsh in receiving his disciples. It is impossible to officially accept as a disciple without some tests.

"It's getting late, Marquis, I'll go back to the house first!"

Fang Yun looked out of the window. At this time, it was already a little dark.

"Well, Yinger, send the little marquis for me!" Loyalty to Hou Dao.

"The child obeys the order."

The two walked out of the house, and the Zhongxinhou Mansion had prepared a bronze carriage early.

"Brother Fang. My father asked me to tell you that I will wait until your title. If there is criticism from the court, he will definitely be a civilian

I will definitely fully support the little marquis!"

When he came forward, Zhang Ying bowed and bowed to him. When he bowed, he whispered.

Fang Yun was stunned, and then hung up the curtains and said lightly across the carriage;

"Brother Zhang, thank your father for me. Today's 'Tea&m;#039;I'm very satisfied!

When it comes to "tea", Fang Yun aggravated his voice. He knew in his heart that since Zhongxinhou said this through Zhang Ying's mouth, in order to avoid suspicion, he was afraid that he would not see himself before he left Beijing!


In the loud shout, the bronze carriage set out from Zhongxin Houfu and drove to Sifang Houfu.

"Young master, you're back!"

When Fang Yun returned home, the old housekeeper Liang Bo was waiting at the door.

"Well," Fang Yun answered and didn't care.

"When you were away, a man named Zhao Boyan just came to the house to find you. It is said that it was ordered by you!

Liang Bo continued.

"Zhao Boyan!" Fang Yun raised his eyebrows and immediately said, "That's good. He was ordered by me to come to the capital to find me. Where is he now?"

"I have arranged him in your study. I'm waiting." Liang Bodao.

Without saying a word, Fang Yun immediately walked to the study. With a squeak, he opened the door. In the study, a familiar figure sat and suddenly stood up.

"Your subordinates, see - adult!"

Zhao Boyan saluted respectfully.

"You came in time. I arrived in Beijing the next day. You will be home soon. Very good!"

Fang Yun waved his big sleeves and sat straight behind the desk: "Sit down!

"I dare not."

Fang Yun saw the situation and did not insist:

"In that case, you can stand still. I won't say anything more. How's the thing I want you to do?

Zhao Yanyan smiled confidently when he heard the words. He put one hand into his sleeve and pulled out a folded brochure:

"Your Excellency, please have a look. This is the moth I have developed since I received the order of the adults, with a total of 1,liu,82. These people may not have high martial arts skills, but it is the easiest to find out the news!"

Fang Yun raised his eyebrows slightly. Hearing Zhao Boyan say this, he was also a little surprised. In such a short time, Zhao Boyan was able to develop so many spies, which was far beyond his preparatory course.

He was not polite. He took the fold in Zhao Boyan's hand and immediately opened it to watch. Zhao Boyan is five or three thick, but his handwriting is very romantic. A line of words is densely written from left to right. The identities, characteristics and martial arts of these spies are all written clearly in concise writing.

The identities of these people are all-encompassing, sophomores, robbers, masters, officials and pawns, prostitutes, sect disciples, and masters of scattered cultivation, all of which are different and sufficient!

"Huh?" When he saw several disciples of the Taisu Sect and the Shimo Sect on the roster, Fang Yun was immediately slightly shocked. The Taisu School and the First Demon Sect are both big schools. Although these detectives placed by Zhao Boyan are extremely low-ranking handymen and cooks, they are not even foreign disciples. But that's enough. After all, they are going to inquire about the news, not to let them work hard. Moreover, the low status makes it even more difficult to attract attention!

Fang Yun looked up at Zhao Boyan. Seeing Fang Yun looking over, Zhao Boyan immediately looked confident.

"Not bad! In a short period of time, it can develop to such a scale. Your ability makes me

I'm so surprised!"

Fang Yun nodded.

"Thank you for your praise!" Zhao Boyan said respectfully.

".&m;m;, the treasure given to you is almost used, right?" Fang Yundao.

Zhao Boyan looked stagnant and quickly pulled out another booklet from his sleeve: "Your Excellency, this is all the use, expenses, and the rest of the account details. Please have a look."

When Fang Yun took it over, Zhao Boyan lowered his head and said:

"Forgive me. Developing so many 'ths' is really useful and expensive! Those sects only receive elixirs and skills, which is easy to say. However, the 'm;#039;' in the secular world has to spend gold and silver to open the way, otherwise, it is not enough to win people's hearts.

Fang Yun took a look, and it was written in detail in the brochure. At the end of the fold, Zhao Boyan saved much more gold and silver than he expected!

"You don't have to worry too much about silver. I'll figure it out!"

Fang Yundao.

The matter of gold and silver treasures is really a headache. In Xi'er City, he can still receive some treasures, but when Yang Hong makes trouble, Xi'er City is not as good as before. However, this kind of thing is something he is worried about. This kind of thing must not be leaked in front of subordinates!

Fang Yun looked at the expenses and estimated the remaining gold and silver, which was enough for him to support for some time. If it really doesn't work, just sell a piece of equipment. This thing is worth a long time, and it is enough to sell one for a long time.

It's just that the ground can't buy such things, and no one wants to sell them! And

Moreover, Fang Yun only has one prison peak now, which is a life-saving thing. It must not be sold easily

out! D