The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 301 Heavenly Evil

Dihuang, Yihuang and Dazhou, the three adjacent zones, a huge mountain peak covering hundreds of miles, surrounded by clouds and fog, standing on the earth. This is Tianxie Mountain.

Due to the exposure of his interference in the Dihuang War in the northwest of the Great Zhou Dynasty, in order to avoid being encirced and suppressed by the army of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the Tianxie Sect had to avoid thousands of miles and moved the Tianxie Mountain to the border wilderness of three mixed forces.

A black fog penetrated layers of rocks from the top of Tianxie Mountain and extended to the belly of the mountain. There was a magnificent consciousness in the black fog. A moment later, the black fog appeared in a secret room in the belly of the mountain.

"Xue Lie, wake up!"

A loud, invisibly powerful voice came from the black fog and echoed in the secret room.

In the middle of this cold stone room, there is a round stone plate. On the stone plate, there is a handsome young man sitting at the end. The young man was wearing a heavenly evil robe made of black silk. His skin is as white as jade, and his temperament is calm with cold, dark long hair, combed up at the root, bound in a bun on the top of his head, and inserted with a long black hairpin.

At first glance, this young man looks like a good white jade, carved into a human shape, and then wears a gorgeous black Taoist robe. In this young man, I can't feel any special body temperature and life. It seems that this is a superb jade sculpture!

Hearing the call of the evil master, like the revival of everything during the Spring Festival, a vigorous vitality bursting out of the young man's body. His eyes trembled and then suddenly opened. The dark star-like pupils shot out a bright light! Behind him, the void twisted, and a huge shadow of the evil god faintly appeared!


The young man looked at the black fog at the top of the stone room, blinked his eyes, revealing a trace of light: "But what's the new news?"

"No" The voice of the evil master of heaven floated down from the black fog: "Now, there is one thing you need to do in the sect!"

"Oh?" Xue Lie's beautiful eyebrows frowned slightly, and the look in his eyes quickly faded.

"Although it is not too windy, it is related to the wind. There was a little marquis named Fang Yun in the Zhou Dynasty, and he was your goal this time!"

"Oh? Could it be that this little marquis hooked up with Feng Taicang?

"No, a few months ago. Feng Taicang went to the wilderness to intercept him. As a result, he was seriously injured by this little marquis!"

The evil suzerain said indifferently.


Hearing the words of the evil master, Xue Lie felt like a bolt from the blue, showing an unbelievable look.

Wen is not the first, Wu is not the second! The wind is so strong that the strange peak rises, and it has confirmed the first master of the devil's youth, which makes many of the rising stars of the devil's way eccentric! The goal of many rising stars in the magic way is to defeat Feng Taicang and ascend to the throne of the first master of the magic youth!

And Xue Lie is one of them. At the last magic party, he lost to Feng Taicang by half a move! After that, he slept on his salary and tasted gall, and practiced evil skills. The purpose is to kill Feng Taicang and regain the throne of the first master of the demon youth!

He never thought that he had learned from it and wanted to defeat the wind. Unexpectedly, he was defeated by the little marquis of passers-by A, B, C and Ding!

Xue Lie pondered slightly and then said, "Information, I need the information of this little marquis!"

The opponent who can hurt the wind too much must be terrible. Although Xue Lie had a sense of arrogance in his bones and was not convinced, he was not stupid. The first thing he thought of was to study the way of this little marquis!

"You have been closed for too long! Now there are a lot of rising strong people, you don't even know. It's time to go out for a walk!"

As soon as the sound fell, a block of information was shaken out of the dark cloud.

Xue Lie sat on the ground and opened it. His eyes were sharp, and the page turned very fast. After a while, I finished reading the last page in a few breaths.

"Hahaha! So that's what happened!" Seeing Fang Yun's information, Xue Lie looked up to the sky and laughed:

"The wind is too strong, the wind is too strong, you really let me down! You are such a loser. Unexpectedly, he was defeated by a jumping clown who changed the level like this! That's all. When I kill Fang Yun, take his head and throw it in front of you. Then use my new "evil god spell" to completely defeat you in terms of confidence and strength!"

As soon as the sound fell, Xue Lie's body exploded into pieces with a bang, turning into a thick fog, filling every corner of the stone room.

"Master, I'm leaving!"

As soon as the sound fell, the sea of fog suddenly turned into a black air column and rose to the sky. I saw dark clouds rolling over Tianxie Mountain, lightning and thunder, and a black air column rushed out of Tianxie Mountain, connecting the heaven and the earth.

The whole Tianxie Mountain is rumbling and trembling in this air column, and countless Taoist figures knelt on the mountain. Hong Sheng said:

"Welcome to Big Brother! --"


In response to these compliments, it was a disdainful cold hum. Xue Lie turned into a pillar of air and rose to the sky. After sinking into the clouds, he turned south and disappeared without a trace.

Xue Lie did not notice that at the foot of the mountain, a sweeping handyman stopped, stationed in the air, and silently looked at the direction of his departure.


Seven days later, a carriage drove slowly on the road to Huai'an City.

From Shangjingcheng to Huai'an City, the carriage takes about 20 days. Fang Yun was not in a hurry. He kept moving every day and got the wisdom of the wind. After a trace of internal force stimulates the spiritual power, feed the dragon's eye.

"Your Excellency, there is news."

Zhao Boyan withdrew his palm from the window of the car, and there was an extra carrier pigeon in his hand. In terms of transmitting news, the fastest in the world is undoubtedly the hummingbird of the Zhou Dynasty. Tens of thousands of miles, that is, a few days.

However, the hummingbird is in the hands of the Ministry of Industry, which is stricter than the control of the crossbow. Even if outsiders are lucky enough to catch a hummingbird, they still can't use the hummingbird without another key thing.

Of course, Zhao Boyan can't have a hummingbird to deliver the message. So he used a carrier pigeon. There is a certain risk in using carrier pigeons, which may be caught by martial artists and roasted directly. Therefore, Zhao Boyan will use several carrier pigeons for every message!


Fang Yun closed his eyes, leaned his back to the carriage, and said indifferently.

Zhao Boyan took the first note from the carrier pigeon's leg, took a look at it, and immediately refreshed: "Your Excellency, Lu Yu has reached the ground level and has been set up as a core disciple by Rift Tianzong. Cultivate with all your strength!!"


Fang Yun suddenly opened his eyes with a smile on his face: "Not bad! It really didn't surprise me. With his will, he can definitely pass through the 72 floors of the ground. The only thing missing is the help of some external things such as elixirs!"

"Your Excellency, now our strength has been strengthened again!"

Zhao Boyan said happily. He has never seen Lu Yu, but just by virtue of the elixir given to him by Fang Yun, he also knows that Lu Yu and Fang Yun are friends.

Fang Yun smiled and said nothing. He remembered what he looked like when he first saw Lu Yu. Lu Yu's eyes are like an eagle, flying in the sky at any time, and no shackles can imprison him.

People with such eyes can't be controlled. Fang Yun didn't want to control him either. They are the same kind of people, friends and enemies. At some critical times, it is enough to help each other!

For power, Lu Yu, like himself, has a strong desire. This is doomed, as long as he steps into the ground to change, it will attract the attention of the sect.

Fang Yun believes that he must be able to soar to the sky and shock the world!

"Your Excellency, there is another message."

Zhao Boyan took another piece of stationery paper from the other leg of the carrier pigeon.

"Snounce." Fang Yun said indifferently.

Zhao Boyan opened it and took a look. The original excitement suddenly disappeared, and his eyebrows frowned:

"Your Excellency, the situation is not good. It's really expected by you! The evil sect came to the strong to chase and kill!"

Seeing the content on the letter paper, Zhao Boyan felt heavy in his heart. No celestial-level strong person can be underestimated. What's more, this is not an ordinary celestial-level strongman!

"Take it to me and have a look!"

Fang Yun stretched out his hand and took a look at the note. Unlike Zhao Boyan's frown and heavy mood in his heart, Fang Yun showed a smile on his face:

"It turned out to be the first master of the Heavenly Evil Sect! He acted so flamboyant that he didn't know how to cover it up at all. No wonder he was pressed too hard by the wind!"

As soon as Xue Lie came out of the customs, it immediately caused the change of celestial phenomena and the shaking of the earth. Such a big movement has long attracted the attention of Fang Yun's detectives inserted in Tianxie Mountain. Xue Lie had just left, a message, and then sent it to Fang Yun.

Fang Yun smiled secretly in his heart. If this person kept a low profile and made a surprise attack, he might be a little flustered. However, now that he knows that he is going to deal with himself, that's a lot to say.

"It seems that I have to prepare a big gift for you!"

Fang Yun pinched the note in his hand and thought about it secretly.

Unlike Xue Lie, Fang Yun became arrogant, much more powerful than him. However, Fang Yun knows when to be arrogant and when to keep a low profile. Like meeting the Queen, the arrogant and high-profile result is to find a dead end. And the Zongren Mansion is different. Although the Zongren Mansion has great power, these powers are all in the dark.

Fang Yun is arrogant, that is, they can't do anything about themselves. At the necessary moment, once you turn into a fierce beast, the mansion of the clan mansion will exist. Such a big movement will also attract the attention of all parties.

You know, he is a general who has just made outstanding achievements. At this point, when it is discussed, he is invincible!

Fang Yun is arrogant, but behind the arrogant is wisdom. This is completely different from Xue Lie.

"Bo Yan," Fang Yunwei thought about it and immediately said.

"I'm in!"

"Slow down the speed of the carriage, walk during the day and rest at night. In case of cloudy and rainy days, also stop the news!"

Fang Yundao.


Zhao Boyan was surprised: "But in this way, the journey will be delayed!"

"It doesn't matter, it's not going to the battlefield. "I'm in a hurry to make achievements," Fang Yun's eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a sharp light in his eyes: "I'll write a few letters in a moment, and you can send someone for me to Huai'an City through business!"

"Yes." Zhao Boyan immediately calmed down.