The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 322 Shoot to death

"Please show mercy!"

Yu Chen's five core disciples were not angry, but also obedient, as if he had done nothing, as a matter of course. Then you can abstain!

The young man said coldly.

The five people looked at the pavilion in fear. Yu Chen's face was already pale, and he hummed coldly.

"Brother, I'm sorry, we can't abstain!"

One of the core disciples whispered.

The elder has absolute authority among the peaks. The disciples are originally the best, and they are among the best every year, and the elixirs assigned are also the best. Nature's cultivation is the highest.

"Then let's do it!"

As soon as the sound fell, a punch came out, and only the sound of empty dragons was heard. A huge ancient dragon crossed the dragon and tiger ping, just swept it gently. With a bang, the five people immediately snorted and immediately flew out like a kite!

"This man's name is Liu Jianyong, the second favorite disciple of the elder of Sky Peak. His first favorite disciple is Li Xuchen. The disciple I received nine years ago is now the true disciple of the head of the Dragon Tiger Sect. I heard that he is closing down and attacking the celestial level!"

Qing Xinzi explained. Obviously, it is not the first time for him to enter the Dragon Tiger Sect, and he is very familiar with the situation of the Dragon Tiger Sect.

"Skyscraper wins!"

The battle was almost over in an instant, and the five shuttle disciples came back in frustration!

In martial arts, the power of a dragon is a watershed, which is completely different from reaching or not reaching. When Longhuzong met a strong man who also reached the power of an ancient dragon, Fang Yun was a little surprised, but not surprised.

There are many heroes in the world, and no one dares to underestimate anyone. The martial arts practice immediately divides the level of the earth into the power of a hundred flying dragons, which is naturally reached by someone. Fang Yun is not arrogant enough to think that only he can reach the level in the world.

"Please forgive me!" The five returned to the pavilion and bowed. Go back!" Yu Chen waved his hand and lost to Liu Jianyong's hand, which was also acceptable.

The battle between the peaks continues, and the core disciples under the name of Yu Chen have basically come to an end. As a bystander, Fang Yun is naturally indifferent and hangs high.

"Huh?" Fang Yun suddenly had a strange feeling in his heart. Looking up, he saw Liu Jianyong standing in the pavilion in the suspended pavilion in the north, withdrawing his eyes from Fang Yun.

"Cousin, this man seems to be hostile to you?" Sun Shiyu also felt Liu Jianyong's eyes

"Hmm." Fang Yun shook his head and withdrew his eyes quietly. He was secretly surprised that he and Liu Jianyong seemed to have never met before, and sitting here, he did not do anything amazing. How could he be hostile to himself?

However, Liu Jianyong did not do anything out of line, so Fang Yun did not bet again

Two hours later, the battle at the core disciple level is also over. The disciples under Yu Chen were ranked thirty-ninth, and there was no reward for the top thirty-nine.


The bell rang again, and the voice of the elder of Longhuzong Danding, like thunder, crossed over Longhuping:

"The time below. All core disciples can challenge the foreign aid of the elders at any time

The foreign friends made by the elders of each peak are also a symbol of strength and influence. Therefore, the peak struggle of the Dragon and Tiger Sect does not prohibit the elders of the peaks from inviting the monks and friends of foreign sects to help. Moreover, the elders of the peaks reward foreign monks through the best elixir, which is also conducive to winning other factions and strengthening the strength of the Dragon and Tiger Sect!

After all, Longhuzong is a big school and has a face. In addition to the foreign monks who participated in the battle, there were other sectarian monks who watched the battle. If the elders under the door make friends with some monks with low strength, it doesn't matter if they fail, they will lose the face of the Dragon and Tiger Sect in front of so many sectarian monks who watch the war. Therefore, there is a link of this challenge. "However, this link gradually begins to change. Many unpleasant elders of the Dragon and Tiger Sect humiliate each other in this way.

If the invited foreign elders are not strong enough, they will be defeated by the core disciples under their own names. This face is a big loss. Moreover, the disciples of the sect are watching. In the future, when they choose the mountain peaks to worship the master, they will not be defeated by the elders!

The strongest disciples under the names of the elders of the peaks came to an end one after another. Go to the other elders' pavilions. They are looking at these foreign monks one after another.

Persimmon picking up softly is the biggest feature of this ring! Many foreign monks wandering in the pavilion began to look not good-looking.

"This senior, I'm sorry, please step down!"

"Are you the life-threatening Xiong Chengde? Come down!"

"Bai Lai Shanjun, please come down. Elder Huang, don't mind. The disciple has no other intention

A famous Sanxiu and a small and medium-sized sectarian elder was picked out. These people either looked nervous, or looked pale, or angry.

At this moment, a sound of footsteps came, followed by a cold and arrogant voice:

"Are you Fang Yun? The eagle dog of the court? Humph! Come down! I'd like to have a look, you can rely on

What's ahead of me? The land has become the first place in the list. It's really stained by a court eagle dog like you!"

Seeing Liu Jianyong passing through Longhuping and standing under the pavilion of his party, everyone first turned pale, and then reacted differently.

Qinglong Shusheng, Golden Flute Xiucai, and Flying Locust God are gloating on their faces. Qingxinzi and Mr. Qingfeng are thoughtful. Yu Chen doesn't look, but there is a strange look in his eyes.

"Senior Qingxinzi, what did he say about changing the list?"

Fang Yun remained calm and passed the sound into the clear heart beside him. The earth change list is the list made by three gentlemen, Xuanji, the cardinal and the weighing machine. In addition to the ground change list, there are also the Linghui list, the celestial phenomena list and the Yao Chong list. These three gentlemen are good at deducing the changes of the sky and knowing the past and the future. There is nothing wrong with the list released. The sectarians and monks in the world are very convinced of the list released by Tianjitai!"

After a pause, there was a strange emotion in the clear voice:

"In the past, the list of the sky platform never recorded the court. But just last year, Tianjitai suddenly changed the previous way of separating the imperial court from the sectarian. The warriors of the Zhou Dynasty are also on the list! As far as I know, not long ago, your name appeared at the top of the list!"

Fang Yun's heart trembled slightly. He just knew that there were three lists in the sectarian world. Unexpectedly, he was on the list of heaven and ranked first. Unexpectedly, he knew it from other people's mouths.

Long Hu Ping was quiet. I don't know when, his eyes followed Liu Jianyong to bet on the suspended pavilion where Yu Kun was.

"What's the matter, do you imperial eagles and dogs have this kind of courage? If you don't even have the courage to fight with me, just kowtow three heads in front of me and get out of our Dragon and Tiger Sect!"

Liu Jianyong stared at Fang Yun with a sarcastic face.

"An ant-like things actually want to challenge me. I really don't know how to live!"

Fang Yun snorted coldly, and Huo stood up from the wide chair, condescending, like a god in the sky looking down at Liu Jianyong: "I can pinch you to death like pinching ants! Even if you want to die so much, I will fulfill you!"

Liu Jianyong is crazy, and Fang Yun is more crazy and arrogant. Ling, I'm under pressure!"

Fang Yun also walked out of the suspended pavilion with hatred. With a flick of his finger, the five prison peaks with big nails flew out. Fang Yun opened his mouth, spewed a breath of energy on the peak of the five prisons, and immediately pressed it on Liu Jianyong's head.

"Hmm! This is what you want to give me! You also made it too simple for me first! Dragon, fire, tiger, wind, yin and yang help each other, break it!"

Liu Zaoyong was shocked at first, but he didn't expect Fang Yun to do it. However, he quickly reacted and shouted coldly. Unexpectedly, he did not dodge and punched out.

"Sing! ――:

"Roar! ――:

On Longhuping, the dragon roared and the tiger roared. Behind Liu Jianyong, the void changed, and two huge things faintly appeared. One is an ancient dragon, and the other is a fierce tiger. The two ferocious objects, like two fierce gods, exude a wild atmosphere, as if from the distant ancient times!


A demon-like giant palm against the huge hand falling from the sky. This huge palm is half red and half white. "The tiger-spotted dragon scales are faintly visible, and the two different internal forces are combined.

"Haha! The so-called first... Liu Jianyong resisted this local magic weapon, laughed wildly, and was about to ridicule immediately. Humph! The Buddha carved a monument and pressed the sickle for me!"

When Liu Jianyong finished his words, he heard Fang Yun shouting, and then a huge King Kong Buddha appeared above the suspended pavilion. Fang Yun was like a god, standing on the edge of the suspended pavilion, just pointing his hand, and the perfect King Kong Buddha turned into a streamer and lost into the peak of the five prisons.

"Soft "Mix my disciples, looking for death!"

In the north of Longhuping, there was a sudden old shout. Before the sound fell, a tabby big hand flew out. In the blink of an eye, it changed the dragon's claws and passed through more than half of the dragon and tiger ping, with the smell of mountains and seas, pressing towards Fang Yun.

The elder of the Dragon and Tiger Sect is faster, and Fang Yun is faster!" Boom!

The five prison peaks smashed down with a force that destroyed the landslide, and bombarded Liu Jianyong's internal force all the way, pressing down.

After Fang Yunji refined the vortex of water, the power of the five prison peaks increased by 30% to 40%, which was much more powerful. In addition, the five prison peaks absorbed Fang Yun's strongest Buddha's carving power. Who can stop the warriors of the same level? With a loud bang, a stream of blood came out from the edge of Longhuping. The strongest man of the Dragon Tiger Sect was really slapped to death on the Dragon Tiger Ping by Fang Yun like a scorpion.


Fang Yun's wrist trembled, withdrew to the five prison peaks, and a mouthful of essence spewed out. The waterfall-like thunder dragon immediately hung down on the peak of the five prisons, blocking in front of Fang Yun.


The five prison peaks were slapped by the huge dragon claws, and the thunder dragons on them were immediately scattered. Fang Yun's body was full, and a force of anti-shock spread to his feet. This exquisite suspended pavilion, "Bun" burst into powder!

"The evil barrier! How dare you kill my disciple!"

In the suspended pavilion in the north, a gray shadow floated out. Flashing in the air, he saw a gray-haired old man with big sleeves floating and appearing in the place where Liu Jianyong originally stood. There was a trace of blood in his eyes, as if he were crazy. He grabbed the void with his right hand, and immediately turned into a big hand covering the sky against the wind, and grabbed Fang Yun.

Fang Yun seemed to have expected that he would do this. He didn't look at the hand he grabbed on his head, but just looked at Yu Chen and said coldly:

"Elder Yu, I'm here to help you. How long do you want to watch the play?"

Yu Chen sighed in his heart. He didn't expect that Fang Yun was so cruel that he killed him. He couldn't even save him next to him.

"The elder should calm down, this man can't be killed!"

Yu Chen also patted Yi Yu and stopped the elder Yu. With a bang, a burst of energy exploded, and Yu Chen was forced to withdraw a few steps in a row, and his face turned slightly pale.

"Chen Yu, are you going to fight with me for this evil barrier?"

The elder's eyes were blood red and he shouted violently. Seeing that it was Yu Chen's action, he finally withdrew a little palm at the last moment.

"Hmm! Elder, I advise you not to make a mistake! I can even deal with three demon kings, you

Do you think I can't deal with you?!

Fang Yun stood tall, murderous, strong and terrible!

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