The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 345 One-armed Pluto's three kowtows

"Yanmo, summon Yanmo!"

The frightened screams of the elders of the Holy Witch Church resounded through the edge of the fog. The dark bone stick shook on the ground, and the black fog was boundless and rose from the ground.

A cruel, bloodthirsty, desolate and ancient breath emanates from the center of the fog. A kind of fire expands rapidly at an incredible speed, with endless heat radiation in all directions, and the whole edge of the fog boils and consumes "roar!" ——"

In the huge roar, an ancient demon hundreds of feet high, the heat wave, stood up from the black fog. At the edge of the cold gray fog, the heat wave immediately rolled over and turned into a melting pot.

One head, two heads, three heads... —, —, seven heads!

The ancient Yanmo with seven heads of hundreds of feet rose from the ground, looked up to the sky and roared one by one. With a wave of his big hand, it was immediately a hot stream of heat, splashed out, facing the blue and white hands above his head.

"Ancient witch's head!"

In the loud scream, the sleeves of the elders of the Holy Witch Sect tuckled, and the green flame skeleton in his hand was thrown out between his hands, and at the same time, a mouthful of witch gas spewed out. The skull that was originally a green flame rose was immediately extinguished, and then a black flame rose and turned into a black flame skull.

"Jie Jie Jie" —......—", two ghost fires burned in the eyes of the black flame skeleton, and at the same time, his teeth tapped, making a harsh smile. On the ground, the elder of the Holy Witch Church looked at the void and volleyed a little. In the six orifices of the green flame skeleton, he immediately sprayed an evil, dark, cold and dark light curtain. This dark light curtain enveloped all the elders of the Holy Witch Church, and then with a strong soul corrosive force, bombarded

The head of the ancient witch, rumored to be the darkest medieval era, the elders of the Holy Witch Church killed many sects and monks, the strong in the court, and the secular ordinary people, and absorbed how many corpses, ghosts, yin and evil spirits.

After the death of these holy witch elders, their heads and bones have become the best materials for the holy witchcraft to refine witchcraft.

The head of the ancient witch is the magic weapon made from the heads of the dead elders of the Holy Witch in the Middle Ages! This kind of magic weapon, after refining, has great power!

While the elder took action, other elders also took action. The rolling black smoke exploded into the black impermanence.


The void shook, and in the loud noise, the heat wave rolled and the waves were flying. Two groups of people and horses immediately fought together.

"These foreign sects really have some means!"

Thousands of feet away, Bloody Marquis, Fang Yun, Yin Weiliang, Yi Tianhou and others converged their whole body essence, suspended in the air, and looked at the distance attentively. I only saw the roar of the ancient fire demon on his head, fire whips and flames rolled out wantonly, and the air seemed to burn, and rolling smoke came out. A boundless heat wave came out. Fang Yun and others were thousands of feet away, and they still felt that the heat was unstoppable, as if they had been thrown into a furnace.

"This place is still too close. Let's retreat again!"

Yi Tianhou suddenly said. The ancient Yanmo seems to have the ability to burn the internal power of the warrior. Standing in this place, Yi Tianhou only felt that the internal force of Dantian was boiling, and it was completely hot and unstoppable.

As soon as Yi Tianhou's voice fell, everyone did not say a word, and they retreated hundreds of feet back. That's why I feel a little better.

"These holy witches, what a terrible strength!"

Yin Weiliang looked at the distance and sighed. These elders of the Holy Witch Church have the ability to collapse the sky and the earth in every move. Yin Weiliang thinks that he is definitely not an opponent.

On the side, Duanmu Zhanfeng looked into the distance, with a palpitations in his eyes. With the strength of these holy witch elders, I really want him to ambush as he said at the beginning. I'm afraid that at that time, it will not besiege and kill these holy witch elders, but throw yourself into the trap!

Thinking of this, Duanmu Zhanfeng only glanced at Fang Yun in the next period, and a complex look flashed in his eyes.

Fang Yun didn't notice this, or he didn't pay attention to it. His whole mind was focused on the black flame skeleton thrown by the great elder of the Holy Witch.

"This is a top-quality magic weapon,—......,—"

Fang Yun's heart fluctuated for a moment, but soon shook his head, extinguishing the thoughts in his heart. The "Five Prison Peaks" has only been refined into one and a half, which is only equivalent to a lower-grade local magic weapon.

If you really want to think about the elder of the Holy Witch Sect, not to mention that the elder's strong strength is the top-quality magic weapon, and it is not something that the five prison peaks can fight against.

If two magic weapons fight against each other, I'm afraid that the spirit of the five prison peaks will scream and be seriously injured!

"These old guys are still too strong. When I break through the level and refine the five prison peaks to three peaks, it's not too late to deal with them."

Fang Yun's heart soon calmed down.

The war situation in the distance is becoming more and more intense. The elders of the Holy Witch Church, the imperial envoy is a top-quality magic weapon, and the seven-head ancient flame demon. Such strength is strong enough. But the more powerful one is the prince of Pluto. The seven elders of the Holy Witch Church, including the great elders, were almost completely taken over by him alone.

The prince of Pluto is like a demon god coming out of Jiuyou, with unparalleled fierce power. Every blue and white hand he splits out is as heavy as a mountain, as if he wants to split the sky and the earth together.

The elder's top-grade magic weapon "the ancient witch's head" was chopping and screamed. Even the seven-headed ancient Yan demon was suppressed by the fierce power of the prince of Pluto, and retreated repeatedly.

However, after all, the "ancient witch's head" is a top-quality local magic weapon, and its defense ability is extremely powerful. The attack of Prince Pluto is blocked by this top-quality local magic weapon every time, and it is difficult to make up all the work.

"Prince Pluto, we have no intention to provoke Pluto. There is some misunderstanding about this matter. Why don't we stop and retreat separately?

The elder of the Holy Witch Church shouted.

If the prince of Pluto hadn't heard it, he couldn't fight for a long time, and heard the noise of these old bones in front of him, he was finally a little impatient. The long eyebrows picked up, suddenly stopped and retreated.

Ses of the elders of the Holy Witch Sect were feeling great pressure. Seeing that the prince of Pluto suddenly stopped and retreated, he thought that he suddenly changed his attention and stopped fighting. Suddenly, he was overjoyed and shouted, "Prince..."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly saw the prince of Pluto kneeling on one knee and putting on a strange fear, as if to kneel down to the crowd.

"one-armed Pluto...—......—"

The cold and empty sound is like coming from the underworld, with a terrible breath.

"Buzz! One by one"

Hearing the name, several elders of the Holy Witch Church suddenly turned pale. They know much more about the underworld than other sects. In the "Nearly Ages" that each disciple goes out to walk, there is a direct description of the underworld.

"Quick! Everyone concentrates on destroying the head of the ancient witch!"

The elder screamed, and his voice trembled, which showed how anxious he was. Needless to say, the seven elders of the Holy Witch Church gathered together. Without saying a word, they frantically sprayed essence on the local magic weapon "Ancient Witch Head".

Because of the special practice of skills, the Holy Witch Church has less essence. Every time it sprays a mouthful of essence, it is much more damaged than other sects. At this critical moment of life and death, I can't care so much. The seven elders spit blood-colored essence and sprayed desperately on the "ancient witch's head".

This top-grade magic weapon got the essence of so many elders of the Holy Witch Religion, and immediately changed from black to blood, emitting a terrible smell and a strange smile.

How powerful is a violent top-quality local magic weapon? I'm afraid that the ten ancient fierce beasts are not enough to smash. But in this way, several elders of the Holy Witch Sect still felt insecure and recruited the seven-head ancient flame demon to his side.


The void trembles, and the rolling black fog emerges from the void, rendering the whole place like the end of the world. Just behind the Prince of Pluto, a dark shadow nearly a thousand feet high, with a terrible pressure that the celestial-level strong man could not stand, stepped out of nothingness and stood behind the Prince Hades.

These dark shadows are very strange, with only one arm, which is the one-armed Pluto in the legend of the Underworld! In the legend of the Ming Sect, the Pluto has only one arm, and the other arm is nothingness, which represents "death"!

"Wow! One by one"

The sound of tides came from the void, as if this terrible shadow, the net stepped out of an abyss and the sea. The strong breath of death, endlessly emitted, was so strong that it attracted everyone's attention.

"............—, kowtow!"

In the cold voice, behind the prince of Pluto, the huge shadow of Pluto suddenly "boom,,,, kneel down on one knee, -..., Pluto, is the master of all living things in heaven and earth. Everything will eventually die and return to the arms of Pluto. The Pluto clan believes in this powerful god in heaven and earth.

As the most powerful god in heaven and earth, the master of death, Pluto has always only accepted the salute of others, and there is no way to kneel down for others.

If you want to accept Pluto's kneeling ceremony, you must have great fate and great blessings. Otherwise, you can't stand it and your soul will be scattered.

The most powerful unique learning of the underworld, the one-armed Pluto's three kowtows, is such an artistic conception! This set of unique skills is divided into three moves, namely "one-armed Pluto one kowtow", "one-armed Pluto two kowtow", and "one-armed Pluto three kowtow".

Where Pluto kowtowed, except for the ancient Three Holy Emperors, all of them had a poor fate, and all of them were going to die, and all of them were extinguished!


The earthquake trembled, and the moment Pluto knelt down, the "ancient witch's head" let out a sad scream, as if it had been torn. The artifact of this top-quality magic weapon is also a blessing. It can't disappear from Pluto's kneeling ceremony, and he was seriously injured all of a sudden.

"Ah! One"

At the same time, the seven elders of the Holy Witch Church howled and flew out like a broken kite. They didn't know how many bones were broken, and they were seriously injured all of a sudden. More than that, the luck of the seven people suddenly dimmed a lot, as if they had been immersed in water.

If you dare to be worshipped by Pluto, not only will be seriously injured. Even the luck will be damaged, contaminated by the breath of death between heaven and earth, bleak. I'm afraid that's the unique learning of Mingzong.

At the same time, the ancient flame demon on the seven heads was also dim, directly from a few hundred feet high to dozens of feet high. Although these ancient ferocious objects are fierce and powerful, they do not have this fate. They dare to be worshipped by Pluto!

"An! One by one"

The elder of the Holy Witch Sect endured the injury, shouted fiercely, turned into a black light, rolled up several other elders of the Holy Witch Sect, took back the "ancient witch's head" and the ancient flame demon on the seven heads, and rushed into the fog without looking back.

Under the stimulation of death, I don't know what secret method used by the elder of the Holy Witch Church. Unexpectedly, a few flashed and disappeared without a trace. The place they skimmed, leaving a canopy of blood mist, which was blown out of their bones.

Prince Pluto's move really seriously injured them!