The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 359 Enemians Meet

Everyone nodded, and now they can only be like this.

"Go, find a place to rest first."

When they met the enemy one after another, the group had little time to rest.

Falling on a mountain, the group of people sat down, took a few elixirs, and breathed for a while.

"Huh?" Suddenly, a core disciple twitched his nose: "Elder, I seem to smell a fragrance."

"Real is it?" A elder's eyes were careless, and his eyes subconsciously glanced at the disciple. After such a sweep, he suddenly seemed to see something incredible. His shrugged eyelids suddenly opened and looked at the disciple in shock: "Your face!"

"What's wrong with my face?"

The disciple of the Holy Witch Sect was at a loss.

Other elders also turned their heads when they heard the sound, and they were immediately shocked. This core disciple's face was originally blue and purple, dry and thin, and his whole body muscles were recorded, not a few. But now, not to mention that the injury has recovered, the face has suddenly become rosy. Unexpectedly, he returned to the state before practicing the magic of the Holy Witchcraft, and became like a young man.

"Elder, what's wrong? What happened to me?"

The core disciple continued to ask.

"Search! There must be natural resources and treasures here!"

Several elders are extremely rich. Only through this scene, it is immediately judged that there are some natural treasures of white bones and muscles here. Moreover, this natural treasure is still near this disciple. Only in this way can there be such a change when he smells it first.

Just smell the aroma, and it will have this effect immediately. The effect of the whole plant is not to scare people to death.

Although the Holy Witchcraft is for the purpose of refining flesh and blood, if there is some kind of natural material and earth treasure with white bones and muscles, it will be restored to fresh flesh and blood immediately after taking it by yourself. At that time, through this method, you can keep growing muscles, then refine, regenerate muscles, and then refine, and refine your own flesh and blood into essence. Such an increase in power will be unimaginable.

Several elders immediately realized the benefits. They didn't practice one by one, and searched around one after another.


The elder's bone stick stopped, and the mountain shook under his feet. He immediately used the witch curse of the Holy Witch Church to search for the mountain. The rolling black fog floated out and immediately penetrated into the mountain like mercury.

"I found it, not here, but on the opposite cliff. There was a plant with red fruit, and the hidden cliff sat opposite it. The wind blew on him, so he smelled it.

Hidden Cliff is the core disciple of the Holy Witch Church who smells the fragrance. At this time, he also understood what had happened and reacted.

"The elder, let's go. As soon as the sound of the hidden cliff fell, he immediately offered the fruit to the half of the cliff.


A stormy roar suddenly came from afar, followed by a small mountain roaring, with the power of terror, hitting the hidden cliff in mid-air.

The hidden cliff was shocked, but he was not surprised to see that it was a small mountain. After all, he was graded. It is not a problem to slam a small mountain.


The hidden cliff shouted loudly and immediately hit the oncoming mountain peak with a stream of black smoke.

"Don't answer!"

Suddenly, there was a loud shout in his ear. On the cliff, an elder volleyed a little and blew up the small mountain peak. An invisible force swept away. Several huge stones hit the hidden cliff, and he felt that he was directly bombarded by a dragon.

"Why am I so unlucky..."

In the mind of the hidden cliff, there was only time to pass the idea, and immediately the chest was smashed, the vitality was extinct, and it fell from the air.


The elder stood on the cliff, and his bones were stuck in a mess, almost crazy. Obviously, it smashed the peak, but there were two "fish leaking the net" that killed the hidden cliff. This seems accidental, but it is not the first time it has happened!

One occurrence is an accident, and the second occurrence is a coincidence. Such accidents and coincidences have happened frequently.

"Go, go, go!! Pick that fruit and leave quickly!"

The elder shouted.

As far as his eyes could see, a monster with a white head and red feet, like an ape, but a hundred times bigger than an ape, was screaming angrily and running here.

They run like flying, nearly a hundred feet in one step, and when they run hard, they keep throwing pieces of peaks and boulders in the ape's palms of the huge land. These peaks and boulders roared and flew towards them with a terrible whistling sound.

Zhu Yan, the seventy-two fierce beasts, ranked 38th, with the power of eight dragons. Each of the peaks and rocks they throw out has the power of eight dragons. Although the hidden cliff is graded, it can't afford it.

There is a huge white horn on the top of Zhu Yan's head. This is the source of its talent. Zhu Yan's talent magic is very simple, that is, "condensing." They can quickly turn the soil under their feet into peaks and then throw them out.

Although Zhu Yan has the power of eight dragons, it is not a big threat to several celestial phenomenal elders. On the contrary, if Zhu Yan's whole body essence is refined, it can also greatly increase his power.

At ordinary times, these elders of the Holy Witch Sect had not been surprised for a long time and ran up to refine. But at this moment, he was seriously injured and unlucky. An accident can cause the destruction of the whole army. No one dares to have such a thought.

"This fruit must be their guardian! Hurry up, these guys are furious."

The elder shouted that these Zhu Yan had been running faster and faster.

The elder who was sent out to collect the fruit was almost hit by the mountain five times when he flew over. However, in the end, he successfully picked the fruit in his hand.

"Elder, I've got it. Let's go!"

As soon as the voice fell, several elders immediately flew to the sky.

Zhu Yan, more than 20 people, became more and more violent. One by one, screamed like thunder. At the same time, the speed of condensing and throwing the peaks in his hands was getting faster and faster. Two elders couldn't dodge. They were hit by more than a dozen peaks and smashed bones again. He was saved in time by the elder.

At this time, a figure is flying through the sky.

Hearing the roar of the apes below, Fang Yun stopped and looked curiously. Immediately, I saw a huge group of Zhu Yan besieging several people in black robes in anger.

In Fang Yun's eyes, the luck of these people is dim. There is also a black breath wrapped around the essence column.

"Hahaha, I mean, it turned out to be the bone shelves of the Holy Witch Church. Seeing that they were entangled in black air, it seemed that they had been hit by the Prince of Pluto's move. "One-armed Pluto kowtoed" victimized Feiqian!"

Fang Yun laughed in his heart.

There are a few skeletons of the Holy Witch Church. At the beginning, it was simply a lifetime. Now he is clumsy, and he seems stupid to deal with some Zhu Yan. Even if Fang Yun thinks with his toes, he knows that these old guys are not very lucky during this period.

"The fine air column is stained with black. This is obviously to be transported. These guys, now drink a glass of cold water and have their teeth. I happen to have revenge. Let's clean them up.

Fang Yun was ready to move. A team of elders of the Holy Witch Religion can force the prince of Pluto to use "one-armed Pluto kowto", which is enough to show his strength. And he also has a top-quality local magic weapon. When these elders were in full bloom, Fang Yun did not dare to do it easily even if he had the power of twelve dragons. But they are unlucky now, so it's different.

"Hahaha, the elder. It's all right!"

Fang Yun laughed and suddenly hung upside down from the air and rushed over. In the air, he immediately split down with a "cules palm".

As soon as the elder escaped, he suddenly heard the laughter and immediately looked up.

"It's you!!"

Seeing Fang Yun's appearance, several elders of the Holy Witch Sect immediately exclaimed, and then the cold light appeared in their eyes. They gritted their teeth one by one. They couldn't wait to swallow Fang Yun alive and raise the ashes!

In the memory of Qianyuan Xuanbao, they had seen this little marquis for a long time and recognized him at a glance.

If it hadn't been for this guy, they wouldn't have met the prince of Pluto; if it hadn't been designed by him, they wouldn't have been the one-armed Pluto. P head"; If it hadn't been for this guy, they wouldn't have had bad luck and lost several people!

"It's really hard to find a place to break the iron shoes, and it's not a waste of effort! Kill him, refine him into blood food, and swallow him alive!"

Seeing Fang Yun, the culprit, the five elders sprayed fire in their eyes, and the resentment, anger, hatred and anger had been in the past few days. At this moment, it seemed that they had finally found a vent and vented it.

"Kill him!"

He is as calm as the elder. At this moment, he is also out of control. If he has not refined his flesh and blood, he may have tears of excitement at this moment, and finally found the culprit!!

In the past few days, there has been a series of bad luck. If there is any good news, it is undoubtedly the culprit!


Black smoke rose one after another, and countless ghosts, fire, phosphorus and phosphorus inside, and countless skeletons screamed in it. At the same time, the five ancient flame demons were pulled out, and the heat wave rose to the sky. A fierce demon waved the whip, spitting the Yan River, and swept away towards Fang Yun.

Summoning the fire demon consumes a lot of energy.

For the five seriously injured elders, this burden is unclear. However, in order to kill Fang Yun, the culprit, he can't care so much.

"Ancient witch's head!"

The elder threw his big hand and immediately sacrificed the "ancient witch's head", and a mouthful of essence spewed out. The "ancient witch's head" immediately screamed sadly and shot at Fang Yun with a rolling black flame.

This magic weapon is often out of control at the critical moment. But at this time, the elder didn't remember this at all.

"Hahaha, it's really not that the enemy doesn't get together. You have to deal with me. It's just right. I'm also going to deal with you. Let's see who is smarter!"

In mid-air, Fang Yun's powerful magic palm slapped out, scattering the thick smoke. In the same room, the five prison peaks were sacrificed. The "ancient witch's head" was smashed. ( To be continued, if you want to know what will happen, please support the author and support the genuine reading!)