The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 362 Tianang Beast, Tiangou

The elder of the Holy Witch Sect only wanted to escape from Fang Yun, but forgot a terrible thing.

. This is a dangerous place haunted by fierce beasts, not the peaceful Middle-earth Shenzhou in the world!

He is now seriously injured, and his skills are scattered again, and he can't even fly in the air. What's more, no one knows now. Where is the exit? He wants to escape. There is nothing we can do. What's more. There are a crisis here. If you meet a fierce beast...

The elder took a deep breath. I dare not think about it..........


seemed to respond to his worst intentions, and the whole mountain shook. Then a huge Zhu Yan appeared on the edge of the mountain, with scarlet eyes staring fiercely at him as if to tear him up.

The elder's heart suffocated, and then his voice trembled. Make a desperate and resentful cry, "Prince Pluto!" .......

He was clear-headed at this time and understood immediately. I was hit by the prince of the real king, "One-armed Pluto kowtoed,


, the bad luck brought by it broke out again in the negotiations with Fang Yun. Only this.

can explain. He is in negotiations with Fang Yun. Why is your head dizzy? Such a stupid mistake!

"Roar! One by one.

In the huge roar. A huge red Zhu Yan, from all directions, made the thin elder like a chicken. Surrounded in the middle. Then these Zhu Yan. I rushed out "Ah, one by one,..

On the cliff, there was a scream in the distance. Fang Yun heard the scream. He sneered at the elder's little thought. He doesn't know how. It's a pity. He was dizzy and only wanted to escape. But I forgot what place it is.

Although Fang Yun promised to let him go. But he didn't agree to help him get out of here.

Help your enemy escape? This kind of stupid deal. Fang Yun asked himself, "It's a pity that I didn't step into the celestial level. Otherwise, seal him directly. There is a great elder of the Holy Witch Church as a puppet. That's really much more convenient!"

Fang Yun thought to himself. He moved his mind and erased the prohibition of the Holy Witch Church on the space bag. Then he sacrificed himself. This is the third space bag he has won.

"I have three space bags now. A space bag. You can give it to the eldest brother. As for the father. If not. You can also give it to him."

The space bag was originally refined by the sect. The number is not very large. These elders of the Holy Witch Church. Only one person has it. Caiyun felt that although his father was the prince of the Zhou Dynasty, and he was highly meritorious, he did not necessarily have this kind of thing.

Fang Yun separated a trace of consciousness and sank into the third space bag. Check the harvest.

This space is full of treasures, and there are many spiritual herbs and elixirs. There are also many fierce beasts. Mythical beast. There are so many people in the Holy Witch Church, and they will gain a lot. However, Fang Yun also knows. These guys are unlucky, and they don't have any big babies.

The first thing that appeared in Weizhi was a few drops of sealed beasts and mythical beast blood. All of them are sealed by means of sealing and turned into a bled-like existence.

I saw a few drops of blood of fierce beasts. Fang Yun was first shocked and shook his head. "What a precious thing! There is fierce blood on my body, but I don't need it!!.

Fang Yun shook his head secretly in his heart. If these holy witch elders are enlightened and use the method of earth change or the method of heaven and earth, they will fall to the ground at that time. Maybe it's yourself.

"Are these guys really confused? There is the blood of fierce beasts. It doesn't even need to?

Fang Yun was puzzled. A sage of elders of the Holy Witch Church. No matter how confused it is, it doesn't mean that everyone is confused, and it has been confused for a long time.

The classics of fierce beasts and mythical beasts are discarded in the space bag instead of using them. It is no longer stupid to be described as being killed by yourself in the end.

I just squinted my eyes. Countless thoughts flashed in the clear eyes. Then my heart moved. I kind of understand." The method of ground change can only be used above the ground change level. It is also true that all ground-changing warriors can use the method of ground-changing. But not everyone exerts the method of change. After that, you can still maintain your own consciousness. In the Great Western Plague. That name has changed into a "fly". An example is the one who loses consciousness and becomes stronger.

"The Law of Earth Change" and the Law of celestial phenomena. The requirements for willpower and spirit are extremely high. The requirement for spiritual power is "quantity"

, and the requirement for will is "quality"! The two have nothing to do with power.

This point can be proved from Lu Yu that Lu Yu is still in the mine. For the earth-changing strong and the celestial phenomenal strong, it is like a wisp of ants. Press it and you will die. But in terms of the firmness of will, not to mention the celestial level, even the strong of the celestial level may not be comparable to him.

It is necessary to use the "Law of Earth Change" and "Law of celestial phenomena". You must have an extremely strong will.

Several elders of the Holy Witch Church may not have thought of it. Accept "blood" in your mind. Use the method of celestial phenomena.

However, although his spiritual power is strong, his will may not reach the point where he can subdue the blood of the mythical beast, not to mention that the group was seriously injured at that time. And. Bad luck adds to the body, and the mood is irritable and impulsive. In this case. The method of changing the ground is simply the method of committing suicide with serious injury. That's not as simple as dementing consciousness and falling into chaos. That's going to be stabbed to death.

"The underworld is really terrible!

A trace of deep fear flashed in Fang Yun's heart. Although the people of the Holy Witch Church died in their own hands in the end. But in the final analysis, it was also because of the "one-armed Pluto kowtoation", the bad luck was added.

This place is so big that I just came out and made a poor man. You can also meet them. No, don't say it, in the dark. It was indeed the bad luck that they got that slap and stood. I sent them here.

"It's just that it's powerful. It's too terrible to be able to dissipate other people's luck and make the other party's bad luck. This Prince Pluto. If you are not sure in the future, don't hit him.

Fang Yun subconsciously produced a strange idea. Although the one-armed king kowtows is very lethal, it is not impossible to compete. If the strength is strong enough. A palm beat the use of this method to death. I don't know if I can do it by the way. Dispray this bad luck!

The martial arts in the Underworld is really perverted. But it's not up to the point of going against the sky. After all.

The head of the 100,000 sects in ancient times was the Sword Sect, not the Ming Sect.

Swordsmanship has always been fast. Fierce, accurate. Strong. The people of Mingzong, if you meet the unique skills of the people of Jianzong in the Mingdian. There may not be a chance to use it.

"The next moment, Fang Yun was in the space bag. I found a poor Qi Neidan. These elders of the Holy Witch Church actually killed a poor Fangyun and took out this poor inner elixir. Throw it into another space bag. Add this one. Fang Yun now has four Qiongqi Neidan.

In addition to these, Fang Yun also found a pile of spiritual herbs and elixirs in the space bag, as well as the materials of the sacrifice refiner. Deep sea cold iron, earth crystals, life crystals, etc. In addition. It's gone.

The Holy Witch Church uses the flesh and blood of monks of other sects as an elixir. It is impossible for Fang Yun to find the "elixim" from it.

"It's not that there is no harvest at all. Fang Yun counted it and took back this space bag. Suppression is in the clock of heaven and earth. Those skeletons of the Holy Witch Church are going to be entangled. Fang Yun has no hope. How much can they bring to themselves?

Fang Yun went all the way to the west, and the elder of the Holy Witch Sect went to the valley, "Huh?" Fang Yun suddenly stopped and was just in the void. He collected a familiar message: "It's the world! He has been promoted to the spiritual wisdom level, and he has been able to receive more information in the void. Just now, he collected information about his cousin Sun Shiyu. Judging from the situation. Behind him. Follow a heavenly dog.

Tiangou's strength is still above the "poor" "not good!

Fang Yun's body moved. Chase in the direction of perception. Neither Tiangou nor Sun Shiyu have a restrained breath. The message left in the air is also very clear. Obviously, Sun Shiyu fled a few miles away. Behind. A blue and white dog with a very long tail. I'm teething,

Chasing all the way. This dog is only more than 20 feet. But the flames. But it scares people to death.

If Sun Shiyu hadn't had the "mountain movement method", and he was surrounded by mountains, his figure was erratic and not easy to catch a model. In addition, there is a foreign treasure of "Demon Seed Platform" of "Hercules and Demon Sect" in his hand, which has long been by this heavenly dog. Burned to death in one bite.

"Cousin, save Sun Shiyu sweated to the upright.

Escape. While screaming. He has never felt the breath of death so close to practice martial arts. Obviously, he can only bite in one bite. I can't bite it. Tiangou is gradually getting more and more irritable and fierce.

Suddenly made a sound like a wolf. The howling of a dog like a dog opened his mouth and spewed out a sea of fire. This sea of fire was so huge that it was almost burned to Sun's wall. A dark shadow flew through the narrative, and lightning-like captook Sun Shi's swing in the blink of an eye. It appeared on another mountain thousands of feet away.


Sun Shiyu recognized the identity of the person and was determined in his heart. Fang Yun nodded.. But his eyes were on the angry Tiangou, on the list of mythical beasts. Tiangou's ranking is higher than that of Qiongqi.

If Fang Yun doesn't change, he can't fight against this dog at all. The clouds above the top of the mountain were motionless and staring at the Tiangou in the distance. He is going to kill this heavenly dog by killing a sage of the elders of the Holy Witch Church.

Eighteen Dragon Powers. With the addition of a prison peak comparable to the best magic weapon, it is enough to deal with this heavenly dog.

cough, Qianzhangwai Tiangou let out an angry howling, and rushed to Fang Yun and Sun Shiqi at the top of the mountain.

"It's now!,

Fang Yun's pupils shrank suddenly. A strong murderous chance flashed in his eyes. It is necessary to use the method of change to kill this heavenly dog. At this moment, an indifferent and domineering voice came from the top of his head, "Five Emperors Royal Dragon Fist!" As soon as the voice fell, two faint dragon shadows. Falling from the void. The sky dog roared at the sky. These dragon shadows exude an extremely ancient, domineering, vast and primitive atmosphere. It's not a ichthy dragon, a flying dragon or a dragon, but a more powerful existence.


Only a deafening loud noise, the mythical beast in the sky, which ranked after the top 20, let out a sad howle. Then connect the surrounding space within 20 feet. Fry it into Zhai noodles together.