The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 383 The Appetite of Instrument

Prince Pluto and Black and White impermanence have just left. The wind is blowing. The thirteenth prince and the palace marquis in a golden robe. Appeared in front of the mountains.

"It seems. We missed something wonderful.

The thirteenth prince glanced around and said indifferently. The space here. There is a strong atmosphere after the fierce battle. Obviously, there was a big war not long ago.

The palace marquis didn't speak. His eyes swept away. He was soon attracted by the eggshells on the main peak of the huge mountain range. The robe is swinging. The palace appeared at the top of the mountain out of thin air.

The eggshell of the black dome has been completely broken. Black eggshells are scattered all over the ground.

The marquis of the town bent down and picked up a piece of eggshell.

Look silently. Don't say a word. If you think about it.

The thirteenth prince's robe was swinging. I also stepped on the peak. I glanced at the top of the mountain. The eggshells scattered on the ground frowned slightly. With his cultivation, you can naturally feel it. In these eggshell fragments, there is a strong and pure dark power.

"What is it?"

Thirteen princes said.

Sifu's expression appeared in the eyes of the palace marquis. After a moment, he finally said, "The egg of the evil god!

Collections collected in the palace. It is the best in the world. Although the information about the "evil god" is rare, there is still information in the palace. As a palace keeper. There are many rights, including reading some hidden classics in the royal family.


The thirteenth prince raised his eyebrows slightly. Although he doesn't know what the "egg of the evil god" is. But if you only listen to the word "evil god", you can probably understand what it means.

"Let's go!

The palace marquis put an eggshell of the evil god's egg into his sleeve. Then the two of them shook their bodies. Disappeared on the peak.

Night. The Valley of Time.

A golden light flashed, a small golden bell. Appeared outside the valley. The golden bell shook, and the cloud appeared and stood next to the golden bell tungsten.

"Master, I feel... Something very important. Inside...

A wave of consciousness came into Fang Yun's mind.

This wave of consciousness is intermittent and very astringent, and it seems that they are trying to learn to speak and communicate.

"Then go.

Fang Yundao. The spirit of the clock in heaven and earth speaks vaguely. It's not clear. But Fang Yun knows. In this valley. Only fragments of time. If anything is important to the clock of heaven and earth, it can only be a fragment of time.

"But..." The spirit of heaven and earth seems to be thinking about how to plan: "You can't go, the power of time... runs through the space. Unstoppable... It's not safe inside!"

The spirit of the clock of heaven and earth seems to be growing at an amazing speed. His consciousness became more and more fluent, and by the last sentence, it was already very smooth. It's complete.

Fang Yun thought about it and knew that it was said. The clock of heaven and earth can't isolate the power of time, and it is not safe to stay in it, so he called him out.

"I see," Fang Yun nodded: "Go ahead, I'll take you here.

"Master. I'll be back soon.

A golden light flashes. The clock of heaven and earth turned into a golden rainbow and fell into the valley of time.

"The parallel in the cave. Leave it to me. What the hell is it? Able to devour the eggs of evil gods. Now it seems that it still has something to do with the time fragment!"

When the clock of heaven and earth entered the valley of time, Fang Yun fell into deep grace. However, soon, Fang Yun was changed by another array. It attracts attention.

Rumbled, the valley shook. The cliffs on both sides suddenly shook off a lot of soil. This vibration is not very strong. It can only be regarded as a slight fluctuation. But in this fluctuation. Fang Yun obviously felt it. The power of time in the whole valley. There has been a change.

This kind of time fluctuation. At the beginning, it was a stormy wave, affecting the whole valley and all the power of time was in disorder. But soon. This fluctuation will quickly weaken. Immediately after. The time fluctuated throughout the valley and suddenly stopped "buzzing!

A wisp of light wind passed, and the clock of heaven and earth appeared in front of Fang Yun again. The breath emitted by the small bell has weakened a lot. It seems that a lot of energy has just been consumed.

This trip back and forth. The shape of the small clock has not changed much. However, Fang went faintly felt that the golden light emitted by the clock of heaven and earth. Brighter. It's like a sleepy and tired person. Suddenly, the spirit comes, which is a change in temperament.

"Master, I'm back.

The consciousness of heaven and earth is remembered in Fang Yun's mind again. This time, there was no lack of astringency, with a breath of anger.

Fang Yun was about to ask what had happened when his heart suddenly moved and immediately changed his words and said, "If you make such a big noise, it will definitely attract a lot of attention. You take me out of here first, and we'll talk about it later.

The speed of the clock of heaven and earth. It's much faster than Fang Yun. If you want to leave. Naturally, it is better to leave through the clock of heaven and earth. And. The clock of heaven and earth is relatively small. Compared with people. It's not so eye-catching.

"Yes, master.

The shock of the clock of heaven and earth. Covering Fang Yun's head, Fang Yun's figure shook for a moment. It disappeared immediately. The next moment. Fang Yun once again appeared in the space in the clock of heaven and earth.

It is still an empty space, but Fang Yun feels it. This time. It seems to be a little different.

"Time. It is the power of time!

Fang Yun's heart moved and suddenly figured out what was different. The true qi flow in his body. And when the world is in the world. The flow rate is slightly different.

"It devoured the fragments of time in the valley.

If the fluctuation of the time valley changes. Just let Fang Yun guess, so now, he is basically sure of the guess in his heart.

As soon as Fang Yun left, the rabbit's back foot arrived. It glanced at the empty valley. After a moment of hesitation, he slowly walked into the valley. After a while. The rabbit came out of the valley again.

In the rabbit's eyes, there was no shock or doubt. It glanced at the direction of Fang Yun's disappearance. There was a thoughtful look in my eyes.

After a while, a light wind blew, and the rabbit was silent and lost in the wind.

From beginning to end, the rabbit didn't say a word.

The rabbit left, and a few more groups of people came. Feel the combination in the valley. There was a look of horror in the eyes of these people. Some entered the valley. Trying to search for something, the last man's face came out.

"Somethings here have been taken away!"

The speaker's face is as heavy as water. Hearing this made people look stunned.


The clock of heaven and earth gently shook, like a sharp cone, bombarded into a mountain body. After reaching dozens of feet, he stopped in the belly of the mountain.

This distance. This depth is basically difficult to find.

"Master, we are safe now. No one will find us.

In the empty space. A flash of light. There was a hanging list, wearing a belly pocket. He looked at Fang Yun with pure eyes. In his eyes. There are no magazines and no ideas. Pure is like asking for water.

Start with a word from the spirit of the clock of heaven and earth. Fang Yun felt something was wrong. But for a while, the situation was dangerous at that time. He didn't have time to think about it. At this time, calm down and see the spirit of the clock of heaven and earth. He finally knew what was wrong.

The spirit of the clock of heaven and earth is too young!

The spirit of the instrument is the same as that of human beings, with a period of early childhood. Growth period. Full body period. The spirit born in the "thunder explosion" is like a baby, with a blank head. This kind of weapon is the weakest, and the power of the magic weapon can't be criticized much. And a fully grown-up spirit. It's different. They have their own consciousness. Even if you recognize the Lord. They will also be the controller of the magic weapon. People from generation to generation. Although it will listen to the consciousness of the controller, sometimes it will automatically protect the Lord. But it won't be called "master" or "master".

As for that old and extremely ancient magic weapon. The spirit has a long life. They have experienced countless generations of masters. Is it combat experience or insight? They all have to be far more powerful than ordinary people. It belongs to the extreme of old antiques.

These magic weapons, after recognizing the master. Let them call "master" and "master". That's impossible. For this kind of magic weapon, unless you encounter an extremely powerful controller. Otherwise. If not. It is basically a relationship of equal cooperation.

Even many ancient magic weapons. Speak up. They are all old-fashioned, with the appearance of the old man pointing to the future.

Like the Book of the Origin of the First Demon Sect. Directly, he is the deputy head of the First Demon Sect, the disciples, and some elders, have to salute when they see him. Respectful one by one.

The spirit of the clock of heaven and earth. It's really too young. There are only newly born artifacts. That's why it presents this form. However, Fang Yunyan didn't believe it. There are any young magic weapons that can restrain the consciousness of extraterritorial evil gods. He even swallowed this young evil god directly.

"How old are you?

After a brief silence. Fang Yun's eyes flashed and finally asked, "I don't know." The spirit shook his head, showing a thoughtful voice, "I seem to be very small. It seems to be very old.

ambiguous answer. It is equivalent to no answer.

Fang Yun was silent, with a look of thinking in his eyes. The spirit of the clock of heaven and earth seems to have limited knowledge. Fang Yun knows. Based on his answer just now. I'm afraid there are many things that can't be answered.

"What do you need to figure out how old you are?

Fang Yundao.

The spirit of the clock of heaven and earth answered quickly, very simply and clearly, and there was a strong desire in the voice: "Strong vitality, a large number of time crystals, space crystals."

Hear this answer. Fang Yun's eyes twitched fiercely. I almost fell for a fall. A lot of time crystals? Space crystal?

It is much more difficult to find this kind of thing than to let him find the second "egg of the evil god". Don't talk about him. Even if it is a big faction such as the Taisu School and the First Demon Sect, it is useless to unite with the court and search all over the world.

You should know that in the explosion of a million large worlds and parallel spaces, there is an opportunity to produce a time crystal. This time crystal. Coincidentally, the world where the earth god island is located in the sword. This is difficult. Let him break into the palace now. Kill the emperor alone.'s horse. It's much more difficult.

At least, Fang Yun knows how to enter the palace. And let him to be tied to time crystals and space is a matter of no shadow at all!