The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 396 The Five Emperors and Pluto

Fang Yun was absorbed and watched the "World-shaking King's Fist" performed by the thirteen princes. He can also do this boxing, but the thirteenth emperor's hand is much more powerful than him. At present, it is the best time to observe and learn this royal boxing.


The roar of the fierce beast shook the sky. The "Hell Pluto Fist" with the power of thirty-five dragons of the Pluto is also extremely domineering. The dark dragons roared and kept flying out of the void, biting each other with the golden dragons sent by the thirteenth princes. Extremely fierce!

"Hell Pluto Fist" is the boxing method recorded in the Book of Pluto. When this boxing is applied to its peak, it is said that it can bombard 99 Hell Pluto at the same time. Each one is the power of a dragon. Due to the fate of heaven and earth, there are only ninety-nine, which cannot reach the great perfection of one hundred.

However, to hit 99 hell dragons at the same time, each of which has the power of a dragon, which requires extreme realm and cultivation. The strength of the Prince of Pluto is not deep enough to reach the realm of 99 hell dragons with one punch!

Bang! Bang!! Bang!!

The real fire in the sky collided with the fire in the underworld, and the golden dragon collided with the underworld dragon. Every bombardment is like the collapse of heaven and earth, and the earth is shaking. The fierce fight between the two is terrible.

Everyone stood on the ground, at a long distance, and felt that their feet were shaking, and the rocks kept sliding down from the nearby mountains.

"This Prince Pluto, what a terrible strength! The thirteenth prince will not lose to him, will he?"

Yihou Yin's slightly cool voice came from his ears, with worry. In this *** space, the interests of everyone are completely linked to the thirteen princes. With the strength shown by the thirteen princes, if they win, I'm afraid that they will suffer from this group of people.

Fang Yun pondered for a moment and said, "Don't worry. Although it is an incomprehension situation now, it will be broken later. If the prince of Pluto wants to fight boxing, he can't beat the thirteen princes!"

After all, Fang Yun is a person who has learned the "World-shaking King's Fist". The stronger this boxing is, the stronger it is. If the Prince Pluto can't suppress this boxing in the first few moves, he will be defeated. Because of the King's Fist, one punch is heavier than one punch, and the power is superimposed. In front of the Prince of Pluto, he can still maintain a situation with the Thirteenth Prince, but in a few more moves, the power of the world-shaking King's fist will be exerted, and the Prince Pluto will definitely be defeated!


Yihou Dao, there is still a little worry in his voice. She looked at the others, and the Marquis of Blood, the Marquis of Yitian and the Marquis of Tide were silent. Their strength is not at this level, and they have never practiced the "Shaking Emperor's Fist", so they can't judge who wins and who loses!

"It's strange, where's the palace?"

Yi Tianhou suddenly said. There was chaos in the night. When Yi Tianhou said this, everyone felt that the town and marquis with the highest cultivation were nowhere to be found.

Fang Yun also frowned when he heard the sound. The town marquis plays the role of the guardian of the thirteen princes. Normally, he should not have left at this time.

Fang Yun glanced around and found nothing.

"Don't worry. The cultivation of the palace is the highest here. No one should be able to threaten him. He will be fine."

When Fang Yun said this, I don't know why. The image of the snow-white and unfathomable rabbit flashed through his mind. In this space, if there is anything that can threaten the palace, it can only be the rabbit.

"The palace marquis was not taken away by that rabbit, is it?"

Fang Yun skimmed this idea in his mind, but he soon denied it again. Why did the rabbit take away the palace when he had nothing to do? The palace is of no use to it.

In the sky, the battle between the thirteen prince and the prince of Pluto has become more intense.

"It's almost time! With two more moves, the power of the World-shaking King's Fist will be exerted, and the Prince Pluto will be defeated.

Fang Yun looked at the sky and calculated in his heart.


The prince of Pluto and the thirteenth prince shook again, and the void collapsed and full of energy. The prince of Pluto also seemed to feel something wrong. After fighting with the thirteen princes, he suddenly bounced off and fell down. At the same time, a cold voice resounded in all directions: "One-armed Pluto kowtowed! ..."

A rolling underworld spread out in the sky, drowning the huge figure of the nine babies in an instant. The originally dark sky was immediately deeper and darker when the Prince of Pluto displayed the extremely profound unique learning of the Underworld. The strong breath of death renders the whole space like a country of death!

Seeing this scene, Fang Yun's heart shook slightly, knowing that he had underestimated the prince of Pluto! At this age, he has this kind of cultivation. Prince Pluto is by no means a simple product!

Although he had never practiced the "Shaking Emperor's Fist", he immediately felt that the thirteen prince's boxing was getting more and more powerful. If he went on like this, he would be suppressed by the thirteen princes!

In this case, the prince of Pluto actually made a decisive decision and displayed the most powerful unique skills, ready to win or lose with the thirteenth prince!

This point is revealed by the prince of Pluto, which is enough to make Fang Yun treat him solemnly with the sophth and determination!


When the sky was shaking, the prince of Pluto used the power of 3,500 flying dragons to display the unique skills of the underworld, and immediately split a magnificent and vast kingdom of death in this space.

The sound of water, earth-shaking, came from the void covered by the underworld, which was the sound of the waves of the abyss of hell. A wave of fear of pressure emanating from the rolling underworld smoke, only heard a "boom", a huge shadow of Pluto stepped out of the abyss and appeared in this space.

This virtual shadow of Pluto, as soon as it appeared, immediately emitted a breath of terror that exterminated everything, dominated everything, and mastered everything. This is the master of all things, the god of death!

Ying Long, the incarnation of the thirteenth prince, did not catch up. The loud and vast voice came from the sky: "It seems that you want to fight. Since you summoned Pluto, I will summon the five ancient emperors to fight with you! Let's see if your Pluto is powerful, or the five ancient emperors are more powerful!"

As soon as the voice fell, the thirteenth prince shouted a shocking dragon, and a dazzling light like the sun suddenly burst out on his body. This light was boundless, and in the dark, it split another magnificent and vast country.

"Five Emperors Royal Dragon Fist! ..."

In the loud voice, the sky is buzzing, and behind the dragon, a colorful light bursts out. In this light, there are five shadows that are all over the sky and the earth. These five shadows, each of which exudes a magnificent and magnificent imperial atmosphere.

If Pluto is the master of all things, then these five are the masters of heaven and earth!

The five ancient emperors - the emperor, the emperor Yao, the emperor Shun, the emperor Yu, the emperor Tang, each of them adhered to the luck of heaven and earth, ruling gods, demons and people. It is the supreme existence between heaven and earth, second only to the three ancient emperors!

As soon as the virtual shadows of these five ancient emperors appeared in the sky, they immediately exuded a breath of solemnity, sacredness, pressure, kindness, dignity, wisdom and justice. At the edge of the light of the five emperors, the atmosphere of heaven and earth changed, turning into countless gods, demons and people, kneeling and worshiping.


In the sky, ten thousand dragons roared. In front of the dragon, a colorful cloud suddenly exploded, and the five semi-materialized giant dragon shadows appeared in the void. After a shocking roar, it bombarded at the thirteen princes.

The five emperors are not the ichthy dragon, the flying dragon and the heavenly dragon, but the heavenly dragon! The essence of this boxing method is to use the spirit of the five emperors to control the nine real dragons between heaven and earth.

Nine is the pole. In this world, it can't be surpassed!


Part of the true qi borrowed by the thirteen princes from the underworld void condensed into five flying dragons, turning into five torrents of destruction, like ten thousand horses galloping, rolling and boning to the prince of Pluto.

At the same time, the "one-armed Pluto kowto" of the Prince of Pluto also got rid of his hand. Pluto, who was nearly a thousand feet tall, suddenly stepped in the void and bombarded five real dragons with the momentum of opening the sky and splitting the earth!

Rumbled like the collapse of heaven and earth. The shadow of Pluto summoned by the prince of Pluto only supported it for a moment, and was immediately crushed by the five real dragons between heaven and earth with incomparable power.

It doesn't mean that Pluto is worse than the real dragon, but the virtual shadow of Pluto summoned by the prince of Pluto is only a small part, which can't stop the crushing of the five real dragons at all.

The real dragon represents the ultimate power. The five real dragons gathered together and directly crushed the Pluto summoned by the prince of Pluto.

At this moment, the voice of Prince Pluto sounded again: "One-armed Pluto kowtowed!"

Rumbled, the sky shook, and the huge shadow of Pluto appeared beside the prince of Pluto. The breath of this Pluto shadow is several times stronger than the previous one, and its shadow directly presents a semi-material virtual shadow.

The original dark shadow of Pluto also has a pair of eyes. Those eyes, cold and ruthless, look down on everything like ants. The second one-armed Pluto summoned by the prince of Pluto did not fly out. Instead, he knelt down in the void with a "boom". At first glance, it seems that Pluto, the master of death, kneels down to the five emperors in the sky!

"One-armed Pluto three kowtows" is very special, one move in a row, which belongs to coherent martial arts. As long as you have enough skills, you can summon the third one-armed Pluto.

The third one-armed Pluto, also known as the destruction of Pluto. It is the most powerful of the three moves. It is enough to directly scatter the favorite of heaven and earth's luck and become the outcast of heaven and earth. Moreover, this move, with a huge area, will immediately turn into nothingness, all living things will die, and become a real country of death.

"Three kowtow of the one-armed Pluto", the power increased exponentially. Through the method of earth change, the prince of Pluto raised his power to the power of 35 dragons, and was equal to the general Tianchong martial artists, that is, he had the ability to perform the second move of "one-armed Pluto's second kowtowel"!
