The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 431 Da Yingzhou

Princess Jidu has an unobstructed mouth and no taboos. The black one can be said to be white, and the red one can be said to be green. Her mouth is much more difficult to deal with than her hands.

"Gah, Mr. Xiaolang, I didn't expect you to be so thin-skinned. Confucianism in the Zhou Dynasty, one Zheng, two flat wives and four concubines, known as three wives and four concubines, is clearly recorded in the scriptures. In Shangjing, no prince or nobleman is like this. Even many princes, in private, don't know how many women they have received. Even the great Confucians of Confucianism have many wives and concubines.

"Are you as good as the princes of the court? Is your moral article comparable to that of the imperial court? Even the princes, nobles and the court are full of wives and concubines. What else do you have to be shy about? Do you still have to learn from that strong woman and set up an archway for yourself? - Only with groups of wives and concubines can you really show your masculinity! Otherwise, what's the difference between you and a woman?'

Princess Jidu's mouth, as always, is quite poisonous.

"Boh! Fortunately, you are still a woman, how dare you say such a thing. You are shameless, I still want to be shameless!" Xie Pianpian said coldly:

"What does masculinity have to do with a group of wives and concubines? My father, the suzerain of Tianmo, is in charge of the sect, and is a peerless strong man in the sect. There is only one wife. Fang Yin, the Marquis of Sifang, is domineering and powerful. Who dares to say that he is not a man? Isn't Mrs. Huayang the only wife that the Ming media is marrying?

"Hmm! So neither of them are as good as my father!" Princess Jidu's eyes were full of disdain: "My father sits in the Dragon Court, town?? Suppress the eight famines**. In terms of which status can be higher than the emperor of the world, and in terms of martial arts cultivation, which sect suzerain dares to go to the capital to explore! The road of the three emperors and five emperors, and the next town, the river and mountains, this is the real great man in heaven and earth! One - Even my father is countless concubines in the three palaces and six courtyards. Can the four princes and the suzerain of the devil be stronger than the emperor of the world?

Princess Jidu moved out to be the emperor of the world, and Xie Pianpian was immediately speechless. It's not just the emperor of the Zhou Dynasty, but also a little higher, the ancient Three Holy Emperors, which are not countless concubines in the harem. Princess Jidu said this, but it can't be said to be wrong.

"This Princess Jidu seems to be highly respected by her father, the emperor of the world. With her psychology, it's normal to say this.

Fang Yun didn't look back, but his heart was bright. He also found it in the past few days. Princess Jidu is not only shy and reserved of ordinary women, but also very fond of torture. You know, these things were only touched by men.

Martial arts, torture, promoting groups of wives and concubines... These are completely incomprehensible from the perspective of a woman. At first, Fang Yun felt that this woman was a little perverted. Now I almost understand that the man on the ship was so influenced by his father that he didn't regard himself as a woman at all. That's why she doesn't have the reserve of an ordinary woman. She dares to say anything and do anything.

"No wonder she is so close to the thirteenth prince Liu Che. In fact, she has always regarded Liu Che as herself, and the thirteenth princes are fighting for the throne, which is equivalent to her fighting for the throne.

Fang Yun's heart suddenly became bright, and Princess Jidu inadvertently turned over his words, which solved many doubts in his heart.

At this time, I only heard Xie Pian scolding:

"Pervert! You think so yourself, 'Don't think of others like you'

With a "choking" sound, it was long carved into the sheath. Xie Piao's silver hair flew up, turned into a white rainbow, passed through the rainstorm, and threw it into the cabin. Staying with a woman like Princess Jidu makes her feel like she is about to go crazy.

To be on the bottom of my heart, this woman's mouth is much better than her martial arts!


Another thunderbolt, Fang Yun looked at him flawlessly. Concentratively control the five prison peaks and absorb this magnificent thunder and lightning element. In the process of thunder and lightning, the lightning elements disperse all the way.

Fang Yun can feel that the higher it is, the denser the lightning element is and the more powerful it is. However, Fang Yun did not dare to get too close. The power of nature is huge, and the thunder power that covers tens of thousands of miles of seas is not what he can resist now. It can only absorb a little bit of lightning energy that weakens a lot of near the sea.

A rain splashed on his body, and then the sound of bursting came from behind, getting closer and closer. Fang Yun didn't have to look back, and he knew that Princess Jidu came again.

Fang Yun shook his head secretly and suddenly turned around. "Oh" and swept in front of Princess Jidu, a finger tilted up Princess Jidu's white and delicate collar:

"Princess Jidu, I married a man on the 18th and a woman on the 16th. The princess is twenty-seven or eight today. If the princess really wants to think about it, she is in a hurry to get married. Our family can still accommodate you. If I really can't stand it, I can even take the sky as the curtain, the earth and the sea as the table, and do that ** thing with you for the time being. As long as the princess, you nod."

Fang Yun suspended in the void, condescending, overlooking Princess Jidu. The eyes are extremely aggressive. Princess Jidu was swept over her body by his eyes, and she only felt an invisible hand, shaking and brushing her whole body, and a strange trembling surged across her whole body. Princess Jidu's skin was faintly flushed. On the one hand, she enjoys this feeling, and on the other hand, she is extremely resistant to that feeling.

"Humph!" Princess Jidu snorted coldly, turned around and turned away. Although she is extremely frivolous in her words. But for more than 20 years, he has been a virgin.

No matter how frivolous her words are, how frivolous she is. In my heart, I am still a woman, and I seldom have a blind date with people's skin.

Fang Yun's eyes gave her a feeling that as long as she dared to nod, he really dared to do that. At that moment, in Princess Jidu's heart, the woman finally won the fierce and cold side. She couldn't help but be ashamed and turned away.

Fang Yun looked at the back of Princess Jidu's departure and nodded secretly. Princess Jidu should be strong-need. She may not adapt to this kind of trick because no one has used it. But after a while, she reacted, and this move was useless.

However, it doesn't matter. Because Da Yingzhou is about to arrive. Standing in the void, Fang Yun can float to the distance with the sea breeze, a breath of woods and dust.

On the sea, there is only a large area of land. That's why it blows over, such a breath.

"Five prison peaks, absorb thunder and lightning"

Fang Yun threw the five prison peaks and absorbed the thunder and lightning again. This kind of thunderstorm will not last long. Hurry up. It's time.

A cold blue thunderbolt burst out from the thunder prison peak. In the five prison peaks, it has shown a completely crystallized trace...

A day later, a huge green land appeared in the distance of the sea. The land is not very high, at least, it is far from comparable to Middle-earth.

A bunch of black with thick smoke rises from all parts of the green continent. In the black smoke, a faint flame can be seen. Fang Yun has read a lot of miscellaneous books. Knowing that these soaring smoke is actually the smoke and dust erupting from volcanoes.

The Book of Emperor Tang? Overseas Records once recorded that above the sea, there are many islands and many volcanoes. Many people make a living by fishing.

"Da Yingzhou has finally arrived"

Several sailors stood in the bow of the boat, looking into the distance, muttering. They often stay at sea early and know a lot of things. Although Da Yingzhou is unknown, the paper is clear and edified, which is far from being compared with Middle-earth Shenzhou. However, this place is rich in gold. If you can find some gold deposits, it will really be a big harvest.

However, the gold on the island is guarded by some mysterious warriors. These people's skills are very different from those in Middle-earth. If you go in and look for gold, there is no inevitable certainty. The danger will be great. There were several sailors who entered the island to look for gold, but never came back.

"Your Excellency, you have entered Dayingzhou this time. Be careful. In those jungles, there are many assassins who are extremely powerful. If you are not careful, you will be assassinated.

A sailor officer and soldier said kindly.

"Hmm." Fang Yun nodded.. He felt these things more deeply than these sailors.

On the ocean, many islands began to come into view. There are many slag boats floating on the sea outside the island, which are full of some skinny and gorgeous scum people.

Standing in the bow of the boat one by one, they looked at the four-5,000-foot-high steel building ship of the Zhou Dynasty in amazement. This kind of thing is completely beyond their imagination. The difference between the two is like an ant and an elephant.

The costumes of the Ying people are completely different from those of the Middle-earth. Their hairstyles are extremely strange. They stay long in the center, and then the hair around them form a "woody"-like hair bundle, hanging down to the back of their heads. Unspeakably weird.

Moreover, Yingren's silk weaving and imitation weaving are obviously far inferior to Middle-earth. The clothes are tattered, the color is extremely old, and there are no middle-earth clothes that are gorgeous and elegant.

"Look at these people. There is no Confucianization and promotion of etiquette. The world is still fighting, and the people of the Zhou Dynasty will be similar to these Ying people.

Fang Yun looked at the people under the side of the ship. They are like a group of rich businessmen, going deep into the center of a group of hungry people.

This is the difference between the mainland and civilization. Middle-earth Shenzhou has been passed down for tens of thousands of years since the Three Holy Emperors ruled the world. Civilization has been continued and implemented from generation to generation, which is the situation today.

Da Yingzhou obviously does not have such an advantage. These people's clothes are strange, but it is obvious that they can see the elegant demeanor of the middle-earth clothes. Obviously, the Confucian etiquette education and the kimono system have also affected these people in Yingzhou.

Xie Pian's eyes flashed, but he was silent. She comes from a sect, with different origins and different positions. No matter what, it is impossible to speak for the court.

"Keep moving forward."

The steel building ship broke through the waves and was deliberately afraid of avoiding some scum boats. The imperial court is a country of etiquette and a country of education. Of course, it is impossible to do that cheap thing.

"Okay, stop here."

Princess Jidu said. If the steel ship goes further, there will be many reefs. Once stranded, it can't move immediately. She still has such a vision.

"Xiao Langjun, when I clean up the witch of the ancient resentment, I will do that happy thing with you. Gee Gee...

In a burst of crazy laughter, Princess Jidu rose up and lost outside the ship. In the past few days, she clearly reacted and came up with a countermeasure.

"Princess, wait a minute."

As soon as Princess Jidu left, several strong royal men broke out and followed.

"Let's go, too."

Fang Yun looked at the direction of Princess Jidu's disappearance and said to Xie Pian. As soon as the voice fell, the two of them rose to the ground and skimmed in the other direction. U