The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 465 Pursuit of the North

"Wan want to run?" Fang Yun sneered, his wings shook, and a force of space spread out. Cherigi and Kurban, who had just stepped into the space layer, immediately came from here.

Cherigi and Kurban looked slightly gloomy, but they were not flustered. The Four-pole Demon Sect and the cult are clearly the largest sects of Qiuhuang and Yihuang, and they are completely different from several wild monks of Yinghuang.

The three monks in Yinghuang are weaker than Cherigi and Kurban, and they stay in the demon space all day long and rarely fight with others. The combat experience is far from comparable to the two strong men in the wilderness and the autumn wilderness.

Cherigi and Kurban have just been shaken out of the space layer. With their feet, they once again manipulated the power of space and escape into the distance.

"Are you ready to escape!"

Fang Yun looked cold and shook his wings, so he was ready to use a space storm to smash the two people in the turbulence of space.

"Ah! One by one"

Suddenly, an exclamation came, and Fang Yun bowed his head, but he saw Shamoke, a beautiful and strong man, sweeping towards Xie Pian on Yashi.

"Looking for death!"

Fang Yun snorted coldly, and a trace of murderousness flashed in his eyes. The body folded, and the right wing brushed Samo's chest at a lightning speed. With a "sneer", the blood soared, and Shamoke's scream was too late to make, so he was cut into pieces by Fang Yun's right wing with the power of space.


At the moment when Fang Yun skimmed the reefs and killed Samoke. A huge dark shadow let out a ferocious roar, broke out of the deep sea and swallowed Xie Pian on the gravel.

This sea beast is the Beiming deep-sea overlord who once overturned Princess Jidu's steel building ship.

A wisp of consciousness left by the third prince on the deep-sea overlord, sensed the crisis of Adi's abduction and Aisimu, immediately controlled the deep-sea beast from afar and swallowed Xie Pian Pian to achieve the purpose of "encircling Wei to save Zhao".


The void trembled, and the huge head of the gill came out of the void. A pair of sharp eyes stared at the fierce beast in the sea that could even overturn a steel ship.

"li! One by one"

The hegemon of Bei Ming, who was tens of thousands of feet long, trembled at the moment he felt the breath of the eel. Suddenly let out a sad cry.

Yanpeng came out of Bei Ming, and his body was a carp. He was originally one of the strongest hegemons under Bei Ming. Long before he turned into a bird and got out of the ocean. In Bei Ming, he feeds on other overlords, and he is extremely fierce.

This little overlord of Bei Ming obviously felt the breath of this overlord of Bei Ming in ancient times and became afraid.


Yan Peng's eyes were sharp, staring at the Beiming overlord in the ocean, suddenly with a big mouth and a strong suction. Immediately swallowed the tens of thousands of feet of fierce beast, together with the majestic cold air it emitted.

Although this fierce beast is tens of thousands of feet long, Li Peng's wings are spread out for more than 300 miles. It doesn't take much effort to swallow such a fierce beast.


A thumb-sized magic weapon, roared, spewed out of Li Peng's mouth and turned into four huge peaks. It protected Xie Pian's head and spewed out another breath. Fang Yun spread his wings and chased them.

Delayed by the three princes of Shamoco and the sea clan, Cheriji and Kurban escorted their masters respectively and escaped thousands of miles in two directions. At the critical moment, I don't care about the consumption of real gas!

Fang Yun thought for a moment and immediately chased in the direction of Cherigi and Adi's escape. The improvement of martial arts cultivation brings more than the improvement of strength. The information Fang Yun can receive from the void now is much more powerful than the previous machine.

The matter of forcibly abducting women, whether it is the third prince of the sea clan, Adi Abduction, or Aisimu, they don't think it's a big deal. So he did not deliberately hide the information he left in the void.

Fang Yun just lingered here for a moment, and then found out the matter clearly through the information left in the void. Compared with the barren prince Aisimu, Adi's abduction is obviously more abominable.


Fang Yun's mind moved and immediately launched the power of Li Peng's space. Thousands of miles away in a flash.

Adi's abduction was caught in the hand by Cherigi, the strong man of the Four Pole Demon Sect, and escaped more than 2,000 miles. Just a sigh of relief, he suddenly saw the clouds rolling behind him, and suddenly scared the souls of the dead: "He's coming!"

Cheriji is also shocked in his heart. Although he is in the realm of Tianchong Sanpin, he only has more than 40 power in terms of the power of Tianlong, which is far less than the person behind him. In terms of the power of space control, it is only the power of initial contact with space, which is not as good as the power of space control, just like the �� Peng who holds the palm of his hand to see the pattern.

Whether it's a battle or an escape, it's not the god-killing opponent behind you.

Cheriji's eyelids are beating, and this chase is too sudden. Inexplicably provoked such a strong enemy. It's really not worth it. If Adi couldn't control his lust, why would he do this?

At this time, he really had the impulse to abandon Adi to Fang Yun.

"Big Prince, run away. I'll stop him!"

Cheriji suddenly grabbed Adi's turn.

Adi was very moved. At this time, it was really rare for Cherigi to remember himself.

"Well, Che Li's car... I'll remember you!"

Adi Abduction originally wanted to say something to refuse, but he thought about it and let it go. In the face of great disaster, it is still important to run for your life.

"Well, you go!" Cherigi grabbed Adi's turn and suddenly threw it out.

Adi's abduction was even more touching, but in addition to being moved, he faintly felt a little inappropriate. The fierce god behind can manipulate the power of space. If he flies in the air and he flashes, he will catch up immediately. Isn't he still unable to escape?

Thinking of this, Adi suddenly understood and was about to remind Cheriji to use the power of space to send himself away, but as soon as he turned around, he immediately saw Cheriji flying out in the other direction. As soon as he stepped under his feet, a circle of space ripples spread and disappeared immediately!

When Adi saw this scene, he was so shocked that his eyes were about to fall out. Then he reacted and immediately scolded: "Cherich, you bastard, you can't die!"

"Your Highness, you can't blame me! It's just a mystery. You're obsessed. Look at that woman... I'll go first. Take care!"

The voice of the Four-pole Demon Sect's guardian Cherigi quickly disappeared into the void.

"Take your life!"

The rumbling sound, like thunder, came from a distance. The rolling black cloud spread to the top of Adi's head in an instant. A bird's claw, which was as dark as ink and as sharp as steel, suddenly poked out of the void and grabbed Adi.

Adi turned around and looked at the giant claw, which was bigger than the mountain, and his face turned pale. Although he has more than 20 dragon power, in the face of the incarnation of the gill, he has 54 dragon power, which is not enough at all. Whether it's running away or working hard, it doesn't make any sense in the face of such a huge gap.

"It's over! I didn't expect to die here like this. And I don't even know who killed me!"

Adi's eyes were full of despair.

Seeing that Adi was about to die under Fang Yun's claws, suddenly, a strong and heavy voice came from the depths of the space, and the rumbling voice was like thunder: "Please show mercy!"

With this sound, the space cracked. A white temporarily slender arm, holding a rolling thunder cloud, poked out of the crack and slapped the giant claws of the gill.


A huge force came from the right hand, with a force of thunder and lightning, and the giant claws of Jingpeng protruding out by Fang Yun were blocked by this force. Taking advantage of this time, the giant hand grabbed the eldest prince Adi's turn and wanted to shrink into the depths of the space.

"Wance to die? It's not that easy!"

Fang Yun snorted coldly, and a hand of a white god and demon with a big peak stretched out from the air, grabbed it into the space channel, and was about to abduct Adi out.

"Young man, go back! You shouldn't have killed this man!"

In the rumbling voice, the giant palm turned over, patted it out, and held the "power magic palm" sent by Fang Yun against it.

"Kill or not? It's up to you!"

In the sneer, Fang Yun's "Hercules Palm" suddenly cracked, and a sword light flew out of his arm and flashed at Adi like lightning.


The glow flashed, and the head fell to the ground. Adi didn't even have time to scream, so he was beheaded by Fang Yun with "one breath carving". A stream of blood immediately sprayed out of the neck.


The existence in the depths of the space makes an angry sound. After a short silence, he suddenly said fiercely, "Young man, you will pay the price!"

As soon as the voice fell, without saying a word, the arm was withdrawn. He didn't even collect the body abducted by Adi, which directly filled the space passage and disappeared.

"Is this a threat? Will I be afraid of you?!"

Fang Yun sneered and didn't care. The other party's body is obviously in the autumn wilderness. A palm is tens of thousands of miles away, constantly weakening, and can compete with yourself. The strength is self-evident.

However, Fang Yun will not be afraid of him. Under the whole world, there are a large number of talents, but in terms of the speed of martial arts cultivation, there are only a few that can compare with him. Although he is far from being the opponent of the other party, as long as he reaches the realm of heaven in time and fully unfolds Li Peng's strength, the opponent is not the other party's harsh words to chase him, but to kill him.

Such a day will not be far away!


As soon as Fang Yun really rolled up Adi's head from the sea. Now his strength has greatly increased, and his one-step action is the title of marquis. Adi turned his head, which was enough for him to accumulate enough achievements as a marquis!

"Now, only those who have been devastated!"

Fang Yun shook his body and once again exerted his talent. He crossed thousands of miles and chased in the direction of the disappearance of Ayi Ximu and Aiguli.

However, thousands of miles flew out, and Aisimu and Aiguli disappeared, as if they had evaporated out of thin air.

Of course, Fang Yun will not believe that the strong man of Tianchong Sanpin can disappear so quickly with two people. In terms of the speed of space shuttle, how can they be faster than Li Peng?

Fang Yun's eyes narrowed slightly, with a thoughtful look in his eyes: "It seems that there are strong people who have taken them away! - Forget it, Adi abducted and killed them, so let them escape for their lives!"

In a moment, the princes and princesses of Qiuhuang,, barbarians, sea clans, and other strong people were killed by Fang Yun and fled!

"Well, go back and see Xie Pian Pian!"

Fang Yun turned his mind and immediately flew back to the reef. As soon as the wings were closed, he recovered and fell on the reef.