The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 491 The overall situation has been decided

"Fang Yun, I have had sex with him several times, and my mind is extremely delicate. We talked about his grandfather's affairs. He must have been aware of it. I'm sure he's actually been waiting for us to take action so that he can kill us all. - Let me ask you, have you dealt with him? The power of Li Peng, thousands of miles in a flash? He escapes thousands of miles with one idea. Can you catch him? On the left side, the name of the factory is a young man in silver-white clothes.

"We can't deal with him? But Wuhou is always okay, right? And this is at the foot of the emperor, I don't believe that I really can't deal with him!"

The young man in blue said.

"Wuhou's high power, with just a conjecture, how can you tell them to come here? Moreover, Fang Yun is extremely cunning. I doubted that he revealed that he also had all kinds of ways to slack off. Besides, he still has thirteen princes in Beijing. I heard that this time, he was also ordered by the court to go to Dayingzhou to investigate the Ying people's hope to unite with the Central and Turkish sects. When he comes, he just needs to take this out. "Not only can't deal with him, but we expose ourselves." The young man in silver and white clothes said calmly, and there was a strategic spirit in his voice.

The young man in blue is dumb. If this is really the case, there is really no way to deal with Fang Yun.

"Let's go. You need to be extra careful when dealing with people like Fang Yun. We stayed here for too long, and it was easy for him to find out.

The young man in silver and white clothes said and walked down from the top of the mountain.

The young man in blue looked at the carriage that was getting farther and farther away in the distance, hesitated for a moment, and finally left.

In the hut, Liu Zhengxun sat on the ground motionless. His eyes stared at Fang Yun's line of words engraved on the ground, in a trance.

is the same as the pair at the beginning of Liu Zhengxun. The sentence left by Fang Yun is also that the drunken man's intention is not to drink, but to lie in something other than the couplet.

"The longevity is full of fame, and the children and grandchildren of this world are full of joy..."

Liu Zhengxun stretched out a finger and touched the font of Fang Yunliuxing. Confucianism emphasizes that people are read by words, and the body is oblique and the words are not correct. Liu Zhengxun is a former court scholar. Naturally, he also has the ability to read.

The font left by Fang Yun is a dragon and snake, and it is three points into the wood. The font is elegant and elegant. To some extent, floating selection also means frivolity, which is in line with his cunning and discerning comments. But the backbone of this industry...

Liu Zhengxun touched this line of fonts and sighed for a lifetime in his heart. He has been immersed in pen and ink for a long time. Of course, he can see that Fang Yun's font is elegant in appearance, but the skeleton is square and magnificent. How can a person with such a backbone written font be a treacherous and cunning villain?

Liu Zhengxun's voice echoed in his ears: "I'll tell you the truth. I really don't want to see you! There is nothing worthy of my respect in what you have done. For more than a decade, every year on the ninth day of October, I have seen my mother put on an incense set, bathed in incense and prayed silently. I will wash my face with tears all day. I learned later that the ninth day of October was the day you kicked her out of the house more than 20 years ago. You are so mean and ungrateful that you are not a father. But my mother thinks about you every day, bathing and burning incense for you and praying for your peace and a long life. And I hope to get your original coolness. But ask yourself, what on earth did you do? If it's not for my mother, do you think I'm sneaking over and begging you?——"

In Fang Yun's words, there is only this sentence, which touched him the most. The way of human relationship is the common love of heaven and earth. Even the hard-hearted people can't help but be touched when they hear this. Life has been rare for 70 years. At his age, he can no longer be moved by any reason or scolding. The only lack in his heart is that he can't enjoy the joy of family.


Liu Zhengxun let out a long sigh in his heart and stroked the couplet engraved by Fang Yun again.

"The longevity is full of fame, and the joy of children and grandchildren in this world is full of people", Fang Yun's thoughts, how can he not understand? Every time he went out, Liu Zhengxun would also be envious when he saw those old people saying goodbye, but everything was caused by him. "I can't go back!

"Ding Dong Dong!"

A knock sounded outside the door, and the voice was thick and honest: "Mr. Liu, are you there? Newly cooked vegetables this year. Our family couldn't finish it, so we specially prepared one for the old gentleman.

Liu Zhengxun's eyes changed, and he meditated for a moment. Finally, he said, "Come in...,... I have something to ask you."

Outside the door, the farmer's face with blue cloth clothes and trousers rolled up showed a trace of excitement on his face, and he came in with a plate of newly copied vegetables.

"Shunzhi", Liu Zhengxun called out the farmer's name and said, "Say it. Who asked you to withdraw here? Who told you to do this all the time?

Liu Zhengxun's eyes are sharp and straight to people's hearts. Under this kind of look, the farmer subconsciously lowered his head, his eyes fluttered, and said in a trembling voice, "Liu, Mr. Liu..., you, I don't know what you're talking about..."

When Liu Zhengxun saw this scene, he shook his head in his heart and let out a long sigh. The farmer is honest in appearance and moved here more than ten years ago. Zhengxun never doubted him. But now, after hearing Fang Yun's words and seeing this scene again, Liu Zhengxun doesn't know why there is something wrong with this matter.

"Say it.

I already know everything, so I don't have to hide it anymore.

Liu Zhengxun sighed.

The farmer's body shook. Seeing that the old man looked like a fake, he hesitated for a moment and finally sat down in front of the old man...

Zhongxinhou Mansion. A game of black and white chess pieces unfolded, crisscrossing and tearing each other up. On both sides of the chessboard, there is a handsome young man with elegant demeanor and a big Zhou demeanor.

"You're hiding it from the world. It's a good use. Guan Gongming's file has been submitted to six parts. The six departments don't have much opinion on him. As for the prison he once squatted in, only the king of the Ministry of officials was saddened. However, this is not a big deal in itself. If a person is not a sage, who can have no fault. However, that's all. He wants to control the real power, which is impossible.

Zhongxinhou said, and the cow picked up a black man and fell gently.

Fang Yun looked calm and calm: "As long as he can be a marquis, my goal has been achieved. As for real power and false power, it doesn't matter. If it is true, it is false, and if it is false, it is true. Military power is something, maybe.

Fang Yun said, calmly dropping a white child.

Zhongxinhou nodded with a smile: "The way of war, the virtual is real, and the real is virtual. Fang Yun, you have a strong military feat. Although it starts in the battlefield, it is not only in the battlefield. Guan Gongming squatted in prison, which was enough to block his way of promotion. But now, the six lords, together with the people in the capital, have been attracted to the prince. As for Guan Gongming, not many people paid attention to it.

"Gan Gongming's side, there is basically no big problem. When the matter of my eldest brother's title is over, the dust will be settled here.

While the two were talking, their fingers flew up and fell, and the black and white chess pieces suddenly crisscrossed, forming a murderous atmosphere on the chessboard.

"Yes. I forgot to tell you something. Yang Hong, Marquis of Yingwu, returned to the capital. It's such a big deal for your eldest brother to be a marquis. He didn't show up.

Zhongxinhou took a sip of fragrant tea, and then pressed his finger. In the northwest corner of the chessboard, a big disaster suddenly formed, and a dragon of Fang Yun was swept into it.

Fang Yun was silent for a moment, and then a sneer appeared on his face: "Yang Hong is a smart man. This matter involves Wu Mu and the emperor. Except for the Confucian masters. Which one of the soldiers dares to make it difficult is to intervene in the agreement between Wu Mu and the emperor. It's ugly for Wu Mu. It is imperative for my eldest brother to be appointed as a marquis. The rest are in the game, and it's not real. However, Yang Hong can see it clearly.


Fang Yun fell, and the situation suddenly turned around, and the loyal marquis was eaten by Fang Yun. All the blacks were pulled out of the chessboard.

Zhongxinhou took a look and then laughed: "Haha, it's a good way to build a plank road and secretly cross Chen Cang! I admit, I was careless. However, the way of war is virtual and virtual. I may not be as good as you in part, but when it comes to the overall control, it's hard to say.

After Zhongxinhou said, another black man fell. This chess piece fell and turned into a large number of small disasters. Swallow a large number of chess pieces in Fang Yun. The situation on the chessboard suddenly swept the mess, and the great advantage painstakingly created by Fang Yun was immediately disintegrated.

Fang Yun was not surprised to see this. It seems that all this has been expected: "One law, all laws. The way of war, the soldiers come to block, and the water comes to flood the earth. It has always been the wrong way to deal with it. The so-called pulling a hair and moving the whole body. Partial, it can also affect the overall situation.

Fang Yun's hands fell, and Zhongxinhou "damaged soldiers and generals", and the situation once again became complicated and confusing.

Zhongxin Hou Yanzi smiled: "Ha ha, the layout has been laid out for a long time, and it's time to decide. Now, it depends on whether your part has a role or not.

The two of them played with each other and looked at the chessboard, silently moving. It seems to be waiting for something.

Time passes slowly, one moment, two moments...

The two of them didn't move.


The door of the study suddenly pushed open. Zhang Ying, dressed in Confucian clothes, came in breathlessly, glanced at the two people facing Yi, and said, "Father, Mr. Liu Zhengxun has withdrawn the impeachment document!"

In the room, both of them were shocked when they heard the words.

Fang Yunchang breathed a long sigh of relief, and then the white son in his hand fell down: "Marquis, I won!"

"Yes, you won!"

There was a smile on Zhong Xinhou's face, and there was no depression on his face.

Fang Lin, the eldest son of the Marquis of Sifang, after a long time of discussion, in a dispute, the dust was finally settled: Fang Lin's achievements in the war are outstanding, the most affectionate, the most benevolent, so he was canonized as the "Muror of Love" and tell the world. The resolutions of the six ministries were quickly approved by the Military Aircraft Department. Without looking at the monk's face and the Buddha's face, the seven martial arts marquis in the military office approved Fang Lin's canonization documents almost as quickly as possible.

Soon, a court document flew to the governors, princes, generals, generals, and officials at all levels like snow huā.

Fang Lin Fenghou, the Tai Bureau has been decided!