The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 408 Halfway Interception

The practice in the clock of heaven and earth is equivalent to a month of practice in the outside world. Seven days later, Fang Yun finally practiced this "blood refining..." to Dacheng, and "Wanhuazhi..." also added nearly 200 miniature cycles. The seven-day practice in the clock is equivalent to the practice of "seven..." in the outside world. It takes so long to practice a skill, which shows the depth of the ancient skill.

The realm of Dacheng is still far from that of Dacheng. However, it is enough for Fang Yun. At least when he incarnates Li Peng again, it won't be as huge as 3,000 miles.

The ancient gill roc originated from Bei Ming, which had many hegemons in the deep sea, and ate dragons, snakes and fierce beasts. Most of those ancient murderous objects are huge. Therefore, the bigger Li Peng's body, the better, which is 3,000 miles long. With a big mouth, thousands of feet of fierce beasts can swallow it in one bite.

But when the warriors are in battle, it is difficult to exert the huge power of Li Peng's body.

After practicing "Blood Refining...", Fang Yun took the other skills of the second generation of saipeng overlord "Blood Refining King..."

"Eight wilderness vertical and horizontal blood cultivation..." The practice conditions are too harsh, and Fang Yun can't practice it now. But on him, other medium-race skills, large and small, are extremely useful for Fang Yun.

After practicing these large and small blood skills, the true qi cycle of "Wanhuazhi..." has actually increased by more than 3,000. It is almost equivalent to half of the Eight Dragon Gods Protector.

In ancient times, "eight..." and "six..." refer to the world; in the Middle Ages, "middle-earth god..." referred to the world, and "the name of the Middle Ages..." also came from this; in ancient times, when talking about the world, it was distinguished by "the dynasty..." and "sea..."

So in the Middle Ages, many skills were named after "eight..." and "six..." to show domineering. The five emperors are like this, and so are other ancient strong men.

"Blood Refining King..." An ordinary skill increased the miniature cycle of "Wanhua Zhen..." by more than 3,000, which surprised Fang Yun. Although mosquitoes are small, they are also meat. Although the skill of blood refining kings is not as good as that of the five emperors, it is more important than the number. The so-called ant multi-pressure dead elephant, after the real gas cycle of Fang Yun increased by 3,000, the quality of the real gas immediately improved slightly. Much more pure.

Fang Yun was practicing. Suddenly, if he felt something, his qi and blood fluctuated slightly.

"Someone is coming..."

Fang Yun raised his eyebrows and immediately stopped practicing. After the warrior stepped into the sky, the body was integrated with the rules of heaven and earth. In the dark, there is a kind of feeling. You can feel good or bad luck through the rule system between heaven and earth.

It's like a spider coiled in the middle of the cobweb. The cobweb is "the rule between heaven and earth...", and the spider sister is "Wu..." Spiders and cobwebs are integrated. Once there are other intruders, the spider can immediately generate induction and then quickly jump over.


A thunderous sound came from the north. In the blink of an eye, a black cloud rolled like waves, sweeping through the sky at an incredible speed.

"Little beast, you kill my son-in-law! Take your life! Suddenly, there was a strong wind in the small world, and a dark palm bigger than the mountains, black smoke rolled through the layers of dark clouds, and grabbed the carriage driving fast in the post road.

"Son-in-law? Which woman's year..."

Hearing the loud shout, Fang Yun was slightly stunned. I quickly passed by in my mind, and I don't know which one the sudden strong man refers to.

He fought abroad and killed a lot of aliens. There are all the Qiu people, the Hai people, the Yi people and the Ying people. Not long ago, he even killed the prince of the Qiu nationality, A Guimei, and the barbarian general Shamoke. Fang Yun didn't know which one was killed, which attracted such a strong martial arts man.

However, doubtful, it is definitely impossible for Fang Yun to let this exhibition fall. Fang Yun bounced out of the carriage, in mid-air, and immediately slapped out.


A big hand covering the sky, breaking out of the sky" collided with the huge palm that fell from the sky. With the sound of "...", Fang Yun's body shook slightly, taking advantage of the opportunity to bounce thousands of feet diagonally. And the one that weakened a lot of palms passed under Fang Yun's body, and he parked Fang Yun's carriage on the post road with one palm and bombarded it into Huifen.

"You are so bold that you dare to attack and kill the general of the court..."

Fang Yun retreated thousands of feet, looked up at the sky, and shouted angrily. He was just the palm of his hand, and he did not make any changes. It is estimated that the strength of the other party is about 60 dragons. The strong man of Tianchong Sipin. He has the power of "as big as..."

Although the other party has a high degree of rules, Fang Yun also has "Kunpeng's spatial talent..." and is not afraid of him.

"Hmm! General? Even if you are the prince of the Zhou Dynasty, I can still kill you if I want! Who can do anything to me..."

In the cold humming, the void shook, a piece of space cracked, and a mysterious old man with white hair and chicken skin and crane hair came out. The old man was stationed with a dragon's crutch, and his eyes were cold and sharp.

As soon as he stepped out, Fang Yun immediately felt that the void seemed to have become flat, and the air was as heavy as a mountain. An invisible pressure emanates from the old man, as if to shake people to pieces.

What's more strange is that around the old man, half of the air is as red as fire, like a melting pot, burning the sky; and on the other side, it is like a ten-thousand-year-old glacier, extremely cold ice, and even the space is frozen into pieces.

One red and one white, turning into a Tai Chi, slowly rotating with the old man as the center. This is the external image of Tianchong Sipin, which reaches "water and fire in the body..." from the inside out. Obviously, the martial arts cultivation is extremely excellent, and it has reached the extremely high level of the four grades of Tianchong.

The old man's water and fire outside the body slowly rotated, and a heavy pressure was released. Fang Yun stood in this void and immediately felt an invisible big hand, trying to control the blood in his body and shake his blood out of his body.

"Interesting! Are you trying to control the water-fire balance of my body wind..."

Fang Yun looked at the old man, his eyes were full of drama. He has five prison peaks on his body, not to mention suppressing water and fire. I just practiced the skills of the ancient overlord's blood prison king.

The person in front of him actually tried to pass through the boundary difference. Detonate the water and fire balance in your body and blow yourself to death. That's ridiculous!

"Hmm! You actually have a magic weapon for the balance of water and fire! However, you can't escape in front of me. Now, let's pay for Xue'er..."

The old man's eyes were cold, his sleeve robe trembled, a bird's claw-like big hand stretched out, five fingers were open, and he grabbed Fang Yun. At the moment when the old man took action, the sky was dark, the ghost crying god, and thousands of evil runes flew out of the back of his hand. Behind him, they condensed into a long "fu seal..." and then condensed into a huge "fu seal evil...".


The old man's five fingers paused a little in the void, and the tall "fu seal evil..." broke out of the air and punched the Taishan Mountain and hit Fang Yun.

Fang Yun slipped at his feet and immediately retreated thousands of feet. His eyes flashed and said that the other party used the unique skills of the evil sect. "He couldn't guess the identity of the other party again, and he was really stupid.

"Who am I? It turned out that Xue Lie sold himself for the sake of two guns. The cheap father-in-law who got it. You are in such a hurry to avenge Xue Lie. It's a pity that your son-in-law is dying, and you can't just cherish the ugly wife you married..."

Fang Yun laughed and took a picture of "Wanhuazhi..." Suddenly, the void was dark." The space collapsed and the old man sent out "Fun seal evil..." and was immediately shattered.

"Looking for death..."

The old man must send it all. The "ugly wife" mentioned by Fang Yun. He immediately made him like a dragon, was touched by the reverse scales, and he was immediately furious.


The old man suddenly punched with hatred. This punch seems to be slow and fast. One punch. The clouds are up and down, the black smoke is rolling, the void twists and changes in countless places, and the rules of heaven and earth suddenly fluctuate strongly.

"Bad, he is mobilizing the rules of heaven and earth..."

Fang Yun was shocked. I just skimmed through the idea in my mind, and I immediately saw the place where the void was twisted up and down, and the majestic peaks suddenly came out of thin air and spread across the void.

The strong man of Tianchong Sipin can control the rules of the earth. Pointing to the mountain.

A strong sense of crisis surged from my heart. Fang Yun's figure shook and he was about to show his unique skills. Suddenly, it was dark in front of me. Immediately, I couldn't move my mouth. At the same time, the layers of rocks were born out of thin air and imprisoned me in it!

From the outside, the place where Fang Yun originally stood suddenly turned into a huge oval rock layer. Fang Yun was imprisoned in this rock.

The strong man of Tianchong's four grades not only has the magic power of "as big as...", but also can solidify the air between his fingers, turn into a majestic peak, and imprison his opponent in it. If it were an ordinary person, even a strong person with a change of rank. At this moment, even his body will be turned into a rock.

At the moment when Fang Yun was imprisoned, hundreds of majestic peaks bombarded down and hit the mountain where Fang Yun was imprisoned. At the same time, he only heard "boom..." and the void cracked. A foreign evil god several miles high, covered with mysterious runes, suddenly stepped out of the void and punched Fang Yun.


At the time of crisis, Fang Yun didn't think about it. In the Dantian, the "five prisons..." that had just been completely sacrificed, flew out of the five elements of the body, wind, thunder, water, fire and earth, and instantly pressed layer by layer. He wanted to eject his forbidden "earth plan..." and refused to go out

"Green Dragon Rift..."

Fang Yun shouted and immediately used Emperor Yu's "Qinglong Ba...". A huge blue dragon claw flew out, pierced the whole mountain in an instant, and smashed the mountain. At the same time, the destructive force of terror, like a hurricane, swept everywhere. Only listening to the continuous explosion of "Boom...", the majestic peaks from all directions, together with the "evil..." summoned in the underworld, were all caught and smashed by the "green dragon crack..."

The Qinglong Eight Style is the unique learning of the ancient emperors to dominate. Although the Heavenly Evil Sect is also a great school, it is the unique learning of the sect, compared with this kind of unique learning of the ancient five emperors. It's still a lot in an instant. The huge evil god was torn in an instant. Then the rest of the situation went to the place where the old man was in Fang Yun's sense.

Rumbled, and a stone stirred up thousands of waves. The place where the elder of the evil sect stood was instantly destroyed by the terrible power of Fang Yun's "Qinglong Crack...", and the void was like a broken mirror, split into countless pieces. A space storm was a startle.

"What a horrible unique learning! MP, it's a pity that I still can't help it..."

An old and cold voice came from the empty void. In the blink of an eye, not far in front of Fang Yun, a grain of dust and a shock immediately turned into an old man with silver hair and eyebrows like frost.

Seeing the old man, Fang Yun's face showed a look of shock and panic. It seems that this situation was not expected.


The old man put Fang Yun's look into his eyes. A touch of color appeared in his eyes, and his right hand shook inward. He immediately turned into a dark claw and grabbed Fang Yun. This move came suddenly, caught off guard, and it was as fast as lightning, and it was about to crush Fang Yun.