The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 534 The Emperor

In the hall, quietly, a middle-aged man in an imperial robe, with a hair like ink jade, glanced at his face, sat quietly on the dragon chair. It seems to be integrated with the main hall and the dragon chair.

His eyes were closed and motionless, as if he had fallen into some kind of meditation o

There is no imagination, shocking hegemony, and there is no invincible, unparalleled momentum. The man sitting on the dragon chair is ordinary. He looks exactly the same as the benevolent and holy kings handed down from generation to generation in the portrait.

This is simply the image of the Holy King written by Confucianism and the people of the world are looking forward to. However, Fang Yun is clear that the real human emperor is by no means like this. A person who is proficient in the emperor's mind and gets the Taoism of the three emperors and the five emperors can never be like this.

In a flash, Fang Yun's mind suddenly flashed before he became a marquis. The words said: "The king is not the king, the wise eye knows people, the heart is like a broad valley, and the arch is ruled, then he is the king of the sage...|"

Fang Yun suddenly understood that the emperor's appearance was for himself. There is only one message he wants to convey. If he is the minister of the country, then he is the sage king he said o

As if he sensed the idea in Fang Yun's heart, on the dragon chair, there was a motionless figure, his eyelids trembled, and then Huo opened his eyes.

At this moment, Fang Yun's heart was shocked, as if the infinite star 1 was hit by a comettoe, but in the blink of an eye, the stars collapsed, and together with the world where the stars were located, they were also destroyed in an instant o

One world after another is destroyed, one world after another is born, and the world is endless. In these eyes, life and death will end forever.

"Fang Yun. |"

In the silence, a thunderous voice sounded in Fang Yun's ears. The void suddenly blew up hundreds of millions of thunder.

At the moment of the sound, the emperor Huo on the dragon chair stood up. At this moment, his temperament changed dramatically. Like an ancient sleeping king, he suddenly woke up, and the emperor showed a suffocating pressure.

At the moment he stood up, a stormy smell of terror spread to every corner, and the space groaned unbearably. It seems that it will be broken at any time.

Bang! Bang!! Bang!! Bang!!

The human emperor suddenly stepped down from the throne, step by step, without stopping like an ancient god. Every step, it shakes the universe of heaven and earth, and oscillates hundreds of millions of infinite planes.

A strong purple gas is full of Fang Yun's perception. Suddenly, the Taihe Hall seemed to have become another vast space. And in every corner of this space, there is a strong and unsightly purple gas.

Fang Yun's vision has been completely lost. The emperor who walked down from the throne completely disappeared from this pervasive world, in the ubiquitous purple gas.

In a trance, a god standing between heaven and earth, with a pair of golden eyes. Looking down on yourself indifferently and ruthlessly, just like overlooking a small ant o

"It's him! So it's really him!,.

At this moment, Fang Yun's mind suddenly flashed through the thunderstorm night, strayed into Merlin, and saw the golden eyes. He was finally sure that the person who forced the teacher at the beginning was the emperor!

A chilling feeling surged from my heart. Fang Yun didn't know how much the emperor saw and how much he knew from the deduction of the teacher!

The next moment, a magnificent pressure fell on Fang Yun. At this moment, Fang Yun only felt that the weight of hundreds of millions of space in the universe was carried on his own body. No matter how powerful a person's body is, he can't bear the weight of billions of space in the universe.

Fang Yun's face changed greatly in an instant. According to the procedure of sealing the marquis, as long as the emperor and minister narrate at the last moment, Fang Yun needs to kneel down. It is a kind of old-fashioned courtesy of the emperor and minister. But it is a kind of whipping and humiliation.

Fang Yun could accept the kneeling ceremony at the last moment, but he could not accept the kind of forced whipping and humiliation by force. Although martial arts requires more skills to enter the realm of heaven, the state of mind is broken. When you fight, you are afraid of your hands and feet, and you can't give full play to your strength. Moreover, no matter how good the qualifications are, the road of martial arts will stop in the world. If you want to reach the destiny, it is absolutely impossible!

"The tigers eat the dragons" vision is coming, and I don't know how many ancient Taoist sects have appeared in the world. If there is no strong force, in this storm, there is only a risk of being destroyed at any time. This is intolerable to Fang Yun.

"Oh! |"

Fang Yun shouted loudly in his heart, and his whole body immediately crackled. A strong spiritual will, like a fierce beast, burst out to fight against the pressure from the emperor.

After reaching the realm of heaven, Fang Yun has condensed a lot in both strength and spiritual will. In addition, using the brand left by his father Fang Yin in the brocade box, Fang Yun's current spiritual consciousness. A lot of condensed. In other words, even if Fang Yin comes, Fang Yun can bear it for a long time, but the emperor is too horrible.

Fang Yun felt that his consciousness seemed to be crushed by a huge wheel. If he hadn't been promoted to the second grade of Tianchong recently, and after the test of Taifu, his consciousness was much stronger. I'm afraid it would be destroyed in an instant. But even so, Fang Yun could hardly stand it.

"The power! |"

The sound of the sword of Qingyue, the cold light flashed in the Taihe Hall, and the void seemed to have exploded countless thunders. A golden sword representing the kindness, majesty, nobility and respect of the ancient holy emperor split the air and suspended above the square cloud.

At the moment when the sword of the human emperor was issued, Fang Yun finally couldn't help using the 11th heaven and earth Wanhua clock in his body.

"Wow! |"

"Heaven and Earth Wanhua Bell" shook, and the pressure on Fang Yun suddenly seemed to be a mud cow into the sea. Absorbed by the clock of heaven and earth, it disappeared without a trace. From the appearance, it seems that Fang Yun suddenly issued a strong will, offsetting this power o

At this moment, the illusion disappeared, and Fang Yun finally felt the human emperor again. In his eyes, there was a slight look of appreciation, but it soon flashed away.

"Kneel down! |"

As soon as the breath of the emperor was closed, the horrible breath disappeared immediately o

Fang Yun did not insist this time. When the emperor said these two words, it also meant that the Fenghou ceremony returned to the original track.

"See your majesty. |"

Fang Yunhong's voice o

The emperor's sword is suspended above Fang Yun's head. His eyes stared at Fang Yun silently. In the hall, there is silence o

"Fang Yun, you are willing to submit to the League! |"

The voice of the human emperor echoed in the hall without any fluctuation, extremely concise.

Hearing this sound, Fang Yun was stunned at first, and then his heart was shocked. He didn't expect that the emperor's question would come so directly and so cleverly.

Sond, or not?

A loyal minister or a traitor?

The emperor gave a multiple-choice question. Choose the former. It is to choose to become the second Marquis of Yingwu, the second Yang Hong, and become the pawn and thman in the hands of the emperor!

Choosing the latter is equivalent to choosing and openly tearing the face with the emperor. Standing completely on the opposite side, even morally, it is lost.

Time seems to stand still. The emperor's ordinary sentence, but anything he has said before and anything he has done must come to Lingli o

Fang Yun's forehead oozed a cold sweat. His lips moved, and he didn't dare to answer easily. If he didn't answer well, I'm afraid he would put the Fang family up and down, 300 people, all of whom were doomed o

Time slowly passed, the emperor did not say a word, and the golden sword of the holy emperor was still suspended above Fang Yun's head. Quietly waiting for his answer.

Outside the Taihe Hall, quiet and terrible o

Although Fang Yun entered the Taihe Hall, it was like entering another space without any sound. But many people feel strange o

"What's going on? According to the procedure of the title ceremony, at this time, His Majesty should have begun to be canonized! |"

Next to Bai Yudan, Zhongxinhou felt something strange and looked at the Taihe Hall towering in the clouds.

Not only Zhongxinhou, the minister of the Ministry of Ceremonies, Zhang Gongqi, and the eunuch Si Li in the palace all felt the strangeness and looked at the Taihe Hall standing high one by one.

not far from the Taihe Hall, the three princes looked at each other and each felt the uneasiness and hidden worries in their eyes.

Taihe Hall o

The rites of the emperor and ministers are like a statue, motionless. The emperor's expression was not impatient at all. He is waiting for Fang Yun's answer o

Fang Yun never thought that the fate of the Fang family would be in his own hands so soon. He struggled violently in his heart o

I don't know how long it has been, as if 10,000 years have passed, and it seems that there is only a short moment. Fang Yun seemed to have tried his best and said with difficulty, "I just want to have a clear conscience!" |"

Fang Yun did not answer directly. You have no joke. 1 Answer directly in front of the emperor, no matter which answer. There is not much difference. After saying this, Fang Yun did not move.

In the Taihe Hall, it is still quiet and terrible. The golden holy emperor's sword hung high above Fang Yun's head, and there was no movement. No one knew what the emperor was thinking.

I don't know how long it took, there was finally a trace of expression on the emperor's face.

"What a clear conscience |", the emperor laughed: "I hope you can really have a clear conscience! As soon as the voice fell, the closed breath of the Taihe Hall suddenly vented. Outside the Taihe Hall, all the princes and generals immediately felt the existence of the emperor and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The next moment, the loud and majestic voice of the emperor resounded throughout the capital: 11 Today, Fang Yun is canonized as the champion, Qin here! |"

As soon as the sound fell, a purple gas rose to the ground and passed through the sky. Then there was silence in the Taihe Hall. And the emperor, I don't know why, disappeared without a trace.

Fang Yun was still kneeling in the Taihe Hall. He was cold and almost empty. The conversation just now almost exhausted his strength.

For a long time, Fang Yun stood up and walked out of the hall.

At the same time, in the depths of the palace, a purple gas wrapped in a golden rainbow fell from the sky. When there were more than 20 feet away from the central purple gas hall, the purple gas dissipated, and the figure of the emperor, holding a golden sword, appeared in the void.

Suddenly, the golden light flashed, the figure of the human emperor suddenly changed into a long hair and fell down. With the golden sword of the Holy Emperor, they disappeared into the central purple hall o

A voice, like a smile, came from the central purple hall: "I have a clear conscience... Interesting! Fang Yun, I hope you are worthy of joint training.|"

The voice fell, but it didn't come far away. After ten feet, it immediately dissipated silently and everything returned to silence.