The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 537 The Eighth Palace of the Big Dipper

"...Pang Juyuan told the matter in detail after the two left.

After leaving Xi'er City, Pang Juyuan went to the south and practiced hard. It has also reached the ground level. He is elegant in his own accumulation. After entering the ground level, the sect treasure of the Big Dipper Palace was immediately opened.

After all, the Big Dipper Palace is a famous sect in ancient times. After Pang Juyuan got the treasures and skills of the sect at the level of earth change, he immediately practiced thousands of miles a day. Soon, he broke through the power of each dragon and entered the spiritual wisdom level. Finally, it stepped into the celestial level.

"If you reach the celestial level, you can get the real treasure of the sect. The Big Dipper Palace contrasts with the Big Dipper in the sky, the place of sect treasure, is really in the north. After I stepped into the celestial level, I immediately rushed to the place of sectarian treasure. I just opened the sect treasure, but I didn't expect to kill another Taoist heir of the Big Dipper Palace halfway..."

Pang Juyuan Road.

"Another Taoist heir?" Fang Yun was shocked and could hardly believe his ears: "Isn't it you, the Taoist heir of the Big Dipper Star Palace? Where did another Taoist descendant come from?" Pang Juyuan smiled bitterly, "At first glance, I am the same as you. I can't believe my ears. I just thought that the other party came for the treasure of the Big Dipper Palace that I opened. The so-called other Taoist heir is just an excuse. However, I learned later that what he said was really not wrong. His truth is that he is another Taoist heir of the Big Dipper Palace. The goods are real..."

Fang Yun shook his head. In recent times, ancient sects appeared one after another, selecting Taoist heirs. Fang Yun has more than one contact with these Taoist descendants. I also have a great understanding of the situation of ancient sects.

However, he has never heard of which sect has two sects. It's like saying that two emperors were in power in the Zhou Dynasty at the same time!

"I'm not young now, I'm in my twenties. Wearing a feather coat, he claimed that he was the heir of the Eighth Palace of the Big Dipper. The prohibition in the Big Dipper Palace has no effect on him. Moreover, I later found that what he used was really the innate number of the ancient Big Dipper Palace, Ziwei Doushu,! I'm sure that he really didn't lie," Pang Juyuan said.

"The Eighth Palace of the Big Dipper? Brother Pang, with all due respect. I'm also involved in stars. Isn't the Big Dipper only seven stars? Where did the eighth star come from?" Fang Yun said in a surprised way.

"What Brother Fang said is just a saying circulating in the world. In fact, the Big Dipper does have the eighth star. However, it is indeed a dark star that cannot be seen with the naked eye. Therefore, there is a popular saying that the Big Dipper is only seven stars. I have always known about the Eighth Palace of the Big Dipper. And at the beginning of the Big Dipper Palace, there was indeed the Eighth Palace.

But later, I don't know what happened. The ancient Beidou Star Palace was divided, and the Eighth Beidou Palace was divided. There is no follow-up from now on. I didn't expect that the Eighth Palace of the Big Dipper was passed down, and the heir was also selected!" When Pang Juyuan talked about the heir of the Eighth Palace of the Big Dipper, he was still palpitated: "The heir of the Eighth Palace of the Big Dipper, as soon as he appeared, he had the cultivation of Tianch Martial arts are still far above me. At that time, I was almost bound to die. At the critical moment, the head of the Big Dipper Palace woke up. "What did he say?" Fang Yun asked. As soon as this kind of old monster appears, it will immediately determine the universe. However, it is obvious that if the other party had helped Pang Juyuan, he would not be in such a hurry now.

A trace of helplessness flashed in Pang Juyuan's eyes: "One sect can't have two descendants. His decision was to let the two of us decide each other's life and death. Only the winner can become the real heir of the Big Dipper Palace. In this process, it is not prohibited, and both parties ask others for help. Then, he sent the two of us out." "I fought with him for a long time. His martial arts are far above me. Fortunately, his innate cultivation is not as high as mine. I can also interfere with his investigation. However, this kind of interference will not last long. He will soon find out where I sent the letter. If the letter is kept in one person's hand for a long time, it will soon be found by him with congenital skills, and then take away the envelope and kill people. Therefore, you can only give the letter to one of your moths, and then change hands after several twists and turns. I finally handed it over to you..."

Fang Yun thought: "So, you can't even use the martial arts of the Big Dipper Palace now, because of him." Pang Juyuan nodded: "If I use the martial arts of the Big Dipper Palace, he will soon be able to deduce it from the "Ziwei Doushu" and find my place. Therefore, I can use martial arts and try not to use it. Living in an ordinary way without revealing a trace of truth, it is difficult for him to guess my position." Fang Yun listened and meditated. He is used to in-depth analysis and thinking after hearing all kinds of news. Although the descendant of the Eighth Palace of the Big Dipper has not yet appeared, Fang Yun has been able to feel that this person is extremely tricky from Pang Juyuan's narration.

"Yes, I heard that you are the official champion, which shakes the balance. Congratulations!"

Pang Juyuan suddenly arched his hand and looked happy for Fang Yun.

Fang Yun waved his hand: "It's just a vain position in the court, which is meaningless to the people of your sect. On the contrary, you are the descendant of the Eighth Palace of the Big Dipper. You need to pay attention to it. According to what you said, there were eight stars in the ancient Big Dipper Palace. You correspond to the seven star palace in the open. He corresponds to the truth of the Eighth Palace of the Big Dipper. The Taoism you inherit should be better than him. But in fact, his martial arts skills are much higher than yours. In this way, I'm afraid that the palace that disappeared in the Big Dipper Palace may be the strongest. Moreover, according to what you said, he has reached the realm of heaven, in this way. I'm afraid he has completely obtained the Taoism of the Eighth Palace of the Big Dipper!"

Pang Juyuan's eyes were slightly gloomy: "As you expected, he did get all the Taoism of the Eighth Palace of the Big Dipper. In terms of martial arts, I am no match for him at all. And in his hand, it was still a Tianyuan magic weapon in the Eighth Palace "Dark Star Disk,!" Fang Yun's pupil contracted: "Dark Star Disk?"

He has practiced martial arts so far, and has never seen anyone use Tianyuan magic weapons. Every Tianyuan magic weapon has the unpredictable power of ghosts and gods. With such a magic weapon, it doesn't matter if you deal with a strong man with a few realms of skill than yourself. It is even normal to avoid children from eating eagles and cutting the other party off the horse.

"The dark star disk is a palace magic weapon in the Eighth Palace of the Big Dipper. It is said to be able to control time and space. If you practice in it, the speed will be fast. I guess he stepped into the sky so quickly. It has nothing to do with this dark disk..."

Pang Juyuan Road.

Fang Yun had a look of caution in his eyes. Every martial artist with Tianyuan magic weapon deserves the caution of any opponent. The magic weapon that can control space and time is even more extraordinary.

"I just thought he was an ordinary strong man. Even if he was a strong man of Tianchong's four grades, I could suppress him for you. However, the strong man who controls the Tianyuan magic weapon has to reconsider. I have to sacrifice a magic weapon first and prepare it. Then meet the heir of the Eighth Palace of the Big Dipper..."

Fang Yundao.

Pang Juyuan was shocked: "Can you deal with the strong of Tianchong's four grades?" Fang Yun nodded: "In terms of strength, the strong of Tianchong's five grades may not be my opponents. However, after all, the realm is poor. This thing can't be made up by force. ..."

The strong man of Tianchong Wupin has been able to condense his own space and turn it into a substantial attack power. In their own condensed space, the strong of Tianchong Wupin occupies the advantage of the right time, place and people innate!

Suddenly, Pang Juyuan seemed to feel something, and his face suddenly changed: "No, he is about to break through my interference again. In a moment, he will find it here. Let's leave quickly. "Is he coming?" Fang Yun raised his eyebrows slightly, and the steps he had stretched out suddenly took it back: "In that case, I will see the descendant of the Eighth Palace of the Big Dipper. What does it look like?" "Brother Fang", Pang Juyuan was shocked. This is not a game. Once you meet it, you will be sentenced to life and death.

"Don't worry!" Fang Yun smiled and said, "Congenital mathematics is useless to me." Fang Yun mentioned Pang Juyuan, shook his body, and immediately swept a hundred feet away. On a nearby mountain, he bombarded out a cave, and then sat in it, summoned the clock of heaven and earth floating above the two people's heads, waiting silently.

A moment of "An..."

Outside the city, above the highest mountain, a space was suddenly broken. A young man with a jade-like face, dressed in a Taoist robe, stepped out of the void. There was no hairpin on his head, and his long jade-like hair, fiercely straight, hanging on the gorgeous Taoist robe.

The young man's eyes were bright, and there was a faint sense of arrogance. It's like an eagle, overlooking the earth. His eyebrows are like two long swords, raised high into the temples, making today's young man have a more profiteering momentum, as if it were a sheathed long sword, sharp.

He glanced around and soon landed on the rock where Pang Juyuan had stayed before. The sleeve robe shook, the five fingers stretched out, and the virtual scratched. A pinch of dust immediately flew up and fell into his hands.

The young man held a pinch of dust where Fang Yun and Pang Juyuan once stood, with his eyes slightly closed and his fingers pinched. The void changed around him, and the auspicious spirit immediately appeared in the sky. Among these stars, the Big Dipper and the Eighth Star are extremely eye-catching.

Obviously, he is using the dust that Fang Yun and Pang Juyuan have landed, using "Zi Weidou..." to calculate the location of Pang Juyuan.

The transmission of the Eighth Palace of the Big Dipper here has just pinched "Zi Weidou..." Fang Yun immediately felt that an invisible spying force was coming in this direction through "Heaven and earth..."

Fang Yun smiled in his heart, and his mind moved slightly, so he easily turned away the power of peeping from the innate mathematics. Even the three Mr. Tianji can't push the news of Fang Yun. What is the descendant of the Eighth Palace of the Big Dipper?

"Huh?" The descendant of the Eighth Palace of the Big Dipper seemed to feel something and suddenly opened his eyes. Unexpectedly, he couldn't find out the news of Pang Juyuan at all.


With a cold snort, the heir of the Eighth Palace of the Big Dipper shook his sleeve robe, and his five fingers in the grapefruit were open, and he grabbed the virtual head of the mountain below. With a loud noise, the whole mountain, together with the space where the mountain is located, was annihilated in an instant.

A huge mountain with a foundation. It just disappeared from outside the city out of thin air.

The heir of the Eighth Palace of the Big Dipper made a move, immediately turned around and stepped into the void and disappeared!