The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 553 Order in White

, "Lord Zongling, it's so elegant." Fang Yun arched his fist, lifted the white mantle straight, and walked in. I went to the boots, but I didn't see Princess Chang clearly. I went straight to the wide white jade bed.

The fight with Princess Qingchang is a battle of the spirit of young people. Now that I think about it, like the stubbornness of a child, there is no need to delve into it too much.

When Fang Yun boarded the white jade bed, the beauty of Zhuhong Palace, accompanied by Zong Ling, was also looked at Fang Yun. Her expression was plain and not surprised, but when Fang Yun didn't squint and climbed on the white jade bed, as if she couldn't see anyone else. There was a ripple in the pupil, but after all, it calmed down again.

White jade**, there is a delicate jade coffee table with a futon on each side. On the coffee table, there are several plates of exquisite snacks, a white porcelain long neck bottle, and two huā wine glasses.

Opposite the white-clothed Zongling, the glass was full of wine and chopsticks were placed. Obviously, he has been waiting for Fang Yun for a long time.

Fang Yun got on the bed and sat down directly opposite the white-clothed clan. He glanced at the chopsticks in front of him, and a strange color flashed in Fang Yun's eyes.

Heaven and earth are isolated from all innate mathematical deductions, and the order of the White Emperor cannot be inferred that he will come at this time. The only explanation is that he also collected the same information. I know the movement of the sectarian world, and I know something about myself, and I predict that I will come to him at this time.

"The patriarch's mansion has existed since the reign of Taizu. Over the years, the sect has tried to infiltrate the court, but the court may not have tried to infiltrate the sect. Over the years, I'm afraid that it is possible for the elders of all factions to bury the spies of the clan's mansion. This time, the movement of the Heavenly Evil Sect and the Four-pole Demon Sect, I'm afraid that this clan order knows more details than me." Fang Yun thought to himself.

His face was calm, but there was a sense of vigilance in his heart. From the sectarian news, it is inferred that he may visit at this time. Although it does not require too much wisdom, it is enough to reveal the order in white, which is not inferior to the city government and mind of any hegemon in the world.

"The fierce beast in the wilderness, before it really preys, lurks in the bush" crept, without a sound. Only when you really hit will you show your fangs. I'm afraid this white-claw is such a fierce beast*..."

Fang Yun thought about it, and he had already taken the glass in front of him and drank it all in one gulp.

"Hahaha," the white-clothed Zongling laughed and gave Fang Yun another cup: "Winter snow melts" and everything recovered. Soon, the capital will be full of fragrance. At this time, how can there be no elegance? Come on, come on, Fang Yun, have another drink with me*..."

"It's better to obey than to be respectful."

Fang Yun smiled, raised his glass and touched it gently, and took a sip. He is now a champion marquis, a prime minister, and he is also qualified to sit down and drink in front of this patriarchal order.

"Drinking, how can you not be accompanied by a beauty!"

The white-clothed Zongling suddenly sighed, brushed his right hand gently, and pushed the beauty beside him to Fang Yun: "Come on! Fill a cup for the champion." The white-clothed Zongling's behavior was extremely casual. There is no mention of the identity of this beauty in Zhuyi Palace. It seems that she is a very ordinary woman in the patriarch's mansion.

Fang Yun can't figure out what he means. It's sure that Princess Qingchang has changed so much that she can't recognize it. There is still some other intention. However, if the order in white is not broken, he naturally doesn't mention it at all.

"The kindness of beauty is the most difficult to get rid of. Lord Zongling, you don't have to embarrass me." Fang Yun said indifferently, "A wave of the robe, a stream of real gas broke out of the body" turned into an invisible real air wall curtain, blocking in front of him. Block the palace-dressed beauty.

The order of the Sect in white saw the situation" just smiled indifferently and was not entangled. He waved his sleeve: "Go down." All the maids of honor, maids, and the beauty in red, all withdrew.

"The champion Hou suddenly visited the patriarch's mansion this time. I don't know what happened." Fang Yun immediately speculated that he already knew all the various movements of the sectarian world, so he no longer took a detour and went straight to the theme: "This visit to the patriarch's mansion is private and the other is public. Six meetings, Liu Boyuan, the elder of the Heavenly Evil Sect, has been handed over to the Zongling as evidence of the rebellion of the Marquis of Pingding. Now March has passed. Everything should be handled almost, Lord Zongling, should it be handed over to me?" Fang Yun said with the help of drinking.

"Liu Boyuan's role as the elder of the Heavenly Evil Sect is far from testifying to a Pingding Marquis. This matter involves the highest secret of foreign sects, which is extremely important to our patriarchal government. Therefore, it has always been difficult to return the champion. However," as soon as the words changed, the white-clothed Zongling smiled indifferently and said, "It's not impossible at this time.

Since the champion is in such a hurry, let's just return it to the champion first." " Bang *..."

As soon as the big sleeve was brushed, a sesame-sized black spot flew out of the white-clothed Zongling sleeve and expanded rapidly. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a powerful and slightly gloomy old man. It is Liu Boyuan, the elder of the evil sect.

Fang Yun smiled and immediately made a big move without thinking. The golden light flashed, and Liu Boyuan immediately disappeared, but he was sealed by Fang Yun again.

The white-clothed emperor did not squint, but his mind had been paying attention to Fang Yun without a trace. Seeing that he took Liu Boyuan between his fingers, and even the brand he branded on Liu Boyuan's body disappeared in an instant. In the pupil, I couldn't help fluctuating slightly.

"The champion is so generous. At a young age, he has a space magic weapon. Even the martial arts strong with the four grades of Tianchong can become puppets. Sure enough, the Yangtze River is pushing the previous generation, and the generation is stronger than the generation *..."

The white Zongling inadvertently praised.

"Lord Zongling praised*..."

Fang Yun answered indifferently. Space magic weapons are relatively rare, and there are relatively few warriors in Tianchong Realm. But by no means. He is now an official champion, showing a little bit of the necessary ability to match his identity.

Although there are few space magic weapons, as a champion, it is nothing. You know, the champion of the Middle Ages was a strong man above the realm of stars. In contrast, Fang Yun can be accepted.

"Your trip is both a private and a public, and private affairs have been said. What's the business?"

The order in white said directly.

"The evil sect is an evil sect. It interfered with the war in Dihuang before. This time, it colluded with the princes of the court and tried to infiltrate the court" is a violation of the taboo of our dynasty. If these demons are not killed, they will make trouble. Yang Xing is the first, but I'm afraid it's not the last. The Zongrenfu has the responsibility of supervising the world. I don't know, "Lord Zongling, do you have any plans for this faction?" Fang Yun said.

"The heavenly evil sect is an evil sect, and the leader is the strong man above the star realm. It's not easy to kill*..."

Zongling in white calmly said.

"It's one thing to kill or not, and it's another thing to kill or not." Not long ago, I received a message. The Heavenly Evil Sect and the Four-pole Demon Sect have conspired to unite. These two factions have been ready to move recently, and I'm afraid there will be a big movement.

Fang Yundao.

"Oh*..." Zongling in white smiled and said, "I didn't expect that the champion had such a news agency to collect information about Di Huang. Is there a collusion between the Heavenly Evil Sect and the Four-pole Demon Sect? I didn't even receive this kind of news! The champion said that they had a big move, and I don't know what the big move was.

"These two factions are plotting to assassinate an important court minister*..."

Fang Yun looked at the order in white, his face did not turn red, his heart did not beat, and his expression was calm.

"Oh, I don't know which important minister of the court?" The white-clothed patriarch looked at Fang Yun with great interest." The corners of his mouth smiled and slowly expanded.

"The new champion of the dynasty!"

"Haha what..."

Zongling in white suddenly laughed: "It turns out that your so-called business is still a private matter. Champion Hou, you are not using each other for personal gain and using the clan's mansion to help you deal with the Heavenly Evil Sect and the Four-pole Demon Sect!"

"Lord Zongling's words are bad. Although the Heavenly Evil Sect came to me, in the final analysis, it was because Fang Yun saw through their plans and ruined their plans. Although this matter involves me, it is public rather than private. Moreover, there is a saying that "lifting virtuous people do not avoid relatives" has long been a precedent for the three princes of the past dynasties. Fang Yun's resentment with the Heavenly Evil Sect is because of public hatred. The so-called "Although it is a personal enmity, it is a business! Zong will not be afraid because of the power of the evil sect!"

Fang Yun talked calmly and calmly.

Zongling in white shook his head and laughed: "Fang Yun, are you an excitation? The patriarchal government has always been only responsible for supervising the world and destroying sects, and has always been the duty of 100,000 troops. Haven't you been transferred to the army of 100,000 sects? You can deal with this matter by yourself. There is no need to work in the People's House. Besides, even if it is to deal with the evil sect, how are you going to deal with it? Are you going out? Zongrenfu is just a search for news, not a war or a battle.

The white-clothed Zongling directly called back Fang Yun's real name. He joked in a tone.

It sounds majestic that 100,000 sects have conquered and suppressed the army. However, Fang Yun is not the kind of person who is impulsive and only acts on will. Although he has not yet been transferred to the 100,000 sects to suppress the army, he does have a clear understanding of this 100,000 army.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and there are factions. Let alone, he was just transferred to be a deputy leader." There were still people on it. Let's talk about the Heavenly Evil Sect and the Four Pole Demon Sect.

The former has stood on the land of Shenzhou for thousands of years. It can be seen the strength of this sect by saying that it has been established for 1,600 years. If anyone despises this faction because of the power that appears on the table, it is really stupid.

Tianxie Mountain moved from the hinterland of Middle-earth to the Four-pole Demon Sect, which seemed to show weakness. In fact, it was wise. It avoided the unnecessary consumption of Qiang and the imperial court and saved its own strength.

As for the Four-pole Demon Sect..., Fang Yun doesn't have much contact. However, with the name of the mythical giant "Four Poles Dome Emperor" that ended the medieval era, it is enough to deter all directions, so that no one dares to move easily!

The Zhou Dynasty sat in the middle of the * center, and there were countless strong people. The army of 100,000 sects and suppressing them even destroyed the Dandahg faction. However, if you want to destroy the Heavenly Evil Sect and the Four-pole Demon Sect, I'm afraid it will also hurt your muscles and bones, and you need to think carefully!

After all, what the Zhou Dynasty has to deal with is more than a four-pole demon sect and a heavenly evil sect! If the loss of strength is too great, and other forces take advantage of it, I'm afraid it will be very bad!