The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 559 Deer Hunting Garden

"There is nothing to say in the secular world. From ancient times to ancient times, a generation is not as good as a generation. In the secular world, how can such a terrible opponent be cultivated*..."

Li Zhi Xiao came to his senses at this time and said disapproving when he heard the words.

"Ha ha, you're wrong*..." Ye Wuyou shook his head: "This champion is only seventeen years old, but his martial arts are extraordinary. I heard that before he was canonized, he broke into the Marquis of Tianwu's Mansion, which revealed the cultivation of Tianchong Realm*..."

"What!" Li Zhi Xiao showed a shocked look. The 17-year-old Tianchong martial artist is still quite amazing. Even if there are some Taoist descendants of ancient sects, I'm afraid it's just that. However, he soon shook his head: "I'm only seventeen years old. How can I be angry?" Even if it's Tianchong, I'm afraid the cultivation is not high. The guy I met, even the warrior of Tianchong's four grades was refined into a puppet by him. It shouldn't be a champion!"

"The martial artist of Tianchong's fourth grade was refined into a puppet?" Zhao Weiyang seemed to touch something in his heart, and suddenly asked, "What does the martial artist of Tianchong's fourth grade look like today? Tell me the course of the battle carefully." Li Zhi Xiao then passed back and forth and said it again. This time, it is much more detailed. Just like before, in order to cover up the ugliness, many places squeak.

Now, I can feel it worry-free all night.

"The warrior who rushed to the four grades today is Liu Boyuan, the elder of the Heavenly Evil Sect. The one who chased you was Hou Fangyun, the champion of the Zhou Dynasty! I just heard that the champion Hou was transferred to the 100,000 sects of the Zhou Dynasty to suppress the army.

Brother Li, you are in trouble!"

Ye Wuyou's face looks very solemn.

"This champion is cruel and must be rewarded. A marquis of the Zhou Dynasty offended him and was killed by him. When he was just a low-level martial artist, Tianxiezong tried to deal with him several times, but he escaped. You have to suck his blood and plunder his power this time. With his nature, I'm afraid he won't let you go easily!"

Zhao Fengyang's face is not very good-looking either. If this champion is only the first- or second-grade warrior today, the two of them are not afraid. But he even defeated the demon-eating sect with the Tianyuan magic weapon. The threat is self-evident.

"It's good that you have the true charm of the ancient top strongman on your demon-eating edges. Otherwise, I'm afraid it's really troublesome. We have heavy responsibilities in the sect, and we must not be entangled by such characters. In the future, try to avoid meeting such characters.

Zhao Fengyang said.

Li Zhi Xiao was silent. He didn't expect that one of the goals he looked at casually was such a difficult person.

Two miles southwest of the capital, there is a Tongbai Mountain in Yuzhou. The vegetation here is deep, and the ancient trees are towering. Many wild deer and deer are among them.

Here is a royal garden for the royal family, known as the "Deer Hunting Garden". A royal palace was built in the mountains. It is a place for the emperor to travel and play in summer.

"Deer Hunting Garden" is divided into three layers, the innermost level is guarded by the forbidden army, the outer layer is guarded by the armored soldiers, and then the outer layer is guarded by the reserve army of the Zhou Dynasty. This place is well prepared, and it is a forbidden place for the Great Zhou Dynasty. Ordinary people can't get close to it!

There are nine royal gardens, one in Shangjing, and one in other Jiuzhou. Tongbai Mountain is just one of them.

"No wonder, the garrison of 100,000 sects to suppress the army is so difficult to investigate. Unexpectedly, it is hidden in a palace. This kind of place is forbidden by the imperial court. Ordinary people will not approach at all. Generally speaking, strong sects do not want to provoke for no reason. As a result, no one has ever known "the location of the 100,000 troops."

Fang Yun stood among the bushes and looked at the "deer hunting garden" in the distance and the army patrolled, thinking in his heart. If it weren't for the royal family, he didn't know either. The hinterland of the 100,000-thousand army is actually here.

"Stop, Royal Royal Garden, trespassers, die!" Not long after Fang Yun entered, a team of patrolmen stopped immediately. One of them, holding a rocket, was ready to summon all the soldiers nearby as soon as the situation was wrong.

"In order to patrol." Fang Yun's five fingers "a black token immediately appeared in his hand. On the token, a galloping iron horse is carved. Seeing this token, the patrolman's eyelids jumped.

"Original royal messenger, please come in!" The six patrolmen were immediately released, with a respectful look. They guarded Tongbai Mountain. If they had known that in Tongbai Mountain, there were several special existences in this "deer hunting garden", which could be traveled by themselves. This includes this kind of person holding an iron riding token.

Fang Yun showed the token and traveled all the way unimpeded.

In the middle of Tongbai Mountain, Fang Yun saw a black stone tablet. There are two words engraved on it: forbidden place!

Fang Yun stopped slightly, and then stepped towards the black stone tablet without hesitation.

"Oh!" Fang Yun stepped over and immediately penetrated into the black stone tablet without hindrance. This stone tablet, which looked very solid, suddenly turbulent like a water wave. A strong suction came from it and suddenly pulled Fang Yun in.

"Boom!", the foreground of the eyes changed, and then a thunder exploded from his ear. When Fang Yun opened his eyes again, he suddenly opened his eyes, and another vast world was divination at his feet.

The vast land is full of ups and downs, and you can't see the end at a glance. On this mountainous hill, there are countless magnificent halls of dark gold. Around the hall, countless banners are flying around. There are more essences rising to the sky, and each essence exudes a powerful breath.

A low thunderous sound came from the earth. That's not thunder, but the sound made by a famous master when breathing.

Spirit level, spirit level, spirit level!"

spirit level, spirit level, spirit level!"

Earth-level, wisdom level, celestial level!"

The breath of stars emanating from the earth made Fang Yun shake. These people with the lowest breath are also bold warriors. They can all fly into the air. And above the celestial phenomenal level, there are also many celestial warriors, distributed in the middle of this vast land. The essence rises to the sky, runs through the space, and deters all directions!

Several of them actually reached the level of Tianwuhou. There are even a few breaths" than the pressure given to Fang Yun by the Marquis of Tianwu. One by one, like the bright sun, sitting in the middle of the * center, strong and domineering, emitting an incomparable atmosphere!

"What a terrible army!" Fang Yun felt the dense breath in the earth. He is also a martial artist who is secretly shocked. He can be a general in the outside world." But here, he is only the lowest-level soldier. Such an army, if born, can almost sweep away the four major armies of Dihuang, barbaric, barbaric and barbaric!

However, if it's just a spirit level, it's nothing. With the help of elixir, Fang Yun also has a large number of courage-level masters in the 27th barracks. But when it comes to spirit-level masters, it is very rare.

However, in addition to a large number of spirit-level masters, there are also a large number of ground-level, spiritual-level, and celestial-level strong. There are even a lot of strong people in Tianchong. These are not elixirs that can be piled up!

Red, red, lavender, purple luck, dense, like a fierce pillar of heaven" standing on the earth...

Hundreds of thousands of sects have conquered and suppressed the army, all hidden here!


Fang Yun was about to look at the world carefully again, and suddenly the rumble of shock came to his ears again. Fang Yun followed the sound and saw a sky in the east. The two dark clouds were like black dragons, strangled together.

In the dark clouds, the light of the blades flashed from time to time. There were even faint shouts of anger coming from it.

"What a powerful breath." Fang Yun raised his eyebrows and immediately focused on the two strong men in the dark clouds. Both of them have the cultivation of Tianchong, and it is roughly estimated that they should have the cultivation of Tianchong II and III.

Although the strong people gathered in the army of 100,000 conquests, there are still not many strong people in Tianchong. Fang Yun knew that these two people must have a high status in the army. The facts also proved his idea. At the edge of the two dark clouds, dark shadows were densely suspended in the air, looking up at the top, cheering or shouting from time to time.

The 100,000 troops are not controlled by the military department and are not within the regular establishment. Even the military aircraft office is only in a coordinated position, constantly replenishing troops to the army, but there is no right to mobilize.

Fang Yun knew almost nothing about such an army that destroyed many sects. And the battle between these two warriors undoubtedly provides an opportunity for Fang Yun to understand the most secret army of the big week.

In the dark clouds, the knife light flashed and exploded. The two strong men showed their amazing abilities, and all kinds of powerful skills emerged one after another.

"Hahaha, whisper, you rubbish. As I said earlier, you can't catch up with our tiger guard! You don't accept it. This time, I will convince you*..."

In the eastern sky, a burst of laughter came, and the laughter was unscrupulous.

"Li Jiyu, you look up to yourself too much. The four guards belong to the army of conquest and suppressation, and there is no name.

You have to be ugly. You have to be ugly. What about iron rider, crane control, tiger guard, divine guard. It is said that the tiger guard is better than the iron horse. Now it seems that it's nothing more than that. The deputy commander of the Tiger Guard is just this ability!" In the dark clouds, a voice with the smell of a scholar said.

...Humph! No matter how low the ability is, it is more than enough to deal with you!"

In the rumbling voice, there was another fierce fight.

"Iron is good...*..."

Fang Yun's heart moved and suddenly took out the token that had just passed from his arms. There is a line of handwriting under the "Iron Horse" relief on the back: Iron Horse Army.

After turning over the other side of the iron plate, three iron hook and silver fonts came into view: deputy commander.

"It turns out that I'm still the leader of the Iron Cavalry Army!"

Fang Yun's heart moved and immediately knew that 100,000 sects conscripted and suppressed the army, which was divided into four iron cavalry, crane control, tiger guard and divine guard. And he is the deputy commander of the Iron Cavalry.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, there are factions, and there are also struggles. Most of the people who practice martial arts are full of qi and blood, and they are not very convinced of each other.

Fang Yun only listens to the dialogue between these two people. I'm afraid these two people may not have any deep hatred. I'm just angry that I'm under pressure in the ranking.

The spirit between the warriors is relatively high. This kind of thing often happens!