The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 563 Middle Ages

Fang Yun sat high in the hall, closed his eyes and listened, with the momentum of a martial arts overlord. After a while, the sound of bursting clothes broke through the air from outside the hall. In the blink of an eye, a famous captain, a lieutenant, and Shi Chang broke through the air and entered the hall.

"See the Deputy Commander!"

Everyone bowed their heads and bowed their hands and said in a loud voice. The look is also quite respectful.

Although Fang Yun is new here, everything about him has already spread.

The army has always respected the strong, and Fang Yun's strength is not mentioned. He also repelled Li Jiyu, the deputy commander of Huwei. He won the respect of these iron cavalry captains, lieutenants and chiefs.


Fang Yun sat in the hall and nodded slightly. He is under pressure, with his hands on his knees, and his eyelids are open, with his own fendrous momentum. When a captain, a lieutenant and a chief looked at him, he was also look at this group of men.

Fang Yun's subordinates are standard military equipment: three lieutenants, celestial-level cultivation: 15 lieutenants, Linghui-level cultivation: one hundred and fifty people, land change. A total of 168 subordinates, lined up in three rows, in the array hall.

Among these people, the lowest is the length. But there are also changes in cultivation. The red spirit of luck rose to the sky and was dazzling.

Such a powerful lineup, put it outside, it's simply terrible! If you still command the troops in the Great Zhou Army, it is almost impossible to gather such a luxurious and gorgeous army under your name. This will only happen in the army of conquest and suppressing.

"Three captains, fifteen lieutenants, 150 chiefs, and 1,500 ordinary soldiers. A total of 1,6,618 subordinates! These are all my subordinates."

Fang Yun's eyes flashed and he said secretly in his heart. As the champion, he can only command 1,6,618 subordinates in the district, which is too small.

You should know that when Fang Yun was just a general, his men could command more than 100,000 people. And the subordinates under the command of the commander of the princes of a frontier battlefield are even more known as millions.

Fang Yun is now a champion, and the number of soldiers has not increased. Instead, it has decreased. There are only 1,6,618 subordinates. This number is inevitably too small. However, Fang Yun is also clear. This is also because the number of troops to be conscripted and suppressed is not large. Although Qingchen mentioned in his words that the army of conquest and suppressing troops was far more than 100,000, Fang Yun knew that this number would never be very large.

With his cultivation of Tianchong Realm, he only led more than 600 people. According to the situation that Fang Yun sensed when he came in, the number of troops recruited and suppressed may not exceed 400,000. More than 300,000 at most. Because Fang Yun felt that when he came in, he would never have more than 300 people who have cultivated above the land and the sky. According to the calculation that a deputy commander can lead 1,600 soldiers, the number of soldiers here is more than 300,000 at most.

Of course, there is another divine guard that is not here. However, the number of the Divine Guards is very small, which is basically negligible compared with the number of 300,000.

The number of war sects involving sects will not be very large. The number of strong people above 300,000 courage level is actually quite huge!

"This is the transfer order of the Military Aircraft Department" This is the armor and seal given by the sixth commander.

Fang Yun said, and the golden scroll order at the general's plane unfolded and shook under the 168 subordinates. Then he lit up the armor and seal given by the sixth commander Luo Dachong: "From today on, I will be your commander!"

Fang Yun said, slowly standing up, exuding a stormy breath. His eyes slowly swept over the hall. Wherever he looked, the martial artist felt great pressure. He subconsciously lowered his head and did not dare to look at him.

Fang Yun's current strength has reached the third grade of Tianchong, which can compete with the strength of the fifth grade. The eyes alone is enough to deter these warriors who have changed the level, wisdom level and celestial phenomena. Da, Da Da! !

Fang Yun, with his hands in his hands, walked down slowly along the stone steps. Every step of the way, there is a feeling of space shock: "I don't care what you used to be in the army" but under my name. Everyone must do the prohibition of the order, and those who violate the military law must be dealt with. Do you hear?!"

Fang Yun glanced at the crowd and said in a low voice.

"I heard it."

Everyone responded with a bang. The one in front of him is a martial artist in Tianchong Realm, and there are hegemonic figures in martial arts. In the face of the absolute power gap, it is not stupid enough to confront head-on.

Fang Yun took a look and saw some detemptuous people in the crowd. When I answered, I didn't think so. He didn't care. He knew that these people were born proud. It was impossible to have a few words and a few things by chance, just like the loyalty of these people.

Three feet of ice, not a day's cold. If you want to completely convince these people, I'm afraid we still need something other than force!

Fang Yun was not in a hurry and waved his hand: "Let everyone else go out. Three captains stay.


More than 160 people left soon, leaving only three captains with magnificent breath and different natures. Fang Yun stayed with Xiaoyu for a period of time, and also asked some news from the three people.

Although the first person must be pale, his power does not diminish, and this person's name is uneven. He is 120 years old. Although his qualifications are not very prominent, the sectarian expedition is extremely fierce. The second person is fierce-looking, and his cheeks are covered with thin scars. These are hurt by the people of the sect and the different kind of true qi.

Although the wound is healed, the scar can't be removed. His real name is Li Po, nicknamed "Scar". His vitality was extremely tenacious. Several times, he was not far from death, but with his strong will, he survived again.

The third person is plain-looking and has a sense of scholar. He is good at using a long gun. Among the three, his cultivation is the worst, but he is the most popular among the three. Several times in danger, noble people helped him and survived.

This person's name is Li Zhiyi! He is young, only twenty-seven.

"How did Xu Da, the second deputy commander, die?"

Fang Yun glanced at the three people and said indifferently.

The three of them looked at each other and were slightly shocked. Unexpectedly, Fang Yun's first thing was to care about the death of Xu Da, the previous deputy commander.

"Deputy Commander, Lord Xu Da got the news that he was killed when he went to hunt down an evil lone thief."

The wind is uneven.

How does "the martial arts cultivation of this lone thief" compare with Lord Xu?

Fang Yun asked.

"Not as good as Lord Xu*..."

The wind is uneven.

"What the hell is going on? Has the truth of the matter been investigated?

Fang Yun asked. The warriors of Tianchong are the hegemons and princes in the martial arts world. A hegemon and prince have fallen, which always attracts people's attention. It is impossible not to even investigate clearly.

Feng Unping hesitated for a moment: "This matter" has actually never come to a conclusion. As far as we know, Lord Xu has never seen the evil lone thief at all.


Fang Yun frowned slightly.

"Because of the evil lone thief, he had been killed long before Lord Xu left! As for the cause of Lord Xu's death, no one knows. In fact, we just found Lord Xu's body*..."

The wind is uneven.

Fang Yun was silent, and the fool could also see that there was something wrong with Xu Da's death. A lone thief who has already died can lead a deputy leader out. If there is no conspiracy, it is impossible.

"I got it, now you go down*..."

Just when the three of them thought that Fang Yun would chase the cause of Xu Da's death, they suddenly waved their hands and ordered the three of them to leave.

All three of them were surprised, but the wind was not peaceful and the scar Li Po didn't say anything. He said, "Yes, my lord."

Li Zhiyi, who was only beside him, moved his lips when he heard the words, as if he wanted to stop talking.

"Yes" I'm sorry."

Li Zhiyi arched his hand and said goodbye.

Fang Yun put a look on his face as a send-off, but he had already put the reaction of the three people in his eyes. When his eyes flashed over Li Zhiyi, he nodded secretly in his heart.

"The person I'm looking for is him*..."

Fang Yun said in his heart.

Fang Yun is full of things and can't be busy at all. The affairs of the Heavenly Evil Sect and the Four Pole Demon Sect are enough for him to deal with. How can there be so much justice? At this time, he is still free to investigate the cause of Xu Da's death.

This matter is just a stepping stone for Fang Yun. The so-called strong dragon can't defeat the local snake. Here, Fang Yun must first find a useful subordinate before he can completely integrate here.

The wind is uneven, and Li Po is completely indifferent to Xu Da's death. Only Li Zhiyi seemed to be silent and seemed to be concerned about Xu Da's death.

For Li Zhiyi, Fang Yun had already noticed him when he learned about him. This man's cultivation is not high, but he has repeatedly been helped by noble people. If you don't have a few skills, it's absolutely impossible.

Although Xu Da is dead, this man still has a little meaning of chasing. He is a good subordinate. Be loyal, but not loyal. He is flexible and mobile, and he is a useful staff talent.

"Come here to find me in the evening!"

Fang Yun's divine consciousness bombarded Li Zhiyi's mind and said indifferently.

At the threshold, Li Zhiyi's body shook, with a vibrating look in his eyes. He resisted the impulse to turn back and strode away.

At night, the door of the temple opens. Li Zhiyi really came in and knelt on one knee.

"I see the deputy commander-in-chief!"


Two wisps of essence flashed away, and Fang Yun's figure emerged from the darkness.

"What's wrong with Xu reaching the bottom? You can say *..."

Fang Yun looked down and looked at Li Zhiyi. As soon as the sound fell, a ring of a finger and a dark green forbidden light film enveloped the hall.

"The news of the lone thief came from the clan's mansion. At the beginning, when I heard about this, I already felt that there was something wrong. However, Lord Xu was greedy for merit and did not listen to my advice. Still left."

Li Zhiyi said, "Let's talk about the key points. Who killed Xu D'dachi?"

Fang Yundao.

Li Zhiyi hesitated for a moment and finally said, "Have you heard of the "Middle League?"

Fang Yun shook his head.

"The medieval alliance is composed of some martial arts lunatics in the sectarian world, hoping to overthrow the imperial power, reproduce the medieval dark era, the sectarian control the imperial power, and rule the world of the extreme sectarian alliance!"