The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 567 Unrestrained Imperial Palace

In the deer hunting park, there is 100,000 space for the army to be stationed.

Fang Yun devoted himself to practice, and his heart was unambigible. In the clock of heaven and earth, the time flow rate is sixty-four times faster than that outside, which is a good place to practice.

Kunpeng guessed the inheritors of blood from generation to generation, leaving thousands of valuable skills. These skills are valuable assets to the other party.

However, the more powerful the skill, the more difficult it is to practice. Therefore, Fang Yun is easy and difficult. Practicing those powers first is relatively not so earth-shaking, and it is not too difficult. Then practice those relatively difficult martial arts.

"Fifty-seven thousand cycles, when you practice to sixty-eight thousand cycles, it is Wanhua Zhenqi, which is slightly small. At that time, there will be qualitative changes.

Fang Yun raised his eyes and clearly felt the tiny cycle of more than 57,000 in his body, which was not in hand, and integrated with each other, and said to himself in his heart.

The martial arts left by generations of Kunpeng overlords, which is relatively easy to practice, have been basically completed. The next step is to practice some powerful tricks of the ancient overlord.

Fang Yunpan sat in the clock of heaven and earth, on a mountain peak, with his eyes and face drooping slightly and meditating. The unique learning of this generation of hegemons is extremely powerful, and it is also extremely difficult to practice.

"Let's start with the unrestrained ancestor first," Fang Yun moved his heart and suddenly opened his eyes. Among the hegemons of Kunpeng's generations, the unrestrained ancestors are very special. This person's nature is extreme, and it is both good and evil.

The reason why Fang Yun chose the fourth generation of Kunpeng overlord is that this unrestrained ancestor built an "unrestrained imperial palace". This unrestrained imperial palace is a residence, and it is also a powerful and horrible superior heavenly magic weapon. Among them, the treasures of the unrestrained ancestors' life are stored.

What's more terrible is that the "unrestrained imperial palace" is built by detaining the souls of countless strong people in ancient times, among which there are even many strong people in the realm of fate.

These ancient overlords were sealed into the "unrestrained imperial palace" by the "unrestrained ancestors" by the secret method. As long as you get the "unrestrained imperial palace,... immediately it is equivalent to taking control of this huge force, becoming the master of these ancient strong men, and can drive these ancient strong people at will.

If Fang Yun got the loyalty of these ancient strong men, his power would immediately increase more than a hundred times. The number of people who are more harmful than the forces under their hands now is almost equivalent to more than half of the army.

, after the death of the unrestrained emperor's ancestor, he fell into a space storm and lost in hundreds of millions of parallel spaces.

If you want to summon this top Tianyuan magic weapon from the turbulence of time and space, you must sacrifice the "unrestrained Dafa" to perfection. Then with the seal left by the "unrestrained ancestor" in the core of the "unrestrained imperial palace", this "unrestrained imperial palace" is summoned through the "unrestrained truth and the sense between".

"The day and the moon are restrained, the heavens and the earth are restrained, the gods and demons are restrained, between the worlds, nothing can be restrained, nothing is at peace..."

The text of the Fork Unrestrained Dafa flashed in Fang Yun's mind. The so-called "unrestrained", restrained, detaining everything, the only unrestrained is yourself. This is also the origin of the name "unrestrained ancestor".

After reading a scripture, Fang Yun felt something in his heart. Unrestrained Dafa and Five Emperors Star Fist have similarities in some key points. This is the method of practice, which must integrate the soul and spirit.

After practicing the Unrestrained Dafa, it is necessary to take a large number of souls as a way to promote skills. However, in this process of cultivation, once the detention fails, it will immediately cause trauma to the soul.

The soul of the martial artist is related to whether he can be promoted to the star world, enter the unpredictable temple of martial arts ghosts and gods, or get out of the problem, and it's too late to regret.

Both "Unrestrained Dafa" and "Five Emperors Star Fist" are not so easy to practice!

"Five Emperors Star Fist", Fang Yun has practiced up to now, and can only rely on being a descendants of Emperor Yu, inheriting the real Di Yu's unique skills, and condense the corresponding "Northern Green Dragon Seven Stars" in the Chi Five Emperors Star Boxing Father, and quickly used it to respond to the enemy.

However, "Five Emperors Star Fist" is just that. If you want to condense the complete "Five Emperors' Virtual Shadow... and "The Vast Starry Sky", you can't even think about it in a short time.

It is not easy to practice the Unrestrained Law.

Fang Yun sat cross-legged and practiced slowly according to the scriptures of the Unrestrained Dafa.

During the practice, I don't know the sun and the moon. I don't know how long it took, a sound of the door rang out of the hall.

"Deputy Commander Fang, under the order of the commander-in-chief, came to inform. The Qiankun map was opened, and Vice Commander Fang entered the Qianshen map and received his own reward.

, I know."

Fang Yun opened his eyes, waved his hand, and stepped out of the clock of heaven and earth. The so-called leader is naturally the leader Luo Da Chong, the leader above Fang Yun.

In the army, there is no military merit and no title. The biggest reward is to enter the universe map and get the reward of "accelerated practice".

For ordinary soldiers, they need to make achievements immediately in the sect, and then enter the map of the universe and exchange it for time for practice. However, non-commissioned officers like Fang Yun are not unified again.

According to the regulations on the recruitment and control of the army, each deputy commander can receive a salary every six months. This salary opened the door several times the training time outside in the "Qiankunmu", and Fang Yun walked out of the hall.

In the land requisition space of the army, there are dark iron monuments two feet high in the east, south, west, north and other directions. These iron tablets are full of inscriptions on one side, and dents on the other side.

"My lord, please show me your token."

Next to the iron tablet, a bodyguard with a barrel like a barrel on the ground saluted and said respectfully.

Fang Yun handed over the iron card.

I saw the soldier take it over. Then it is embedded in the monument, in a depression that matches the shape of the token.

After a while, a cloud of light burst out of the dark monument, formed a curtain of light, and appeared in front of Fang Yun. On this light curtain, the words and shadows floated, and lines of handwriting appeared in front of Fang Yun.

"The deputy commander of the first mouth, accumulated the completion of the first-class tasks, speaking, 25 second-class tasks. Cumulative completion of 3 prefecture-level seven-grade tasks.

Under this line of writing, there is another line of handwriting: "The cumulative subordinates replace the completion of five human-level three-grade tasks and eight four-grade tasks.

Fang Yun looked at these lines of text on the light curtain and frowned slightly. When he first arrived, he couldn't understand what the words on the light curtain meant.

beside him, the bodyguard next to the monument observed the words and immediately said, "Your Excellency, you are new to take office. There are some things that you don't know yet. Let me explain. The rules in the army, the sectarian warriors who go out to kill the general series, from the spirit level to the celestial spirit level, are all listed as human-level tasks. Among them, the human-level first-class task is to kill the celestial arts, the human-level second-level task is to kill the spiritual wisdom-level warriors, and the human-level third-level task is to kill the ground-changing warriors.

"Up to the celestial level, it is the martial artist of Tianchong. This level is a prefecture-level task. Among them, the prefecture-level seven-level task refers to the martial artist who successfully killed Tianchong Yipin, and so on. The lower the grade, the higher the level of the task; the top of the prefecture-level task is the sky-level task, and those tasks are too difficult. Even the army can't complete it. So it basically won't appear."

The bodyguard.

Fang Yun knows in his heart that this today's task probably refers to "killing the strong in the star world". Each of the strong people in the world is a legend, with ghosts and gods Moyuan, and the ability to destroy the sky and the earth.

If you want to kill this kind of existence, you can hardly think about it. Most of the capitals in the army are also at the level of Tianchong Qipin. If you want to kill the strong people in the Star Realm, it is also to hit the stone with eggs, and you can't overdo it!

"So, has no one has completed the heavenly task?"

Fang Yun asked casually.

The guard of the monument smiled and said, "The heavenly task is not for completion, but for exchange. If you complete four prefecture-level tasks, you can exchange them for one sky-level task.

Fang Yun shook his head secretly in his heart, "The field-level first-class task is equivalent to killing the strong man who rushed to the seventh grade today. With this ability, there are not so many days to rush to the seven-pinzhou warriors to let you kill. To some extent, this is almost impossible.

Only the guard who listened to the monument in his ear continued: "It's not just a heavenly task. Other levels of tasks can be exchanged. If you don't want to change the practice time, you can enter the Qianshen map and redeem the reward of the corresponding grade. There are elixirs, skills, magic weapons, and refinery materials. As long as you have enough merit"

In the end, the guard of the monument reminded kindly: "However, unless there is a special need for adults. It's better not to exchange these things. Elixirs, skills, magic weapons, these things can all be plundered from sectarian warriors, but only practicing time is not allowed...

Fang Yun just nodded and didn't say anything.

Seeing this, the guard of the monument did not say much. He bowed down and made a request: "Your Excellency, now you can enter the Qianshen map."

Fang Yun nodded and said nothing more. Take a step forward and put a stream of true gas into the "deputy leader token" in the iron tablet. Between the eyes, the body of the monument changes, and a black arched portal that only one person can pass through appears in the body of the monument.

Fang Yun shook his body and stepped into the black portal.

Void, Haohan's endless void..."

The moment Fang Yun stepped into the black door, the colorful ball of light came towards him. Fang Yun stood alone in this strange space, looking up and couldn't see the boundary.

In the induction of Fang Yun, a vast and horrible energy runs through the whole void. The void is full of this pure and powerful static energy.

There is no doubt that practicing in this space is many times more powerful than the outside. Even if it is, there is an unfathomable martial arts strongman who specializes in gathering vitality for himself to practice.

"Curious space."

Fang Yun was secretly surprised. With his spatial achievements, he can't perceive the structure of this space. The next moment, Fang Yun's mind moved and burst into a huge consciousness, shooting towards the space in all directions. ( To be continued!)