The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 591 Killing the World

"Two powerful spiritual forces penetrated into Zuo Wentian and Zhou Yuqi's... internal space, n quickly" a strand of refinery materials, and various levels of magic weapons, like the water of the sluice" all poured into Fang Yun's body.

As the elder of the sect, the resources obtained are far from comparable to ordinary elders. And sometimes, when you meet your favorite disciples, you still need to reward some magic weapons or something, so some low-level magic weapons, although you can't use them yourself, will reserve some and reward them to the disciples. There is no doubt that the most valuable thing in Zuo Wentian and Zhou Yuqi is the unique magic weapon "Evil Heaven Ruyi" and "Evil Zunyu..." on the two people. In addition to these two excellent magic weapons, the most valuable is a pile of practice materials. Many of them are even the materials needed by Fang Yun to sacrifice the "Five Prison Bones..."

Fang Yun classified these materials one by one and included them into "body space..." If he couldn't fit them, he would directly throw them into ", heaven and earth..."

"Now, the five prison bone emperors are sacrificed, only the bones of the beasts" are left, the bones of Warcraft, and a large number of life crystals. As long as you collect these three things, you can immediately sacrifice the bone emperor of the five prisons and step into the four grades of Tianchong in one fell swoop..."

With a shaking of his body, Fang Yun immediately manipulated the power of space and swept to the place he seemed.

Although the aunt shoots the princess has a Tianyuan magic weapon "white bone..." in hand. However, it is still a lot worse than the strong of Tianchong Wupin. In terms of strength alone, it is not as good as the other party. And he was dragged into the other party's space. Fang Yun was worried that she couldn't handle it alone.

In the vast mountains, a strange force is swept away in the depths of the space. This fluctuation seems to be nothing, and there is no way to catch it.

"Here it is..."

The wind sounded and "Fang Yun appeared on the mountain peak". He looked up at the air. The battle between Princess Gu She and the elder of the Heavenly Evil Sect is not over yet, and it is obviously very dangerous.

Fang Yun's consciousness burst out, sweeping the void in waves. Search for the place where the two of them are. He could clearly feel that "a wave of disordered space fluctuations spread in the depths of the space, but he could not search for the space where Princess Gu She was.

The space where the five strong people of Tianchong are condensed" is equivalent to another space of parallel coexistence with the world of Middle-earth Shenzhou. This kind of space is attached to the Middle-earth Shenzhou world, but the connection point between the two is not even the size of dust.

If Fang Yun wants to intervene in the battle between Princess Gu She and the suzerain of Tianxie, he must first find this kind of connection.

Fang Yun searched around and didn't find the space where the two were, so he immediately did not hesitate. Consciousness and the clock of heaven and earth, sweeping the void again.

"I found..."

After a while, "Fang Yun was in a disordered space" and finally found the connection point for the son to enter the space of the two people. With a shaky figure, Fang Yun emptled into the space and crossed hundreds of thousands of space faults one after another to sweep towards the space where the two were located.

"The power..."

Suddenly, there was a resounding sound in the depths of the space: "The sword points to the world, thousands of miles of dead bones..."

This scolding made the world change dramatically. A terrible sword shot out from the depths of space. This force even breaks the limitation of space, and extends to all space faults.

Fang Yun immediately saw that a dead and gray force expanded at an incredible speed. Within a thousand miles, there is an image of thousands of miles of withering and blood flowing into a river.

"It's not good!"

Fang Yun's face suddenly changed greatly, and the sword was extremely terrible." Even he felt that if he was brushed by this sword. Li Yi will be seriously injured. And it's not physical, but spiritual.

If the martial artist's soul is damaged, he is likely to stop in his incarnation for life. From this point alone, this sword spirit is more terrible than any unique learning!


Fang Yun immediately swayed into the heavens and the earth. The next moment, this terrible sword swept through the void like a storm. The clock of heaven and earth is like a small boat. In this terrible sword, it sinks and floats.

However, a pale golden halo spread out of the clock of heaven and earth, excluding this sword.

"Boom!", the sword passed, within a radius of hundreds of miles, the space was broken inch by inch, and all turned into powder. In the depths of the space, there was a scream of dying, and then two figures appeared directly from the void and fell directly above the peak.

Bang! Bang!!

Two figures, one left and one right, fell on the two peaks respectively. A figure on the left, pale in black, broke his clothes, only rolled twice on the ground, and immediately did not move. But he is dead.

The figure on the right, the white palace skirt, stained with blood, is extremely sad.

The aunt shot the princess's face was like white paper, and her blood stained her red lips. As soon as she landed, she immediately sat down cross-legged and adjusted her breath with all her strength. Her breath fluctuates at this moment, which is not even as good as a spirit-level strong man. It is extremely disordered, like a candle in the wind, which will go out at any time.

At this time, around the mountain peak, within a hundred miles, the vitality is extinct. All plants, reptiles, including the insect show in the depths of the soil, are all dead. Here, there is no sound, not even the wind, as if it has really become a world of death.

Fang Yun hid in the clock of heaven and earth. "I felt that this scene PS was also secretly shocked: "At the beginning, I exchanged unique skills with her, and she once mentioned that there were three secrets of the ancient Killing Sword School. What she inherited was the unique kendo of killing the world. The unique learning she just performed should be this unique learning. What a terrible power, there is no way to block... The ancient killing sword school is really terrible..."

Fang Yun's figure spread out from the clock of heaven and earth. Crossing many parallel spaces" came to the peak again. With a slap in the palm of his hand, a strong force immediately poured into the main body of Gushe County like a river and sea. At the same time, Fang Yun's other finger "..." gently flicked "near the mountain" millions of large and small parallel spaces, which was immediately opened. The rolling space vitality turned into liquid" wrapped the aunt and poured into the body through her acupuncture points.

"Many meridians in the body are broken, the internal organs are broken, and the bones are crushed." It seems that her war was not easy. However, this is not the most serious. The most serious are some sword wounds in her body. The aunt shoots the princess and can't control the sword..."

Through the connection of Zhenqi, Fang Yun knows the injury of the princess like the aunt's hand. These injuries on her body seem to be serious, but the vitality of the strong man in Tianchongjing has always been strong, with the strength of the aunt to shoot the princess and his own help. It won't take long for it to recover and heal. On the contrary, it's the kind of swordsmanship, which is a little tricky. I'm afraid it will take a long time for the princess to recover.

"It's okay..."

After about a column of incense, Fang Yun loosened his palm. The injury in the main body of Gushou County has stabilized. As long as you let the aunt shoot princess recuperate by herself, it's almost the same. And Fang Yun felt another force "helping her recuperate the sword.

Fang Yun is very familiar with the breath of that force. That's the smell of "white bone..." Obviously, this ancient sword killing school's Tianyuan magic weapon is working to help her heal her wounds.

Fang Yun went to the other side and kicked the elder of the evil sect. This one is motionless. Obviously, he can't die any more. Fang Yun looked over carefully. Although the elder of the evil sect also had some injuries, it was not too serious. At least, it's not as serious as shooting the princess.

After all, he opened his own space, fought in it, and had all kinds of benefits. The real fatal injury comes from the devastating soul trauma.

Fang Yun is very clear that the strong man of Tianchong Wupin has a terrible strong vitality. At the beginning, Fan Wuyu was seriously injured, and he couldn't even kill him with powerful moves. That's enough to prove it. The injury of the elder of the Heavenly Evil Sect is not fatal at all. The real fatal injury comes from the soul.

Fang Yun can't feel his soul at all.

This five-grade martial arts strongman suffered indelible damage to his soul almost in an instant. He was killed directly.

"What a terrible sword!" Fang Yuncha looked at the injury of the elder of the evil sect and was secretly shocked. Even he is not sure. With an easy move, the strong man who rushed to the fifth grade today will be destroyed from the soul and directly evaporated.

This kind of martial arts is terrible!

Fang Yun recalled the terrible swordsmanship he had just felt, and couldn't help but be secretly shocked: "In ancient times, there were three major schools of killing swords. As the heir of Taoism, the "killing of the world, the meaning of the sword, I'm afraid it is only the weakest move of the three moves". But it was just this move that made her cross the level to kill the soul of a five-grade strong man. The ancient killing sword faction is really terrible!" The ancient killing sword faction is famous for killing. They are all killing monks and slaughtering sects. Even in ancient times, the famous martial arts of 100,000 sects, the fame of this sect has frightened many sects. After tens of thousands of years of accumulation and training, with the purpose of "killing...", the swordsmanship realized must be a shocking learning.

Fang Yun also secretly left a thought in his heart, and gave birth to a sense of vigilance and vigilance for the ancient killing sword faction behind the princess.

Now none of these old monsters of the ancient sects have come out. No one knows what they are plotting. Although I have a good relationship with Princess Gushe now, the power of the matter is not in the hands of Princess Gushe at all. Maybe one day, these old monsters will turn against others and attack themselves.

Any alliance is time-sensitive and a bundle of interests. As long as the benefits are enough, it is normal for these old monsters to turn allies into enemies.

"What are you thinking?" A pleasant voice came from behind. After the aunt's recuperation, "stand up from the ground" a strange color flashed in her eyes and looked at Fang Yundao.

"Nothing, let's see if he is dead." Fang Yun came to his senses and said indifferently.

"The town school of our ancient killing sword school learned to kill the world. I pushed it up to the seventh level of the sword, and even I was devoured by the sword. If so, he will not die. Then it's really my turn to die..."

The princess said, and the money came over and stood beside Fang Yun.