The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 599 Martial Arts

"Boom! Boom! Boom! " The next moment, the dense blood-colored sparrow flew crazily from all directions to the square clouds. As soon as it approached the "Five Prison Peak", it immediately exploded violently. The turbulent blood mist immediately drowned Fang Yun.

The light of the "Five Prison Peaks" is sharply dimmed at an incredible speed. The combat strength exerted by Dayan Sanren at this moment is almost equivalent to a strong man of the sixth grade. Even if Fang Yun was prepared, he couldn't help but be shocked. However, although his heart trembled slightly, his face did not show anything. Still calm and calm. At the moment when Dayan Sanren approached, Fang Yun finally took action.

"The palm of all turns!"

Fang Yun saw the hiding place of Dayan San, and immediately slapped his hand. It is different from the previous palm of Wanhua. Fang Yun's palm is just a fusion of Xuanzi's "dark storm", Xuan Mingzi's "Xuanming Dafa", the blood refining king's "blood refining method", the heavenly evil sect "the evil god came to the world"..., and so on.

With this palm, the void immediately rolled thick smoke, ghosts cried and howls, and many ghost soldiers, ghost generals, evil gods, yin gods, emerged in it, just like in the void to split a country of demons.


In the blink of an eye, the void was torn, and a dark big hand poked out of the space cracked in the magic gas, and bombarded the "Big Yan Sanren" hiding under the swallow finch.

"Wow! Yanque Dafa, take your life!"

A blood light shot out from under the abdomen of a sparrow. With a shock in the air, it immediately rose to a height of thousands of feet, with blood red scales all over his body, and behind him, two bloody flesh-colored wings unfolded. Immediately, he was found out. A bloody dome immediately spread out.

"A unique study in airspace!"

Fang Yun took a look and immediately knew that this big Yan Sanren was going to open up the space. Drag him into space to fight. Almost instinctively, Fang Yun was about to summon Fan Wuyu to fight against him with his unique knowledge in the airspace. However, he hesitated slightly and gave up.

The magic way gathers here, except for the descendants of the ancient magic sect. There are also strong people from other sects in ancient times. If Fan Wuyu is summoned, he will inevitably be attacked by the group. If Zuo Wentian and others are summoned, I'm afraid they will be recognized by people from other sects. That's not beautiful.


Fang Yun's hesitation was immediately brought into another space.

The blood is surging around, and the upper and lower directions are all bloody. Dayan Sanren stood in front of him. "His breath soared a lot, and he was actually comparable to Fang Yun." There was a faint tendency to resist the court.


It's just a palm. The big Yan scattered people, and the "palm of ten thousand turns" sent by Fang Yun was dehumanized.

"There is such a strong man overseas that he can disintegrate my god-eating magic power from the remnants of Jiuqiu"! You really surprised me. But it's a pity that in my space, I can exert 100% good power. Even if the strong man of the ninety dragon's power "if it is only empty power" and has no realm, it is far from my opponent.

Dayan Sanren was dressed in a white robe, his long hair scattered, and finally showed his real face. That's the face of a middle-aged man. The skin is as white as paper foil, and there is no blood color at all. A fierce blood vessel, a red drop of blood, clearly appeared on his face. And in the middle of his forehead, those tiny tubes, twisted and gathered, turned into a mysterious blood-red seal. It exudes a mysterious and vast force.

From the appearance, this rune is like a flying sparrow. Shining, strange light.

"Three Tombs", "Five Canons", "Ba Suo", "Nine Hills", ""

Fang Yun's mind quickly flashed through a series of brilliance. The martial arts of the Middle-earth God's note are all collected in the eight characters. Nine hills, the word "nine" represents the meaning of "Jiuzhou" and "qiu" ascent. The so-called "Jiuqiu" is also a collection of martial arts in "Jiuzhou".

This scripture was made in ancient times. From the beginning of the five emperors, it has begun to be compiled and usurped. The martial arts of the land of Jiuzhou is as vast as stars. In ancient times, it was a prosperous era of martial arts. All kinds of skills are emerging one after another. Among them, the most powerful unique learning was deduced by countless wise people in the ancient Longting, and finally found that these skills were like the same as the towering tree, with countless branches and roots.

After being sorted out from generation to generation, these skills were finally summed up as the eighty-one of the most powerful and peerless learning. It is recorded in the Nine Hills.

Eighty-one, which is the number of "nine" symbolizes the ultimate of the land of Kyushu. It is also the best.

In ancient times, there was a consensus. These points belong to the unique knowledge of different strong people in ancient times. In the end, thousands of people return to the sect, which can be summarized into the same skills respectively. "because all the martial arts in ancient times originated from the demon gods that have disappeared in ancient times.

And the 81 kinds of peerless learning recorded in Jiuqiu. It is the unique skill of the most powerful Qifeng two-headed ancient demon god on the ancient land! It is the world-shaking martial arts that is second only to the five emperors.

"Three Tombs", "Five Canons", "Ba Suo" and "Nine Hills", except for the special "Ba Suo". The rest are martial arts books. In the compilation of the ministers of Shanggu Longting, these classics, led by "Three Tombs", the second son of "Five Classics" is the last of "Nine Hills".

The ancient five emperors, although PS is one era later than the ancient demon god. But the ability is more powerful than the ancient demon god. Although the end of the three martial arts scriptures and "Nine Hills" is not as good as the five emperors' unique skills, but the difference is limited between them.

The four classics have always been kept by the Yanglong Court in the ancient imperial era. Later, the ancient times perished, and these four classics were nowhere to be found!

Fang Yun didn't expect that this big Yan Sanren actually got a remnant page in "Jiuqiu". " The unique learning in Jiuqiu. In terms of great power, it is not as good as the Five Classics, but the strangeness is especially the winner.

Eighty-one sets of unique learning, each of which has its own characteristics and is different.

"No wonder his skills can be big with small, three points of strength, but can consume the other party's five points, or even seven points of strength. It turns out that it is a unique learning on Jiuqiu.

Fang Yun's heart suddenly.

As soon as Fang Yun understood the reality of the other party, he suddenly felt a light in his heart. He looked up and laughed and said, "Hahaha" Da Yan scattered people. Do you think you live in the space, and the power does not dissipate" can deal with me? Today, I will let you know, "What is the real power!"

As soon as Fang Yun's voice fell, he no longer hesitated. In the clock of heaven and earth, Fan Wuyu, Zuo Wentian, Zhou Yuqi, Xuan Mingzi, Xuan Xuanzi, the five powerful puppets of the seal, including Fang Yun himself, also issued his most powerful unique knowledge.

"The Great Law of the Detention of Gods and Demons!", "Di Yao Wang Daoquan!", "The Evil God was born!"

"Fist of the Evil God!"

"Dark Storm!", "Xuan Ming Dafa!"

Fang Yun's move was immediately driven by the collapse of mountains and rivers, the shaking of the earth, and the collapse of heaven and earth. I saw a pair of seven pairs of horned demon gods, two peerless evil gods, a dark storm, and a cracking demon spirit. With a thunderous momentum, he shook the space and rolled up to the Yan scattered people.

"You! "How can it be!" Da Yan Sanren suddenly exclaimed. His eyes flashed, and his face was full of incredible. At this moment, he is equivalent to facing the joint blow of six peerless hegemons at the same time. Among these six people, the worst Xuanxuanzi also has the strength of Tianchong's four grades of Ruyi.

The "airspace" of Dayan Sanren is immediately like an ice layer, which is just right to bear a person. Suddenly, the man was replaced and turned into an elephant. So the ice immediately collapsed.

"Cock!", only a loud noise, the most violent attack of the six people, instantly tore a huge through gap in the space of Dayan Sanren. After being knocked by a cone like fragile glass, the airspace of Dayan Sanren immediately collapsed.

"God-eating Dafa!", Dayan Sanren only had time to make the strongest blow with all the true qi. Immediately attacked by Fang Yun and five powerful puppets, he was bombarded into pieces.


A piece of minced meat suddenly fell on Fang Yun. Then the mutation suddenly rose. The flesh and blood of Dayan scattered people flew out of his whole body, just like a suckling swallow throwing into the forest. All of them shot at Fang Yun. In a short period of time, it immediately covered all the acupuncture points on the surface of the square cloud body, and at the same time, it took rooted and sprouted into strands. Each one was like its own life, along these holes and drilled into the square cloud [body].

"Hahaha, Blood Refining Demon King" You didn't think of it, did you? This is the most powerful attack of God-eating Dafa. The martial arts of Jiuqiu represents the unique learning of the ancient demon god. And the most powerful of the ancient demon gods is their bodies. What if you beat me and smash me? As long as I have a little will, you can't kill me. Now "let me completely occupy your body" let you completely perish."

The sinister and crazy voice of Dayan Sanren sounded in Fang Yun's mind. His flesh-and-blood juice crazily drilled into the meridians of Fang Yun's whole body.

Fang Yun let Dayan San people drill into his [body], but he was not surprised at all: "The martial arts of "Jiuqiu" is really unique, and he is actually dead. If it's someone else, it's true for you. It's just a pity that "you met me!"

Fang Yun put his hands together, [body] internal Xuangong operation, "blood refining method", suddenly destroyed to the top. The blood of Dayan San people was constantly not excluded, but was sucked into the [body] by Fang Yun.

Fang Yun's whole body seemed to have turned into a big furnace. The blood on the body is also as strong as the scorching sun in the sky. The true qi of his whole body has been transformed into "blood refining true qi". As soon as the blood flow transformed by Dayan's real person was integrated into the real qi of blood refining, the spring snow immediately melted, and they were integrated into Fang Yun [body] one after another.

"Ah!" A stream of smoke floated out of the pores of Fang Yun's whole body. In Fang Yun's [body], there were faint screams of panic. A stream of blood is about to rush out like a rabbit.

"It's too late!"

Fang Yun sneered, Dantian was really angry, and his whole body was closed. At the same time, the "blood refining true qi" bombarded into the blood vessels on the surface of the body, and the meridians immediately refined all the flesh and blood of Dayan Sanren.