The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 628 General Minghuang

Ten days later, when the people of the Middle Ages went to the sea to hunt again, an accident happened. More than a dozen small ships were crystal clear and made of hard ice, followed by many Beiming sea beasts, rushed to the steel building ships of the Middle Ages.

A small-ruled maritime war took place, and there was no doubt about the outcome of the war. More than a dozen hard ice ships were completely smashed. The body of a named Mingren was abandoned at sea. Mixed with ice floes and drifted around.

This is the first time Fang Yun has seen Mingren. When they fought, they shouted angrily. The language used is different from that of Middle-earth. The warships and armor made of ice are amazing. It is very different from Middle-earth.

"What a strong cold..." A corpse floated to the "the clock of heaven and earth". Next to him, Fang Yun glanced at the bodies of these people, and was not secretly surprised. The appearance of Ming people is somewhat similar to that of Di people and Yi people. But the language is not the same.

The most amazing thing is that after the death of these underworlds, there was no blood flowing out. And once they stopped breathing, their mouths, noses, eyes, ears and other places were immediately covered with frost, as if they had died for more than ten days in the ice and snow.

That is half a quarter of an hour. The first group of people who died in the war were frozen all over and immediately turned into huge pieces of ice, which were frozen and floated on the sea.

Fang Yun stretched out an idea and explored it. I can't help but wonder that these people's bodies are all extremely cold in nature. The reason why they froze immediately after death was that the true qi of the cold property in the body burst away, causing the sea to freeze, thus freezing themselves in it.

"These people are really awesome! This is the place where the frozen materials in the north are exhausted. They can actually make warships with ice. On the sea, ride the wind and waves and sail thousands of miles. It was also forged into armor with ice to fight. Unexpectedly, it has created a highly developed civilization made of ice. I just don't know, in terms of food, "how do they solve it?" Fang Yun was surprised. He quietly recorded a set of resolutely made armor from the body of a person who had just died in the battle.

The ice is extremely brittle and easy to break. According to reason, it is not suitable for making armor. Even if it is made, it is useless and cannot really protect the body.

However, Fang Yun tested it and found that the ice armor of Mingren was extremely hard. The texture is like steel. Compared with the armor poured by the imperial court with iron juice, it is also stronger.

After Fang Yun crushed a piece of hard ice, he finally found some mysterious roads in it.

"Fun seal."

Fang Yun is thoughtful. These strange seals are obviously the real reason why ice boats made by Mingren can sail at sea, and the ice armor is stronger than steel.

Just when Fang Yun was at the bottom of the sea, exploring the secrets of the wilderness warriors. On the ship of the huge steel building, the atmosphere is a little depressing. The battle has just ended. The scattered bodies of the Ming people on the deck were thrown into the sea, and the blood was quickly dried.

In this war, the whole army was destroyed. The fierce beasts of Bei Ming that they controlled were all attacked by the people of the Middle Ages one by one. The huge body floated densely around the steel ship.

War is basically one-sided, but there are also some good hands in the Ming people. Several people from the Middle Ages fell to the ground like ice cubes, their bodies were torn apart, and the dregs were everywhere.

"These people are just the vanguard troops of the people. They must have seen the bodies of the sea beasts killed behind our ship. I'm afraid it won't be long. The real strong man in the wilderness is about to be tracked.

After a big victory, the deacon of the Middle League was not happy at all, but he looked much more solemn.

"Are these deacons really so horrible?" Yu Fan Shusheng said, obviously he also knows some inside stories.

"Do you think the subordinates of the Black Whale Rift Sea Emperor are strong or not?"

The deacon said coldly.

The feather fan scholar was suddenly dumbfounded.

"These people have been tracking all the way. Now, I just don't know if they have sent a signal. If not, that's good to say. If they had already sent out the signal before they started. Then, I'm afraid we have a hard battle."

The silver-haired deacon looked solemn.

"Deacon, what should we do now?" Another person said.

The deacon of the Middle Ages thought for a moment and said, "Change the channel and set out to the northwest. After all, this is their field. "Now, there is only hope that they can't find us."

"Wow!" In the loud noise, the steel ship slowly turned its head, broke through a ferocious and huge body on the sea, and headed northwest.

"Keep up with more"

Without saying a word, Fang Yun followed the steel ship and continued to move forward. This is a rare opportunity to meet by chance. It is a good opportunity to explore the strength of the Middle League, and Fang Yun will not miss it.

The group of people soon disappeared on the sea...

Two hours later, a huge and unparalleled ice armor warship slowly appeared in the place where Fang Yun and others disappeared. This armor is frost-white and looks from the outside. The shell of the whole warship is an angry dragon.

On the battleship deck, there are many soldiers in ice armor, with a strict array, motionless, standing on the side of the ship. This is obviously a clip of troops, and it has its own military flag and a snow-white battle flag, embroidered with a huge black whale, fluttering in the wind on the warship.

In the position of the bow, a majestic and powerful middle-aged man, wearing a soft gown with a cold light, stood on the deck with his hands behind his hand. This kind of gown is soft and is made of ice silk unique to Minghuang. Extremely tough" sharp blades can't be cut. Even in the wilderness, it is extremely rare.

The man looked at the sea, and the bodies of many people turned into ice, and his face turned pale. A nameless anger is brewing.

"What's the result? Have you found a live mouth?

The middle-aged man said with a blue face.

"General, I have searched for it. The whole army was destroyed, and no one was alive.

After him, a soldier replied in wild language.

As soon as this said, the surrounding temperature dropped sharply. The void "buzz" vibrates, making a dragon-like sound. A cold fog gushed out of the sky, covering the warship. On the sea with a radius of nearly a hundred miles, the sea water is even more frozen.

The soldiers around

looked a little uneasy. Whenever this happens to the general, there will be a massacre.

General Minghuang closed his eyes and felt it carefully in the void for a period of time. Then he suddenly opened his eyes, and a cold light flashed away in his eyes: "The target is in the northwest. After finding the enemy, all of them will be killed, and no one will be left!"


Everyone responded with a bang.

Several strong-breathed deputy generals behind the general remained motionless. When everyone responded, they looked into the distance, and a trace of murderousness flashed in their eyes.

Fang Yun was the first person to discover the Minghuang warship. His strength was stronger than that of everyone present.

"It seems that there will be a bad scene!"

On the warship in the rear, a cyclone swept the sea like a storm, sweeping the sea with a sense of killing, extremely domineering. Fang Yun felt it turned over and couldn't help shaking slightly.

The fluctuation of the rules on the other party is extremely strong. It seems that there is a cultivation of Tianchong Liupin.

"In the wilderness, there are such people. Practice martial arts to the realm of Tianchong Liu.

Fang Yun was also secretly surprised.

After a while, it seemed that someone on the steel building ship also noticed the movement in the rear. A noise came faintly: "Everyone, get ready, Yingren's warship has caught up."

A large number of sea beasts constantly appear in front of the steel building ship to block the advance of the steel building ship. The glory is constantly flying out of the steel building ship. Kill these sea beasts. But the huge body still blocked the speed of the steel ship.


In the huge waves behind, many sea beasts pushed a suspended land-like warship and rushed towards the steel ship.

"Dare to be fierce in my wilderness and where do you want to escape!"

The rumbling sound, like thunder, echoed across the sky and echoed on the steel ship. The surrounding sea fluctuated violently as if it were boiling. Seeing this scene, all the people of the Middle League changed their colors.


A tearing loud noise came from the rear. In the blink of an eye, a knife light was like a flood. It rose from the horizon and turned around in an instant. It crossed the heavy void and fell from the sky with a thunderous momentum.

At this moment, the cloudy sky suddenly turned into frost white.

"It's not good! Run away!"

"What a terrible knife!"

"Abandon the ship! Abandoned ship! Abandoned ship!"

The ship of the steel building is in chaos. Even the silver-haired deacon panicked. In the blink of an eye, I saw figures one after another, abandoning the ship and fleeing crazily.


The knife light fell, and the six strands of true qi from cold to cold ran through the whole steel ship in an instant. With a click, this huge building ship, together with the medieval warriors who had no time to escape from the building ship, turned into a huge sea ice sculpture.

The original endless sea water, at this moment, the whole frozen. The huge steel ship, together with the sea water more than 20 feet deep, turned into thick ice.

Fang Yun hid under the sea, and at this time, he only felt a chill through the bell. I can't help but be surprised. With the ability of heaven and earth, it must be the nature of the skill to reach the peak before this can happen.

"What a terrible ice and cold skill!"

This man's cultivation seems to have reached the peak of Tianchong's six grades, and this extreme skill has greatly increased his combat power. Fang Yun was "not sure" to deal with this person for a while.


The cold wind roared, and the undulating sea instantly turned into land. In the dark sky, there was a lot of heavy snow. With a knife, this man actually has the power to seize the creation of heaven and earth" and turned this place into a country of ice and snow.

With the sound of the wind, the cold-eyed General Minghuang appeared in front of the steel building ship. Around him, several strong-breathed generals landed at the same time.

"Kill them!"

The general raised his right hand and pointed to the direction of the escape of the medieval alliance. He didn't do anything more by himself.

"Yes, General Cao."

Several people shook and immediately chased in the direction of the deacon and others of the Middle Ages.